GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #7

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Poor Baby Girl...prayer for the family. Breaks my heart, hope more charges are brought against the two monsters soon! I am sure someone will rat out the other one...

I just got the Google alert about the cause of death and I'm just bawling. I was so hoping that she didn't suffer. I just don't have words for how I feel right now but someone please tell me how that baby suffered so horribly in a HOUSE FULL OF PEOPLE and nobody knew. Every adult in that home needs to be charged. I hope they are haunted by her cries and sad eyes every damn day for the rest of their worthless lives.

I am so sorry FM. I wish your family could have been spared this news. I guess we should be grateful they were able to determine a cause of death so that justice can be had but I wish it didn't bring with it even more pain.

Yes it would seem SK's folks had to have heard something and apparently and as sickened as I am to say this :( , much more than ONE something. This took some time and did not happen in one ' thud' that could have been explained away.
Since I read this COD , I've been torn . I've been torn thinking I cannot read anymore or know anymore about it. That it's just too sad to think about and I don't want to know anything else because my mind is just spinning at the possibilities. But it's not fair to shy away from the bad news when Elaina's family has no choice but to hear the bad news. I wish I could take it away but I cannot and no one can and the bad news of today is something that a jury will no doubt feel the same way about and will keep these monsters behind bars longer. It's so heartbreaking and I'm just grieving for her suffering today.
Monsters are real !
Oh dear god, these people are sick! Multiple fractures? That poor baby girl. I wish they could suffer like Elaina did, and like her poor family are suffering now. This female who birthed that beautiful child needs to be made to pay for this. I'm so so so damn angry right now. Rest in Peace Elaina, you've captured hearts around the world.
BREAKING: Death of Elaina Steinfurth ruled a homicide. Injuries consistent with "non-accidental trauma." Girl had multiple broken bones.

Oh my God :(

What did they do to her?! And WHO!!!! How can all of those people have been in that house and NO ONE ELSE KNEW ANYTHING, OR HELPED POOR SWEET ELAINA!? I am sicked all over again. Those sick SICK people better say exactly what happened to her. And AS can walk around that court room all smiles. I hope they suffer for eternity, all of them in that house!

I am so sorry Ferretmommy and Cherub. After everything, you deserved to hear better than this. We are all here for you. The bad guys are going to pay!
Oh, Ferretmommy and Cherubcollector! If I felt numb after reading this news, then overwhelmed by sadness, what on earth must you be feeling? I'm so sorry that you, TJ, TS Sr, BN, and all your family are having to deal with even more details about how Elaina suffered. OMG, what horrors was little K exposed to!! So much healing is needed. I hope a strong case put forward by the DA will be a step in that direction.

We are one day closer to finding Justice for Elaina.
In the wake of Elaina's autopsy results release, there must, IMO, be many more charges coming. It is my hope that ultimately the judge will choose to have the sentences served consecutively rather than concurrently not only for the perpetrators (AS, SK) but for those who were accessories to the series of cruelties visited upon Elaina. They should serve every minute of their sentences. They should be reminded every day of the enormity of what they have done.

There can, IMO, be no extenuating circumstances that will lessen the punishment for any of the adults in that house who stood by and did nothing to help that innocent baby.

In addition, given their role in this, I would hope that LCCS takes a close look at JK and her husband's relationship with their grandchildren. If they allowed this torture to go on in their home, then who is to say they wouldn't allow this, or more, to happen to their grandchildren. They have shown themselves to be untrustworthy, deceptive, and irresponsible, JMO. The other adults in the house at that time should also be similarly scrutinized. As should RS. Could AS have hurt Elaina at RS's house?

I hope, as well, that financial penalties will be imposed on all those who knew where Elaina's little body had been hidden but did not inform LE that searches of rivers and fields would be of no value. IMO, they should pay the full shot for every search for Elaina that took place. It's one thing to support searches when you have no idea who might have taken a baby or where she might have wandered. It's another to use searches to cover your actions, or to throw suspicion on someone else when you KNOW exactly what has happened. If JK was heard telling people that all SK could be charged with was improper treatment of human remains, then she knew early on what had happened. She should be treated as the cold hearted enabler that she is, IMO, and should pay in what terms of probably means the most to her--cold, hard cash.

We are another day closer to finding Justice for Elaina.
Oh No No. Just now seeing this horrid information. I am so sorry to the family. I wish there was someway to hold you all. Someway to give some comfort.

You will all be in my prayers. Just feeling numb at this.
I will be praying very hard for the Steinfurth family to get through this. My thoughts are with you. God bless baby girl!
Poor baby! I hope someone beats the s##t out of AS & SK. Pieces of crap!! As for JK and the other scum that was in that house, I hope you all never have a moments peace. Come on LE, lock them all up and throw away the damn keys. Worthless monsters. They don't deserve even to breathe.

