GUILTY OH - Emily Rimel, 5, Columbus, 7 Dec 2004

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Trial Could Lead Suspect To Reveal Girl's Fate

Emily Rimel vanished from her home on December 7th. The man accused of raping and kidnapping the five year old still refuses to talk.

At this point, it appears Lindsey Bruce has little to lose by keeping his mouth shut. A jury could soon change his mind.

Emily’s family held a Valentine’s Day vigil for the missing child.

"We just want her home so she can be with her family," Jane Rimel said.

Holding a paper heart with a picture of her child in the center of it, Jane Rimel's heart is breaking. More than two months after Emily's disappearance, the man accused of taking her daughter is not talking to authorities.

“This is driving me crazy. He knows where my little girl is,” Rimel said of the suspect in her daughter’s disappearance, Lindsey Bruce.

Bruce is currently charged with kidnapping and raping Emily. Franklin County prosecutors say they have DNA evidence to help prove the case.

The state offered Bruce a deal: tell the whereabouts of the girl, and authorities will not seek the death penalty against him.

"Certainly it's difficult for someone to provide information that might put them in the electric chair, so to speak,” prosecutor Ron O’Brien reasoned.

But Bruce still isn't talking. Now, 10TV has learned that a jury could help change his mind.

If Bruce is convicted of rape when he goes to trial next month, he could go to prison for life. If that happens, Bruce would have new incentive to talk. That’s because prosecutors say if police solve Emily's disappearance without Bruce's help, all deals are off.

While police and prosecutors clearly suspect the little girl is dead, Emily's mother says she is not giving up hope her daughter may still be found alive.

"I feel God meant for me to have my little girl. I don't think he'd take her away,” Jane Rimel said.

Anyone with information about Emily Rimel’s disappearance is being asked to contact the Madison Township Police Department.


Thanks for the update.
I pray that they have an answer soon--
what a long,long time for her family.

with love,

Ariel :(
I thought for sure that Emily had been found. When are they going to have this creeps trial...anyone know or did they have it already?

Doesn't this case sound just like Evelyn? Evelyn was at home with her mother's live in. She was 5 yrs. Friends of the boyfriend stopped by late at night. Evelyn's mother was working all night...came home and Evelyn was gone. Evelyn was found in a river though. No one arrested in her case.

I feel so bad for this family. To know that a person that you trusted and even allowed to stay in your home could do something so horrible to your child has to be so hard to take. Maybe LE should let the mother's boyfriend pay the rapist/murderer a visit....alone in a small room.

This guy goes to prison on a child rape charge I hope that the other prisoners take care of him. They don't like baby killers.

I find it interesting that the guys that are going to testify against this creep are guys that are in jail for doing the same thing...except for one of them. Maybe that will make them even more believable???
Bobbisangel said:
I thought for sure that Emily had been found. When are they going to have this creeps trial...anyone know or did they have it already?

Doesn't this case sound just like Evelyn? Evelyn was at home with her mother's live in. She was 5 yrs. Friends of the boyfriend stopped by late at night. Evelyn's mother was working all night...came home and Evelyn was gone. Evelyn was found in a river though. No one arrested in her case.

I feel so bad for this family. To know that a person that you trusted and even allowed to stay in your home could do something so horrible to your child has to be so hard to take. Maybe LE should let the mother's boyfriend pay the rapist/murderer a visit....alone in a small room.

This guy goes to prison on a child rape charge I hope that the other prisoners take care of him. They don't like baby killers.

I find it interesting that the guys that are going to testify against this creep are guys that are in jail for doing the same thing...except for one of them. Maybe that will make them even more believable???

I agreee-- at times the prison population has more sense of justice than our
court system sadly enuff.
This case tears me up...
I will never forget her little face.

Glad there are ppl to testify against him...
but, iirc, they did find her dna --- ON HIM,
where it should NEVER have been... :(

with much love,

I've been following Emily's story since she first went missing. I have a daughter the same age as Emily and it breaks my heart she can't be found. I have read some disturbing things on other forums about the man accused of raping and kidnapping Emily and the strength of the charges against him and I wondered if anyone else has any information about Emily and this crime that they haven't shared with the rest of the forum?
ariel7 said:
I agreee-- at times the prison population has more sense of justice than our
court system sadly enuff.
This case tears me up...
I will never forget her little face.

Glad there are ppl to testify against him...
but, iirc, they did find her dna --- ON HIM,
where it should NEVER have been... :(

with much love,


They found her DNA on his privates and the little girl hasn't been seen since.
Why doesn't that equal murder? I suppose they don't want to charge him with murder in case a dingy jury would find him innocent and he couldn't be charged again if her body is found.

