GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #2

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The group called Justice for Nevaeh has joined the search for missing 18-month old Elaina Steinfurth in East Toledo.

The new volunteers remember the search drill all too well.

On Thursday they set up station at what has become the command post for volunteers in East Toledo.

It's a vacant lot on Federal Street just down the block from the place the toddler was last seen on June 2nd.

The searchers fanned out to parks and other wooded areas, like the banks of the Maumee River near the bridges, to hunt for clues.
His kid, that's why I asked if he has full custody. That's a lot of pictures.

Hmmmm.... ok, don't shoot. He appears to care for his kid... I wonder now if it wasn't Angela who hurt Elaina and SK is covering FOR HER? Apparently they had broken up because of how Angela treats the children - no mention of SK being abusive towards them. this is all so strange....
Hmmmm.... ok, don't shoot. He appears to care for his kid... I wonder now if it wasn't Angela who hurt Elaina and SK is covering FOR HER? Apparently they had broken up because of how Angela treats the children - no mention of SK being abusive towards them. this is all so strange....

I believe both of those options are totally plausible at this point. I don't trust her one bit.
Hmmmm.... ok, don't shoot. He appears to care for his kid... I wonder now if it wasn't Angela who hurt Elaina and SK is covering FOR HER? Apparently they had broken up because of how Angela treats the children - no mention of SK being abusive towards them. this is all so strange....

No shooting here, I'm the one who defends people remember? :seeya:
I do agree he appears to care for his kid, he appears to be pretty proud of his kid.
It doesn't mean that would translate to someone else's kid...

Also there is a definite deterioration as kid gets older (maybe when he started drugs or broke up with Mom?)
In the younger pictures everything looks clean and nice.
In the older pictures the house is a total pig sty.

I by no means have a clean house... but you usually won't see it in the pictures I post.
That always confuses me. Why not clear an area to take pictures?
It's like they see nothing wrong with it. :waitasec:
Totally OT but how come in some threads I can see your avatar, signature picture/words and others there's nothing?

Just curious. :)

Sometimes I don't display my signature. I added an avatar so I'm still easy to recognize.

I do that if I'm posting repeatedly... (scanner thread, news conference, twitter updates, trial threads.)

No reason to have it show repeatedly, I don't want to be more annoying you know? :seeya:
What I don't understand is if a parent feels compelled to hurt or kill their own child (incomprehensible to me and I have no children) why they don't give custody to someone else, particularly another family member who actually WANTS to to care for the child. I have read several cases on here where the parent has been charged with killing their child or is a POI in their child's murder. I don't get it !! Anyone have an insight into the reason for this ?

Many times no one realizes this can happen until it is too late, and the child is already seriously hurt or dead. Not many child killers voice their desire to kill their child to others. Or if they do, those people don't take action and report that to proper authorities. You'd be surprised how many times child abuse is never reported.
I understand. I'm trying to reserve judgment, too, until more evidence comes out. At the same time, I'm suspicious, given what FM has posted about how Angela has allegedly treated both children in the recent past. IMO, Angela strikes me as someone who has felt burdened by being a parent, and has taken her frustration out on her innocent, helpless babies (purportedly grabbing the 4 year old by the arm & flinging her onto the couch, forcing the 4 year old to stay in her room for extended periods of time to watch cartoons to supposedly keep her "out of her hair", keeping the baby in her exer-saucer and/or playpen for long periods of time. Then there are reports by JK who stated that Angela was rough with the children, and that Angela struck one of them in the face).

I can't give Angela a pass on her own alleged abusive behavior. Unless a competent forensic psychologist gives her a psych eval that concludes there is a mental deficit, I'm going to consider Angela a 25 year old adult, and I'm going to assume that she knows right from wrong. I'm also going to assume that she knows it's her duty as her children's mother to protect them from an abusive boyfriend. The thing is: If she's also abusing them, she might not blink twice when it comes to anyone else abusing them. IMO, she may have believed that any abuse they suffered at the hands of SK was deserved *discipline*. MOO

Angela's own alleged abusive history is why I'm suspicious of her, as well as the lies that she's told.

I'm not defending her, nor am I defending the boyfriend, but I am not sure I would take the word of the b/f's mother to be true. She could be telling tales to save her son's butt, as well. I have not been keeping up with this case as much as some of you have, but something about JK strikes me as strange. No doubt she is trying to protect her son. Too bad she couldn't protect that baby.

Moreover, if I was witness to that type of abuse, and I did not report it to child protective services, wouldn't I be as culpable as the person doing the abusing, for not protecting the child(ren)? I mean, she talks about this NOW, but why didn't she speak up THEN?
I'm not defending her, nor am I defending the boyfriend, but I am not sure I would take the word of the b/f's mother to be true. She could be telling tales to save her son's butt, as well. I have not been keeping up with this case as much as some of you have, but something about JK strikes me as strange. No doubt she is trying to protect her son. Too bad she couldn't protect that baby.

Moreover, if I was witness to that type of abuse, and I did not report it to child protective services, wouldn't I be as culpable as the person doing the abusing, for not protecting the child(ren)? I mean, she talks about this NOW, but why didn't she speak up THEN?

I agree, she definitely has a vibe that screams "LIE"
And yes, she should be held accountable imo
I'm 2 pages behind but just wanted to say, thank you to whomever posted the youtube link to hte grandpa's interview .. Angela's stepfather.. and commented on looking at his eyes. I almost never watch videos, not sure why.. just don't. But that was well worth watching. I really loved how he said "Steven, turn yourself in now, because I'm comin' for ya - TODAY." or however he worded it. Poor man, sounds like this was all on Angela and SK and whomever else was in that house.

Now, I still have to catch up, but here's a question - if LE isn't 100% sure where Steven is, and if they towed the van away, is there any chance he killed himself and is in the van? I know the van was towed because they brought Elaina away from the house in it the day she went "missing", but just curious. (ETA - nope, I don't see anything leading me to believe he's been seen or heard from since she went missing. hmmmm)

Also, in that video clip I heard the reporter ask do you think she was alive when he brought her out the back and into the van and her father said YES. When asked do you think she's alive now, he said NO.


No, I don't think they would tow the van with the body still in it. They would remove the body first, so as not to mess up any evidence. They are going to do a full forensics search on that van, to see if that baby's dead body was taken somewhere in it, and to find any other evidence that would help them figure out what happened.
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