Found Deceased OH - Joey LaBute, 26, Columbus, 4 March 2016 #1

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Perhaps she's on to something. Maybe LE has pinged the phone and it's last location was a apartment building, house or business. Maybe they've secretly searched those areas for Joey and knows he isn't there and because of that, are doing surveillance on the property to see who's coming and going and following their movements. Maybe allowing the family to hire a PI will uncover what they're doing and jeopardize their operation. Which would then have outsiders talking about it and eventually make it in the news that the perpetrator would hear.

This has kind of been my hunch for awhile now; that a location/person is under surveillance and CPD does not want to tip their hand. I posted something of that nature a few days ago, somewhat ineptly, only because it was the only rationale I could think of for the lack of communication. I am very , very glad that there is confirmation now that the phone has been pinged, and I appreciate Joey's aunt letting us know that.

Also, the page has now been updated.

Hope and praying that Joey comes home soon.
Time will tell. I'm convinced . Sooner or later we will see the light. It may be tomorrow. I'm confident cpd has pertinent information . I would hope that this case isn't being ignored. I would hope that it isn't at risk of going cold. I'm convincing myself that the reason we haven't heard from cpd is because they have possible answers that can't be released just now. Just pray that we find out information soon. It sucks we r stuck in limbo ... No answer ... No direction ... Just speculations. Maybe we will get answers tomorrow. I know I've tried to do my research.. All the way in Cleveland . I've dedicated a lot of time .. Each day... Searching for answers . This case has been interrupting my days at work... I'm very concerned and confused . Praying we get answers tomorrow

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There's so much back and forth here to read. Are there really and any big leads here lately or is it going cold? :(

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Yikes, how do you know this? That's sad news. I was hoping CPD possibly knew something but were playing it close to the vest for now. Too bad :(

I don't think any of us can say for certain what CPD may or may not know. Cell phone pings I'm sure have given CPD some indication on his last whereabouts. Beyond that though, who knows what the other leads may be.

The idea CPD has a suspect under constant surveillance, at least to me, sounds too Hollywood movie.
I realize that it's been 10 years ago, but does anyone remember how CPD handled the Brian Shaffer case? Did they ever release any info to the public regarding his cell phone pings or video surveillance and if so how long after he went missing did they release that info?

I remember there were many community searches for Brian and people were putting up flyers for years after his disappearance.

IIRC, there was also a retired Columbus detective who worked closely with Brian's family for many years investigating any new leads in his case.
The key difference from the Brian Shaffer case is the fact that at least one of the friends Brian was with that night has come under some suspicion. He quickly lawyered up, has refused interviews with police, and will not take a polygraph.
Well, you got your wish: update from Patrick Labute on the page -

"When Joey went missing we were in a state of panic and were overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness, as any family would be in a situation such as this. In the beginning there was a lot of uncertainty as to the level of Police involvement and just how much they’d be able to do. Still at a point where many things were uncertain and Joey’s story had spread enormously, we started the fundraiser with the intention of hiring a Private Investigator to help find him. As we’ve worked more closely with CPD we now understand the sheer amount of work being done and the level of dedication they’ve displayed to bringing Joey home.

That said, CPD has asked us to wait to move forward with hiring a PI, as a PI’s effectiveness would be limited at such an early stage in the investigation. Being the experts CPD are, we’ve obliged their request and have waited to put the money raised to use, as any sensible party would do under the same

The outpouring of support we’ve experienced has been phenomenal and truly awe-inspiring, and has
helped us stay positive during what has been an extremely trying time for everyone who knew or was
close to Joey. If there are any doubts as to what the money will be used for or when it will be used they
are assuredly unfounded, and when or if the time comes we can assure everyone that each and every
penny will be spent with the unwavering intention of finding Joey.

Thank you,

Patrick LaBute"
"....anyone who knew or was close to Joey"

I don't like how that sounds.
Well, we know that Joey had been out on a date earlier that evening. He sent the text "byeeeeee" to that person. To me, it seems dismissive, especially if that is his response to, "goodnight cutie." Guessing that Joey was not really "feeling" his date. Otherwise, I am sure that Joey may have invited this person to join him and his cousin that evening. If that were the case, the outcome of the evening would probably be WAY different. I believe this person was questioned already by CPD, but the person could not provide much information other than their short lived date. Could he still be a suspect? Maybe...
The only logical reason (that I keep stating over and over again) as to why Joey walked out of Union, is to "meet" someone that he perhaps had been chatting to on a dating app. People on this forum have reported that they have seen Joey on several dating apps and have mentioned that he had been "active" on those apps THAT night. So, it is VERY possible that he may have seen someone on the app that was "in the area" and decided to meet up for a drink? I have no idea how this person successfully lured him off. I could be totally wrong! I probably am wrong lol.... it really is the only thing that makes some sense to me. :)

I think this is the entire answer - and/or that convention in town and homophobia I cant remember the name of that human tracfficking thing . Not even saying that (trafficking) I would think homophobia might be prevelant with folks who are stealing people. Kinda like serial killers with prostitues.

