OH - Jennifer Nelson, 29, murdered in her Dayton home, 2 Jan 2009

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This is a comment I found on True Crime Report by Jason a Juvenile Officer


I would like to tell you all a little about Charlie Myers. I knew him personally. You see I was a corrections officer at Indian River Juvenile Correctional Facility where Myers was locked up for 3 plus years. He started out on the mental health unit because they believed him to be (not mentally retarded) but slow and also because he was hearing impared (not deaf) he has about 80% loss in one ear and like 60% in the other. while on the mental health unit which was "C" unit at the time. He sexually assaulted a younger youth with the last name switzer. there were several other incidents of aggression towards youth on this unit so he was moved to a unit with an older population in the same facility. I had transferred units and was now on "B" unit which was for older general population inmates. This is where Myers was moved to. During this time he became more aggeressive towards women especially. He would threaten harm towards the women officers and supervisors as well as leering at their back sides while making sexual gestures. (One could argue that all men do this but for his age it seemed too graphic). Myers also became affiliated with a gang in the facility. I am not sure which one we had a few of them over the years. The main gangs in the juvenile facility wer the HF (Heartless Felons), MBK (My Brothers Keeper) and one other I can't remember right now. I am also familiar with ASL although not fluent I am sure those are gang signs he was using. Also for a while while Myers was going to high school (Which he graduated) in the facility he had a female ASL interpreter which he had taken away from him because of his behavior such as sexual gestures behind her back and telling youth that she was his girlfriend. (She was a very attractive which is no excuse). I personally had a physical altercation with Myers due to his aggression towards female staff members. I don't know about any of the other officers at the facility but I feel partly responsibile for Jenny Nelson's death because maybe there was something more I could have done to get him charged with additional crimes he comitted behind bars. Maybe he could have then recieve an adult sentance and have been kept behind bars. You see the punishment Myers recieved at the facility for his sexual assault and aggression towards the other youth and staff was most likely 3 days of isolation and a Youth Behavior Incident Report (YBIR) which does nothing but keep a record of behavior. It does carry some sanctions with it that are assigned by the writing officer. Most often they are very minor punishments like writing essays, or referred to the unit team members for privilage level reduction. I would like anyone who sees this to know that Myers deserves nothing less thant the death penalty for all he has done in his life. Lawyers are trying to say that he was abused and unloved as a child. Well we all have our hard luck stories and none of us lead a charmed life. That is no excuse to go around killing people or sexually assaulting others. I sincerely hope that someone like Nancy Grace gets this story and looks into the fact that none of the Administrators at Indian River tried to keep Myers Behind bars by charging him with an adult crime. My sincerest sympathies for the Family and Friends of the Nelson's. May the Lord be with the little boy who lost his mother and hopefully he will be able to recover from the sexual trauma he has received.

Posted 01/14/2009 at 03:18:56 AM

this is a eye opener-He had another vicitim of sexual assualt.

Tut med, welcome to WS. And a very interesting post!

Information like this would go a long way toward reducing the impact of the mitigating factors the defense will put in. But I don't think they can use it even in the sentencing part of the trial because it happened while he was a juvenile can they? I wish they could because after reading that it really kinda puts it in your face that is was not a poor helpless child by that age.
Tut med, welcome to WS. And a very interesting post!

Information like this would go a long way toward reducing the impact of the mitigating factors the defense will put in. But I don't think they can use it even in the sentencing part of the trial because it happened while he was a juvenile can they? I wish they could because after reading that it really kinda puts it in your face that is was not a poor helpless child by that age.

Why do you take Tut Med's post as gospel? At the very least, it's incredibly unprofessional behavior, at worst it's fabricated from whole cloth. Thank God they don't use cr*p like this at sentencing. How 'bout some facts?
The story has changed a bit as far as J. Nelson's activities just prior to C. Myers entering her home.


"According to Montgomery County Prosecutor Mathias Heck Jr., on Jan. 2 Myers kicked in the door of Jennifer Nelson's home while she was cooking dinner."

I thought it was reported that the crime took place rather late and she was running a bath for her child?

Also from the article:

"Originally, Heck told reporters that Myers had confessed to the murder, but now says that Myers only acknowledged taking the boy and dropping him off at the rest area."

