OH - Jennifer Nelson, 29, murdered in her Dayton home, 2 Jan 2009

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It's sickly ironic that he took the life of that boy's mother at the same age. I wonder if there is something to that (possibly CM was molested when HIS mother died) that has replayed itself in this situation. :waitasec:

I have thought the same thing but wasn't to sure if i should read to much into it. His father did abuse him and we have yet to figure out if the sex offender is his father or not so it very well could be the scenerio in this situation.
Gitana, from the article I posted above :

"He cannot hear at all and we have seen no one signing to him," his former foster father said. "He lives in his own mind and unless someone is explaining things to him, he doesn't understand."

What is your take on this? TIA for your insight.

Sorry to reply so late. It seems to support my theory that he was seriously deprived of language and likely was taught with the oral method which, IMO is useless for kids who have little usable hearing. Coupled with severe child abuse, criminality would be a logical result in many cases. However, I think nothing excuses rape, murder or crimes against children. If he was abused himself, he knows it is an awful thing and would know not to do it to others. I just can't feel sorry for people who do those things.
I thought I heard that C. Myers will be back in court on Friday 16 JAN 09. I'll be looking.
Wow, he must have such courage for a 4 year old, and i really hope his testimony will get Myers locked away for life.
I still am surprised the news keeps naming the child, though.

The associated press drives me crazy they always say we do not release names of victims of sexual crimes but since his name was released prior to our knowing he was a sex victim then we released his name again, or something to that effect. American's have a short memory if they didn't keep repeating it over and over, people would forget, IMO.
The associated press drives me crazy they always say we do not release names of victims of sexual crimes but since his name was released prior to our knowing he was a sex victim then we released his name again, or something to that effect. American's have a short memory if they didn't keep repeating it over and over, people would forget, IMO.

I agree!
I really don't have an opinion one way or another about his childhood experiences. I do find them interesting because I think (and this is only my personal opinion) that more than likely they will be presented to the court as defense and will be seen as mitigating factors.

In fact, I believe they are valid mitigating factors. I have refrained from commenting on what I personally think about C. Myers and his crimes because ... well I just don't think my two cents is worthwhile at this point. But from what I have seen this is not a DP case. Just my two cents.

Kat to some extent I can agree with you. But we also have to consider a human's ability to learn from their mistakes. Myers was picked up as a juvenile, and punished. He didn't learn and when he was an adult he was charged with a crime similar to this with another woman. Those charges are pending. Then he not only did it again, he escalated it to an attack on a child and murder.

IMO this guys history may have begun this behavior, but as an adult, an adult who knows about the possibilities of getting caught, who has experience with punishment, he is responsible for what he is doing now. He was given opportunities to learn and change and failed/refused to do so. He knew the possibility of getting caught and punished and he did it anyway. If he didn't care, why should I?
I understand what you are saying about as we grow into adults we learn from our experiences mysteriew. I think that it would be expected of all people as they grow into adulthood.

I think that the defense will bring these factors into the trial. I think it will more than likely result in LWOP but not the DP.

It's too late for C. Myers. He might have been helped as a child but that time has passed and he has committed crime after crime. They may go after the DP, I am just saying I don't see it working in this case. But then again I live in TX and when they go after the DP it sticks.
This is a comment I found on True Crime Report by Jason a Juvenile Officer