I think homophobia is gonna come into play here at some point,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

RE I'm wondering if it was a gay hook up gone bad, his parents really don't want it all over the news. It can be a sensitive subject for some. Do we know if he is out to his family? In this day and age, you'd think it wouldn't matter, but it still does to many.

This is just a gut feeling -but I think (from interview with dad) family knows his sexual orinetation moo...and there were plenty of referances to union being gay friendly in papers which the family wouls have read

And there has been nothing on Zach. Does anyone know --can a family decide if the tox results can not be released - they have to be back by now and not one word. Of course they are gonna do accidental bla bal, but the tox results would be interesting despite the fact that the body makes some alchol as it decomposes.

RE: I have been preaching on this forum since day one, saying that HE HAS TO BE SEEN ON CAMERA SOMEWHERE. He just has too. It would be way too hard for

I kept saying that on Zach thread - and it was not til late in it that cops finally said something like we have several videos and "tracked" him. But for quite some time all they said was we have ONE video and he "entered " the water. There are camera everywhere theese days...I to think they have tracking capacity.And possibly have tape on who he met afterward, cant ID him yet and dont want to tell us that they did in fact see him meet someone else.

I think there may be more to the "lie" text than we are discussing. I mean there is no way that statement means all is well. Now most of us know being accused of being a liar does not often result in someone going missing, but in the context of this whole thing there def was some conflict going on that evening

seen at Fabians, Bakersfield, Pinthouse and Union- (are they gay friendly or gay bars??) and on dating sites - yeh he is a young kid , and was cruising that night --nothing wroong with that - if the dud date later, saw him with someone else could be trouble--like the other dude felt as if he was being led on by Joey... and later sees him flirting with someone else especially if the other guy was really cute
I am glad they updated the . It is exactly what needed to happen.

Now, to play that balancing act game of doing what the police tell you to do versus taking it upon yourself to want to do everything possible before it is too late. I can't imagine how hard that game is. I hope there are answers soon.

This is my guess, but only a guess. I was in the singles scene for a long time. I never much thought twice about going somewhere with someone I met. I'm not talking about "home" with them, I am talking about we met somewhere and head to another bar together or something. I mean, the fact of the matter is that when you meet someone, even after a date, you dont know anything. Hell, someone who is trying to do something bad to you will hide it for a long time! So hoping in a car with someone didnt feel as risky or as odd as people here think it is. I can definitely see someone he has been chatting with saying that he was coming to meet him, but cant find parking. Joey goes outside to meet him and takes a ride to park. Maybe even decide to go to a different bar, since the walk back will be far. I don't know at what point it goes bad, but I don't think it was a "grab off the street" type of thing. I think they need to question the earlier date and look at any person he was date chatting with that night. I think the answer is RIGHT there. It would not be beyond comprehension that earlier date guy comes back, Joey being all "What are you doing here?" him asking him to go park the car with him and he goes. Maybe a confrontation about why he wasnt interested?

I think the "I'm driving" wasnt under duress, because it would have been sensed. He could have been riding with someone to park. I do think it is slightly strange that the cousins started frantically calling that night after they spoke to him. I would probably not think twice about it until the next day when I couldn't get in touch, so I think there is something missing in that story there. They could have been worried about him driving drunk or could have sensed something in his voice, but there is a reason they were calling that night at 2 something in the morning concerned.

^^^ only my opinion
I want so bad for a positive outcome in this case.

"We haven't heard a peep! " This is identical to Zach - there was three says of coverage - and totally nothing until he was found weeks later.

He vanished on the 13 Feb and was found on the 15 of march three days of coverage , nothing and a report found and in the last 11 days not one word from med exam. It just seems like these case dont get followed which befuddles me ...and frustrates me.....
I mean in cases like these there is a chance they may be alive and need help

Why do fatal shootings get so much attn , the outcome is known--Joey may need help. its backwards as far as the media goes . Just weird IMO. Reporters are parents, I dont know why just that in and of itself does not result in a reporter saying to his/her prodcuer let me check up on the Joey case.

And then at least report, we contacted LE and they stated...whatever....but it seems like they are not even asking Le about progress.

If they have video of him with someone else, and cant seem to ID that person , like the boston marathon why not put that out and ask for help to ID person in video

its exasperating...IMO they have video obviouly Le cant ID person ask for the publics help. Who knows if apic was released of who he was with someone at the bar night could say oh god thats Billy or whatever

I'm really wondering why cellphone information, such as pings, has not be released...providing that the information was requested from the phone company provider to begin with....same thing on Zach case nothing about phone to this day
Arnold Thing. When I first starting following this I heard about the Arnold thing that weekend. Truly creeped me out. I have gone online. Can a local answer some questions please:

What is it about this event that makes it so prone for this?

