Found Deceased OH - Joey LaBute, 26, Columbus, 4 March 2016 #1

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I know Tinder is one, but isn't there another one? I saw it on Conan (yea, see how out of touch I am?! LOL). Maybe it was Tinder.

If you are in touch with technology, single, and in your 20's-30's, you have probably used it and/or heard about it! With the amount of tourists that were in Cbus that weekend, there was probably hundreds of people on that app (looking for a hookup and whatnot). It is possible that he met someone on the Tinder app (or other dating app mentioned), messaged each other or exchanged numbers with someone and made plans to meet up in the Short North somewhere. It is just a speculation, but I know some people that use the Tinder app when they are out of town to meet people/go out for drinks/hook up.
I just think it is a possibility!
I know I am spouting at the mouth today, but this case boggles my mind. It is so puzzling to me how someone can just vanish into thin air, without a trace. I keep thinking about when I am out with my friends or boyfriend. If I leave to to use the restroom, smoke, get another drink, etc, I tell the person/people I am with where I am going. Usually, someone will come with me. Now, I just moved back to Cleveland from Columbus where I had lived for years. One thing that Columbus residents know is that the Short North, Arena District, and downtown in general is a ZOO during Arnold weekend. From my past experiences, going to the Arena District, it was often impossible to order a drink, pay a tab, catch a cab, or move around in those bars. It is easy to lose someone in a crowd like that. But at the same time, there are DOUBLE the eyes in those bars.... that is why I am firm on believing that SOMEONE saw him leave. Yes, the surveillance cameras may be overwhelming in picking out Joey from the crowd. However, I am SURE there is a camera monitoring WHO is coming IN and WHO is going OUT. There is a camera pointing to the patio area out front.
Guess alot of the mystery lies in his phone records and whatnot..... wonder if we will ever find that out.
I too agree and think SOMEONE had to see him but the family is going with CPD on this and they don't want to "disturb" their progress which personally I don't think is anything. I participated in the search last weekend for Joey and was out for 5 hours looking all around the Arena District and when I came upon a ripped and tattered undershirt matching the description of what Joey last had on, I called it in and the CPD officer that showed up barelt walked up and examined it and just said, "Nope that's not it". I was like how can you tell since you didn't even come up and look closely?!? but any who I hope there are answers soon and this isn't going to be another "Brain Shaffer" incident. Joey is a friend of a friend and lives right around the corner from me so this has hit pretty close to home for myself and I have been doing whatever i can to help and assist. People just DON'T DISAPPEAR! :notgood:
I too agree and think SOMEONE had to see him but the family is going with CPD on this and they don't want to "disturb" their progress which personally I don't think is anything. I participated in the search last weekend for Joey and was out for 5 hours looking all around the Arena District and when I came upon a ripped and tattered undershirt matching the description of what Joey last had on, I called it in and the CPD officer that showed up barelt walked up and examined it and just said, "Nope that's not it". I was like how can you tell since you didn't even come up and look closely?!? but any who I hope there are answers soon and this isn't going to be another "Brain Shaffer" incident. Joey is a friend of a friend and lives right around the corner from me so this has hit pretty close to home for myself and I have been doing whatever i can to help and assist. People just DON'T DISAPPEAR! :notgood:

If I was still in Columbus, I would be doing my part as well. That is really nice of you to be a part of that. One of my girlfriends (who is just as into this case as me), walked around Short North yesterday, asking questions at surrounding bars. I know what the parking is like during that weekend... it is IMPOSSIBLE!!! On the same note, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a cab/Uber!!! He had to have gotten into someone's car on High St. That means... messaging this person while he was out all night..... that person said that he was in front of Union but having difficulty parking....Joey got in the car to help this person find a parking spot... and the person just drove off. I also have an inclination that he may have been drugged (ruffied?)... maybe there is more than one person responsible for his disappearance. Who knows.... we may never know.
I have been re-researching the Brian Shaffer case as well. It gives me chills. When I was in college, I worked at Ugly Tuna for a short period of time. I just can't wrap my head around how someone can disappear from that bar..... it does not make sense to me. How can someone be seen walking in but never walking out? As an employee there, I was only privvy to one exit and that was the MAIN exit. He had to have left that building, but someone escaped the camera's view. Spooky.
I too agree and think SOMEONE had to see him but the family is going with CPD on this and they don't want to "disturb" their progress which personally I don't think is anything. I participated in the search last weekend for Joey and was out for 5 hours looking all around the Arena District and when I came upon a ripped and tattered undershirt matching the description of what Joey last had on, I called it in and the CPD officer that showed up barelt walked up and examined it and just said, "Nope that's not it". I was like how can you tell since you didn't even come up and look closely?!? but any who I hope there are answers soon and this isn't going to be another "Brain Shaffer" incident. Joey is a friend of a friend and lives right around the corner from me so this has hit pretty close to home for myself and I have been doing whatever i can to help and assist. People just DON'T DISAPPEAR! :notgood:

Please tell me you bagged it anyways! You seriously never know! I can't believe that officer didn't! That's absolutely crazy!
I read about a case where some people found a suitcase and other things on their land under a bridge over a creek. They called LE and LE basically dismissed it as nothing. Well , the land owner was still in doubt and went back with gloves and bagged it up, stored it in their shed. Low and behold, way later, that stuff was actually connected to a missing person that was eventually found murdered!
Anyone else think the lack of concern from his father is alarming? Also there are no searches? Where is the go fund me money going? No news updates? Grinder is the app he could of been using.
Anyone else think the lack of concern from his father is alarming? Also there are no searches? Where is the go fund me money going? No news updates? Grinder is the app he could of been using.


Is it odd that the aunt called at 1:30 am too? I mean .... Is the aunt the mother of the cousin he was with ?

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Big hair- I agree with every point you have made and your assumptions! Fabians for pizza and the calm before the storm! I personally believe that he went to Axis. All the gay boys are known for going to Union first and then Axis late night. And Axis is known for drinks getting drugged. (Or so people feel as if they were, which is good enough in my opinion!)
If I was still in Columbus, I would be doing my part as well. That is really nice of you to be a part of that. One of my girlfriends (who is just as into this case as me), walked around Short North yesterday, asking questions at surrounding bars. I know what the parking is like during that weekend... it is IMPOSSIBLE!!! On the same note, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a cab/Uber!!! He had to have gotten into someone's car on High St. That means... messaging this person while he was out all night..... that person said that he was in front of Union but having difficulty parking....Joey got in the car to help this person find a parking spot... and the person just drove off. I also have an inclination that he may have been drugged (ruffied?)... maybe there is more than one person responsible for his disappearance. Who knows.... we may never know.
I have been re-researching the Brian Shaffer case as well. It gives me chills. When I was in college, I worked at Ugly Tuna for a short period of time. I just can't wrap my head around how someone can disappear from that bar..... it does not make sense to me. How can someone be seen walking in but never walking out? As an employee there, I was only privvy to one exit and that was the MAIN exit. He had to have left that building, but someone escaped the camera's view. Spooky.

I know he met up with a guy down there that night and went on a date but the guy he was with left early that evening so to me it's highly unlikely that he would of met someone else and went with them. My theory and it has been since this all started is I believe he was drugged or something of that nature and then maybe a little delusional was somehow lead out of the bar by someone who offered to help or something of that nature. My friend knows him very well and has assured me he wouldn't just leave with a random person and he doesn't participate in the whole Grindr or any of those other apps much like how I don't because everyone on there is usually just looking for a hook up and Joey isn't like that. So that's the conclusion I'm at right now is somehow he was drugged and helped out of the bar and maybe passed out shortly afterwards not realizing what was going on. The human trafficking that everyone keeps speculating on, I believe is very possible especially that weekend with The Arnold. The whole situation gives me chills as well because you would never think anything like this when you're out and about and like you, I'm a very cautious person and pay attention to my surroundings, won't leave my drink anywhere, let people know if I'm going to the bathroom, bar etc... cause you never know who may be watching. It's super scary but I'm hoping that i'm going to be wrong on this whole situation and that there will be some other explanation. Same thing with Brain Shaffer though and they never caught him on camera leaving which has astounded me since that happened.:scared:
I know he met up with a guy down there that night and went on a date but the guy he was with left early that evening so to me it's highly unlikely that he would of met someone else and went with them. My theory and it has been since this all started is I believe he was drugged or something of that nature and then maybe a little delusional was somehow lead out of the bar by someone who offered to help or something of that nature. My friend knows him very well and has assured me he wouldn't just leave with a random person and he doesn't participate in the whole Grindr or any of those other apps much like how I don't because everyone on there is usually just looking for a hook up and Joey isn't like that. So that's the conclusion I'm at right now is somehow he was drugged and helped out of the bar and maybe passed out shortly afterwards not realizing what was going on. The human trafficking that everyone keeps speculating on, I believe is very possible especially that weekend with The Arnold. The whole situation gives me chills as well because you would never think anything like this when you're out and about and like you, I'm a very cautious person and pay attention to my surroundings, won't leave my drink anywhere, let people know if I'm going to the bathroom, bar etc... cause you never know who may be watching. It's super scary but I'm hoping that i'm going to be wrong on this whole situation and that there will be some other explanation. Same thing with Brain Shaffer though and they never caught him on camera leaving which has astounded me since that happened.:scared:

Do you know if the guy he met up with earlier in the evening was from Columbus? So, he went on a date and then met up with his cousin later?
Where did he go on his date?
Going back to the his drink being drugged..... like I had said earlier- apparently, there was several people that were "ruffied" at Axis that night. He must have met someone at the bar.... and maybe was lured away?
Please tell me you bagged it anyways! You seriously never know! I can't believe that officer didn't! That's absolutely crazy!
I read about a case where some people found a suitcase and other things on their land under a bridge over a creek. They called LE and LE basically dismissed it as nothing. Well , the land owner was still in doubt and went back with gloves and bagged it up, stored it in their shed. Low and behold, way later, that stuff was actually connected to a missing person
that was eventually found murdered!

Unfortunately no I didn't. We were told not to touch anything and to call it in to CPD and they would send someone to investigate which I did and they didn't provide us with bags, just whistles and gloves. I thought the same thing. That's crazy and I bet if I went back to the site it will still be there cause it was ripped and hanging from a tree but the branches were super low to the ground to where you could reach it. I personally don't think CPD is doing everything possible in this case and I don't know if it's because they have thousands of missing people or what but I don't think they're doing everything they possibly can. It's sad and unfortunately the family thinks they are.:facepalm:
I believe so, and No, the guy met up with Joey and his cousin and wife at Union. he just didn't stay out late. I don't think Joey was really feeling the guy and that's why his message just said, "byeeee" when the guy said, "Goodnight cutie". I also heard about that at Axis and can't say I'm honestly surprised. Stuff like that happens quite more often than it should.
.. it's highly unlikely that he would of met someone else and went with them. ...he wouldn't just leave with a random person and he doesn't participate in the whole Grindr or any of those other apps ...

SBM ^^

Sadly, we hear this from friends and family all the time, and end up finding out otherwise. NOT saying this is the case, however all possibilities have to be looked into. If someone struck his fancy, he very well could have gotten in their car of his own free will.

My family and most of my friends would have said the same about me, and I can assure you I did a LOT of stupid things they would have never believed. I cringe and thank God I'm still alive whenever I think of some of the unsafe and dangerous behavior I engaged in when I was in my 20's in Los Angeles. Leaving bars and parties with strangers, going to unknown parts of the city, allowing people I barely knew into my apartment, hopping into the car of a cute stranger on their way to a party, hitch hiking.. Ugh. :naughty:
I believe so, and No, the guy met up with Joey and his cousin and wife at Union. he just didn't stay out late. I don't think Joey was really feeling the guy and that's why his message just said, "byeeee" when the guy said, "Goodnight cutie". I also heard about that at Axis and can't say I'm honestly surprised. Stuff like that happens quite more often than it should.

wow.... I had no idea that he had went out with the guy he had texted that night, earlier in the evening! Media did not come out with that. Thanks for the info :)
If he was drugged, he would be completely inebriated- or so I think. I have never been drugged, but if I was ruffied, I believe that I would probably black out- can't walk, talk, see. I am not sure how long it takes for that drug to kick in... to the point where the individual is fully incapacitated. How could someone lure him away, down high street, in that condition, without anyone noticing?
That is just what is so puzzling to me.....maybe it is someone he knew..... or someone he had met before.
Anyone else think the lack of concern from his father is alarming? Also there are no searches? Where is the go fund me money going? No news updates? Grinder is the app he could of been using.