I would like to tell you all a little about Charlie Myers. I knew him personally. You see I was a corrections officer at Indian River Juvenile Correctional Facility where Myers was locked up for 3 plus years. He started out on the mental health unit because they believed him to be (not mentally retarded) but slow and also because he was hearing impared (not deaf) he has about 80% loss in one ear and like 60% in the other. while on the mental health unit which was "C" unit at the time. He sexually assaulted a younger youth with the last name switzer. there were several other incidents of aggression towards youth on this unit so he was moved to a unit with an older population in the same facility. I had transferred units and was now on "B" unit which was for older general population inmates. This is where Myers was moved to. During this time he became more aggeressive towards women especially. He would threaten harm towards the women officers and supervisors as well as leering at their back sides while making sexual gestures. (One could argue that all men do this but for his age it seemed too graphic). Myers also became affiliated with a gang in the facility. I am not sure which one we had a few of them over the years. The main gangs in the juvenile facility wer the HF (Heartless Felons), MBK (My Brothers Keeper) and one other I can't remember right now. I am also familiar with ASL although not fluent I am sure those are gang signs he was using. Also for a while while Myers was going to high school (Which he graduated) in the facility he had a female ASL interpreter which he had taken away from him because of his behavior such as sexual gestures behind her back and telling youth that she was his girlfriend. (She was a very attractive which is no excuse). I personally had a physical altercation with Myers due to his aggression towards female staff members. I don't know about any of the other officers at the facility but I feel partly responsibile for Jenny Nelson's death because maybe there was something more I could have done to get him charged with additional crimes he comitted behind bars. Maybe he could have then recieve an adult sentance and have been kept behind bars. You see the punishment Myers recieved at the facility for his sexual assault and aggression towards the other youth and staff was most likely 3 days of isolation and a Youth Behavior Incident Report (YBIR) which does nothing but keep a record of behavior. It does carry some sanctions with it that are assigned by the writing officer. Most often they are very minor punishments like writing essays, or referred to the unit team members for privilage level reduction. I would like anyone who sees this to know that Myers deserves nothing less thant the death penalty for all he has done in his life. Lawyers are trying to say that he was abused and unloved as a child. Well we all have our hard luck stories and none of us lead a charmed life. That is no excuse to go around killing people or sexually assaulting others. I sincerely hope that someone like Nancy Grace gets this story and looks into the fact that none of the Administrators at Indian River tried to keep Myers Behind bars by charging him with an adult crime. My sincerest sympathies for the Family and Friends of the Nelson's. May the Lord be with the little boy who lost his mother and hopefully he will be able to recover from the sexual trauma he has received.

Posted 01/14/2009 at 03:18:56 AM

this is a eye opener-He had another vicitim of sexual assualt.
Hi Tut Med, welcome to Websleuths! Thank you for the background information on Myers.
Myers definitely deserves the DP if not, then life for his crimes. He is a sociopath with no willingness to change his behavior.
First let me say welcome to WS's tut med.:) That was a very insightful post you found and brought here. I appreciate that you posted it!
I'm sorry but I think that post from "Jason" is terribly unprofessional and pure hearsay ...

he names a victim of a sexual crime?

how do we know who "Jason" really is? and if he really did work in the criminal justice system?
I'm sorry but I think that post from "Jason" is terribly unprofessional and pure hearsay ...

he names a victim of a sexual crime?

how do we know who "Jason" really is? and if he really did work in the criminal justice system?

If he did work in the criminal justice system, he doesn't work there anymore. Posting the material that he did would be a firing offense. Perhaps he was another inmate.
Seeking the death penalty may well come back to bite Mat Heck on the *advertiser censored*. It is time of re-election Mathias? We'll see how popular he is if the jury fails to convict on a DP case (which has a considerably higher threshold than a non-DP case) and Charlie Myers ends up convicted on lesser charges that may make him eligible for parole within his lifetime.

The rage engendered by this case continues to amaze me. It is a bizarre crime, for sure, but certainly not the most heinous.... probably not even the most heinous for the week it occurred. The comments on the Dayton Daily News made my skin crawl. Those people screaming for blood of the killer are pretty frightening themselves.
These were my thoughts as well Larkin, however, you said it much better than I ever could. I'm just not sure they can pull off the DP case, too many variables that we don't know about yet.
I have no opinion about whether Myers gets the death penalty or not, but he should never be let out of prison. My beef is the LACK of treatment given to children who show sexual behaviors. They're put in juvie IF what they've done is bad enough only to get exposed to gangs and be able to sexually assault other kids. Myers' must have shown this behavior while very young and in twenty different foster homes. Violence and sexual behavior would cause him to get sent to different homes. Did he get intensive mental treatment or medication for a childhood mental illness? These type children need intensive treatment, long term hospitalization, behavior modification, and all their disabilities addressed and treated. Until society at least tries to get these kids lots more help, we'll never know if this type crime might be able to be prevented in some cases. Foster home to foster home then on to juvie for years is no answer or solution.

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