GUILTY OH - Jonathan Minard, 14, found deceased, Carroll County, 13 April 2019

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What are the chances that a 14 yr old was having a heart attack though?

We were in ER at hospital when an 18 year old boy was brought in. He had a heart defect and died while celebrating July 4 with his family. It was awful being there.

The thing is, even if Jonathon had a heart attack, there may have been something else going on there and "friend" thought that his actions might have brought on Jonathon's death. So ... he covered up as best he could.

Who brought up a heart attack? I would never have thought of that. You guys just don't miss a lick.

JMO. Well, not really an opinion, even. I have absolutely no idea what might have happened to Jonathon, but wanted to comment on the theory of a heart attack.

Whatever happened, I wholeheartedly wish it hadn't happened. He seemed like such a sweet young boy, adorable, and that is my opinion.
These are my thoughts on some of the many things that are unclear. This all assumes POI alone is guilty, and his family is innocent, having believed his story. MOO

I don't think the "wife" referenced in the 911 call is POI's. It's MOO that POI is single. The aunt making the call was EXTREMELY rattled, and is trying to repeat what JM's parents have told her in a very jumbled way, while trying to keep the family calm. I do suspect that "him" and "his wife" are whoever lives at the farm, probably POI's parents the owners.

It is clear now that JM was working on a farm in Washington Township (video evidence showing an LE vehicle leaving "the farm where JM worked"), even though all MSM reported it to be near New Harrisburg earlier. The farm belongs to POI's father so it's likely his parents live on the farmyard.

I believe that JM was indeed at the farm (alive) through the Sat. morning milking. We don't know if anyone else was actually in the barn and saw JM there, but it sounds like the milking schedule was set up to have at least two people working at a time. So, if something had happened to JM while at the POI's house overnight, the POI would have had to ask someone else to help him in order to get done on schedule. Then he would have told a different story, or timeline at least.

I think that POI and JM did return to the POI's house in New Harrisburg at noon Sat. Or if the media was wrong, I've wondered if he lived just southwest of there near the Baxter Ridge church area where LE focused searching.

I lived with a dairy family once, and they never got enough sleep between milkings and took naps every chance they got. So, MOO, I think after eating some lunch, POI took - and shared with JM - drugs of some kind prior to a nap.

Then, the scenario I'm leaning towards right now is that either JM died soon after taking the drug; or, when POI woke up to leave for the dairy, he discovered JM dead. So if he's had several drug incidents already, he knows he's in HUGE trouble no matter how accidental the death was. He also knows he's got to start the milking on time (or the cows will let everyone in the county know by loudly mooing), so he takes the body with him to the farm, quickly buries it and heads to the barn.

But now he needs help with the milking (and an alibis) so he tells someone (his dad or mom if they live there?) the "JM stayed back at my house with a toothache so his mom could come get him" story, and asks for someone else to help him.

Then at 7:30 the milking is done, and POI, probably in the presence of someone at the farm, called JM's parents to "make sure JM had gotten home." Of course, they go ballistic, thinking they missed his calls and he's been at the POIs house alone for 4+ hours. This is where I think "the wife," (POI's mom or whoever lives there,) "took off" to check POI's house. But that may not have happened at all ... But somebody will have gone to POI's house, JM isn't there, and family thinks maybe JM panicked at not being able to get ahold of anyone and tried to walk home.

My last thought is about why there may not be an arrest yet. Even if drugs were not involved in JM's death, is it possible that when LE searched POI's house they found drug paraphernalia, and feeling suspicious about the whole situation they arrested POI on "charges unrelated to the dissappearance"? Maybe he's actually in jail so they can safely take their time to "get it right".
Excellent timeline narrative. If he took JM back to the farm from the home there should be corroboration from cadaver dogs that a body was carried in the vehicle.
Also, it seems to me that LE had to have some direction as to where the body was buried because they seem to have gone or been taken to a particular spot. The widespread searches had been called off earlier in the week.
I don't think this was an accident. I don't think drugs were involved, he didn't get kicked in the head by a cow, he didn't fall from the rafters of the barn, he didn't have a heart attack. I think this was murder, plain and simple.
I don't think this was an accident. I don't think drugs were involved, he didn't get kicked in the head by a cow, he didn't fall from the rafters of the barn, he didn't have a heart attack. I think this was murder, plain and simple.
But, why or what would the motive be to just up and kill a 14 year old boy ? If it wasn't natural causes, drugs or drug related activity, accidental or by cow, why would someone just up and kill him?
This case really pulls at my heart. Jonathon looks so much like my nephew this one really got to me. I was very saddened to read over the weekend that they found his body. I'm trying to catch up here and I see that a heart attack has been brought up but I'm confused, I thought he was found in a shallow grave, that does not sound like a heart attack, that sounds like a cover up. RIP Jonathon--All MOO
But, why or what would the motive be to just up and kill a 14 year old boy ? If it wasn't natural causes, drugs or drug related activity, accidental or by cow, why would someone just up and kill him?

IDK. Why does anybody kill anybody? The child wanted to go home and I don't think it was because of a tooth ache. Something happened that made him want to leave. Drug deal, sexual advance, physical assault, the list goes on. He wanted out of there (if that's even true). I think POI couldn't let him leave there alive.

