OH OH - Harley Dilly, 14, walking to Port Clinton High School, 20 Dec 2019 #2

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That's NOT what the scientific research is showing:


A small body of research is showing worryingly high rates of suicidality in people with autism. In a large-scale clinical study of adults newly diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, 66% reported that they had contemplated suicide, significantly higher than rates among the UK general population (17%) and patients with psychosis (59%); 35% had planned or attempted suicide. A large-scale population study showed that suicide is a leading cause of premature death in people with autism.

Suicide risk in autism | Autism Speaks

Suicide rates are a national concern, and it is important to know that individuals on the autism spectrum are among those at risk for suicide. Research in this area is still emerging, but studies show that individuals with autism may be at greater risk for suicide and show higher than average rates of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

I could cite numerous other studies, but I don't want to derail the thread.

For one thing, we don't even know whether or not HD has been diagnosed as having an ASD.

I think it's important, though, to be sure of one's facts when one claims to speak as one having professional expertise on any given subject matter.

Your anecdotal observations aside, I do see suicide as a possibility here.

As always and ever, JMO.
For one thing, we don't even know whether or not HD has been diagnosed as having an ASD.

This most important statement is critical to how important the TOS are. That alleged diagnosis has interfered with this discussion since the initial post referencing it. It’s now too late to hit the undo button. We can’t unwind time. Follow the rules, folks and most of all- I’m talking to myself. Harley is still missing. Tick tock goes the clock. I think mapping is a great way to get this thread back on track. JMHO
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Bumping Tricia's post:

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Same here,my older boys are 20 and 24 and have just recently left home,and if they were out during the night I was always aware if they had come home and if they weren't back by a time I would have expected them to be in,I would at first text and thankfully 9/10 i would get a "sorry,staying at a mates" reply. If no reply then frantic ringing until they picked up(thankfully they always picked up!).
Confession - my son’s apartment is about 1.5. miles away from mine. When he first moved out, I’d do a late night drive-by to make sure his car was there.
Yeah. If Harley even looks sideways the police are called, but he disappears for 41 hrs before police are notified,on SM or by or direct call? Because not even sure about that at this point. Plus not answer the school call,when Harley claimed he wasn't feeling well. I wish someone from the FBI would do a presser. Because I think this is beyond local LEO scope, and wonder if there could be a conflict of interest.

Agree on all points.

To your last point, I also have been underwhelmed by the local Chief, but find it reassuring that he's accessed a lot of other LEAs, including state and federal, to assist his department in the investigation.

I think he recognized he was out of his depths with this case, especially after HD's disappearance drew a huge media focus and he quickly found the case under the intense glare of the national spotlight.

I'd to see LE hold a presser where several of the agencies involved are at the podium, and they allow reporters to actually ask some questions.

I'd also love to know whether or not LE has developed an evidence-based working theory at this point re: what led to HD's disappearance.

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Port Clinton Police Department
*** REWARD UPDATE, Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 ***

$18,095.00 for information leading to the safe return of HARLEY DILLY

On Tuesday, January 7th, 2020, we received a check for $250.00 from Certified Restoration.

On Tuesday, January 7th, 2020, we received a check for $250.00 from Squeaky Peak, LLC.

On Tuesday, January 7th, 2020, we received cash in the amount of $40.00 from Linda Shepard.

On Monday, January 6th, 2020, we received a check for $5,925.00 from monies collected from residents of our community, and complete strangers from Ohio and the rest of the Country through Fisherman’s Wharf “********” page.

On Monday, January 6th, 2020, we received cash in the amount of $100.00 from William Buskey.

On Saturday, January 4th, 2020, we received cash in the amount of $250.00 from Dwight D. Ramsdell.

On Friday, January 3rd, 2020, we received a check for $500.00 from Firelands Plumbing, LLC.

On Thursday, January 2nd, 2020, we received a check for $2,200.00 from RadAir Complete Car Care.

On Monday, December 30th, 2019 we received a check for $125.00 from Catawba Island Jewelers.

On Saturday, December 28th, 2019 we received a check for $2,000.00 from the owners and employees of Fisherman’s Wharf and BeYoutiful Hair/Nail Salon.

On Thursday, December 26th, 2019 we received a check for $1,000.00 from Susan & James Waingrow.

We have just been contacted by the Sandusky Co-Founder of Bikers Against Abused And Neglected Children (B.A.A.N.C.), who have graciously committed an additional $2,000.00 to the REWARD regarding information leading to the safe return of HARLEY DILLY...

The Port Clinton Police Department along with Ottawa County Prosecutor, James VanEerten is offering a $2,000.00 REWARD for information leading to the safe return of HARLEY DILLY…

HARLEY was last seen on December 20th, 2019 in Port Clinton, Ohio, as Harley was leaving for school between the hours of 6:00am and 7:00am but never arrived. He was last seen wearing glasses, grey sweatpants, a maroon “puffy” jacket, and black tennis shoes. Law enforcement is concerned for his safety.

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Race/Ethnicity: White

Height: 4’9”

Weight: 100 lbs

Hair color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

PLEASE contact the Port Clinton Police Department at;

(419) 734-3121.