I hope that they find this little one. Her mom needs to know where he little girl is. I don't know how parents survive missing children. I don't think that I could maintain mentally and emotionally.
I have read that following and wanted to know what you all thought:
1. The DNA was not Emily's but was in fact Bruce's girl friends
2. The mother changed her story about putting Emily to bed early because she was ill 3.The mother couldn't remember what PJs Emily had on when she put her to bed and wasn't sure who actually had put her to bed and whaen
4. The forum I read had a post that said they believe the police arrested Bruce because they really had no clue what had happened to Emily and they needed a scapegoat

I really DO NOT want to believe that LE doesn't have the right guy. I REALLY want to think Bruce will eventually crack and show LE where Emily is. I can't even begin to imagine the anguish emily's mother must feel not knowing where Emily is. I feel sick just thinking about it and I have only read about Emily.
Montanagirl said:
I have read that following and wanted to know what you all thought:
1. The DNA was not Emily's but was in fact Bruce's girl friends
2. The mother changed her story about putting Emily to bed early because she was ill 3.The mother couldn't remember what PJs Emily had on when she put her to bed and wasn't sure who actually had put her to bed and whaen
4. The forum I read had a post that said they believe the police arrested Bruce because they really had no clue what had happened to Emily and they needed a scapegoat

I really DO NOT want to believe that LE doesn't have the right guy. I REALLY want to think Bruce will eventually crack and show LE where Emily is. I can't even begin to imagine the anguish emily's mother must feel not knowing where Emily is. I feel sick just thinking about it and I have only read about Emily.

I went back and read the article that talks about Emily's DNA and it was a quote from LE that Emily's DNA was found on his genitals. So that pretty much settles that.

The boyfriend is the one who put Emily to bed so he is the one that would know what she was wearing to bed. She may not have been ready for bed when mom left for work unless she slept in her clothes and would have had the same clothing on that she had been in all day.

I can't think of any reason why LE would need a scapegoat. They had to have some evidence in order to arrest him and charge him with rape and kidnapping. You can bet the DNA is Emily's because that is the only way they could charge him with rape. Evidentally the creep didn't believe in taking showers.

Sounds like whoever came up with the statements on another forum doesn't know what they are talking about and hasn't read the news articles..IMO.

Hopefully Bruce will tell them where Emily is....
I'm new here, so you have to forgive my uncertainty on things.

Everything you quote is what I have read in the media so that's what I thought was the truth. I read a lot of things on other forums that are posted by people allegedly 'close' to the crime and the things I read were posted by someone who says he knows Emily's family and Bruce. The poster says that the media is feeding the public what they want to read, not neccessarily what is true. They also said that the family had an argument with a known sex offender that lived in their apartment complex weeks prior to Emily's abduction that was so heated that the creep kicked in the screen door to Emily's apartment and allegedly yelled that they would 'get even' with Emily's family.

I have not heard any of this in the news, and actually have doubts to the validity of the claims, but was just wondering what you guys thought? The posts on this forum seem to me to be much more informed and logical so I wanted your opinions. More for my own education than anything else I guess.
Montanagirl said:
I'm new here, so you have to forgive my uncertainty on things.

Everything you quote is what I have read in the media so that's what I thought was the truth. I read a lot of things on other forums that are posted by people allegedly 'close' to the crime and the things I read were posted by someone who says he knows Emily's family and Bruce. The poster says that the media is feeding the public what they want to read, not neccessarily what is true. They also said that the family had an argument with a known sex offender that lived in their apartment complex weeks prior to Emily's abduction that was so heated that the creep kicked in the screen door to Emily's apartment and allegedly yelled that they would 'get even' with Emily's family.