I've met his parents in person and they are deeply concerned but also I think more just in shock, like they can't believe this is actually happening. They have been there every step though passing fliers and were there the day of the search and they live in Cincinatti so they have been making the drive to and from ever since this happened. Joey lives here in Columbus but his parents do not. The go fund me money is being handled by Joey's brother Patrick right now and they are still planning on getting a PI but don't want to interfere with CPDs investigation right now so far.
wow.... I had no idea that he had went out with the guy he had texted that night, earlier in the evening! Media did not come out with that. Thanks for the info :)
If he was drugged, he would be completely inebriated- or so I think. I have never been drugged, but if I was ruffied, I believe that I would probably black out- can't walk, talk, see. I am not sure how long it takes for that drug to kick in... to the point where the individual is fully incapacitated. How could someone lure him away, down high street, in that condition, without anyone noticing?
That is just what is so puzzling to me.....maybe it is someone he knew..... or someone he had met before.

yep he did, and I forget what News channel but they did interview the guy he went out with, he just didn't want to be on camera, not sure why but yeah they didn't go into too many details about that. I have not been either but that's how I think i'd be as well and if someone offers to help you, you probably wouldn't fully realize what was going on and so you may just go with the help not realizing that you don't know the individual "helping you" at the time:( It's been so mind boggling to me as well that I have actually not been able to sleep most nights because i keep playing different scenarios out in my head and trying to look at all possible angles.
SBM ^^

Sadly, we hear this from friends and family all the time, and end up finding out otherwise. NOT saying this is the case, however all possibilities have to be looked into. If someone struck his fancy, he very well could have gotten in their car of his own free will.

My family and most of my friends would have said the same about me, and I can assure you I did a LOT of stupid things they would have never believed. I cringe and thank God I'm still alive whenever I think of some of the unsafe and dangerous behavior I engaged in when I was in my 20's in Los Angeles. Leaving bars and parties with strangers, going to unknown parts of the city, allowing people I barely knew into my apartment, hopping into the car of a cute stranger on their way to a party, hitch hiking.. Ugh. :naughty:

I have done all the same.... walk down alleys alone at night, walk to the bars alone, walk home from the bars alone, accepted rides from strangers, used Tinder to meet up with STRANGERS... etc etc.... Never once in my life did I ever think that anything would happen to me and I am thankful that nothing did! I think about it now and it makes me cringe too ( and that was only a few years ago). I am Joey's age and still probably continue to make stupid decisions, but I am alot more careful. I can say that, even my closest friends and family do not know that I have done all those things. If you were to ask my best friend or my mother, I can assure you they would tell you that I would have NEVER gotten into a car with a stranger. If Joey happened to be drugged, it rules out his ability to make safe decisions. He is completely vulnerable at that point. If he had met someone on Tinder and agreed to meet up for a drink.... the last thing on his mind was probably danger.... with the Short North being jam packed with people... who would think that something so devastating could happen? You are in public and around hundreds and hundreds of people. After all, the safest place to meet a stranger is in a public area!
SBM ^^

Sadly, we hear this from friends and family all the time, and end up finding out otherwise. NOT saying this is the case, however all possibilities have to be looked into. If someone struck his fancy, he very well could have gotten in their car of his own free will.

My family and most of my friends would have said the same about me, and I can assure you I did a LOT of stupid things they would have never believed. I cringe and thank God I'm still alive whenever I think of some of the unsafe and dangerous behavior I engaged in when I was in my 20's in Los Angeles. Leaving bars and parties with strangers, going to unknown parts of the city, allowing people I barely knew into my apartment, hopping into the car of a cute stranger on their way to a party, hitch hiking.. Ugh. :naughty:

Understandable and you do have a point and I'm just going by what i know from a friend of ours who knows Joey pretty well. That being said, being an adult of sound mind and body, surely you could change your mind on things and do something completely out of your comfort zone. No one knows for sure what actually happened cause if so we all wouldn't be discussing the different possibilities. Appreciate your feedback though:)
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