So C. Myers confessed to taking the boy.
Larkin, Hatch was re-elected to his 4 year position last NOV 08. He has some interesting tidbits though if you google his name and the "hatch act".
Why do you take Tut Med's post as gospel? At the very least, it's incredibly unprofessional behavior, at worst it's fabricated from whole cloth. Thank God they don't use cr*p like this at sentencing. How 'bout some facts?

First off, Larkin, TuT Med is only reposting a comment he had found on another site, True Crime Report; here's the link to that site:

(you have to scroll down in the comments)

As for the comment itself, i believe there is truth in it whether or not it was written by a former corrections officer or another inmate who was in with Charlie.
Seeking the death penalty may well come back to bite Mat Heck on the *advertiser censored*. It is time of re-election Mathias? We'll see how popular he is if the jury fails to convict on a DP case (which has a considerably higher threshold than a non-DP case) and Charlie Myers ends up convicted on lesser charges that may make him eligible for parole within his lifetime.

The rage engendered by this case continues to amaze me. It is a bizarre crime, for sure, but certainly not the most heinous.... probably not even the most heinous for the week it occurred. The comments on the Dayton Daily News made my skin crawl. Those people screaming for blood of the killer are pretty frightening themselves.

This case isn't about politics Mathias or Heck, it's about a sociopath named Charlie Myers who decided to sexually assault a 4 year old boy, whose mother got brutally murdered in front of him while trying to save her son.
I don't know why people are amazed at the rage this case has produced, our society is used to being desensitized by random acts of violence, and that the people are angry about this shows that a lot in society aren't as desensitized as they could be.
This case isn't about politics Mathias or Heck, it's about a sociopath named Charlie Myers who decided to sexually assault a 4 year old boy, whose mother got brutally murdered in front of him while trying to save her son.
I don't know why people are amazed at the rage this case has produced, our society is used to being desensitized by random acts of violence, and that the people are angry about this shows that a lot in society aren't as desensitized as they could be.

Meow, Mathias Heck is one person-- the prosecutor for Montgomery County. He's not a credit to his profession; as he is given to grandstanding, outrageous compromises of civil liberties and making decisions based on how well they will aid him in re-election. People in this country are to be considered innocent until proven guilty (Remember? :blowkiss:)
Larkin, Heck was re-elected to his 4 year position last NOV 08. He has some interesting tidbits though if you google his name and the "hatch act".

Isn't it, though? Here's the official Ohio government link if you want to see what the Great White Knight of Justice has been up to.


(P.S. Kat, thanks. I knew Heck was re-elected this fall-- my comment was just rhetorical flourish. I didn't think MH was home reading websleuths -- though that's not a bad idea, LOL.)
Seeking the death penalty may well come back to bite Mat Heck on the *advertiser censored*. It is time of re-election Mathias? We'll see how popular he is if the jury fails to convict on a DP case (which has a considerably higher threshold than a non-DP case) and Charlie Myers ends up convicted on lesser charges that may make him eligible for parole within his lifetime.

The rage engendered by this case continues to amaze me. It is a bizarre crime, for sure, but certainly not the most heinous.... probably not even the most heinous for the week it occurred. The comments on the Dayton Daily News made my skin crawl. Those people screaming for blood of the killer are pretty frightening themselves.

I don't think it will come back to haunt him. People are sick of these kind of perpetrators, who not only murder innocent victims at will, but also prey on the innocence of a child for sexual gratification.

Actually a DP case is not a higher burden. Each case, whether it is a death penalty case or not has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, period.

The death penalty has nothing to do with the verdict. The DP will be entered into the sentencing phase, if there is a conviction and it certainly seems by the very nature of these heinous felonious acts that it is deserving.

Why do you take Tut Med's post as gospel? At the very least, it's incredibly unprofessional behavior, at worst it's fabricated from whole cloth. Thank God they don't use cr*p like this at sentencing. How 'bout some facts?

Oh yes, it is rumor. But unsubstaniated facts get posted on the net all the time- that doesn't mean they aren't true. And this certainly isn't the first time and won't be the last time that a corrections officer has talked about his past (or current) charges.

I never said it was fact. As a matter of fact, what I did say was that it was interesting (it was.) And that it wouldn't be allowed in the trial because it was actions while a juvenile. However if it was ever allowed, of course they wouldn't use some guys statement off the net... they would use the official version as it was recorded in the records. And I do find it a shame that if it is true then they probably couldn't use that in the trial, because it would show a pattern of behavior back to when he was a child.

