Found Deceased OH - Joey LaBute, 26, Columbus, 4 March 2016 #1

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I’m new to the forum and found it through concern for Joseph LaBute. I’m in Columbus, Ohio and would like to shed some light on a few theories that have been bounced around. We may have more answers this morning as a body that was found will be identified.
Joey disappeared during the weekend of the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus. This event is held every year in the spring and attracts thousands of people. While it is a great event, what a lot of people – even those who live in Columbus – do not realize is that it is the country’s second highest event for human trafficking. Most people don’t realize what human trafficking entails and when a few of us in Columbus suggested that this may be what happened, others said that there was no way Joey would get involved in that. This is where we need some clarification. People do not choose to get involved in human trafficking. Typically, what happens is traffickers use a decoy, usually a very attractive person, to lure a person to them. They then kidnap the person and their life is forever changed as they are forced to have sex with many people over and over again. Drug trafficking is starting to take a back seat to human trafficking because once drugs sell, they can’t be resold because they get used. In human trafficking, the commodity is the human and they can be sold over and over again. Some of us in Columbus felt that this could be what happened to Joey as the Arnold Sports Festival venue was located on the same side of the street only a few blocks down from Union where Joey was last seen. There were also rumors that night of some people that didn’t fit in at the bar and speaking a European language. These could have been traffickers due to a high percentage of them being from European countries.
Union is one of the most popular gay bars in the Columbus area. To give you an idea of its popularity, one can barely make it from the front of the bar to the back because it is so crowded. There’s typically many, many people standing around. We’ve been told that security footage at Union was turned over to the police and video is very grainy/pixelated. There’s a reason for this. Union is a great place to meet friends and hang out, but ownership is very focused on cutting costs and making money. There’s even rumors of underground crime activity associated with Union and Axis (across the street and owned by the same men).
Joey was with family and some friends at the bar and got up for a drink and was never seen again. This is very strange. It doesn’t seem like he would leave the bar as rumor has it that a few friends were going to Union that night to meet up with him after he spent time with family. So, he probably would not have left the bar. Sadly, if something as put in his drink, he may have been led outside without anyone noticing. Many of you wonder how this is possible and the answer would lie in knowing gay culture. Gay bars typically serve very strong drinks. I can’t emphasize how strong the drinks are! It’s a common sight to see people being led out of a gay bar drunk or barely able to walk. If you’re at the bar, you move out of the way, let people through, and keep going about your business and having fun. So, if Joey was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it wouldn’t have stood out.
The events of the evening leading up to Joey’s disappearance leave some questions. He had a date and the date texted him, “goodnight cutie.” Joey’s response was, “byyyyyyee.” As an FYI, in the gay community, that is a brush off and really a snarky response. It may also be a clue.
Others have said they’ve chatted with Joey on apps designed to meet people. For those who are not familiar with these apps, you can log on, see who is online and the people are usually listed in the order of those closest to you. If you’re at Union on a Friday night, the app would be filled with people from Union and the Short North. He may have met someone on an app, but typically, no one would leave their family behind to go meet a guy.
Directly next to Union is an alley. Cars sometimes stop in the alley and this could be how Joey was taken. No one watches the alley or notices anything going on.
It’s been a rough month for the gay community as many of us are deeply concerned and just want Joey returned to his family. Joey is one of our own and we want him to be safe. As I’ve read the posts on here, it’s been brought up that Joey’s sexuality may or may not have nothing to do with his disappearance. In my opinion, sexuality does play a role; Specifically, in knowing gay culture and behavior. We gay men can act and behave somewhat differently from our straight counterparts.
A body was found yesterday in the river a bit of a distance from where Joey was last seen. Some of you have stated that he may have been in the park cruising. I feel the need to address this here. Several years ago, there were many gays who cruised. It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time and was a quick way to find a sex partner. However, with technology comes change. There are now apps to meet people and that seems to be the way to go. Also, what no one has pointed out is that is Joey was truly looking for a good time, he could have met anyone at Union and there is also a gay bath house a few miles from the bar. Also, it would be extremely rare for anyone who is out on a Friday night having fun with friends and family to get up and leave to go cruising. So, for those of you who think this is an option, it’s pretty far fetched. The other thing I’d add is that most cruising takes place during the day or in the early evening hours. To add to this, if Joey really wanted a hook up and quick sex, he could have just met up with the guy he had a date with earlier. Though Joey may not have shown a lot of interest, the guy was clearly interested and would have been a likely option if that is all Joey wanted. Combined with the fact that Joey had a few friends who were on their way to Union to meet him, but arrived and couldn’t find him, the hook up and cruising theory does not seem likely.
Questions arise about how his family is handling this. Money was raised and is now put on hold. Those of us who donated are not thrilled with this happening, but understand. Then, if you look at his Mom’s Facebook page, in between posting items about Joey, she is posting cute cat videos and photos. This seems like odd behavior, but could be a way of coping.
In Columbus, we are concerned for Joey’s safety and hope he is found soon. Though a body has been found, it has not been confirmed if it is Joey. We hope it isn’t. We want him to return home safe and sound.
I have to say as a gay man, I've found a lot of the speculation in this thread rather insulting.

