OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #1

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Try listening to the interview with JC on 700wlw and they also have the 911 call

The only interview with JC on WLW that I know of was the one on 8/18/2011 with Sloanie and Tracy. I typed a transcript of that interview and the time of his 911 call was not mentioned.

I also typed up a transcript of the 911 call and the time is not mentioned there either.

But even if JC's phone call was around 6 pm and not 8 pm, why does he say in interviews he left work to check on her, arrived at her place at 7 or 7:30, found her missing, THEN called the police?

What time he left work would be verifiable by his manager, as would the time of the 911 call (by LE though perhaps not by us). JC also claimed he was with her father when he went into the apartment... and I bet the father knows what time it was.

Whether the phone call was at 6 or 8, JC's story still makes no sense.
I think he really did take one but I sure wish we could confirm this. Is it possible he refused to be polygraphed by LE and found someone on the internet who will do polys on the side?

I get a strange vibe about the relationship between these two people. JC reminds me of a very dependent personality who tagged along behind Katelyn like an obedient puppy but who didn't contribute much to the relationship and was actually in his own weird way, a hindrance. On his FB page he states below his status that he is enrolled at Cincinnati State College in audio/visual. I went to Cinti. State (a thousand years ago) and it is essentially a co-op college where you go to school for ten weeks and then work for 10 weeks. The college will find you work in the field that you are studying so that when you are on that 10 week work piece you are getting paid and also gaining experience in your field of study. But this dude is delivering pizza which causes me to believe he isn't really dedicated to obtaining a degree but that it just looks good to state that on FB.

Just my own humble opinion of course.
The only interview with JC on WLW that I know of was the one on 8/18/2011 with Sloanie and Tracy. I typed a transcript of that interview and the time of his 911 call was not mentioned.

I also typed up a transcript of the 911 call and the time is not mentioned there either.

But even if JC's phone call was around 6 pm and not 8 pm, why does he say in interviews he left work to check on her, arrived at her place at 7 or 7:30, found her missing, THEN called the police?

What time he left work would be verifiable by his manager, as would the time of the 911 call (by LE though perhaps not by us). JC also claimed he was with her father when he went into the apartment... and I bet the father knows what time it was.

Whether the phone call was at 6 or 8, JC's story still makes no sense.

Okay so here is another early media report I found which indicates that DM thought that KM had been in bed asleep at some point...

Dave Markham says when he entered Katelyn's condo, it appeared to him that she had been asleep. John Carter says there didn't appear to be any signs of a struggle at the home- her car is still out back and her keys, purse, and pet dog were in the house. Police tell the family that Markham's cell phone was turned off, as is the GPS on the phone.


So was the 911 call made after DM and JC entered the condo? It appears so since JC was giving the info that the purse and keys were still there. Why did JC make that call and why wasn't he at the condo still when he called? Did he go home and talk with his mother and it was then that he and his mother decided to make the call without DM's knowledge? Where was DM when the call was made?
It should be noted that just because a retail store closes to the public, does not mean that ALL the employees grab their things and run out the door at that time. MANY stores, especially on Sunday night have employees that stay to do "recovery" which involves restocking, straightening, folding, hanging, replacing items moved to wrong areas, designing new displays etc.

Yes, that's possible. My post would have been twice as long if I listed everything that was possible. I'm presenting one possible scenario - that someone besides JC could have reported KM missing.

It's also possible that the manager could have been reached after hours by a cop, who was alerted by JC's call and nothing else. However, in that case the manager would have had to contact an employee(s) soon after the cop's call. Because it appears that employees and even ex-employees (like the woman on FB) knew about it within a few hours. So either they were called by the cop while they were all still at the shop, or, the manager got the call and then told them.

All of this is of course speculation......as is believing as fact an unknown FB poster's comments as truth.

I don't "believe it as fact." I present it as information. That's all we can do here - think about the information we have, and think again if the information changes.

I think it's potentially helpful to examine possible scenarios, because it might help us see what things make sense and fit together and what things don't. For example, thinking more about David's Bridal and the timing of the 911 call clarified for me that regardless of the time of JC's call, he never called David's Bridal.

