"Oh, I haven't said anything, don't worry"

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Maybe Cindy was referring to the fact that she choked Casey?
That's what I thought, too.

But the more I think about it, the more I think that maybe it was weird Anthony-speak encouraging Casey to go ahead and tell authorities whatever they needed to know to find Caylee.
I apologize, I have not read the whole thread. I just watched that part of the video again. To me, she holds the phone away because it's too loud & hurts her ear. The "don't worry I haven't said anything" bit was odd but I didn't read a whole lot into it.
HOWEVER, what did disturb me is her demeanor in that portion (I only watched that part of the video just now). She goes from being happy, almost giddy, to a "what are you talking about" type attitude when she makes that "I haven't said anything" comment, then it's like it 'clicks' and she gets a little serious. Then she gets serious then she gets teary all in a matter of a few seconds. CA seems concerned about her daughter and how she doesn't understand what's going on. CA & GA maintain the same demeanor throughout that portion of the video. I think the body language speaks VOLUMES.

We're talking the Anth's here, start reading more into it:blowkiss:
After re-watching the first video link posted again, and watching verrrry closely, I noticed something that hasnt been discussed to my knowledge.

I have also seen a resurgence in the interest in Annie. And I have long noted that Annie's interviews or records have not been released.

Go here. http://www.wftv.com/video/18205452/index.html
Listen very closely at the 5 minute marker. At 5:01 CA says that she hasnt sent "Annie's" letter to KC.

Interesting that she sent a letter....just curious is all with all the Annie speculation...

And yes, this has busted me out of my lurkdom. :lol:
Hi all!
After re-watching the first video link posted again, and watching verrrry closely, I noticed something that hasnt been discussed to my knowledge.

I have also seen a resurgence in the interest in Annie. And I have long noted that Annie's interviews or records have not been released.

Go here. http://www.wftv.com/video/18205452/index.html
Listen very closely at the 5 minute marker. At 5:01 CA says that she hasnt sent "Annie's" letter to KC.

Interesting that she sent a letter....just curious is all with all the Annie speculation...

And yes, this has busted me out of my lurkdom. :lol:
Hi all!

:blowkiss: But time ya spoke up....lol Welcome and I had not noticed that before, good going!
After re-watching the first video link posted again, and watching verrrry closely, I noticed something that hasnt been discussed to my knowledge.

I have also seen a resurgence in the interest in Annie. And I have long noted that Annie's interviews or records have not been released.

Go here. http://www.wftv.com/video/18205452/index.html
Listen very closely at the 5 minute marker. At 5:01 CA says that she hasnt sent "Annie's" letter to KC.

Interesting that she sent a letter....just curious is all with all the Annie speculation...

And yes, this has busted me out of my lurkdom. :lol:
Hi all!

i just posted that a few posts ago. glad someone else noticed it, i don't know if it's been discussed before.

also, around minute 16, george asks casey if there's anything that she'd like to say directly to him and the look on his face says he is expecting something specific...
I agree with you here! I think they are referring to some family secret or incident that everyone in their immediate family knows about. AND, I'm sure it will come out during these next few months....I think JB will get any info out of KC that he thinks he can use to help clear her or bring sympathy to her cause.

The level of dysfunction in this family, like all severely dysfunctional families, requires secrecy and closed ranks among the family members. Notice there are no friends or family that are known to the entire family. It is all keep segregated.

But my point being Casey is still in Caseyland in this interview, and actually thinks Cindy is talking about the psych visit and if any family drama was discussed. Cindy is talking about her granddaughter and trying to find anything that would indicate she is alive. Casey's response is out of context because she isn't worried about Caylee, it isn't her concern, so her response is framed in "don't worry mom, I didn't tell the shrink anything about our F'ed up relationship.

Cindy's body language and rocking is hard to read in this tape because she is HEAVILY sedated.
It's just blatantly obvious after watching this -CA's tone and questioning and body language -that they don't believe a word KC says and have an enormous mistrust and they are clearly fearing she killed her daughter but just don't want to go there or belive such a thing

A agree with you. To me the entire visit seems more or less surreal. It appears to me the Anthonys have been coached to ask certain questions and say certain things, and they're not very good actors. Not everyone knows that sometimes relatives who want to learn the truth from an uncooperative family member will work with law enforcement in the hope the family member confesses.