I completely agree. However, we must also realize that some people just don't know our community and speculate a lot of strange things.
Hopefully the presser will be broadcast live. I'm watching NBC4 right now, but it's the Today Show.
I'm a gay man, and I don't find any of the speculation insulting. In fact, I proposed and/or agreed with an idea that I believe is very possible: that he may have met someone on a dating/hookup app and this is what led to his disappearance. It is very possible and to believe otherwise is naive. The fact is, we do not know what happened to him, so we cannot worry about "offending" people when presenting theories.

However, I still cannot get over just how many young, good looking college aged men have gone missing under circumstances very, very similar to Joey's.
I completely agree. However, we must also realize that some people just don't know our community and speculate a lot of strange things.

I suggest no one get offended by speculation. There are serial killers out there targeting men and killing them. Whether they are specifically targeting gay men is to be determined. Just be safe regardless of your orientation.
Agree. When a woman goes missing from a bar, a possible hookup is always discussed. Very relevant, because if there was a hookup that person may have been the last person to see the missing person and may have needed information, and if it turns out that there's foul play, the hookup is a prime suspect.

It's no different with Joey. If he was going to hookup with someone, that person needs to be found.

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Still--there's a big difference between leaving the bar with someone, or going to meet someone, and some of yesterday's suggestions about cruising Berliner Park (which is down river from the body's location--bodies don't float UP stream).

I would imagine we will be hearing something soon from the PD regarding the ID of this body. It strikes me, however, that in the statement about how the police came to be systematically searching this (and inferentially other) bodies of water, they mention a number of missing persons cases (I think one journalistic reference was to a higher than usual number of such cases). I don't know if they were just throwing shade while they go through formal identification and family notification--and actually knew who they were looking for when they started searching the river--or if they have some reason to connect multiple cases to a particular suspect and MO. Thinking back to the Ugly Tuna case, it certainly would be nice if this body could lead back to a resolution of that case.
I'm a gay man, and I don't find any of the speculation insulting. In fact, I proposed and/or agreed with an idea that I believe is very possible: that he may have met someone on a dating/hookup app and this is what led to his disappearance. It is very possible and to believe otherwise is naive. The fact is, we do not know what happened to him, so we cannot worry about "offending" people when presenting theories.

However, I still cannot get over just how many young, good looking college aged men have gone missing under circumstances very, very similar to Joey's.

Exactly. I've researched over 200 similar cases. There are many similarities between each of the cases. What's not clear is how they are targeted. I believe it's through dating apps, gaming systems or internet sites like Craigslist. Everyone needs to be alert. If you see something, say something. Eventually these psychopaths will get caught.
Ya know... this isn't the first time a body has been found in that river. It happens alot.... but none of these people that have been found in this river, previously, get HALF as much media attention- never seen a press conference for any other person discovered dead in a river. I feel as though the media is making a big deal about this!!! Just think that this is a MAJOR clue that this person is, in fact, Joey. So sad.
I'm a gay man, and I don't find any of the speculation insulting. In fact, I proposed and/or agreed with an idea that I believe is very possible: that he may have met someone on a dating/hookup app and this is what led to his disappearance. It is very possible and to believe otherwise is naive. The fact is, we do not know what happened to him, so we cannot worry about "offending" people when presenting theories.

However, I still cannot get over just how many young, good looking college aged men have gone missing under circumstances very, very similar to Joey's.

