GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #6

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Thinking and praying for Elaina's return home. Something will give soon! Goodnight little angel.
It's a new day here and I am praying and hoping that the family will get some kind of closure and you Elaina will be brought home to your daddy were you rightfully belong my heart is with you Ferret mommy and family I can't imagine the pain you guys constantly have to deal with!! All bcuz of AS and SK put us all thru this worrying and heartache and minds full of unanswered questions. Someone needs to speak up and protect this little one instead of saving piece of s**** asses MHO MOO
I usually love my early morning times. It's peaceful and quiet as I sit here with my coffee and read what has happen over night. But, this morning, I feel sad and wish I could do a 'redo' and this has never happened! No matter where Elaina is, I know that she is 'Sheltered In The Arms Of God' (my favorite song) and gives me comfort in times of need.

You (the family), must be so weary and frightened, I pray for some small measure of comfort, strength, courage. May God Bless each one of you and embrace you in His arms.


SHELTERED IN THE ARMS OF GOD - Julie Lendon Stone - YouTube
They are weary and fatigued. I know it. Poor baby K ! I wonder how she is. I just can't imagine her confused and frightened little mind trying to figure this out . What do you say to a 4 yr old in her shoes? I don't even know.


You no good , life sucking, baby abusing, heartless, cruel monsters have opened yourselves up for the forces of evil to run right over you and you don't even know it. I could almost pity you if a baby were not involved in your choices. It's not fair and it's not right and there is only comfort in knowing you will be haunted FOREVER by what you've done. Haunted forever !
My question is what changed? Last week they were hopeful and saying we have nothing to prove she is dead and now they are changing the status of the case to a homicide investigation? Anyone have any idea?

IDK... but maybe it's a way to put more pressure on him. Possibly treating it as a homicide investigation just opens more doors for prosecutors and also the investigators in the way they handle the investigation.

It's possible they have learned some information that they previously did not have. I said when he was arrested that more charges would be coming, and I still believe that.

Praying for strength for Elaina's family, especially her daddy and grandparents.
My question is what changed? Last week they were hopeful and saying we have nothing to prove she is dead and now they are changing the status of the case to a homicide investigation? Anyone have any idea?

I don't know why they did but I feel like it wasn't a coincidence that it happened now. I want to believe that they did it to apply more pressure to AS and SK but I fear that there is more to it than that.

I just wish that Elaina could be found. The not knowing has to be eating away at her family. Hearing that she is deceased would be devastating, I'm sure, but they deserve answers. I can't imagine being stuck in this limbo. How do you even begin to pick up the pieces and move forward without ever having any answers?

At times like this I question being atheist because I want to believe that AS will spend eternity somewhere miserable. OTOH, I can't comprehend any just deity letting an 18 month old baby suffer at the hands of another.
As of last night, we are no longer actively participating in the search. Anything we find out will be from internet postings and/or news broadcasts. To make a long story short, TJ has chosen to take RS over his dad, and completely trashed him, myself, and my parents before the vigil last night. That is why none of us is in the video of it that is posted numerous places. He and his gf Becky have just back stabbed us, all to get some papers that were to be brought to him by RS and once again, they were not turned over. We are done. PERIOD.
As of last night, we are no longer actively participating in the search. Anything we find out will be from internet postings and/or news broadcasts. To make a long story short, TJ has chosen to take RS over his dad, and completely trashed him, myself, and my parents before the vigil last night. That is why none of us is in the video of it that is posted numerous places. He and his gf Becky have just back stabbed us, all to get some papers that were to be brought to him by RS and once again, they were not turned over. We are done. PERIOD.

Oh my, I am so sorry, Ferret. I don't know what to say, except I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.
As of last night, we are no longer actively participating in the search. Anything we find out will be from internet postings and/or news broadcasts. To make a long story short, TJ has chosen to take RS over his dad, and completely trashed him, myself, and my parents before the vigil last night. That is why none of us is in the video of it that is posted numerous places. He and his gf Becky have just back stabbed us, all to get some papers that were to be brought to him by RS and once again, they were not turned over. We are done. PERIOD.

I'm so sorry.
As of last night, we are no longer actively participating in the search. Anything we find out will be from internet postings and/or news broadcasts. To make a long story short, TJ has chosen to take RS over his dad, and completely trashed him, myself, and my parents before the vigil last night. That is why none of us is in the video of it that is posted numerous places. He and his gf Becky have just back stabbed us, all to get some papers that were to be brought to him by RS and once again, they were not turned over. We are done. PERIOD.

