GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #7

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Oh, Ferretmommy, to have read the entry in the Daily Log must have been so bitter. It may have felt as though your little Elaina's life was reduced to those words, to those last minutes of fear and pain. But, I don't think that's true.
So many people have shared their very similar near death experiences that I think their stories have the ring of truth about the transition from life to death. All I have read, and the people with whom I have spoken, have said that a person making that journey does not feel alone. They feel the warmth of being surrounded by light and love, and they hear voices of welcome. I believe that, as Elaina left one realm for another, she felt peace, and well-being, and painlessness. I believe that she remembered so many loving and happy times with everyone who loved her, that the bad times were discarded. I believe that Elaina was surrounded by the warmth of unconditional love and held in the arms of angels.
Sending hugs.

That is so beautifully said!
Oh, Ferretmommy, to have read the entry in the Daily Log must have been so bitter. It may have felt as though your little Elaina's life was reduced to those words, to those last minutes of fear and pain. But, I don't think that's true.
So many people have shared their very similar near death experiences that I think their stories have the ring of truth about the transition from life to death. All I have read, and the people with whom I have spoken, have said that a person making that journey does not feel alone. They feel the warmth of being surrounded by light and love, and they hear voices of welcome. I believe that, as Elaina left one realm for another, she felt peace, and well-being, and painlessness. I believe that she remembered so many loving and happy times with everyone who loved her, that the bad times were discarded. I believe that Elaina was surrounded by the warmth of unconditional love and held in the arms of angels.
Sending hugs.

FM...I know this from personal experience..I was recovering from almost dying when Elaina was first missing.
I was on life support and my family were told to expect the worst. They kept a constant vigil by my bedside.
My point in telling you this is, when I woke up in the ICU 2 days later, I felt like I was being released from the most satisfying hug I have ever felt. I had no white light or life flashing before my eyes experience, but I felt safe, warm, and the most peaceful I have ever felt. I just know that this is how Elaina would have felt. Even after all the trauma I had endured I know that my last few moments on earth had my path taken me that way, would have been peaceful and comfortable.
Oh, Ferretmommy, to have read the entry in the Daily Log must have been so bitter. It may have felt as though your little Elaina's life was reduced to those words, to those last minutes of fear and pain. But, I don't think that's true.
So many people have shared their very similar near death experiences that I think their stories have the ring of truth about the transition from life to death. All I have read, and the people with whom I have spoken, have said that a person making that journey does not feel alone. They feel the warmth of being surrounded by light and love, and they hear voices of welcome. I believe that, as Elaina left one realm for another, she felt peace, and well-being, and painlessness. I believe that she remembered so many loving and happy times with everyone who loved her, that the bad times were discarded. I believe that Elaina was surrounded by the warmth of unconditional love and held in the arms of angels.
Sending hugs.
As I sit bawling for you, your family and friends hurt hearts I was trying to find the words to console you. I think wendiesan said it beautifully. The only thing I can add to this is that I will be praying that you find peace and comfort, some how, some way.
I also would like to suggest a book to you that has helped me tremendously. Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent.
We're here for you and we're not going anywhere.

FM...I know this from personal experience..I was recovering from almost dying when Elaina was first missing.
I was on life support and my family were told to expect the worst. They kept a constant vigil by my bedside.
My point in telling you this is, when I woke up in the ICU 2 days later, I felt like I was being released from the most satisfying hug I have ever felt. I had no white light or life flashing before my eyes experience, but I felt safe, warm, and the most peaceful I have ever felt. I just know that this is how Elaina would have felt. Even after all the trauma I had endured I know that my last few moments on earth had my path taken me that way, would have been peaceful and comfortable.

I so agree with you!! Almost 2 yrs ago (Dec 5) I had a very severe anaphylaxis shock experience...I coded 3 times, was on full life support, about as dead as a person can be...they even cooled my body core temp down very low, stop the damage. Was in ICU in a coma 6 days, then was moved to a medical unit for 8 days. Now, I really don't remember anything about this, I slowly recovered, I had, like you...the most peaceful, warm, happy, safe inner feeling I had ever experienced in my life!! Took me months of recovery and months of mental/physical rehab. Yes, I do believe if we are taken away, it would be peaceful and comfortable. I also had no white light, no angles singing, no family waiting meet me...just peace.

