GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #7

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Can someone post the first court hearing date? Is that set yet?

TIA!! :seeya:

Prayers going out to CC and FM and Elaina's family...
Can someone post the first court hearing date? Is that set yet?

TIA!! :seeya:

Prayers going out to CC and FM and Elaina's family...

Pretrial for AS is Wednesday morning, SK is to appear Thursday morning.
See the bolded text. Is that to be taken literally? Is there something much more horrifying we don't know yet? Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Ohio also recognizes abuse of a corpse. That was one count against Sowell. Putting a baby's remains in a cardboard box would be abuse. I could never figure out how the A.'s didnt get this charge! Come on LE. lest put them in a box!! :seeya:
Ohio also recognizes abuse of a corpse. That was one count against Sowell. Putting a baby's remains in a cardboard box would be abuse. I could never figure out how the A.'s didnt get this charge! Come on LE. lest put them in a box!! :seeya:

Hoping that will be included as one of the charges and the obstruction charges will not be dropped.

I'd like to see obstruction of justice, murder (or at least voluntary manslaughter) and abuse of corpse.

It was said that the child endangerment charge against AS was dropped when she was charged with obstruction so other charges could be added later. If she had been found guilty of endangerment, and Elaina was later found deceased, charges of murder couldn't be brought later (double jeopardy).

I wonder if the endangerment charge could be included now?

Hoping they (and others) are found guilty on all possible charges, get maximum time, sentences run consecutively and no plea deals are granted. Those monsters and the liars covering for them don't deserve to walk the streets.

Realistically, I don't think we will see all of that happen, but know that they will one day meet the Ultimate Judgement.
I think you're talking about TJ having an attorney. Terry Sr. has no problem keeping cool and not losing his temper, but I can tell you, RS does.

I was referring to Terry Sr. What matters is what is said publicly, not how it is said. Placing the surviving child in a war of words is the worst thing either side can do at this point. RS' bad temper might be because the child's mother hasn't been charged in her death yet she's being demonized as some kind of monster.

Hoping that will be included as one of the charges and the obstruction charges will not be dropped.

I'd like to see obstruction of justice, murder (or at least voluntary manslaughter) and abuse of corpse.

It was said that the child endangerment charge against AS was dropped when she was charged with obstruction so other charges could be added later. If she had been found guilty of endangerment, and Elaina was later found deceased, charges of murder couldn't be brought later (double jeopardy).

I wonder if the endangerment charge could be included now?

Hoping they (and others) are found guilty on all possible charges, get maximum time, sentences run consecutively and no plea deals are granted. Those monsters and the liars covering for them don't deserve to walk the streets.

Realistically, I don't think we will see all of that happen, but know that they will one day meet the Ultimate Judgement.

From your mouth to God's ear , Cherub !
I was referring to Terry Sr. What matters is what is said publicly, not how it is said. Placing the surviving child in a war of words is the worst thing either side can do at this point. RS' bad temper might be because the child's mother hasn't been charged in her death yet she's being demonized as some kind of monster.


I would hope that RS' bad temper would be from the fact that someone put his baby granddaughter in a box in the garage, like a piece of garbage. :twocents:

Elaina is the victim, not A. I hope even A's family realizes that.
I would hope that RS' bad temper would be from the fact that someone put his baby granddaughter in a box in the garage, like a piece of garbage. :twocents:

Elaina is the victim, not A. I hope even A's family realizes that.

That's your opinion but I've not seen any facts to support it. There has been no evidence released that the baby's mother even knew her child was in a box in the garage. <modsnip>.

Hoping that will be included as one of the charges and the obstruction charges will not be dropped.

I'd like to see obstruction of justice, murder (or at least voluntary manslaughter) and abuse of corpse.

It was said that the child endangerment charge against AS was dropped when she was charged with obstruction so other charges could be added later. If she had been found guilty of endangerment, and Elaina was later found deceased, charges of murder couldn't be brought later (double jeopardy).

I wonder if the endangerment charge could be included now?

Hoping they (and others) are found guilty on all possible charges, get maximum time, sentences run consecutively and no plea deals are granted. Those monsters and the liars covering for them don't deserve to walk the streets.

Realistically, I don't think we will see all of that happen, but know that they will one day meet the Ultimate Judgement.

If AS is charged with involuntary manslaughter (or some other degree of homicide) regarding Elaina's death, couldn't she still be charged with child endangerment for the way she treated KS? Not just for what happened at the time of Elaina's injuries, horrific though that was, but before that. IIRC, several people claimed to have witnessed AS mistreating little KS when they were interviewed about the way AS treated Elaina. It's a separate case, and deserved to be given the attention of the court.

I hope that JK and the other adults who were in that house at the time of Elaina's "disappearance" charged soon. IMO, there's no way JK didn't know her house was unfit for human habitation. Surely that is tantamount to child endangerment, not just for KS and Elaina, but for JK's own grandchildren. IIRC, Ferretmommy said in an earlier thread that JK was telling people that the worst LE could charge SK with was abuse of a corpse. JMO, but I think this would mean that she knew Elaina was dead long before LE discovered Elaina's remains hidden among piles of refuse in JK's garage. So, couldn't JK also be charged with abuse of a corpse since she did nothing to give treat that baby's body with dignity and respect. How stone cold do you have to be to ignore what's happened to a vulnerable little child within your own home?