But since we have brought it up, the guy's post did impress me. He wasn't over reacting- calling for torture before killing him, etc. And seemed heartfelt. This guy sounds like someone who really wonders if they could have done more while he was a juvenile and if their failure to do more could have contributed to Jenny's death. So as far as believability, yes I do think the post is believable.

Corrections officers aren't supposed to talk about their charges, that is true. And neither are cops, or therapists. But they do every day. Some do it privately among friends or family- some do it publicly. But it looks like this guy would not have talked about Myers if his name hadn't come up attached to something much worse than what he did in juvenile. The guy felt guilty so he spoke about it. And the thing is, that most likely nothing they did in juvenile would have changed anything for this guy.
I don't think it will come back to haunt him. People are sick of these kind of perpetrators, who not only murder innocent victims at will, but also prey on the innocence of a child for sexual gratification.

Actually a DP case is not a higher burden. Each case, whether it is a death penalty case or not has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, period.

The death penalty has nothing to do with the verdict. The DP will be entered into the sentencing phase, if there is a conviction and it certainly seems by the very nature of these heinous felonious acts that it is deserving.


I beg to differ. The fact that "people are sick of these kinds of perpetrators" should never even enter into the equation. Each court case is its own little island, and frankly no one gives a d@mn what people are sick of.

There will be no way they can seat a jury here that does not know this is a DP case. It has been widely broadcast: by newspaper, television, radio and word of mouth. Anyone who claimed not to know "anything" about the case would likely be dismissed (by one side or the other) during voir dire because their credibility would be questionable at best.

It's well established that juries are more reluctant to convict on DP cases if there is any shadow of a mitigating circumstance, as well they should be-- after all, a life hangs in the balance. You lock someone up wrongfully for a few years, well you've stolen time from them.... death, that's a whole different story. Which is why we're the last "well-developed" nation to routinely apply such a drastic (and to many minds, barbaric) punishment.

(Here's an important story to read on the very topic of an innocent man executed. Since his own children were killed by the fire no doubt some people called him a , and a psychopath and the like, as well.
http://www.chicagotribune.com/technology/chi-0412090169dec09,0,4934450.story )

There are lots of people that prey on children (including family members of child victims) . . . should they all be executed? Jenny Nelson died from exsanguination following two shotgun blasts. Is this particularly heinous?

What about when compared to a boy who stabs his sister in the eyeball and then rapes her as she's dying? Or compared to a man who slits the throats of three children (after raping two and the mother) and then burns down the house around them? Or compared with a father and stepmother who systematically tortured a three year old girl to death, or a father and stepmother who beat their teenage son so severely that he was missing pieces of flesh from his buttocks and left him to die of hyperthermia . . .

Certainly the allegations made against Charlie Myers are of a perverted nature. Certainly it was a terrible death for Jenny Nelson and an awful tragedy for her family. No doubt Charlie Myers had an unfortunate start in life that contributed to the twisted individual he appears to be. But do the facts of this crime really meet the threshold for a DP case? No. It's just grandstanding by a county prosecutor, who is a bit of scoundrel himself. If Myers has a reasonably good lawyer, it should be quite a horse race in the court room.
I beg to differ. The fact that "people are sick of these kinds of perpetrators" should never even enter into the equation. Each court case is its own little island, and frankly no one gives a d@mn what people are sick of.

There will be no way they can seat a jury here that does not know this is a DP case. It has been widely broadcast: by newspaper, television, radio and word of mouth. Anyone who claimed not to know "anything" about the case would likely be dismissed (by one side or the other) during voir dire because their credibility would be questionable at best.

It's well established that juries are more reluctant to convict on DP cases if there is any shadow of a mitigating circumstance, as well they should be-- after all, a life hangs in the balance. You lock someone up wrongfully for a few years, well you've stolen time from them.... death, that's a whole different story. Which is why we're the last "well-developed" nation to routinely apply such a drastic (and to many minds, barbaric) punishment.

(Here's an important story to read on the very topic of an innocent man executed. Since his own children were killed by the fire no doubt some people called him a , and a psychopath and the like, as well.
http://www.chicagotribune.com/technology/chi-0412090169dec09,0,4934450.story )

There are lots of people that prey on children (including family members of child victims) . . . should they all be executed? Jenny Nelson died from exsanguination following two shotgun blasts. Is this particularly heinous?