I have not heard any of this in the news, and actually have doubts to the validity of the claims, but was just wondering what you guys thought? The posts on this forum seem to me to be much more informed and logical so I wanted your opinions. More for my own education than anything else I guess.
I haven't read all that was posted here about this child, and haven't heard much on the sexual offender that lived in the same complex, but if police haven't already done so, that is one lead they should be tracking down, with sexual offenders in or near a place where children are and comments like what he allegeded should be taken seriously, remember poor little jessica in florida, only yards from the safety of her own house died a horrible death at the hands of a sexual offender. most abductions " approx 80 percent " are done by someone known to the family, the other 20 or so percent are stranger abductions. it is more than a great chance that the person that did this is known by the family and most likely the sexual offender that you mentioned. the media is only allowed by le to release information that is not sensitive to the case. all that we read about on any one certain case here at websleuths or any other forums are either info that is gathered from media and or just the written opinions of our thoughts and ideas about a case as we see it in our own judgement.
DNA does not lie, people do! That creep had sexual contact with a 5 year old girl!!! He is guity!!! He never claimed he left her alive!
I know that DNA is more trustworthy than people are, but as far as I know he hasn't admitted to doing anything with or to Emily. But what if, and this is my own opinion, he wasn't the only perp? What if he had help or if someone else was there? What if the other person(s) kept her or dropped her somewhere and LE has stopped investigating because of the tips fellow inmates gave them about Bruce's confession? If they are searching for Emily based on Bruce and his actions they may be missing something.
Emily Rimel disappeared from her bed in December. Nine months later, charges have been filed, but there is still no sign of the girl.

Next week will mark a new chapter in the case. That's when Lindsay Bruce is scheduled to stand trial on charges of kidnapping and rape.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys said the case comes down to which DNA expert jurors will believe.

When the trial begins, it will be the first trial in Franklin County where there is no victim.
Emily Rimel disappeared from her bed in December. Nine months later, charges have been filed, but there is still no sign of the girl.

Next week will mark a new chapter in the case. That's when Lindsay Bruce is scheduled to stand trial on charges of kidnapping and rape.

Now that the trial is starting, I started a new thread in the Trial forum
Montanagirl said:
I know that DNA is more trustworthy than people are, but as far as I know he hasn't admitted to doing anything with or to Emily. But what if, and this is my own opinion, he wasn't the only perp? What if he had help or if someone else was there? What if the other person(s) kept her or dropped her somewhere and LE has stopped investigating because of the tips fellow inmates gave them about Bruce's confession? If they are searching for Emily based on Bruce and his actions they may be missing something.

Well, LE knows that Bruce raped this little girl because of the DNA. It will be hard for him to talk his way out of that. They may not be able to prove murder and so they aren't charging him with murder....yet. LE has the rest of Bruce's life to prove murder and they will continue to look for leads and evidence. If there was another person involved then Bruce would be smart to speak up. If he didn't murder Emily then he would be smart to say who did so that LE would stop focusing on him. I really doubt that anyone else was involved though. One criminal usually doesn't protect another criminal..they usually sing their heads off because they want a reduced sentence.

Bruce isn't going to admit to murdering Emily. LE will have to find her body and prove that he did it.
Jury selection began Monday in the trial of a man accused of raping a 5-year-old girl.

The defense and prosecution teams agreed that jury selection will be difficult because so many prospective jurors indicated that they had heard of Lindsay Bruce and Emily Rimel.
In court, Rimel's mother had to identify her 5-year-old daughter's shoes and winter coat she left behind the day she was last seen, NBC 4's Nancy Burton reported.

Jane Rimel shared her pain with a jury comprised of six men and six women, who will now determine if Lindsey Bruce, a once trusted family friend, kidnapped and raped the girl.

"Lindsey Bruce was the sole focus of this investigation," Young said. "This was an overaggressive investigation before they got the necessary evidence."

More than six witnesses testified in court Tuesday, including the lead detective from the case, who defense lawyers tried to discredit.

Young claimed Bruce was the prime suspect from the beginning, not two registered sexual predators who lived in the Rimel neighborhood.
The man accused of raping Emily Rimel listened as his fellow inmates testified against him, claiming Lindsey Bruce knows what happened to Emily.

According to testimony, Bruce did a lot of talking at the Franklin County jail after his arrest. They are words the prosecutor hopes will send him to prison for life.

Four inmates took the stand Wednesday to tell of Bruce's confession. All of these inmates were in the Franklin County jail with Bruce after his arrest in December.

The testimony from one of them was especially specific about what Bruce did to 5-year-old Emily Rimel in the child's bedroom.

Earl Anderson says, "He had intercourse with her. She threatened to tell, he choked her."
Montanagirl said:
Here's another link to essentially the same story, different site. Does Ohio have the Death Penalty?

I hope this piece of garbage rots in hell.

Yes, Ohio does have the death penalty, and I thought it was an automatic thing when a child under the age of 13 is killed.
I don't see it mentioned in the articles, but that could be for one of two reasons- the media considers it to be automatic so they don't mention it, or the death penalty was taken off the table, because since there is no body it is sometimes hard to get a jury to agree to it.

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