Just my opinion.
Excellent posts, everyone !
As badly as I want to think Jonathan instantly passed from a heart attack, aneurysm, or health-related fatality --- the wrong 'story' told by the poi and the buried bit makes me think someone had something to hide.
Jonathan had to be 'silenced'; imo.
I still want to know what led the authorities to Jonathan's body ?
It is possible that COD cannot be determined because there is no obvious head wound or stab wound. Most toxicology testing takes several weeks to come back. It is of interest to me that he was taken all the way to the Cuyuhoga Medical Examiner. That is 90 miles away. So, to me that means that the Carroll County medical examiner could not/would not issue a preliminary cause of death with toxicology results to come later.
If it was due to a drug overdose and he did it himself due to pain, would the friend be arrested because he left them available in his home and JM is a minor?
We're basing a lot of opinion on facts we don't know are true. The toothache, going back to the house, suddenly disappearing. Those are statements made by the POI who then refused a polygraph. I don't believe anything he said.
What are the chances that a 14 yr old was having a heart attack though?[/QUOTE
Wasn't he found in a shallow grave? He dug that while having a heart attack? Color me confused.

All we know is: There is a 14 year old boy who died sometime during last weekend. Using only allowable sources per TOS, we have no idea if he was murdered or if he died of natural causes or if he had an accident that resulted in his death. I'm assuming that he was murdered and I think that is the most likely of circumstances in this case. But, it is an assumption as we have no information about condition of body or autopsy results and we have not been given accurate information by LE or the MSM.

I'm not sure how to answer swanniee11's question because I'm not sure how the possibility that a boy may have died from natural causes = a conclusion that he dug his own grave. That "idea" confuses me, too.
(The original comment, on page 15, explained how and why Jonathon could have ended up buried in a shallow grave no matter how he died.)

katydid23... I think the chances of Jonathon having a heart attack are unlikely. However, if Jonathon's body was found by LE, without any obvious cause of death visible, then you can bet any manner of natural causes was being considered pending autopsy results. Just as others have speculated, fairly, imo... on a possible drug overdose. Anything is possible since we know nothing about COD. Until LE states he was murdered I think speculation is all we have.
Stuff like that happens.
What doesn't happen is a 14-year-old boy having a heart attack, passing away, digging a shallow grave and placing himself in that grave. If it was some health issue, why bury the body? Why not call 911?

I'm bringing this part of my original comment back here to answer this question:

"I'm not saying I think this is what happened but just speculating. I know if I found a kid, who was working for me, dead; I would call 911 immediately. I think most people would. I have to think anyone who didn't call 911 under such circumstances must have felt directly or indirectly responsible for the death; whether Jonathon had a heart attack or not."
But, why or what would the motive be to just up and kill a 14 year old boy ? If it wasn't natural causes, drugs or drug related activity, accidental or by cow, why would someone just up and kill him?

I think it's possible something may have happened on Friday night... something that the POI knew Jonathon was going to be able to keep quiet about. When Saturday morning came and it was time to go to work... I think Jonathon's behavior was different enough from his usual demeanor that the POI become convinced the only answer was to eliminate Jonathon to protect himself.
Speculation, jmo.
IDK. Why does anybody kill anybody? The child wanted to go home and I don't think it was because of a tooth ache. Something happened that made him want to leave. Drug deal, sexual advance, physical assault, the list goes on. He wanted out of there (if that's even true). I think POI couldn't let him leave there alive.

Just my opinion.

But we really don't know that Jonathan ever truly said he wanted to go home. It's what the POI told everyone.

Even the article stating that "people at the farm said he had a toothache and wanted to go home" doesn't tell us that those "people" actually heard JM say it. I think if JM had said it to others while still at the dairy farm, they would have been like, here's my phone to call your mom; or, come into the house and call her to come get you here.
I think it's possible something may have happened on Friday night... something that the POI knew Jonathon was going to be able to keep quiet about. When Saturday morning came and it was time to go to work... I think Jonathon's behavior was different enough from his usual demeanor that the POI become convinced the only answer was to eliminate Jonathon to protect himself.
Speculation, jmo.
I agree
How many people were at the farm? I'm sure they would have noticed POI disappeared for a period of time to bury the body.
MSM has never specially reported that there was anyone else there, so I guess we don't know. "People at the farm" may simply be just the POI himself, written in a way to protect his identity. The article I read this in has other similarly confusing descriptions that now appear to all be referencing the POI.

As far as POI leaving the farm midday, a several hour break is normal between morning and evening milkings. POI's story has always been that JM left the farm with him at noon and they went together to POI's house, so I don't think he had to sneak away from the farmyard to bury JM. And when he came back to farm later in the afternoon to start milking again, he gave the "toothache" reason for not having JM with him. I'm assuming someone else then had to come to the barn and help POI with the milking.
I think it's possible something may have happened on Friday night... something that the POI knew Jonathon was going to be able to keep quiet about. When Saturday morning came and it was time to go to work... I think Jonathon's behavior was different enough from his usual demeanor that the POI become convinced the only answer was to eliminate Jonathon to protect himself.
Speculation, jmo.

That could very well be that POI decided to kill JM at some point in the morning, but even if he decided something then, I still think he waited till after the morning milking was finished before killing him, or he would have had to give his "toothache story" to the boss first thing in the morning so someone else could be called in to help milk.
We're basing a lot of opinion on facts we don't know are true. The toothache, going back to the house, suddenly disappearing. Those are statements made by the POI who then refused a polygraph. I don't believe anything he said.
Anyone who doesn’t refuse a polygraph is a bona fide idiot, and that goes doubly so for an innocent person.

Don’t get within fifty feet of one of those things.

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