GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I can't believe it has dragged on this long. I sure hope something is happening behind the scenes. This is heartbreaking.
I have been following these threads since shortly after Elaina went missing and appreciate all the suggestions and prayers members offer. I pray daily that she will be found safe, but if that isn't to be, that she will still be found soon so the family (especially TJ, K, TS and FM) can have closure and comfort knowing she is no longer suffering any abuse she faced in her short life.

I am far from being a teenager and don't text so I am not familiar with some of the acronyms used on this site. I've checked the TOS and FAQ, but haven't found answers.

I think I've figured out a few of them:
MSM = main stream media?
MOO = my opinion only?
SBM = somebody mentioned?
BBM = ???

Would someone please correct any errors and fill in the blanks (including others that seem to be unique to this site) or tell me where I can find the definitions? TIA
I have been following these threads since shortly after Elaina went missing and appreciate all the suggestions and prayers members offer. I pray daily that she will be found safe, but if that isn't to be, that she will still be found soon so the family (especially TJ, K, TS and FM) can have closure and comfort knowing she is no longer suffering any abuse she faced in her short life.

I am far from being a teenager and don't text so I am not familiar with some of the acronyms used on this site. I've checked the TOS and FAQ, but haven't found answers.

I think I've figured out a few of them:
MSM = main stream media?
MOO = my opinion only?
SBM = somebody mentioned?
BBM = ???

Would someone please correct any errors and fill in the blanks (including others that seem to be unique to this site) or tell me where I can find the definitions? TIA
BBM is Bolded By Me
SBM is Snipped By Me
Zimmerman trial is driving the news. UGH! I hate those racially driven cases. When will we ever hear about Elaina. NG is focused on Zimmerman. She said she would not stop covering...yeah..whatever!
Originally Posted by malaneuh


What do the following acronyms mean?


Thank you.

OTOH = On The Other Hand

KWIM = Know What I mean

B&IBM = Bold and Itralics By Me

SBM = Snipped By Me

BBM = Bold By Me

The others I'm not sure about, and may be specific to a case you are reading about.
And the ever important "IMO, JMO, IMHO" - In My Opinion... Just My Opinion... In My Humble Opinion.

also ETA - Edited to Add
ITA - I totally agree

I can't find the link to the thread with the acronyms on this site but I'll edit it into this post if I can find it.

HTH! (Hope that helps!)

ETA - here's the link - Websleuths Lingo - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Morning little angel! Your family is looking for you . It won't be long now. :)
OTOH = On The Other Hand

KWIM = Know What I mean

B&IBM = Bold and Itralics By Me

SBM = Snipped By Me

BBM = Bold By Me

The others I'm not sure about, and may be specific to a case you are reading about.

Hi malaneuh :)

Here is a link that tells you quite a few of these.

Websleuths Lingo - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

ETA... Thanks GGE, didn't see you have posted the link until I already put it up.
It's so quiet in Toledo! We cannot let Elaina's voice go quiet.
I hope this poem inspires....

Don't Quit

by: Unknown Author

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit.
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out:
Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems so far:
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
I can't believe that they can't tell if it is human hair or not with a look under a microscope. I am not saying a full DNA test with whether it is Elaina's but at least be able to determine with a good amount of certainty from the structure if it human or not. It has probably been asked before and will be again why does it take so long for everything to be in the lab? Does DNA samples have to sit and do something for a specified time period? IDK if I am dumb for not knowing but it drives me nuts when they say it is going to take X time for the lab results.

ETA Or is it all due to back log?
I can't believe that they can't tell if it is human hair or not with a look under a microscope. I am not saying a full DNA test with whether it is Elaina's but at least be able to determine with a good amount of certainty from the structure if it human or not. It has probably been asked before and will be again why does it take so long for everything to be in the lab? Does DNA samples have to sit and do something for a specified time period? IDK if I am dumb for not knowing but it drives me nuts when they say it is going to take X time for the lab results.

ETA Or is it all due to back log?

It takes a while because this is not the only case they're working on.
That page isn't the official one, and the poster/owner is a journalist/newsblogger. The fact he ended that post with "let the public outrage begin" tells me they were just trying to stir up stuff IMO

Can't post it here as it has not been confirmed but may want to read post on this page.
(the post made at appx 2:12 cst)

Keep in mind that is the same page that reported the "breaking news" false rumor about Elaina being located. That page is ran by a freelance columnist for the TFP and he doesn't seem to be big on checking his sources or clarifying that he is going off rumor only.
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