FYI Ohio laws regarding abuse of a corpse state that, unless directed by lawful authority, nobody may knowingly deal with a human corpse in a manner that would outrage either "reasonable family sensibilities" (2nd degree misdemeanor) or "reasonable community sensibilities" (5th degree felony). I think AS and SK have managed to do both!

One day closer to Justice for Elaina.
Critics accuse baby Elaina's family of misusing donations
by Eric Wildstein

Accusations are being published in the press via I have far too much respect for Terry Sr. and TJ to repost what is being said. Again, I am infuriated that a platform is being given for RS to spout off hurtful things against Elaina's father, and forcing him to defend himself (IMO). :banghead:

You can read what he's saying at the link at the bottom of the page. TS and TJ's responses are here:


“The money is going to T.J. and his girlfriend to pay utility bills and grocery bills,” said Schiewe.

Elaina’s paternal grandfather, Terry Steinfurth, Sr. responded to the accusation.

“The account was set up to help my son out with bills while he was off work, while he was out looking for his daughter, bills that would arise from looking for his daughter,” said Steinfurth. He continued, “He had another daughter that needed a roof over her head, and bills have to be paid to keep a roof over your head.”

However, officials at the Eggleston Meinert & Pavley funeral home told WNWO that no money has changed hands because they cannot move forward with the process until the completion of Elaina’s autopsy. :'(

Terry Steinfurth, Sr. said the funeral home will “work with T.J. to give the baby a funeral.”

Elaina’s father, T.J. Steinfurth, recently refuted claims from critics on the “Find Baby Elaina” Facebook page.

One post reads, “I have done nothing wrong.” He continues, “I have nothing to hide u can also go see I haven’t gone more than a couple months without a job since I was 16 I have worked for everything.”

His family asks only that their critics put themselves in their shoes.

More @ link
WTF ! Are you serious ? RICHARD **** SCHIEWE close your mouth before you go to far !
What's a little more salt in the wound at this point , eh Richie?
You know if I raised a daughter or step daughter that did what AS did ( even if she ' merely' allowed her BF to do the dirty deed) you would never see my face on tv saying anything except I AM SO SORRY ...... you would not see my words in print saying anything except PLEASE FORGIVE US. This guy and his mouth. I've had it !

''&#8220;The money is going to T.J. and his girlfriend to pay utility bills and grocery bills,&#8221; said Schiewe.'' And???????? So what ?????? The father of BOTH girls hasn't been able to work in months because your sweet little AS jerked everyone around for 4 months. He paid utility bills with it ? Oh the humanity !~ If the shoe were on the other foot, what would AS be paying with it? I'm sickened at this man. He has no right to say these things. He wants drama every day. Let's say for arguement's sake that TJ bought some new fancy tires for his car with it ... ( which i am sure he did not do) does that somehow negate AS's responsibility in any of this? Is there anything TJ can do today good or bad that changes what happened to the sweet angel Elaina while in her mother's care ?

I am furious. At the risk of mod snip RICHIE, SHUT THE HELL UP !

Sorry to rant on this angel's thread, but this family has been through enough and it's like the AS family is just out to torture and torment them even more . What could be worse than your child missing and then found dead? Well look at AS's family and you 'll get your answer. LEAVE THEM ALONE !

FM and Co . if there is any way to ignore these hateful words, please do. Hugs , again for your family .

Sickened !
Sigh......sorry guys. I'm a little calmer now.
People donating to the fund realize that TJ is without income.
Anything TJ may have bought or spent money on with his INCOME
is acceptable to spend the donation money on. Period, end of story !
Sigh......sorry guys. I'm a little calmer now.
People donating to the fund realize that TJ is without income.
Anything TJ may have bought or spent money on with his INCOME
is acceptable to spend the donation money on. Period, end of story !


Sounds like pure jealousy from RS. He wants the money to go into a RS pity fund. Sorry, not going to happen. What is wrong with that man???! It is such a shame that instead of coming together that people have to be so horrible. People are forgetting the focus should be on justice for baby Elaina. :twocents:

And the donations, It is the least that TJ and his family deserve!
It makes me feel like donating but i have no money. I hope others who have respond to the unusual persons comments by donating more.

Sounds like pure jealousy from RS. He wants the money to go into a RS pity fund. Sorry, not going to happen. What is wrong with that man???! It is such a shame that instead of coming together that people have to be so horrible. People are forgetting the focus should be on justice for baby Elaina. :twocents:

And the donations, It is the least that TJ and his family deserve!