Anyway, just FYI, the other David's Bridal employees seem to acknowledge the "unknown" woman on FB as someone they know, unless they're ALL pretending to be current and past DB employees. It would be pretty strange for a person to masquerade as a recent DB employee, claim to know KM worked Saturday but didn't show on Sunday, and that the cops called Sunday (all of that time-stamped the same Sunday night) because you'd think that another employee would pipe up if any of that were wrong.

ETA: Another DB employee (currently employed there) on FB also said Katelyn worked that Saturday, which backs up the statement of the woman I wrote about originally.
Do you recall what time the FB post was made saying LE had contacted them?

The comment saying that specifically was at 11:40 pm. The post itself discussing KM being missing was at 11:29.

It appears the person is a past employee of DB and heard about the disappearance that night, presumably from a current employee. She must be a fairly recent-past employee, since she did work with and know Katelyn.
Cop called DB? Hummmm don't they usually go in person perhaps to also ask employees when they last saw her rather than on the phone. I've just never heard of LE investigating over the phone. JMO
[JC's mother says] "Since she normally couldn't text or take phone calls while at her job at a bridal store, they waited until Sunday evening to try to contact, then went to her apartment and found her car and purse still there."

If she couldn't normally take texts or phone calls, why would he be worried that he hadn't heard from her? He even left his own work early to check on her.

In one of his interviews, the reporter said something to the effect of, You all are young, you probably text each other all day long, so the silence was unusual? - He said yes.

So it's interesting that his mom said that.
I've just never heard of LE investigating over the phone.

They weren't necessarily investigating at that point, just seeing if she was at work, which would be the first place to look. Cops don't make a lot of phone calls on TV because it's more exciting to show them driving somewhere, but they certainly do make phone calls.

I'm sure the employees were interviewed in person later, after it became an actual investigation instead of an initial checking-up on her.
Reward is up to $25,000. Looks like this case is being taken more seriously now.


Hey Kamille, you mentioned JC's problem with time... did you see the time mentioned in the article? "Carter said he went looking for Markham about 8 p.m. Aug. 14 after she didn’t return his text messages that day when she was supposed to be at work at David’s Bridal at Tri-County Mall."

Maybe "8 pm" was the reporter's error... but if not and he really said that, good heavens, he can't get anything straight! 7 or 7:30 becomes 8 pm. 12 o' clock becomes 11 or 11:30. He expects her to be at work around 7. He expects her to get home around 7. He called police immediately after going into her apartment. He called police only after leaving her apartment and going somewhere. It's just bizarre.

Couldn't find actual "interview", but I recall watching it, and recall JC saying he had taken and passed a polygraph early on. Was he lying?

I am re-watching the Nancy Grace show now. He said he took one the second day she went missing (he thinks) and said he passed it.

I am also watching to see if they posted a time for the 911 call.

If you guys want me to upload the show, I can. I think most of you saw it right? Let me know if you all want it.
I can't understand why LE would not at least say, yes, he took a test and, for example, so did lots of people, we don't release results.
I have heard that much in other cases.
It is possible that he took a private LDT and passed, but NOT an LE one which would matter more to LE. I think it is very interesting if he hasn't taken one at all and is lying about it.
It is possible that he took a private LDT and passed, but NOT an LE one which would matter more to LE. I think it is very interesting if he hasn't taken one at all and is lying about it.

I think it would be really interesting if he went off and had his own test...LE will never turn anyone down who offers to take one from them, that is for sure...
Okay took two pics from show so far.

First pic - NG (not that I count on her for accurate info!) had a graphic showing time as 7:58 Fiance calls 911 to report her missing

Second pic - I wonder if this is the pic of a pic that he showed reporters. Reason being you see the circle glare, like a photo taken of a screen.
I know I am not all that "normal" but I forget my phone about 1/2 the time when I go out on errands, etc...and never go back for it. This radio host says "women love cellphones"..Chief says everyone does, not just women...
I think it is very odd that ONLY her phone is missing...I can't see why she would go out for any reason at midnight, or after. And most abductors wouldn't take the phone unless that person had texted or called her and wanted to make sure LE did not get hold it.

This one cracked me up. :floorlaugh: No offense to any wiccans.



