GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #2

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I don't think AS knows where baby Elaina is either. It makes me wonder, if in her mind, she feels that makes her innocent. Of course it does not.

It could also be because they left with baby and then didn't get the chance to tell her what happened after that. She is as guilty as anyone else. She had options and she chose way too many of the wrong ones.
I saw her mouth 25,000 dollars on the video, and then run off crying. Is her family leaving her in there for her safety or because they don't want to get her out, do they not have funds to get her out, or does anybody know?
It could also be because they left with baby and then didn't get the chance to tell her what happened after that. She is as guilty as anyone else. She had options and she chose way too many of the wrong ones.
I saw her mouth 25,000 dollars on the video, and then run off crying. Is her family leaving her in there for her safety or because they don't want to get her out, do they not have funds to get her out, or does anybody know?

It was $250,000 bail (not $25,000). The judge made it to where all of the $250,000 has to be paid ... no percentage to a bail bonds. IMO, being a poor area of town and the fact that AS was basically homeless I doubt anyone has the funds to bail her out ... Anyone that would be interested in bailing her out anyway.
BBM. OK, so 6:35ish PM is when she she shows up to the house,

what time were the girls dropped off to Angela by TJ?
what time did the 3 of them supposedly show up at SK's house?

also -

what time sunday morning did TJ go to pick up the girls the first time?
what time did he leave to go get Terry Sr?
when did they get back to the house?
what time was LE called?

i'm trying to put together a timeline here, and i know some of this has been answered, so i will go back and look, but i want to think aloud here in case anyone else can help out. lmk if there are other times we want to throw into the timeline as well. one that i do already have is the time that SK's van showed back up, 2:30am monday (?) morning. there are so many posts to sift through, so if you can link me to specific posts, it would be great. i'd like to have the links to verify/backup the info as well.

I remember something about that TJ showed up at the King house about 2:00pm that Sunday, he went and got TS and returned about 2:30pm, and the cops were called about 3:30pm or a little later, so between 3:30 and 4:00pm. These are the times I remember from various video interviews, news articles and I think Ferretmommy posted something about the timing. I'm just going on memory here, but hope this helps.

Ferretmommy, am I remembering these times correctly? Please when you can, could you post the times of the events that happened that Sunday?
It could also be because they left with baby and then didn't get the chance to tell her what happened after that. She is as guilty as anyone else. She had options and she chose way too many of the wrong ones.
I saw her mouth 25,000 dollars on the video, and then run off crying. Is her family leaving her in there for her safety or because they don't want to get her out, do they not have funds to get her out, or does anybody know?

last I read, she is on $250,000 bond, no 10%. So she's in.
Excellent point. I would hope LE has already checked the cell phone and bank records of everyone in that house, traffic cams, toll boths, etc. With all of that it will be hard for anyone driving that van to totally go off radar for 12 hours.

Question now would be where were they for 12 hours? Were they driving and disposing of a body? Were they taking the baby to someone else to keep? Were they taking her to some place where they could watch her injuries? So many possibilities. Maybe AS really doesn't know where Elaina is right now; but, someone in that house dang well does!!

We know LE has the van; so, hopefully, they are following the same line of thought.

That was a good catch about the raw interview regarding the van. Sounds like someone switched tags also while driving away. I thought I had read that the van had not moved that day but was searched because SK used it to pick up AS & the kids the night before. In light of this, searching the van could give a ton of answers.

It was said that SK used his mom, Julie King's van to pick up AS and the kids that Saturday. It sounds like there may be two vans? Is the maroon van and JK's van one and the same, or are these two different vehicles?
It was said that SK used his mom, Julie King's van to pick up AS and the kids that Saturday. It sounds like there may be two vans? Is the maroon van and JK's van one and the same, or are these two different vehicles?

Same van. 1 Van.
last I read, she is on $250,000 bond, no 10%. So she's in.

Ok, I must have mis-read her lips. I wondered if it was the 10% she was shocked about. Thank you!
I guess nobody can get her out if they wanted to!!
You know, it's funny but I always assumed the vast majority of people were of the belief that Angela does not know where Elaina is, and that Steven and Mike are the only ones who do. I know that's what I think.

Well, at least Mike knows where she is. Maybe not Steven. After all, Steven turned back up one road over, on Prentice, not too long after the maroon van and he and Mike's initial disappearance out the back door according to Ferretmommy. But the van (and Mike, presumably) did not reappear until 2:30am.

Which makes me think Mike is the one who knows where she is.