Sending prayers and hugs to y'all, fm and cc and the rest of the family. I can't imagine what y'all are feeling. Just know that justice is coming!!!
In the wake of Elaina's autopsy results release, there must, IMO, be many more charges coming. It is my hope that ultimately the judge will choose to have the sentences served consecutively rather than concurrently not only for the perpetrators (AS, SK) but for those who were accessories to the series of cruelties visited upon Elaina. They should serve every minute of their sentences. They should be reminded every day of the enormity of what they have done.

There can, IMO, be no extenuating circumstances that will lessen the punishment for any of the adults in that house who stood by and did nothing to help that innocent baby.

In addition, given their role in this, I would hope that LCCS takes a close look at JK and her husband's relationship with their grandchildren. If they allowed this torture to go on in their home, then who is to say they wouldn't allow this, or more, to happen to their grandchildren. They have shown themselves to be untrustworthy, deceptive, and irresponsible, JMO. The other adults in the house at that time should also be similarly scrutinized. As should RS. Could AS have hurt Elaina at RS's house?

I hope, as well, that financial penalties will be imposed on all those who knew where Elaina's little body had been hidden but did not inform LE that searches of rivers and fields would be of no value. IMO, they should pay the full shot for every search for Elaina that took place. It's one thing to support searches when you have no idea who might have taken a baby or where she might have wandered. It's another to use searches to cover your actions, or to throw suspicion on someone else when you KNOW exactly what has happened. If JK was heard telling people that all SK could be charged with was improper treatment of human remains, then she knew early on what had happened. She should be treated as the cold hearted enabler that she is, IMO, and should pay in what terms of probably means the most to her--cold, hard cash.

We are another day closer to finding Justice for Elaina.

Wendiesan, thank you for finding the words I could not last night. Every keystroke seemed wrong. I ended up crying myself to sleep, knowing Baby Elaina is watching over us (especially her Paternal Steinfurth Family, free from all pain, and at peace.

It is up to us now, to fight for Justice for Elaina. I am ready to take that on. In my heart of hearts, I believe all of the delays have been for this reason, for the Lucas County District Attorney to properly prepare and file the charges we all knew - but didn't want to hear - should be filed in this case.

FM & CC, now more than ever, please know your WS family is here for you. I hope you can find some small solace in knowing how much love and support you have out here. Your Beautiful Angel has touched so many lives. Not only has she transformed those who were truly blessed to know her, she has forever changed complete strangers like me.

The battle is truly underway. We won't stop until we have
Was up doing a lot of thinking/crying over Elaina last night. My heart hurts all over again. I am wondering if the broken bones happened after she had passed when someone was trying to hide her. Just a thought. This is my mind trying to comprehend how someone can hurt a child. I just want to scream!

Ferret, Cherub, TJ, TS, and family, my prayers are with you today. May this new information bring out more truth and justice.

"My daughter has been screaming and crying. She knew the worst, just like me," says Richard. "I will get no sleep tonight, or forever."

WHAT!??? %^&$*##@!%!!!!!!!! Seriously?????? OMG!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Screaming and crying because she knows she will be in that jail cell forever. What about Elaina's screaming and crying?! I am so furious over RS's comment!
Hi all, I just read the cause of death.

There's a whole lot I'd like to say about AS and SK right now, in addition to all who knew but did nothing, but I'm sure my post would be removed due to the language I'd use!

I pray to God that HE shielded baby Elaina from what was happening, and K from seeing and/or hearing any of it. I also hope that JK and any/all who were in that house and did nothing are charged as well as anyone who knew regardless of whether they were there that weekend or not.

Ferretmoomy, Cherubcollector, and the Steinfurth family, I'm so very sorry! You all are in my prayers, and please hold on to the hope that Justice is coming for baby Elaina! Your family has handled this tragedy with strenghth, determination and dignity, and my prayers are that God will see you through all to come. Just take care of K, and know that Justice is coming, and you have support here at WS.

I'm so very sad, sickened and outraged over what these two pieces of **** did to baby Elaina! I hope both AS and SK are in the General Population while they await there court proceedings! I bet SK will plead guilty, AS I don't know, but they are both going down! And I hope JK, her husband, and any/all who knew and did nothing never have a peaceful moment in their lives again! I hope they too are charged and punished to the fullest!

RIP baby Elaina.

Praying and waiting for Justice for baby Elaina.

"My daughter has been screaming and crying. She knew the worst, just like me," says Richard. "I will get no sleep tonight, or forever."