What about when compared to a boy who stabs his sister in the eyeball and then rapes her as she's dying? Or compared to a man who slits the throats of three children (after raping two and the mother) and then burns down the house around them? Or compared with a father and stepmother who systematically tortured a three year old girl to death, or a father and stepmother who beat their teenage son so severely that he was missing pieces of flesh from his buttocks and left him to die of hyperthermia . . .

Certainly the allegations made against Charlie Myers are of a perverted nature. Certainly it was a terrible death for Jenny Nelson and an awful tragedy for her family. No doubt Charlie Myers had an unfortunate start in life that contributed to the twisted individual he appears to be. But do the facts of this crime really meet the threshold for a DP case? No. It's just grandstanding by a county prosecutor, who is a bit of scoundrel himself. If Myers has a reasonably good lawyer, it should be quite a horse race in the court room.

Are you trying to say this man is innocent? I believe the evidence entered at trial will show otherwise.

Yes, it was atrocious acts and the heinousness of those acts can be one of the legal prongs used to seek the death penalty, among others, such as the death resulted when the suspect was in the commission of doing another felony. So his case fits the legal criteria necessary when the DA attached the Death Penalty.

Jurors must be death qualified to sit on a jury that is a death penalty case. It is certainly not a loss for the DA if the jurors chooses LWOP over the death penalty. It will be up to them what they decide but in this case they will have the option to determine whether he should get LWOP or the death penalty, if convicted.

Meow, Mathias Heck is one person-- the prosecutor for Montgomery County. He's not a credit to his profession; as he is given to grandstanding, outrageous compromises of civil liberties and making decisions based on how well they will aid him in re-election. People in this country are to be considered innocent until proven guilty (Remember? :blowkiss:)

Charlie Myers already openly admitted his guilt in that press conference he had with the reporters going to jail. Myer's knows there's no way out of this one, he used Nelson's cell phone and was caught with the missing possessions he stole out of their house. The main thing being, he admitted what he did to the boy and how he killed the mother. He also has a track record a mile long with the police since he was a juvenile and has even said himself he wouldn't change his bad ways.

Thank you for letting me know that Mathias Heck is one person and the Prosecutor lol, i had no idea..
I beg to differ. The fact that "people are sick of these kinds of perpetrators" should never even enter into the equation. Each court case is its own little island, and frankly no one gives a d@mn what people are sick of.

There will be no way they can seat a jury here that does not know this is a DP case. It has been widely broadcast: by newspaper, television, radio and word of mouth. Anyone who claimed not to know "anything" about the case would likely be dismissed (by one side or the other) during voir dire because their credibility would be questionable at best.

It's well established that juries are more reluctant to convict on DP cases if there is any shadow of a mitigating circumstance, as well they should be-- after all, a life hangs in the balance. You lock someone up wrongfully for a few years, well you've stolen time from them.... death, that's a whole different story. Which is why we're the last "well-developed" nation to routinely apply such a drastic (and to many minds, barbaric) punishment.

(Here's an important story to read on the very topic of an innocent man executed. Since his own children were killed by the fire no doubt some people called him a , and a psychopath and the like, as well.
http://www.chicagotribune.com/technology/chi-0412090169dec09,0,4934450.story )

There are lots of people that prey on children (including family members of child victims) . . . should they all be executed? Jenny Nelson died from exsanguination following two shotgun blasts. Is this particularly heinous?

What about when compared to a boy who stabs his sister in the eyeball and then rapes her as she's dying? Or compared to a man who slits the throats of three children (after raping two and the mother) and then burns down the house around them? Or compared with a father and stepmother who systematically tortured a three year old girl to death, or a father and stepmother who beat their teenage son so severely that he was missing pieces of flesh from his buttocks and left him to die of hyperthermia . . .

Certainly the allegations made against Charlie Myers are of a perverted nature. Certainly it was a terrible death for Jenny Nelson and an awful tragedy for her family. No doubt Charlie Myers had an unfortunate start in life that contributed to the twisted individual he appears to be. But do the facts of this crime really meet the threshold for a DP case? No. It's just grandstanding by a county prosecutor, who is a bit of scoundrel himself. If Myers has a reasonably good lawyer, it should be quite a horse race in the court room.