It seems like this is wildly known about - why doesnt the facility refuse to rent space.?

So what are we talking about - with it widely known do they just grab people and throw them in vans?

Why would people even go if it is so public that this horrible stuff seems to be going on at this event?

Is it true that this is like one of the worst events where this happens?

Why/how did some event like this "began" for this to happen? What is the lure for lack of a better word , for in this enviroment for it to become again for lack of a better word popular for these people. It just baffles me - what is different about this than a football game?

Any other info about this - when it started , on line all i am getting (amazing) is the prevelance of awareness that this event is connected to this activity.

I am aware of the problem in this country - but have never heard of like a location and event that seems to be very known for this- its disgusting

Why have citizens not made it known that they do not want the event in their city again?

Why are the sponsers not boycotted?

Why is local news not warning area folks?

Sounds awful--but like it seems like it would make more sense (no hangup with *advertiser censored*) if it was like an adult adult performers award show -- you know what I mean

What on earth does body building have to do with this ? Its like there is a conncection or something-- TIA

As I have got caught up this evening- I also am having troulbe with LE supposedly telling private citizens what to do or not do as far as a PI goes. It is a boundary issue. If a PI was retained and in some interfered with their work fine for LE to address it. Le all over is over budget, I can come up with no reason why and extra set of eyes, experieance, can possibly hurt anything.

If the stance was we would appreciate it if your PI releases nothing without consulting us prior -- makes sense.

However frankly it is none of LE business what, how , when , where citizens do as long as they are not breaking any laws. As far as I knowprivate citizens are allowed to hire lawyers, maids drivers, gardners, pool men , window clenaers whatever.

Le has no "jursidication" to be telling citizens anything other than one can not break any laws.....makes IMO totally no sense. None.

Has anyone actually "heard" LE making a clear statement to public stating that they have requested that a private citizen not retain anyone . That is like IMO a doctor requesting that a pt not get a second opionion-it is obserd IMO NOtions anyone................................

In court (as long as there is no mental competncy a citizxen has the right to request different representation etc

very peculiar

Also, just in gerneral how does typically "account" for how /what money goes for in any case?? Like methodolgy??
I don't think any of us can say for certain what CPD may or may not know. Cell phone pings I'm sure have given CPD some indication on his last whereabouts. Beyond that though, who knows what the other leads may be.

The idea CPD has a suspect under constant surveillance, at least to me, sounds too Hollywood movie.

About the pinging of phones....Can the police do that or does the phone carrier have to do it ? Do they make contact with the phone or make contact with the cell tower ?
I am glad they updated the . It is exactly what needed to happen.

Now, to play that balancing act game of doing what the police tell you to do versus taking it upon yourself to want to do everything possible before it is too late. I can't imagine how hard that game is. I hope there are answers soon.

This is my guess, but only a guess. I was in the singles scene for a long time. I never much thought twice about going somewhere with someone I met. I'm not talking about "home" with them, I am talking about we met somewhere and head to another bar together or something. I mean, the fact of the matter is that when you meet someone, even after a date, you dont know anything. Hell, someone who is trying to do something bad to you will hide it for a long time! So hoping in a car with someone didnt feel as risky or as odd as people here think it is. I can definitely see someone he has been chatting with saying that he was coming to meet him, but cant find parking. Joey goes outside to meet him and takes a ride to park. Maybe even decide to go to a different bar, since the walk back will be far. I don't know at what point it goes bad, but I don't think it was a "grab off the street" type of thing. I think they need to question the earlier date and look at any person he was date chatting with that night. I think the answer is RIGHT there. It would not be beyond comprehension that earlier date guy comes back, Joey being all "What are you doing here?" him asking him to go park the car with him and he goes. Maybe a confrontation about why he wasnt interested?

I think the "I'm driving" wasnt under duress, because it would have been sensed. He could have been riding with someone to park. I do think it is slightly strange that the cousins started frantically calling that night after they spoke to him. I would probably not think twice about it until the next day when I couldn't get in touch, so I think there is something missing in that story there. They could have been worried about him driving drunk or could have sensed something in his voice, but there is a reason they were calling that night at 2 something in the morning concerned.

^^^ only my opinion

My understanding is that the gibberish text was received first, then the aunt called him (Joey indicated he was driving). The cousin did not respond to the gibberish text under late in the day the next day.
My understanding is the gibbe
My understanding is that the gibberish text was received first, then the aunt called him (Joey indicated he was driving). The cousin did not respond to the gibberish text under late in the day the next day.
My understanding is the gibbe

"Gibberish" text was sent to joey's friend Matt (who he was texting with earlier that evening) not to a cousin.

Matt responded at 11:47 pm on Sunday.

The call with aunt supposedly did occur after that text.
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