I'm also gay and don't find the speculation insulting. As a community we have a reputation for a reason. I can tell you of numerous friends who have met people on apps for public sex. However, given that Joey was with family and friends and also expecting more friends to meet him out later, I don't think this is what happened.
Ya know... this isn't the first time a body has been found in that river. It happens alot.... but none of these people that have been found in this river, previously, get HALF as much media attention- never seen a press conference for any other person discovered dead in a river. I feel as though the media is making a big deal about this!!! Just think that this is a MAJOR clue that this person is, in fact, Joey. So sad.

good point! Also, in Columbus, we have not heard of any other young men in their 20s missing in the past month.
So if this is Joey's body they found in the river I really want to know when people are going to wake up and realize that something very strange and sinister is going on and has been for over a decade now. I will never, ever buy that all of the over 200 young men who have met their fates in very similar manners who all have several things in common, "accidentally" fell into these bodies of water and drowned. There are so many clues that point otherwise, but some reason we just keep accepting these as accidents.
So if this is Joey's body they found in the river I really want to know when people are going to wake up and realize that something very strange and sinister is going on and has been for over a decade now. I will never, ever buy that all of the over 200 young men who have met their fates in very similar manners who all have several things in common, "accidentally" fell into these bodies of water and drowned. There are so many clues that point otherwise, but some reason we just keep accepting these as accidents.

I understand the Smiley Killer theory, but hasn't it been straight men who are the victims? Articles online say they think the killer is a woman or group of women. Let me tell you, as a gay guy, I'm not following a woman anywhere!
good point! Also, in Columbus, we have not heard of any other young men in their 20s missing in the past month.

Exactly!!!! I seriously lived two blocks from that area- Frankfurt and S. Front....
I know that alot of sketchy stuff happens around that area (audobon- entrance to bike path)- there is also a little community of homeless that gather by and old building right on the corner of Whittier- I know that many of these people have been found in that river.
Also, wasn't there a guy that overturned his kayak and was missing for a period of time, recently? I remember when they found his body, it was miles downstream the Scioto- from what I remember of that case, it did not get nearly as much coverage as this. I remember that the first news update I had received when the kayaker's body was found, positively identified that person.
This case has been "hush hush" from the get go- naturally, they wouldn't give the identity yesterday when the body was found. However, the way they are handling the case and the way things have been articulated in interviews, make it appear as though everyone's gut feeling is true.
I'm with you on this one. So many red flags during the investigation. Telling the family not to hire a PI, not hearing no any updates for a while. I suspect that police immediately checked phone records, reached out to the apps, and may already have a suspect. I'm wondering if the suspect led them to the body. It's highly unplausible that police would just randomly send divers into the river. There would have to be a reason. So, someone knows something.
I understand the Smiley Killer theory, but hasn't it been straight men who are the victims? Articles online say they think the killer is a woman or group of women. Let me tell you, as a gay guy, I'm not following a woman anywhere!

Personally, from what I have researched, I do not think sexual orientation of the young men really plays all that much of a factor in why they are targeted. I think there are other connections/reasons for these guys being targeted. I also do not believe the theory that it is a group of women either.
VTX88 :Your post was terrific. Hope you dont mind but I am going to use some of your thoughts to keep my similar ones from getting off track and nasty!!!

I felt anger,sadness,surprise, and confusion, and regret about about some of the discussion on this thread in the last 18 hours.

Been here a long time. And there have been other times when I wanted to come out, to explain why I was processing information about a case . My inner gut told me , that for some, here, that might be problematic. The last 18 hours seems to have proven that notion correct.

1. VTX88 : "I haven't seen any evidence of speculation in any of these posts." V me either -none.. "There have been plenty of sources posted here that show that he is known to be gay and to talk to males on meet-up apps." In reality in Joeys case we had a lot more info than on most. No-one was "speculating" about his sexual preferances.

It was clear and up front from day one. Channel 10s early report about the "guy he had been dating" ought to have been a pretty clear indicator that one is not "speculating" if someone is meeting people of the same gender for a "date". All that ruckus yesterday was astounding.I f we anlyzed the number of "gay hook up" sites mentioned, the term "hooking up" thoughout the thread they would come in at number one and two IMO.

Repectfully to both Cold and Silly I was more than baffled by the request that his orientation being declared in main stream floored me. In the first stories every MSM report made sure to advise its readers that Union was "gay friendly" from day one.

In and of itself does that imply ones orientation, well no. But in context with all the posters here who have claimed that they know him it becomes overtly clear that Joey is gay, lived and enjoyed a gay lifestyle. Good for him.

