OH OH - Harley Dilly, 14, enroute to Port Clinton High School, 20 Dec 2019

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I’m trying to keep up but I’m having trouble discerning fact from rumor/FB/etc.

Is this correct?

Harley was at school on Thursday, December 19th. - Has not been confirmed by any official source.

Harley went to a friend’s house after school on that same day. - Was at friends at 7pm is all we know (not when he got there)

He was asked to go home at 7pm. Ring Cam at residence shows him leaving friends residence at 7:24pm Dec 19th per chief at presser

His friend (school?) and the friend’s family were the last to physically see and speak to Harley.
- Unknown what family is saying but this is the last sighting outside of family that LE has confirmed.

His mother said she spoke to him but did not “see” him. Unknown date/time
. - Reportedly before School on Dec 19th based on the interviewers question (she gave the time)

*His mother is employed? If not, she would be home most of the time especially with a 4 year old at home. - This has not been officially reported but it appears mom does not work outside the house based on Facebook official missing pages she has a home based business.

*Harley’s Phone is broken. How was he communicating with his mother about being at friends, when coming home, etc. Unless this is a next door neighbor friend, I’m curious about this free range arrangement. - Free arrangement seems to be the norm for this family based on things chief has said at press conferences . It was not unusual for Harley to get upset and go to a friends but only once overnight.

*His parents went to dinner with the 4 year old but without Harley?
- Unknown/ unconfirmed if "R" was with parents that evening.

*Did Harley go directly from school to the friends house?
- Unknown / Unconfirmed

according to mom- he came into her bedroom Friday morning, she spoke with him but could not SEE him, it was too dark. She said she could not elaborate for fear of endangering him.
It's actually a strategy that is sometimes used working with kids who have self-esteem issues or who see themselves in an unfavorable light.

Focusing on ways that they are helpers is hoped to change their self image a bit for the better. So that instead of the kid who thinks they are always getting in trouble or can't do anything right or however they might feel, they could start to also see the good that they can do. Obviously, whether or not it works as a positive or is too much pressure or what not would depend on the situation.

I don't know if it's appropriate to emphasize to a 14 year old how much it helps you to have him with you for a medical treatment or not. Harley's older than most of the kids I worked with and I don't have any special insight into his situation.

I have no idea if this is something recommended by the therapists or others working with this child of course, this is only based on my own experiences.

If Harley did run away, it may be because of feeling too much pressure, or it could have been another reason entirely, I have no opinion on that. I'm just really hoping that he did runaway since it means he could come back safe and healthy. Moo.
In my profession I’ve worked with the patient care of younger people with children and part of the patient care is keeping their family comfortable.

In some cases, the family feels like they’re doing nothing and it helps the kids to know they’re being helpful to an extent. “I’m gonna lean mom forward, can you put the pillow behind her” “can you tie your dad’s shoes” or even “your mom is just upset and scared, and needs you to comfort her” but it’s also important to emphasize that major things are NOT their job, frequently people have a hard time with that boundary.

It’s harder with adolescences because you also get their increased feeling of “I’m a grown up, I can do it” so a lot of times they or their family can push them too far.

Which is why, in the event of a health crisis, if people have children a lot of facilities will suggest some sort of therapy or support group. To help keep those boundaries.
How is your son handling it?
My son was 14 when a local girl went missing. Autumn Pasquale. He wanted to help, so we went to be part of the search, they were breaking people into small groups and assigning places based on a grid map. It was very crowded with volunteers as we were in line waiting for over an hour our grid map assignment- I was overwhelmed with the fear of us actually finding her....my gut told me it was gonna be bad- I withdrew us from that line and instead got in another line - to get flyers - we handed out flyers at a busy intersection all day long.
He had nightmares for awhile. At 22 he still talks about it all the time.
It’s a struggle as a parent when your own kid is the same age and it’s local.

My son is one of those "beyond his years" types (most assume he's 18-20). He's a very scientific kid and the adults around him all have professions in which missing kids is normal chatter in our home. He's already taking forensics and psychology (science charter school).

So he's maybe not a good measuring stick on reaction. He was first in line to pull Harley's Discord and gaming information when Harley went missing. We're very close and overall I'd say he's doing okay. I have noticed more hugs since Harley went missing. Not quite sure if that's for me ... him... or both.
There has been LE involvement with this family. IIRC, posters have stated that HD has been diagnosed with PTSD.