Which brings me back for the umpteenth time to the question of what little K. was referring to when she kept saying "Mike won, Mike won" (as per the press conference interview with the entire family a couple of days ago, and as said by Angela's dad). Did they do rock paper scissors to figure out who was going to take her away or something? Quite disturbing trying to figure out how that statement relates to Elaina's disappearance. I've yet to think up a scenario where that would apply that isn't sickening.

And Ferretmommy said SK has a lawyer as of last Thursday? I'm not sure what to believe whether SK knows where baby Elaina is or not, but your theory makes a lot of sense to me. I would love to know if/when LE interrogated Mike, and where he is now. I'd also like to know if Mike has a lawyer. And what does JK know?
And Ferretmommy said SK has a lawyer as of last Thursday? I'm not sure what to believe whether SK knows where baby Elaina is or not, but your theory makes a lot of sense to me. I would love to know if/when LE interrogated Mike, and where he is now. I'd also like to know if Mike has a lawyer. And what does JK know?

I think JK know EVERYTHING!!!
It could also be because they left with baby and then didn't get the chance to tell her what happened after that. She is as guilty as anyone else. She had options and she chose way too many of the wrong ones.
I saw her mouth 25,000 dollars on the video, and then run off crying. Is her family leaving her in there for her safety or because they don't want to get her out, do they not have funds to get her out, or does anybody know?

I can't bold on my phone but I think your first sentence is likely dead on. IMO AS likely sent SK and Mike out to hide the baby while she tried to delay TJ & TS from calling LE a bit longer and then she either didn't want to know or didn't have time to find out where her daughter was left. It seems that Angela's (step?) dad removed her from the King home pretty quickly and then kept a close eye on her. I can't imagine that he left her alone with any of the King family at that point and I doubt that she was stupid enough to try and question SK over the phone.
I think JK know EVERYTHING!!!

I think she knows too.Julie King was key in stalling and delaying TS from entering the house. If it wasn't for JK and SK,Sr. keeping TJ and TS outside in the front, SK and Mike would not have been able to get out the back. And it is JK's van that Mike used, so she has to know. My only question is if she would have been told where baby Elaina is. I think she would have been told. Another question for everyone, Ferretmommy what do you think of SK's dad? We know next to nothing about him. If JK knows, wouldn't SK's dad know too? What do both JK and SK's dad know?
I've been reading for over a week now and haven't had much to contribute until today, but I just wanted to remind folks that not every parent -not even every good parent- will react with tears in a crisis. Innocent mothers have been convicted and spent years in jail before they were exonerated, largely because they were matter of fact in public and not prone to hysterics. And innocent mothers have been convicted because they were hysterical and people thought it was an act. You're really damned if you do, damned if you don't. I don't think that it's evidence one way or the other, but it's certainly scary for a mother like myself who would probably be one of those flat affect, matter of fact mothers if anything were to happen to my child. I just detach from situations that are too horrible to face head on, it's the only way I can go on to do what needs to be done, in fact I was taught to do precisely that when I was a volunteer EMT back in the day.

I completely agree with this. Being a dispatcher, I have to detach myself from situations that I deal with in order to help callers stay calm. I don't think that you can judge her unless you have been in that situation. But, her lack of emotion does lead me to believe that baby Elaina is still alive, or was when she last saw her. I still can't decide if mom is in fact an innocent victim, or if mom was the main player in baby Elaina's disappearance though.
When Angela went to get her stuff out of JK's, was she alone or was anyone with her inside the house while she was getting her stuff? Was LE present when AS was inside JK's ?
I think she knows too.Julie King was key in stalling and delaying TS from entering the house. If it wasn't for JK and SK,Sr. keeping TJ and TS outside in the front, SK and Mike would not have been able to get out the back. And it is JK's van that Mike used, so she has to know. My only question is if she would have been told where baby Elaina is. I think she would have been told. Another question for everyone, Ferretmommy what do you think of SK's dad? We know next to nothing about him. If JK knows, wouldn't SK's dad know too? What do both JK and SK's dad know?

JK stinks to high heaven IMO. Every single person in that house should be held accountable for the loss of this innocent child.

At what point do these people quit worrying about covering their own a$$es and worry about a little tiny girl who was brutalized.... and discarded??

There is NO EXCUSE.
I thought it was very interesting to find that Angela and Terri have known each since they were 16. They dated for 9 years. So it was not just a one night stand type of pregnancy, where they did not really know each other or their families.