WHAT!??? %^&$*##@!%!!!!!!!! Seriously?????? OMG!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

And AS along with SK and I hope others will be screaming and crying a lot more in the days to come! I wish RS would just Shut the F-up already and just go away!
In the wake of Elaina's autopsy results release, there must, IMO, be many more charges coming. It is my hope that ultimately the judge will choose to have the sentences served consecutively rather than concurrently not only for the perpetrators (AS, SK) but for those who were accessories to the series of cruelties visited upon Elaina. They should serve every minute of their sentences. They should be reminded every day of the enormity of what they have done.

There can, IMO, be no extenuating circumstances that will lessen the punishment for any of the adults in that house who stood by and did nothing to help that innocent baby.

In addition, given their role in this, I would hope that LCCS takes a close look at JK and her husband's relationship with their grandchildren. If they allowed this torture to go on in their home, then who is to say they wouldn't allow this, or more, to happen to their grandchildren. They have shown themselves to be untrustworthy, deceptive, and irresponsible, JMO. The other adults in the house at that time should also be similarly scrutinized. As should RS. Could AS have hurt Elaina at RS's house?

I hope, as well, that financial penalties will be imposed on all those who knew where Elaina's little body had been hidden but did not inform LE that searches of rivers and fields would be of no value. IMO, they should pay the full shot for every search for Elaina that took place. It's one thing to support searches when you have no idea who might have taken a baby or where she might have wandered. It's another to use searches to cover your actions, or to throw suspicion on someone else when you KNOW exactly what has happened. If JK was heard telling people that all SK could be charged with was improper treatment of human remains, then she knew early on what had happened. She should be treated as the cold hearted enabler that she is, IMO, and should pay in what terms of probably means the most to her--cold, hard cash.

We are another day closer to finding Justice for Elaina.

Wendiesan, Thank You so much for this post! This is exactly what I hope happens to all involved too. The 'Thank's' button was just not enough!

"My daughter has been screaming and crying. She knew the worst, just like me," says Richard. "I will get no sleep tonight, or forever."

WHAT!??? %^&$*##@!%!!!!!!!! Seriously?????? OMG!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Screaming and crying because she knows she will be in that jail cell forever. What about Elaina's screaming and crying?! I am so furious over RS's comment!

He's calling baby Elaina, "it"?? Really?? "it"??

So....I wonder what Elaina sounded like as her little bones were being broke? Screaming and crying, maybe, Richard??? Her name is Elaina. :frown:

There is a special place in hell reserved for baby killers and their enablers. Richard, someday, you can form your "family circle" there without Elaina. She's in Heaven and will be celebrating Thanksgiving with Caylee and many more taken too soon....

"My daughter has been screaming and crying. She knew the worst, just like me," says Richard. "I will get no sleep tonight, or forever."

WHAT!??? %^&$*##@!%!!!!!!!! Seriously?????? OMG!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Screaming and crying because she knows she will be in that jail cell forever. What about Elaina's screaming and crying?! I am so furious over RS's comment!

I knew it would not be long before we heard from RS. " She knew the worst JUST LIKE ME " ? Wth does that even mean? Who knew this ? RS knew this? After saying oh AS did a little whoopsie and she knows it was wrong, and now it' this ? Five broken bones in her JOINTS, who knew this RS ?

It cannot get worse than this. :(
I knew it would not be long before we heard from RS. " She knew the worst JUST LIKE ME " ? Wth does that even mean? Who knew this ? RS knew this? After saying oh AS did a little whoopsie and she knows it was wrong, and now it' this ? Five broken bones in her JOINTS, who knew this RS ?

It cannot get worse than this. :(

I am in such awe that he is still protecting her and the truth is right there in his face. But then again, I am not surprised. That man is something else :maddening:

JK, her hubby, Mike and the rest better be hauled off to jail too pretty soon! :twocents:
And AS along with SK and I hope others will be screaming and crying a lot more in the days to come! I wish RS would just Shut the F-up already and just go away!

Me too. I've been creeped out by this man since his first media appearance. It hasn't been a popular opinion but I remain convinced that there is something very unhealthy going on between him and AS. I have always wondered if the abuse took place at his home and the more the talks the worse it gets.
In his response to the autopsy report, RS managed to insult people who attended vigils held for Elaina .


FYI: Those people didn't expect Elaina to be "coming walking back down that street to say, 'Here I am.' " They were focusing the attention of the world on Elaina in the hope, however small, that someone would come forward with information about this beautiful child. They were supporting the Steinfurth family, letting them know that people cared about Elaina and cared about them. They were demonstrating the depth of concern within the broader community for the smallest, most defenceless of its members. They will not stop witnessing the proceedings until there is justice for Elaina.


We are another day closer to finding Justice for Elaina.

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