IF HD takes a prescription for ADHD....

*Snipped by me*

There has been absolutely NO confirmed information on any diagnosis'es for Harley. There has been no indication by LE that he takes any medication. LE has made only one statement that he may not warm up to people easily.

There are a ton of rumors of about a dozen possible diagnosis for Harley (based on things mom has said) but I really think if they were true confirmed diagnosis's , LE would have included that information in his missing listings.
I was thinking the same thing. I can see cell phone and other internet records being subpoenaed...but who could they be executing warrants on? I would hope anyone like the sister or the friend's parents would be consenting to a search, no warrants needed, no?
Some SM will not release data unless subpoenaed, especially phone companies with text messages ‍♀️
according to mom- he came into her bedroom Friday morning, she spoke with him but could not SEE him, it was too dark. She said she could not elaborate for fear of endangering him.

Where did she say he came into her room ?

Mother of Harley Dilly pleads for his safe return In this article it says: " Asked when she last saw her son and whether it was that Friday morning, Dilly said, "I didn’t see him, I talked to him. There’s a difference. That’s really all we can say, it’s an open investigation and that’s the biggest thing people are not understanding. We can’t share because we don’t want to jeopardize him."
Anyone have more info on the Fremont sighting??? All I know is the name I "think" I heard in the video has a Fremont connection....just a thought. I am hopeful this is the case... please let it be he is safe.
according to mom- he came into her bedroom Friday morning, she spoke with him but could not SEE him, it was too dark. She said she could not elaborate for fear of endangering him.

Do you have a link to where mom says "can not elaborate for fear of endangering him" because I only have a reporter voice over saying "cannot elaborate for fear of endangering the investigation".

If mom says "fear of endangering HIM" that might be an interesting slip of the tongue!
IF, he did indeed break his own phone immediately prior to Christmas in hopes of receiving a new one, he wouldn’t be the first! My son has managed some pretty unbelievable ways to break a phone, one being that he fell down the stairs. He wasn’t hurt but that phone was destroyed!
Also it sounds like Harley’s phone would have been his life line for more than one reason. IMO
Do we know anything about in what way it was broken? Like did the screen work, was the phone damaged to the point that it would be useless? Hubby broke the screen on his Iphone and you couldn’t see anything but you could use Siri commands to make calls and send/read text.
Where did she say he came into her room ?

Mother of Harley Dilly pleads for his safe return In this article it says: " Asked when she last saw her son and whether it was that Friday morning, Dilly said, "I didn’t see him, I talked to him. There’s a difference. That’s really all
Where did she say he came into her room ?

Mother of Harley Dilly pleads for his safe return In this article it says: " Asked when she last saw her son and whether it was that Friday morning, Dilly said, "I didn’t see him, I talked to him. There’s a difference. That’s really all we can say, it’s an open investigation and that’s the biggest thing people are not understanding. We can’t share because we don’t want to jeopardize him."

we can say, it’s an open investigation and that’s the biggest thing people are not understanding. We can’t share because we don’t want to jeopardize him."

She elaborated in a Facebook post and said he came into her bedroom
I’m not sure, I just don’t know, how I’m going to be able to handle this if Harley doesn’t appear. I once let a little boy named Lucas capture my heart. My heart ended up broken. I had to take a long WS break after that. I’ve watched nearly every one of Harley’s videos. My granddaughter has been watching some of them with me. I’ve shared the general narrative of his story with her from the very beginning. This is evolving into a bonding teaching tool for us to use and benefit from going forward into her teens. She’ll be 13 in March. Social Media seems to be so in the forefront of kids minds. She’s my last grandbaby so I wanna hold onto her for as long as I can. I wanna just keep her safe. Exciting times are coming for her. Middle school. It’s a little scary. I don’t wanna let her go.

She asks about Harley every day now. She can understand him in ways I can’t. She says he’s really into working the audience for subs. That he’s had to been watching YouTube for a really long time to learn the lingo and style. She’s right. He’s pretty good.

You know, I see great possibilities in this kid. He’s bright, creative, confident, personable, open, determined, stubborn and vocal. He’ll probably grow up to be a charismatic speaker. Or a leader, teacher, whatever he wants to be.