It has not helped me come down from the fence however. I am going back on forth on my belief about mom's version of the story. JMO

I think she knows too.Julie King was key in stalling and delaying TS from entering the house. If it wasn't for JK and SK,Sr. keeping TJ and TS outside in the front, SK and Mike would not have been able to get out the back. And it is JK's van that Mike used, so she has to know. My only question is if she would have been told where baby Elaina is. I think she would have been told. Another question for everyone, Ferretmommy what do you think of SK's dad? We know next to nothing about him. If JK knows, wouldn't SK's dad know too? What do both JK and SK's dad know?

How was JK stalling TJ from getting in the house? Angela was the one on the porch, Angela was supposed to be staying with the girls at her stepdads house but for "some" reason she was not. Maybe because a grandparent might want to actually interact with the children whereas if you take kids to a flop house it is more appreciated if you keep your kids out of the way. Same for the "no room at Grandma's house". Really? How is it that the kids can sleep on the floor at JK's house but can't be taken to Angela's moms house? My opinion- Angela was running out of options. Allegedly SK didn't want her because she was abusive with her kids, TJ didn't want her for the same reason, JK wanted her away from the house for the same thing and had tossed her *advertiser censored* out the week before making her essentially homeless. And once she completely lost her kids she would probably start losing out on any "benefits" certain folks receive with said children. Too many paralells to Casey Anthony. Only this one did not have a car. I think the baby is in the neighborhood just like Caylee.
As for Angela's tears I believe that was because she told the cops her story, expected them to buy into it and just let her walk because Zenaida/ Steve did it.
I HOPE the baby is alive, I really do.
I keep checking in for new developments, and it's frightening and quite discomforting that there have been none. I can that be? And, suddenly, LE seems very tight-lipped.
Wonder what is going on behind the scenes? Sure hope they know a lot more then we do...!!!!!

What are we at WS missing in solving this? There must be something we haven't thought of....hmmmm....
How was JK stalling TJ from getting in the house? Angela was the one on the porch, Angela was supposed to be staying with the girls at her stepdads house but for "some" reason she was not. Maybe because a grandparent might want to actually interact with the children whereas if you take kids to a flop house it is more appreciated if you keep your kids out of the way. Same for the "no room at Grandma's house". Really? How is it that the kids can sleep on the floor at JK's house but can't be taken to Angela's moms house? My opinion- Angela was running out of options. Allegedly SK didn't want her because she was abusive with her kids, TJ didn't want her for the same reason, JK wanted her away from the house for the same thing and had tossed her *advertiser censored* out the week before making her essentially homeless. And once she completely lost her kids she would probably start losing out on any "benefits" certain folks receive with said children. Too many paralells to Casey Anthony. Only this one did not have a car. I think the baby is in the neighborhood just like Caylee.
As for Angela's tears I believe that was because she told the cops her story, expected them to buy into it and just let her walk because Zenaida/ Steve did it.
I HOPE the baby is alive, I really do.

JK and SK's dad were on the porch and JK went inside several times. JK and SK's dad kept TS and TJ outside talking long enough for SK and Mike to leave through the back. There's no good reason for them to not bring them in the house for as long as they were all out on the front porch.And Mike drove JK's van away. JK knows what happened. Ferretmommy said its known that JK would do anything to protect her kids. Is SK's dad the same way?
I'm still catching up on posts but I was at Federal/Leonard yesterday. In the evening we did a candle vigil and then we started to chant "Bring Elaina Home!" Before I knew it my feet were moving towards Federal Street and I talked some guy into being the "leader". We all walked down the middle of Federal, carrying our candles and chanting, "Bring Elaina Home."

The sound bounced off the houses down the street. It got very loud as we approached 704 and people were coming out of houses to watch but not 704. We continue around the church and down the ally chanting. I think we all felt better after that. Too bad the news crews missed that.

The search teams and leaders are dedicated with many having searched daily through dirty, weedy, debris strewn areas. They are committed to staying positive and strong, like the family.

There will be another search tomorrow, at Federal/Leonard St. starting at 10 a.m. If you can't search, you can pick up flyers to hand out or go to Elaina's FB page and print off flyers to post.

Ferretmommy, it was nice to meet you and your family and I am so sorry about the circumstances. Elaina and your family are still in our prayers.
This "mom" should be held responsible for whatever she did to her baby. No man made her do anything to Elaina and if some man did something to Elaina, and "mom" did nothing to stop him or get help for her baby? She gets sympathy, understanding, excuses, pity? Really?? :sick:
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