Jenny Nelson died trying to save her son from Myer's who was sexually assaulting him. The 4 year old witnessed this, yes it is heinous.

This individual case shouldn't be compared to other heinous cases. They are all different cases.

So what if Myers had an unfortunate start to life? So did a lot of people, not all turn out like him. That is no excuse. He's used his messed up childhood and life as an excuse for his crimes, and it's got him more lenient sentences in the past. He shows no desire to change. This case is the reason they shouldn't have went easy on him. I think this case should be a DP case and yes it meets the horrible standards for a DP case.
I'd be happy if Myers gets life in prison without parole, or the death penalty. Either one will ensure that he's not out on the streets to hurt anyone again.
Are you trying to say this man is innocent? I believe the evidence entered at trial will show otherwise.

Yes, it was atrocious acts and the heinousness of those acts can be one of the legal prongs used to seek the death penalty, among others, such as the death resulted when the suspect was in the commission of doing another felony. So his case fits the legal criteria necessary when the DA attached the Death Penalty.

Jurors must be death qualified to sit on a jury that is a death penalty case. It is certainly not a loss for the DA if the jurors chooses LWOP over the death penalty. It will be up to them what they decide but in this case they will have the option to determine whether he should get LWOP or the death penalty, if convicted.


OBE, this is one we agree on! :blowkiss: You explained it a lot better than me! :)
I beg to differ. The fact that "people are sick of these kinds of perpetrators" should never even enter into the equation. Each court case is its own little island, and frankly no one gives a d@mn what people are sick of.

There will be no way they can seat a jury here that does not know this is a DP case. It has been widely broadcast: by newspaper, television, radio and word of mouth. Anyone who claimed not to know "anything" about the case would likely be dismissed (by one side or the other) during voir dire because their credibility would be questionable at best.

It's well established that juries are more reluctant to convict on DP cases if there is any shadow of a mitigating circumstance, as well they should be-- after all, a life hangs in the balance. You lock someone up wrongfully for a few years, well you've stolen time from them.... death, that's a whole different story. Which is why we're the last "well-developed" nation to routinely apply such a drastic (and to many minds, barbaric) punishment.

(Here's an important story to read on the very topic of an innocent man executed. Since his own children were killed by the fire no doubt some people called him a , and a psychopath and the like, as well.
http://www.chicagotribune.com/technology/chi-0412090169dec09,0,4934450.story )

There are lots of people that prey on children (including family members of child victims) . . . should they all be executed? Jenny Nelson died from exsanguination following two shotgun blasts. Is this particularly heinous?

What about when compared to a boy who stabs his sister in the eyeball and then rapes her as she's dying? Or compared to a man who slits the throats of three children (after raping two and the mother) and then burns down the house around them? Or compared with a father and stepmother who systematically tortured a three year old girl to death, or a father and stepmother who beat their teenage son so severely that he was missing pieces of flesh from his buttocks and left him to die of hyperthermia . . .

Certainly the allegations made against Charlie Myers are of a perverted nature. Certainly it was a terrible death for Jenny Nelson and an awful tragedy for her family. No doubt Charlie Myers had an unfortunate start in life that contributed to the twisted individual he appears to be. But do the facts of this crime really meet the threshold for a DP case? No. It's just grandstanding by a county prosecutor, who is a bit of scoundrel himself. If Myers has a reasonably good lawyer, it should be quite a horse race in the court room.

(3) The offense was committed for the purpose of escaping detection, apprehension, trial, or punishment for another offense committed by the offender.

(7) The offense was committed while the offender was committing, attempting to commit, or fleeing immediately after committing or attempting to commit kidnapping, rape, aggravated arson, aggravated robbery, or aggravated burglary, and either the offender was the principal offender in the commission of the aggravated murder or, if not the principal offender, committed the aggravated murder with prior calculation and design.

The existence of any of the mitigating factors listed in division (B) of this section does not preclude the imposition of a sentence of death on the offender but shall be weighed pursuant to divisions (D)(2) and (3) of section 2929.03 of the Revised Code by the trial court, trial jury, or the panel of three judges against the aggravating circumstances the offender was found guilty of committing.


It looks like it meets the criteria to me:

Aggravated burglary for breaking into the home
Attempted (at least) sexual attack on the child
2 instances of Kidnapping for restraining the mother and taking the child
Brought a weapon
Charlie Myers already openly admitted his guilt in that press conference he had with the reporters going to jail.