Harley, kiddo...you gotta go home now. It’s time. You can come out. It’s gonna be okay. People are going to be there for you and for your family. Help is coming buddy. Find a phone. Call 911. Tell them who you are. Tell them you want to go home. You want to see your mom and dad, baby brother and your sister. Things can be different. Sure, your life and family is on blast right now. That’s why things will be different. Change and protection is coming for you Harley. And for your family. So many people care and want to help. And they will. You’ll see.

C’mon baby, pick up a phone. You can do this. ❤️
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Do you have a link to where mom says "can not elaborate for fear of endangering him" because I only have a reporter voice over saying "cannot elaborate for fear of endangering the investigation".

If mom says "fear of endangering HIM" that might be an interesting slip of the tongue!

It was jeopardize him.... here's the link Mother of Harley Dilly pleads for his safe return
Do we know anything about in what way it was broken? Like did the screen work, was the phone damaged to the point that it would be useless? Hubby broke the screen on his Iphone and you couldn’t see anything but you could use Siri commands to make calls and send/read text.
Unfortunately we do not know and it’s odd to me because even if a screen was broken/shattered/whatever I would never leave my kids without some method to text or call. The phone likely still worked.
Even if he wasn’t able to access social media he should have been allowed to have access in an emergency especially with parents out to dinner, allegedly not feeling well that morning and going to friend’s house that afternoon. Also we know he was left out in the cold before which is unfathomable to me because I would never leave kids out in the cold but would be more concerned about them being alone outside despite the weather. It’s as simple as if they have a phone and/or a house key they can contact you or a neighbor to be safely inside.
Sadly, we know so little especially with regard to what anyone said being corroborated by friends and neighbors. LE doesn’t want people searching yet which concerns me even more.
I’m not sure, I just don’t know, how I’m going to be able to handle this if Harley doesn’t appear. I once let a little boy named Lucas capture my heart. My heart ended up broken. I had to take a long WS break after that. I’ve watched nearly every one of Harley’s videos. My granddaughter has been watching some of them with me. I’ve shared the general narrative of his story with her from the very beginning. This is evolving into a bonding teaching tool for us to use and benefit from going forward into her teens. She’ll be 13 in March. Social Media seems to be so in the forefront of kids minds. She’s my last grandbaby so I wanna hold onto her for as long as I can. I wanna just keep her safe. Exciting times are coming for her. Middle school. It’s a little scary. I don’t wanna let her go.

She asks about Harley every day now. She can understand him in ways I can’t. She says he’s really into working the audience for subs. That he’s had to been watching YouTube for a really long time to learn the lingo and style. She’s right. He’s pretty good.

You know, I see great possibilities in this kid. He’s bright, creative, confident, personable, open, determined, stubborn and vocal. He’ll probably grow up to be a charismatic speaker. Or a leader, teacher, whatever he wants to be.

Harley, kiddo...you gotta go home now. It’s time. You can come out. It’s gonna be okay. People are going to be there for you and for your family. Help is coming buddy. Find a phone. Call 911. Tell them who you are. Tell them you want to go home. You want to see your mom and dad, baby brother and your sister. Things can be different. Things will be different. Change and protection is coming for you Harley. And for your family. So many people care and want to help. And they will. You’ll see.

C’mon baby, pick up a phone. You can do this. ❤️

Thank you for writing this. Through my tears, I read this to my husband. This kid has gotten to me. I may not have cared as much had he just been a picture on the news but he left us a trail to understand him, to know him and to see into his world. I really hope he's ok and that he comes back.
Unfortunately we do not know and it’s odd to me because even if a screen was broken/shattered/whatever I would never leave my kids without some method to text or call. The phone likely still worked.
Even if he wasn’t able to access social media he should have been allowed to have access in an emergency especially with parents out to dinner, allegedly not feeling well that morning and going to friend’s house that afternoon. Also we know he was left out in the cold before which is unfathomable to me because I would never leave kids out in the cold but would be more concerned about them being alone outside despite the weather. It’s as simple as if they have a phone and/or a house key they can contact you or a neighbor to be safely inside.
Sadly, we know so little especially with regard to what anyone said being corroborated by friends and neighbors. LE doesn’t want people searching yet which concerns me even more.
I agree, my son is 10 and has a cell phone (no SM, downloads and history checked frequently) because he spends weekends with grandparents and rides the bus to/from school and if something happens he wouldn’t know how to unlock their phones to contact us. He also has a house key. And when he goes outside to play, I go out too.