But Casey is putting up roadblocks "I haven't said anything....don't worry." is a classic manipulative tactic - she's not guilty, she's covering for THEM. Just like throwing the gas cans she stole - Here's your f'n gas cans (as if it's somehow GAs fault they ended up in her trunk).

This was such a scripted question from Cindy, I wanted to throw up!

That was the Key for the Defense to use!

If I were an evil murdering phantom babysitter who had threatened the entire family per KC and I had a key to the A's home to boot...Why would I draw attention to myself by dumping a rotting corpse close to their home when I could leave it in their garage or backyard and really punish or hurt them.
I think most of the tidbits the defense has, can be thrown right back to them. KC is such a compulsive liar I think by the time the prosecution is finished presenting their side, the jury will assume every comment she makes to be a lie IMO.
OMG, another thing I just noticed on this video. GA asks KC if there's anywhere she may have taken Caylee out of town over the past months, and she says "no dad, I haven't been out of the city since March, went to Jacksonville in March and then to Cocoa Beach I think in May". THE LOOK ON HIS FACE is telling. He knows right then, that the whole "story" about going to Tampa for work with a co-worker, the nanny, the nanny's kids and Caylee is a lie. I think this is when he realizes that Caylee is gone for good.

i'm confused (nothing new there) i thought the Tampa trip was supposed to have taken place during the 31 days that caylee had been missing, therefore george would already know it was a lie b/c casey couldn't very well have taken a trip with her daughter and the woman who kidnapped her (admit it - you're confused now too)
do i have the dates wrong .... again
I haven't seen this discussed anywhere and don't know where to put it.
In the first jailhouse visit CA tells KC "We forgive anything that you've said".
KC holds the phone away from her ear, looks at it as if in shock and states "Oh, I haven't said anything, don't worry". I think this comment raised a big red flag with LE. I haven't seen any discussion as to what this may have been about, does anyone have any idea?

I haven't heard that. I need to re listen to these as it has been so long. Thanks for the info.
I just noticed she tells her mom that zenaida has a key to their house???

Ca: Has someone else been in our house?
KC: I don't know mom,possibly...I told you a long time ago she had a key...

I can see the defense using this in court

YeP, it was like she was TELLING her that she told her a long time ago. It is very clear to me that is an outright lie, if you notice Cindy made absolutely no response to it...like a normal person would have said "what?! I don't remember that! She had a key to MY house?! Ack!" ...or... "Oh, yes, I totally forgot that!" ...or... "WTF Casey, you gave a total stranger key to my house!"


What grandma allows a Nanny that she knows nothing about to have a key to her house?

I would have LOVED for Cindy to have said " A LONG time ago? How long?"

I would really like to know if that meant a few days ago or months ago because if Cindy knew it months ago, she wouldn't have asked the question at all...she would have remembered IMMEDIATELY in the beginning of the investigation and would have told investigators right away-it would have helped her daughter look innocent , she DEFINITELY would have blurted it out at the beginning. JMHO.
It seemed pretty obvious that CA was concerned about what KC might be telling. She asked her later in the same conversation if she was able to open up to the Dr. KC assured her she was not. CA appeared to be relieved. JMO

That I remember well. KC was insistant she had not told nor would tell the thearpist anything.
CA knew KA was late to their visit because she was with the shrink..So, I always had the feeling what was said between CA & KA had more to do with something family related then the crime itself..Something neither one of them, especially CA, wanted out there.

It seemed pretty obvious that CA was concerned about what KC might be telling. She asked her later in the same conversation if she was able to open up to the Dr. KC assured her she was not. CA appeared to be relieved. JMO

brilliant! :clap:
I'm on my way to the doc but just wanted to pop in and say George also said something in one of the first visits with KC. Something to the effect that he wanted this over before something came out. Will try to find it when I get back. This family is hiding something that they don't want people to know. I think it's something BIG because even NeJame said something would shock us. LP said that too. Soooo wonder what it is??

OK, I'm quoting myself lol ...

July 25 Pt 1 (morning) -- 48 seconds in KC say's "Don't worry I haven't said anything to anybody"

July 25 Pt 2 (2pm) Right at the beginning George say's ... "The longer this drags on ... there's gonna be maybe additional things that are going to hit everyone and I don't wanna get into that with you but it's, it's very very crucial.