National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at;

(800) 843-5678.

Chief Hickman

I wish Harley's disappearance timeline was as accurate as this reward timeline.
Volunteer search for Harley Dilly canceled due to forecast


PORT CLINTON, Ohio — A volunteer search 14-year-old Harley Dilly that was scheduled for Saturday has been canceled due to the possibility of inclement weather.

Well. Bummer.

As if this case didn't have us bummed out enough already.

I know locals have been eager to help...looks like Ma Nature has other plans this weekend.
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Children also survive with worse. The fact that he just matter of factly closes the video also says a lot. I have seen, and worked with, a lot of kids on the autism spectrum. I feel confidant in the fact that he is on the high functioning level, most often known as a person with Aspergers. To be honest, killing themselves is the last thing on earth a kid with Aspergers would ever contemplate. It just wouldn't make sense to them.

In the horrible environment provided by his parents having his disability is actually a blessing. He recognizes his parents as being unacceptable, as being something he should be ashamed of, but he probably doesn't emotionally feel it is all that bad. He just knows from his learning, it is wrong.

The fact is, I doubt he would ever be suicidal. In 43 years of practice I have never had a suicidal Aspergers client. Homicidal, well that is another issue.

You should meet my Asperger's son, he's 31 and has been wanting to die since he was a young child. He doesn't want to commit homicide no matter how much he hates someone but sadly death is his wish. It hurts this mama's heart.
While we wait for any new verified info, I thought I'd share a perspective from a far-from-perfect parent: myself!

At the age of 14/15, my oldest son was a challenge. We had what I thought was a fairly typical home life (just now learning we were sub-par!) It was me, my 2nd husband, 4 kids; I worked; we owned a home; not rich by any means, but the kids were all loved, fed, taken care of. Never any hitting or slapping; an occasional swear word uttered in the heat of the moment. And yet...my oldest struggled. He loved school, had lots of friends, had a pager (lol - remember those days?) But some days/nights, he was neither happy nor content. He wanted to be on the phone 24/7 and would get SO angry and frustrated when I'd make him hang up - either because it was WAY too late or because someone else needed to make a call or use the internet (dial up!) He'd leave for long "walks" with no way to contact him. He'd go to a friend's that we didn't have a number for. Once, he stayed gone all night and we learned later that he'd camped out in a neighbor's treehouse. I was at a total loss on what to do, and called the local Sheriff's department for advice. He wasn't a truant, he wasn't a runaway; the only help SO could offer was for us to call & report him as an unruly child. In that event, LE would come make an appearance in the hopes of a "scared straight" type of reaction.

Every time my son left the house alone, I debated calling LE. I never did, but there were times he was away from home for a night or a day and I wasn't sure exactly where he was. I would beg him to be safe, but couldn't bring myself to risk having him taken away (which happens if a child is repeatedly unruly).

If he hadn't come home on a Friday night, I would've had that internal debate about calling the SO, but it's highly possible that, at the same time, the rest of us could have gone to dinner without him, gone to sleep, spent most of the next day doing regular stuff, and not panicked to the point of calling 911 until the next evening - once he'd been away longer than was the "new normal" we'd learned to live with. It wasn't the way we WANTED to live, but we did the best we could to both protect him and keep him out of the juvenile system. Thankfully, it was a phase that we all survived intact, though a little worse for wear.

I also confess that there have been many, MANY mornings over the years that my interaction with my kids may not have included visual inspection. :) Not when they were young, of course, but in high school? Yes, sometimes a shout of "Are you up? I have to go - don't miss the bus!" was the best parenting they got.

So yeah, I'm hesitant to suspect Harley's parents harmed him unless or until LE provides evidence to support it. I think they, like a lot of families, have a tough life and do their best to muddle through day by day.
You should meet my Asperger's son, he's 31 and has been wanting to die since he was a young child. He doesn't want to commit homicide no matter how much he hates someone but sadly death is his wish. It hurts this mama's heart.

AC, hugs. I hope you both have some quality, caring support.
Which point is Harley's house?
This is the closest I can come to an address posted by an msm source.

Police released a surveillance photo that is believed to be. The photo was captured on December 20 between 6 and 7 a.m., near Dilly's home on East Fifth Street and the Port Clinton high and middle school campus.
Police released a surveillance photo that is believed to be. The photo was captured on December 20 between 6 and 7 a.m., near Dilly's home on East Fifth Street and the Port Clinton high and middle school campus.
Reward for information about missing Port Clinton teen climbs to more than $17,500

Harley Dilly was last seen in the early morning hours of Dec. 20 walking near his East Fifth Street residence just blocks from the school, on the last day before the holiday break.
Authorities review more security footage in search for Harley Dilly
The chief found out on Facebook that Harley’s mom had posted about her concern
WTH???????????? Why weren't the police called directly like all the times before? Why did the Chief have to find out on SM? Why did mom say she didn't see him,she talked to him,and there's a difference? What difference? Why can't she talk about it????????? When exactly did his phone get broken,or taken away? What was happening when it got broken,or taken away?
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