On a serious note though, I noticed some spells using burning candles.

Oh my!! My dh will tell you there is not a post on WS that I will not link......but...Im right behind ya n/t!
Oh my!! My dh will tell you there is not a post on WS that I will not link......but...Im right behind ya n/t!

Sooner - will you touch your ring finger to your thumb and ask the diva this for me: "Squat, squat, diva tell us the spot where Katelyn is" <--------- if she does, I will do the thank you chant!
So here is what we can sort of piece together based on these media reports and JC’s own words.

JC and KM were together watching television until about 11:30 Saturday night at KM’s condo.
JC left around 11-11:30 because KM was tired and wanted to go to bed so he went to a friend’s house to burn some documents.
JC and KM continued to text each other until about 12:45 am
We have no idea what time JC got home. Why not? Has anyone asked him?
We have no idea where this friend with the firepit lives and yet we have lots of random info about his relationship with KM. No real details on him during the time in question though.
At some point either before he went to sleep or after he got up on Sunday morning he texted his “usual” good morning text to KM.
She did not respond but he just figured she may have been running late and he wasn’t concerned.
At some point in the day he drove by her condo and her car was still there so he was “freaked out” about that. He didn’t choose this time to go in and check on her, or did he?
KM could not respond to texts or phone calls at work at the Bridal shop as per his mother so JC (and his mother?) figured they’d wait until the time she would normally get home to check on her?
JC went to work at some point and asked his boss for time off to check on her. Was that at 7:00-7:30 pm? When did he work that day? More details not forthcoming.
JC called DM and they both went to the condo? Did JC go there by himself before calling her Dad? If not, why not? Why did he need someone else to go with him?
JC and DM determined that there was no sign of a struggle and that everything but her phone was still there although the dog was confined in her bedroom which was unusual. The dog had been there for some time because it had “messed’ in the room.
JC left the condo and called 911 from somewhere...where? Did he go home to talk to his mother? Did she convince him he needed to call?
JC told the dispatcher that he was on his way back to the condo and they told him they would sent police to meet him there.

Okay so here’s the thing....why the panic to call police so soon? Why was JC “freaked out” during that day that something was wrong when he saw her car but didn’t start the ball rolling then? Why didn’t he just go to the bridal shop to check on her or at least call and ask if she was there because he was worried? Apparently even KM’s Dad was not ready to call police yet when he got the call from JC and showed up at the condo or he would have placed the call then and there. It looked like to him that she had slept there the night before and he might have thought that she had just blown off work and gone off with a friend in their car. In fact, at that point it seems like they didn’t even know if she hadn’t shown up for work. Maybe her car broke down and she had to call someone for a ride and forgot her purse and forgot she’d locked the dog in her room because she was flustered at the car not starting and trying to find an alternate way to work. Did anyone check the car to see if it started? Like JC said in his 911 call, it seemed rather premature to me to be calling 911 on an adult woman who had only been missing for what was likely a matter of hours. I’m sure that JC didn’t get a hold of every person she knew before calling 911. If he didn’t even check with her work to see if she’d shown up there then why would he think she was missing and the police needed to get involved?

Actually when you put it all together like this, it is also quite possible that JC was convinced by his mother to call 911 that evening and that perhaps he really doesn’t have anything to do with it. If he did, why wouldn’t he wait until her father was panicked enough to call 911?

I don't think the fact that he made the call himself means much, either way...lots of husbands who have killed their wives make the call to say they are "missing." They think it shows concern and love, etc....or if he is innocent, he was really worried and no one else was at that point.
Just looking back at some early articles and in this one JC's mother apparently stated that KM could not text or take phone calls when working at the bridal shop.

She says Markham texted her son around midnight Saturday Night/ Sunday morning, but didn't respond to his texts on Sunday. Since she normally couldn't text or take phone calls while at her job at a bridal store, they waited until Sunday evening to try to contact, then went to her apartment and found her car and purse still there.


I agree workers shouldn't make or receive personal calls /texts while working...BUT SERIOUSLY!! If you are WORRIED about someone call the dadblamed store, politely tell them who you are and you have a concern and politely ask if someone is working, duh
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