Hundreds of people who never knew Elaina came together to help search for her - where were Dick and AS? She wouldn't even call 911 to report her own child as missing!
RS is showing pure jealousy (and ignorance) IMO. Some people wanted to put jars in carry-outs and TS asked them not to because others would set up their own and the chance of well-meaning people being defrauded was too high. The family didn't asked for money - the account was set up so that all contributions and expenditures could be documented after people kept asking how they could help financially. All approved fundraisers have been organized by people outside the family.
RS also set up an account 6 weeks after Elaina's disappearance (and 2 days after a bail bondsman was on tv saying he could get AS out of jail for a lot less than her $100,000/no 10% bond). He says it's for funeral expenses. What did he know while volunteers, the city and the FBI continued to spend time and money searching? He claims there's no money in it and if that's true, I'm not surprised. I wouldn't donate to an account set up by someone whose been caught in so many lies and continually tries to bring more grief to a family that is so deeply hurt by the loss of an innocent child they truly love.
Hundreds of people who never knew Elaina came together to help search for her - where were Dick and AS? She wouldn't even call 911 to report her own child as missing!
RS is showing pure jealousy (and ignorance) IMO. Some people wanted to put jars in carry-outs and TS asked them not to because others would set up their own and the chance of well-meaning people being defrauded was too high. The family didn't asked for money - the account was set up so that all contributions and expenditures could be documented after people kept asking how they could help financially. All approved fundraisers have been organized by people outside the family.
RS also set up an account 6 weeks after Elaina's disappearance (and 2 days after a bail bondsman was on tv saying he could get AS out of jail for a lot less than her $100,000/no 10% bond). He says it's for funeral expenses. What did he know while volunteers, the city and the FBI continued to spend time and money searching? He claims there's no money in it and if that's true, I'm not surprised. I wouldn't donate to an account set up by someone whose been caught in so many lies and continually tries to bring more grief to a family that is so deeply hurt by the loss of an innocent child they truly love.

All of that and more. If AS and/or SK had been forthcoming from day one, TJ would have been back to works 2 or 3 months ago and not be in a crisis right now. I remember thinking at the time about all those searches. When my kids were young, we were dirt POOR ! Fuel was a major luxury. Now imagine no income for weeks and no money at all and someone ( red herring) saying the baby is over there , go look, and you have to come up, count change, beg or borrow 20 for fuel, which may get you to the location and may not with gas prices how they are. Not only are they with no income , they are spending every day they have printing fliers and making calls and driving to places to search that are not even where the baby was, mind you ! It's infuriating. I hope the members of your family can keep their hands off of Mr RS because the last thing anyone needs is more legal complications.

My bet is RS is hoping some of the donated money will come his way so he can buy AS a good lawyer. As if anyone is donating for that reason. If he wants a lawyer for her, set up a donation and see how many people want her to get a better defense than the state of Ohio is giving her for free. ( which is actually not free, but paid for by the tax dollars of the bread winners like TJ when he's able to work )
I certainly hope elaina was not alive when she was put in that box. It hurts my heart too even think that! :(

Oh, no, if anything I would think the baby was whisked away, alive, until she could heal and then wherever she was taken, she later died there. Angela may have actually thought she was okay, or at least alive. That's the ONLY reasonable explanation I can come up with that would make any sense out of her going for that job interview the day after Elaina was 'kidnapped.'
Sigh......sorry guys. I'm a little calmer now.
People donating to the fund realize that TJ is without income.
Anything TJ may have bought or spent money on with his INCOME
is acceptable to spend the donation money on. Period, end of story !

:grouphug: No apologies needed! I think you said exactly what the rest of us were thinking.
RS has made himself look like a selfish, vindictive arse, and he did a fine job of it.
I personally don't care if TJ & family use that money to buy a pet monkey! If it gives them 2 minutes of happiness and peace, then I say it's well worth it.
Hundreds of people who never knew Elaina came together to help search for her - where were Dick and AS? She wouldn't even call 911 to report her own child as missing!
RS is showing pure jealousy (and ignorance) IMO. Some people wanted to put jars in carry-outs and TS asked them not to because others would set up their own and the chance of well-meaning people being defrauded was too high. The family didn't asked for money - the account was set up so that all contributions and expenditures could be documented after people kept asking how they could help financially. All approved fundraisers have been organized by people outside the family.
RS also set up an account 6 weeks after Elaina's disappearance (and 2 days after a bail bondsman was on tv saying he could get AS out of jail for a lot less than her $100,000/no 10% bond). He says it's for funeral expenses. What did he know while volunteers, the city and the FBI continued to spend time and money searching? He claims there's no money in it and if that's true, I'm not surprised. I wouldn't donate to an account set up by someone whose been caught in so many lies and continually tries to bring more grief to a family that is so deeply hurt by the loss of an innocent child they truly love.

Cherub, Ferret, I just want to say that you are an amazing family. I admire so much the strength and courage that you have through all of this. It is a shame that the other families involved cannot follow your example. You will all make it through this in time, as hard as it is. Little K has some wonderful role models! Bless you!
Oh, no, if anything I would think the baby was whisked away, alive, until she could heal and then wherever she was taken, she later died there. Angela may have actually thought she was okay, or at least alive. That's the ONLY reasonable explanation I can come up with that would make any sense out of her going for that job interview the day after Elaina was 'kidnapped.'

There are so many things that make no sense to me. Who in their right mind would even go to a job when their baby is "missing." (or hurt badly for that matter). And RS took her to her job, says a lot for him as well. :banghead:

There are so many things with this case that just make my head spin.

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