If we had been discussing a rape case, and a victim was able to enlighten others who had not been raped that would be fine. However, when several us "shared" something about ourselves the thread went nuts.

2 V:"I have no idea why this notion that gay men have hook-up sex is so insulting to people." Me either , but then again we both know why! To a lot of folks the notion of cruising around a park is repulsive.

Well, as a gay man, I can say that I find guys going to stripper bars no different, except they end up paying for nothing! A guy, who happens to be in a park, where it is known that others of the same orientation congregate ,is no different than hetero men , who want to see the female anatomy shaken in their faces , and be sat on by someone who has been rubbing her body all over strangers, while sweating is no different. Does that imply that they cant "get"laid in other environs, no.

Honestly ,IMO its grosser - sitting all over a bunch of strangers close to naked over and over . At least in the "cruise" mode ones intentions are honest, not being done to make a buck while being totally manipulative at the same time.

I would rather "be" with someone who is responding to me in a sexual way , authentically, as oppossed to someone pretending to find me attractive and/or sexual so that I will stick some money somewhere on their body.

3.V "
wouldn't have all this discussion about his sexual preference. Who cares what his preference is". What transpired here is no different than dialog folks would have if a prostite went missing. Calm down I am not implying JOey was selling himself-calm .

I am stating in IMO, a gay bar was the ground zero. The the worlds biggest gay hookup app comes into the picture. Then two other gay appls come into the picture. Then a man he is dating comes into the picture. Then every gay orginazation in that area becomes involves in organiaing search efforts.

That is reasonable "data" to know he is gay, there is always danger when hooking,up male or female, with strangers. They are logical and rational conclusions and cause for concern and caring after that individual vanishes off the face of the earth. Nothing more or less.

I found it somewhat ironic, that some of the responses were almost as if those of us who are gay were judging Joey. That is like one rape victim "blaming" another - it was shocking.

There were some (again life expericence) that judged gay men who like crusing compared to typing as being dirty and desperate. That is ,IMO judgemental.

4. Regarding the notion of sharing ones orientation here.It is actually no different than posters who talk about their husband, wives, children, dogs,cats,vocation, travels,previous losses. It is sharing. Simply that, but because this has a
sexual" and gay angle to it people "dont want to read about" it.

Just speculate (!) how you would feel if you were sharing when you were abused as a child and a poster responded with "I really don't want to read about your abuse". Pretty rude huh?

5. There has this AM been some notions regarding the choices he might have made. People make mistakes. They are human. For the posters who know him I would be more upset by someone trying to "blame" my friend, as oppossed to educating the folks regarding some the dynamics in terms of how the gay world functions. Just another learning experience.
Its just not a big deal. Nor is a victim ever to blame. Ever. His intentions that night were not evil. He was 26 and wanted some sex. Peroid. Wherever, whenever, however with whoever worked for him -should be fine for anyone else.

Perhaps you are speculating that others are implying that gay men can't use common sense. I haven't seen any evidence of your speculation in any of these posts. I have seen people speculating on what the possible outcome could be while NOT using common sense. No one here has stated that Joey was or was not using common sense. I have no idea why this notion that gay men have hook-up sex is so insulting to people. A fact is a fact. No matter a persons gender, people have hook-up sex. I can't understand why sexual orientation is such an issue in this discussion. There have been plenty of sources posted here that show that he is known to be gay and to talk to males on meet-up apps. I agree with several others that have stated that if he were known to be straight we wouldn't have all this discussion about his sexual preference. Who cares what his preference is! We are speculating on if this were or weren't a hook-up, regardless of who with. There are a few cruising parks known to be frequented by males in and around this area. I'm positive that Jeffery Dahmers victims weren't all gay, neither John Wayne Gacy. But they both frequented gay areas in search of victims. This could very well be a case similar to those. If Joey was known to frequent gay bars and gay friendly bars, whether he himself is gay or not, someone like Dahmer or Gacy could be frequenting those areas also waiting to jump, kidnap, drug, etc someone who was minding their own business while using common sense. I don't think he willingly got in harms way, I think he unknowingly got in harms way. While using common sense. IMO
I agree with you completely. I don't believe that it was random, either, and now that the body has been found (and if it does indeed turn out to be Joey), hopefully there will be more answers, rather than questions.

What would be really good if we find out about an arrest today as well
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