<Respectfully snipped for space>

MeoW333 I went back and relistened to C. Myers talking outside of the jail. It was difficult for me to understand him and in the link that was listed in this thread there was a small moment where all I heard was static while he was speaking.

I listened to it a few times, here is what I heard:

He said he was sorry, that he just wanted their stuff, and he took the child. Really no details. It really makes me uncomfortable to read that article in which the PA is telling variations of this crime to the media. To me, the way I process information, either it is what it is, or it's not. I don't want to be manipulated by anyone even a PA.

Darn I hope I made sense, it's hard to put that into words.
<Respectfully snipped for space>

MeoW333 I went back and relistened to C. Myers talking outside of the jail. It was difficult for me to understand him and in the link that was listed in this thread there was a small moment where all I heard was static while he was speaking.

I listened to it a few times, here is what I heard:

He said he was sorry, that he just wanted their stuff, and he took the child. Really no details. It really makes me uncomfortable to read that article in which the PA is telling variations of this crime to the media. To me, the way I process information, either it is what it is, or it's not. I don't want to be manipulated by anyone even a PA.

Darn I hope I made sense, it's hard to put that into words.

He used the "passed away" parent excuse in the interview as to why he took the child.
(3) The offense was committed for the purpose of escaping detection, apprehension, trial, or punishment for another offense committed by the offender.

(7) The offense was committed while the offender was committing, attempting to commit, or fleeing immediately after committing or attempting to commit kidnapping, rape, aggravated arson, aggravated robbery, or aggravated burglary, and either the offender was the principal offender in the commission of the aggravated murder or, if not the principal offender, committed the aggravated murder with prior calculation and design.

The existence of any of the mitigating factors listed in division (B) of this section does not preclude the imposition of a sentence of death on the offender but shall be weighed pursuant to divisions (D)(2) and (3) of section 2929.03 of the Revised Code by the trial court, trial jury, or the panel of three judges against the aggravating circumstances the offender was found guilty of committing.


It looks like it meets the criteria to me:

Aggravated burglary for breaking into the home
Attempted (at least) sexual attack on the child
2 instances of Kidnapping for restraining the mother and taking the child
Brought a weapon

Obviously it meets the legal requirements for death penalty, or the prosecution wouldn't be able to seek it. :rolleyes: I don't believe it meets the emotional threshold for the jury, and it won't, unless Heck exploits the boy to do so-- which I wouldn't put past him. Charlie Myers did something awful to this kid, and the State of Ohio will continue the boy's suffering.

I never said I thought that Myers was innocent (and in fact I don't) but it's essential that we keep the basis for our entire legal system in mind and not serve as judge, jury and executioner before the first word of testimony has even been heard.

Interesting no one had a comment about the Corsicana case. To say you cannot compare one case to another as to its degree of heinousness is specious. While "heinous" means shockingly hateful or evil, it is an adjective, so it demands comparison. In that case, it was the state of Texas that committed a heinous crime.
Obviously it meets the legal requirements for death penalty, or the prosecution wouldn't be able to seek it. :rolleyes: I don't believe it meets the emotional threshold for the jury, and it won't, unless Heck exploits the boy to do so-- which I wouldn't put past him. Charlie Myers did something awful to this kid, and the State of Ohio will continue the boy's suffering.

I never said I thought that Myers was innocent (and in fact I don't) but it's essential that we keep the basis for our entire legal system in mind and not serve as judge, jury and executioner before the first word of testimony has even been heard.

Interesting no one had a comment about the Corsicana case. To say you cannot compare one case to another as to its degree of heinousness is specious. While "heinous" means shockingly hateful or evil, it is an adjective, so it demands comparison. In that case, it was the state of Texas that committed a heinous crime.

What does the Corsicana case have to do with this one? Are the same people involved? No, not even the same state. I had to google it to know what you were referring to.
The above is a link to the Corsicana case that has nothing to do with Myers' case, for those interested.

This thread is for this specific case.
I don't live in Ohio, and i don't know who Mathias Heck is aside from the Prosecutor and i have no feelings on him one way or the other.

I find some of your retorts to myself and other posters offensive. You've made a lot of mean sounding, narcissistic comments to other posters. I'm not sure what things you want to debate, once again, debates not related to this case are for the parking lot.

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