Elaina went peaceful and loved. I know this!!

I will share this with you and maybe it will help some....

When my great nephew was killed by his father...naturally, we were broken in spirit and wanted answers (just like you), had these awful thoughts running in our heads (just like you). after some time had passed, I got through this very rough time by thinking that maybe God looked down and saw what this precious baby would go though in his life, all the hurt, pain, mistreated, sadness...and perhaps God decided; no more pain, no more suffering and took him in his loving arms where he was forever safe. I often said that God could have reached down and breathed life into that tiny body and it was so hard understanding, but I need thinking the way I do about his death. Hope this can be some small comfort to you. GOD Bless and many prayers. Hugs!

I will share this with you and maybe it will help some....

When my great nephew was killed by his father...naturally, we were broken in spirit and wanted answers (just like you), had these awful thoughts running in our heads (just like you). after some time had passed, I got through this very rough time by thinking that maybe God looked down and saw what this precious baby would go though in his life, all the hurt, pain, mistreated, sadness...and perhaps God decided; no more pain, no more suffering and took him in his loving arms where he was forever safe. I often said that God could have reached down and breathed life into that tiny body and it was so hard understanding, but I need thinking the way I do about his death. Hope this can be some small comfort to you. GOD Bless and many prayers. Hugs!

Thank you for sharing this...I can't even imaging how one can go through something like this....God bless you!!!!! BIG HUGS!!!!
I have been thinking about Elaina a lot this week, been very emotional over her. Because of more info about what has happened to the poor baby and because it is Thanksgiving week. Elaina should be sitting down to dinner with her family! So happy that little K will be there. What a blessing that is!!!!!!

Also if anyone had followed the Skelton Brothers case, tomorrow will be the 3 year anniversary that they went missing. It is just so unfair to me that these beautiful innocent children were hurt by the ones they were supposed to be fully protected by!!!! Makes me SO angry!!!!! I pray that AS and SK turkey dinner consists of mush! I really feel the need to keep ranting but I am at work and would be bawling at my desk if I keep going!

Bless you Ferret, Cherub, and family this Thanksgiving. I am thankful to know you through this site. I pray that you have a Happy Thanksgiving. And bless all of the other Websleuthers! I hope that you all have a happy Thanksgiving as well (those who celebrate). You are all so amazing!
Hoping that all have a very Blessed Thanksgiving! Yes! as krig101 said...we do have some amazing people on this site! :)
Happy Thanksgiving (and Chanukah) to everyone who observes and enjoys these holidays.
I hope all the storms ease off and all the roads home, those that we travel and those we return to in our hearts, are clear.
Peace and warmth for the Steinfurths today. So many of us are thinking of you. :)
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving...

The Steinfurths are in my prayers and thoughts and heart today and every day.

Steven King due in court a week before scheduled trial date

Steven King who led investigators to the remains of Baby Elaina Steinfurth is scheduled for a court appearance Monday morning.

King made numerous court appearances for several months, but the case has been postponed since his indictment on charges of obstruction of justice.

King’s pre-trial hearing is expected to lead to his trial that is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 9.
Praying that this week there is BIG news with AS and SK regarding new charges, more answers, and more arrests!!!

Grand Jury indicted them both on Murder . Agg Murder for SK. Murder for AS.


"Angela Steinfurth, 25, of 329 Valleywood Dr., was indicted by a Lucas County grand jury for murder in the death of Elaina Steinfurth, who was 18 months old when she was last seen June 2.

Elaina Steinfurth Elaina Steinfurth
Steven King II, 24, of 704 Federal St., was indicted on charges of aggravated murder, tampering with evidence, and abuse of a corpse in the child&#8217;s death."
this is.... gosh i want to say wonderful news, but it's a freaking punch to the gut.

fm, praying for you and your family.

and justice.

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