Oh, FM, I am so sorry. As if there wasn't enough pain going around, now this? I pray you all have answers soon and can begin to mend the strained relationships in your family. The weeks and weeks of stress, hurt, sorrow, fear, and pain can cause friction in the best of relationships. Praying for you all.
:( I don't really understand what you meant FM, but I understood enough. I'm so sorry.
Each person must carry the weight of what they've done in this. Eventually everyone will know the truth and that time, amends will have to be made. Hold your head high . This is a secondary tragedy to your family that did nothing wrong, created by the another family. It's a horror show .
TJ may think that by somehow pacifying them, he will get answers. I don't know. I don't know how any of you are supposed to behave in a situation like this.
Oh, FM, I am so sorry. As if there wasn't enough pain going around, now this? I pray you all have answers soon and can begin to mend the strained relationships in your family. The weeks and weeks of stress, hurt, sorrow, fear, and pain can cause friction in the best of relationships. Praying for you all.

Me too. He is young and must be terribly confused. He'll remember family always has his back. Sometimes we get lost in the madness.

Sending good vibes.
Im so sorry FM. We are still here for you.
I have officially lost faith in humanity. Time for me to take a break.
I'm so sorry FM. I can only imagine how this has added to your already unbearable pain. Your husband has been a pillar of strength and the epitome of respectful and loving father and grandfather in every media appearance that I have had the opportunity to view. You & CC have been here reading, participating and seeking help, despite how hard it has been at times, all for the sake of TJ and Elaina so it saddens me to know that TJ has turned his back on those that have been his greatest source of support. I can only hope that it was a momentary lapse in judgement under what must be extreme stress and that he will soon apologize. You have been amazing and I hope that you will still check in, if only to read.

Much love & respect,
This is not what I ever expected to learn from you, Ferretmommy.

I'm so sorry. Your whole family is under incredible pressure. Fissures happen even in families that are under much less difficult circumstances than those with which you are dealing. Even though you and TS Sr have been incredible supports upon which TJ has been able to rely.

The only positive spin I can put on this is that sometimes when people are at a breaking point they take out their frustrations on those who are closest to them because they trust that their love will always be there. (JMO) I'm hopeful that before much time has passed, TJ will come to you and apologize, and that healing can happen.

Please keep checking in. I think there are many, many people here who respect and admire you, and will be here for you.
Jumping off from the news from FM.

I think there is something much deeper going on here, and that TJ was definitely placating RS.

JMO, but that RS would demand TJ betray his family as the price for papers sickens me. WTH kind of papers? My bet--pure speculation--is he told TJ that he would tell him the whereabouts of Elaina, and the proof would be in the papers. And TJ and gf caved, and still got nothing. My bet--there never were papers. JMO, but RS has not seemed to be trustworthy in any way.

IMO, this is very devious behaviour on RS's part. Especially as RS has (IIRC) in the past blamed TJ for AS's actions, and there was the near-fight at the courthouse. And then there was the disastrous phone call.

JMO, but I think RS is up to something to get AS off, although I can't think what right now. MOO

You know, this is coming very quickly after LE brought homicide into the mix. From various articles, I've gotten the impression that RS has been to the jail frequently to be in communication with AS.

Could this be an indication that AS is getting scared that she will never get out of jail?
Or that RS is afraid AS will never get out, and thinks TJ can make the jail thing go away?

I wonder if LE knows of RS's actions.

Does anyone else feel this way?
I keep thinking about this and I really hope that TJ will be careful. I don't have a good feeling about RS. I haven't from the beginning. The way he talks about Angela creeps me out and I suspect there is something very inappropriate about their relationship. I believe he would throw anyone under the bus to protect her and TJ may have just walked into the lion's den.
Ferretmommy, I'm so sorry. What kind of papers did RS tell TJ he would give him? I can't figure what kind of papers would be so important to TJ to make him turn on you, TS and your parents. What has RS been saying to TJ? Is RS promising something to TJ to make him believe something that would help to locate baby Elaina? If so, I can't imagine what that could be. If not, what kind of papers would be so important?

Either way, I don't see any value any kind of papers RS has that would be of any use to TJ or anyone else. It's hard to figure out whats going on without more information. I agree with others here that TJ is walking into something that will be of no benefit to anyone, especially locating and bringing justice for baby Elaina. I pray TJ realizes RS does NOT have baby Elaina's best interests at heart, or anyone else's except for AS. ... And please know we are here for you.

Praying for you all.
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