Also we keep our old phones so if our current one breaks we just switch the SIM card. Is it possible HD thought to do this and his parents were unaware?
I’m not sure, I just don’t know, how I’m going to be able to handle this if Harley doesn’t appear. I once let a little boy named Lucas capture my heart. My heart ended up broken. I had to take a long WS break after that. I’ve watched nearly every one of Harley’s videos. My granddaughter has been watching some of them with me. I’ve shared the general narrative of his story with her from the very beginning. This is evolving into a bonding teaching tool for us to use and benefit from going forward into her teens. She’ll be 13 in March. Social Media seems to be so in the forefront of kids minds. She’s my last grandbaby so I wanna hold onto her for as long as I can. I wanna just keep her safe. Exciting times are coming for her. Middle school. It’s a little scary. I don’t wanna let her go.

She asks about Harley every day now. She can understand him in ways I can’t. She says he’s really into working the audience for subs. That he’s had to been watching YouTube for a really long time to learn the lingo and style. She’s right. He’s pretty good.

You know, I see great possibilities in this kid. He’s bright, creative, confident, personable, open, determined, stubborn and vocal. He’ll probably grow up to be a charismatic speaker. Or a leader, teacher, whatever he wants to be.

Harley, kiddo...you gotta go home now. It’s time. You can come out. It’s gonna be okay. People are going to be there for you and for your family. Help is coming buddy. Find a phone. Call 911. Tell them who you are. Tell them you want to go home. You want to see your mom and dad, baby brother and your sister. Things can be different. Sure, your life and family is on blast right now. That’s why things will be different. Change and protection is coming for you Harley. And for your family. So many people care and want to help. And they will. You’ll see.

C’mon baby, pick up a phone. You can do this. ❤️

Grandma I really do love to be in threads with you(I wish they didnt usually turn out to be bad news though:() your posts always warm my heart x
If Harley has been hiding out at someone’s home that has been away for the holidays, he should be resurfacing today or tomorrow.
Harley seems to like school, and he’d want to be getting back to it, and his friends.

This theory is one heck of a long shot at this point, but I’m just not ready to give in to the conclusion of any grim (and frankly likely) outcomes.

Every now and again a subject of these threads really gets in to your heart. Harley has mine. I think despite his quirks and tribulations, he just seems like a really neat kid with a whole lot of promise.

Please, let this one come home...

Amateur opinion and speculation

We must be related or psychically connected (neither of which I actually believe, BTW.). But wow! It is like you articulate my thoughts. My head is telling me one thing, but my heart is looking for any scenario that would bring Harley home safe.
I agree, my son is 10 and has a cell phone (no SM, downloads and history checked frequently) because he spends weekends with grandparents and rides the bus to/from school and if something happens he wouldn’t know how to unlock their phones to contact us. He also has a house key. And when he goes outside to play, I go out too.

Also we keep our old phones so if our current one breaks we just switch the SIM card. Is it possible HD thought to do this and his parents were unaware?
Possibly but wouldn’t he have to take to a phone place to be reactivated? Lol Idk how these things work! I am blessed to have a son and husband who take care of these things for me.
The first phone my son had at 10 was a flip phone precisely because I needed the reassurance that he could call/text or needed whenever he was away from us. I don’t understand leaving Harley with zero means of communication. You don’t require a smart phone to maintain contact between kids and parents.
Site is being wonky and parts of posts aren't showing up properly.

But I wanted to say after watching this latest transcribed video (good job, btw) ; the family reminds me strongly of the family of the nine year old who allegedly burned down his family's trailer with the boyfriend and and elderly woman and three toddlers.
Only the boy and his mom escaped.
The video that Harley uploaded gave me the same vibe.
Very sad and disturbing to hear. :(
Shudders of that little 9 year old boy (KA) in the Goodfield fire. I’ve watched every video. I got in there and downloaded every single one of them before they started deleting them on YouTube. Took me a long time and I had to rewatch all of them to do it. I did not sleep well that night. At all. Between that thread and the Berks County sibling hangings, I took a brief hiatus from WS.
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