This last statement by GA baffles me ... I really want to know what he is talking about.
YeP, it was like she was TELLING her that she told her a long time ago. It is very clear to me that is an outright lie, if you notice Cindy made absolutely no response to it...like a normal person would have said "what?! I don't remember that! She had a key to MY house?! Ack!" ...or... "Oh, yes, I totally forgot that!" ...or... "WTF Casey, you gave a total stranger key to my house!"


What grandma allows a Nanny that she knows nothing about to have a key to her house?

I would have LOVED for Cindy to have said " A LONG time ago? How long?"

I would really like to know if that meant a few days ago or months ago because if Cindy knew it months ago, she wouldn't have asked the question at all...she would have remembered IMMEDIATELY in the beginning of the investigation and would have told investigators right away-it would have helped her daughter look innocent , she DEFINITELY would have blurted it out at the beginning. JMHO.

If they are worried about this -- they could change all the locks. If they haven't well.....
Glad you started this thread. This is something that has SO stuck out in my mind and I also mentioned in the jailhouse visit threads. CA said this comment before KC even mentioned that she was talking to the shrink. I found it very strange and was as if CA couldn't wait to spit that out to her. And then the response from KC "Dont worry I havent said anything" What could she possibly be referring to telling her parents not to worry?
She pulls the phone away from her ear because the sound was too high. She asks them to turn it down, and then when it is at a comfortable tone, she makes the don't worry statement, which appears completely out of step with what her mother said. It is an inappropiate response. Nevertheless, CA is relieved that Casey heard her because it was an important statement and she wanted her daughter to hear it. She imo was told that Casey was afraid her mom wouldn't forgive her, so she was attempting to reassure her. It appears to me that they are uncomfortable talking love and forgiveness, or anything deep, or heartfelt. CA is rocking, nervous until she says that, and then she appears more relaxed, but I think it's because she needed to get it said and heard.
The full statement is important and it is, "We forgive anything you have said, or done." She just wants her granddaughter back, and Casey responds with spin, imo.
the conversation continues with Casey blowing off all that CA is attempting to gather as far as information. CA is clearly the docile one in that relationship, though most think CA is the ruler of the roost. It's clear to me that Casey is the one in control in that family.
CA clearly loves her daughter, and her granddaughter, and is extremely concerned for Caylee in this visit. She is also concerned for her daughter, and her heart breaks when her daughter cries. jmo

bold by me

I agree 100% with you.
July 25 Pt 2 (2pm) Right at the beginning George say's ... "The longer this drags on ... there's gonna be maybe additional things that are going to hit everyone and I don't wanna get into that with you but it's, it's very very crucial.

This last statement by GA baffles me ... I really want to know what he is talking about.

maybe regarding her 'personal' life, including anything related the the father of caylee, or speculated about her relationship with lee, or the fight with cindy...or her naughty, naughty online pics...or..........................

so yea, basically, if there things you don't want people to know about you, don't go and murder someone. it seems so simple a concept, doesn't it?
OK, I'm quoting myself lol ...

July 25 Pt 1 (morning) -- 48 seconds in KC say's "Don't worry I haven't said anything to anybody"

July 25 Pt 2 (2pm) Right at the beginning George say's ... "The longer this drags on ... there's gonna be maybe additional things that are going to hit everyone and I don't wanna get into that with you but it's, it's very very crucial.

This last statement by GA baffles me ... I really want to know what he is talking about.

It just hit me. I think they are going to claim that KC was brutally raped at some point, conceived Caylee and decided to keep her. Hence the "mother of the year" statement by CA. Then the defense will claim some kind of PTSD or some such crapo.
I just noticed she tells her mom that zenaida has a key to their house???

Ca: Has someone else been in our house?
KC: I don't know mom,possibly...I told you a long time ago she had a key...

I can see the defense using this in court

I don't think that this would stand up in court for a second.
I had my daughter very young and for the first few years we lived with MY mother, who was considerably less tightly wound than CA, and let me tell you... she would FLIP if I just offhandedly mentioned that I gave some strange (to her) woman a key to HER HOUSE!! :eek:

My mother was uncomfortable when I had ANYONE other than her watch my daughter, and certainly didn't allow non-family members in the house when no one was home... anyone else who watched my daughter did so OUTSIDE the home for this exact reason... and I never found this to be unreasonable.

Any psychoanalyst, or juror, or the judge for that matter, would realize instantly that CA (a known loose cannon) NOT REACTING to that statement and making it a HUGE point of contention, pretty much negates the statement, as far as using it for the defense.


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