GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #3

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Hmm, broken noses DO bleed though, I think not bleeding would be way more unusual. (Speaking as the recipient of a broken nose via softball.)

I guess I lost track of the story somewhere, I thought the family dollar trip happened in daytime? Am I wrong?
Hmm, broken noses DO bleed though, I think not bleeding would be way more unusual. (Speaking as the recipient of a broken nose via softball.)

I guess I lost track of the story somewhere, I thought the family dollar trip happened in daytime? Am I wrong?


I was under the impression that it was day time too.

I have been trying to catch up so I may not have everything right though.
Family dollar trip for cigarettes was during Sunday around 1pm while Elaina was napping before TJ got there for the girls.

But hte night before, at about midnight to 1am it is being said now that Angela and SK went out in the maroon van.

For no reason at all NG speculated they were going to FD for cigs, but thats because she often has things a tad mixed up. Don't let that throw off all of us here, though. We know better.
wow, I never realized how many adults total were in the house.

Ferretmommy, Elaina's grandmother, posted in thread one that there were as many as 11 total people in the house that night, some children the rest adults. MSM and LE have been stating 6-8 and some kids.
I respectfully disagree that RS slammed TJ. These two people (AS and TS )said vows to one another to love and care for one another their whole lives. That obviously did not happen. And from that, much pain has resulted.

Are you insinuating that it's TJ's fault that baby Elaina was seriously injured (black eye, bloody nose, bump on the head) because he separated from AS, and that because of TJ's & AS's estrangement, it's TJ's fault that baby Elaina is now missing?
For what it's worth I don't think it's an implausible scenario, I just doubt the source. Someone probably heard about the black eyes and made up the story about AS saying it in jail. Doesn't mean it's not exactly what happened.

I guess because they are searching that river and it has been reported that they are questioning fellow inmates it could hold some truth, however the person making the comment could have come up with that statement from this information BBM that we know to be true.

The comment was made 2 days ago(I'm in Aus and it's Thursday here, so does that make 2 days ago in Toledo Monday?), they started searching river again Tues in Toledo per this article

On Tues there was an unconfirmed tip that the inmates were being questioned

Who knows though, I'm hanging onto the hope that Elaina is alive and at a relatives/friends of the Kings on a secluded property. :please:
When I saw that nasty mattress and nasty bedding, and heard about the filth in that house, one thing came to mind. That mother has no sense at all and is probably now drug dependent. There have been a few cases in my area recently of kids living in filth, wandering the streets naked, found in motel rooms alone, and any other thing you can think of. It was drugs every time.

Is this non-custodial mother the only adult in this poor baby's life?
Memory only, but I think in GGE's transcript it was broken nose.

I rewinded it a few times on my DVR it's at the 26 minute mark from the beginning on the NG show. She definitely said broken arm and that was the only time and going forward on the show talked about broken nose. Perhaps she misspoke
Did ANYONE just catch on NG that MS Angel's sister said that Elaina had a broken arm! She said "I heard she was dropped but with a broken arm and black eye your not just dropped"

First time I heard about her arm injury!!!
I didn't watch tonight so I'm relying on reading up here. Sorry guys , I'm a loser but I just didnt' make it tonight . tia
Family dollar trip for cigarettes was during Sunday around 1pm while Elaina was napping before TJ got there for the girls.

But hte night before, at about midnight to 1am it is being said now that Angela and TJ went out in the maroon van.

For no reason at all NG speculated they were going to FD for cigs, but thats because she often has things a tad mixed up. Don't let that throw off all of us here, though. We know better.

TY TY TY for keeping track of & reminding us of the reported statements.

It's been a confusing 2+ weeks, with all the changing stories on AS's part, and with all the new info coming out. I'm so thankful that you've been transcribing the media interviews. You're a bonny lass and then some!!! :blowkiss:
Is this non-custodial mother the only adult in this poor baby's life?

Nope but she was the ONLY ONE taking those babies to a home in that condition AGAINST THE WISHES of their father. But hey y'all her bf was home from rehab and there was a free couch ...
Hmm, broken noses DO bleed though, I think not bleeding would be way more unusual. (Speaking as the recipient of a broken nose via softball.)

I guess I lost track of the story somewhere, I thought the family dollar trip happened in daytime? Am I wrong?

I'm not an expert. I've never had a broken bone. Although, you say you received one from softball. I'm assuming getting hit hard in the face by the ball? Just wanted to share my experience when my 5 year old received a broken nose. I'm sure every broken nose is different though.

The Family Dollar trip has gotten all messed up. It has been stated they left Sunday (daytime), while Elaina was supposedly napping, to go to Family Dollar. Then, a neighbor came forward today saying he saw them leave around midnight Sat. night / Sun. morning. Somehow that has gotten confused with the trip to Family Dollar. I think it's two separate occasions.
Family dollar trip for cigarettes was during Sunday around 1pm while Elaina was napping before TJ got there for the girls.

But hte night before, at about midnight to 1am it is being said now that Angela and TJ went out in the maroon van.

For no reason at all NG speculated they were going to FD for cigs, but thats because she often has things a tad mixed up. Don't let that throw off all of us here, though. We know better.

GGE, you don't mean Angela and TJ went out in the van, right? I'm sure it's a typo but I'm also wondering if you mean SK or..."Mike" or whatever. Sorry, this case is alphabet soup.
Thank you for correcting me. :blushing:

I wasn't trying to correct you- I had/have no idea where it goes....trying to see if the water is similar to the "black water" down here. We have one of the few specialized teams- side sonar, etc...I can't ask them questions without some background :)
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