OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #2

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LE should by now have a log of all her incoming and outgoing calls made to and from her cell phone. So they should know if she received a call from someone that night if she was called to answer the door. They should also have a log of all text messages sent and received. Hopefully they they should also have the location of where her phone was at the times those calls and messages were sent and received as well to see if she was possibly out of her apartment when she sent the photo text to JC.

I would think they have also looked into JC's phone records as well.

If LE doesn't have this information I think they need to get on this ASAP.

Does anyone know if the FBI or Ohio State Police been consulted at all by the Fairfield PD?
700WLW just had Sheriff Jones on and the polygraph was discussed....Sheriff knows what happened but won't say (respect and understand) went on to tell Willie that sometimes polygraphs are not just passed or failed it can inconclusive which I think would make more sense here since his family has claimed he took 3.....hmmmmm
LE should by now have a log of all her incoming and outgoing calls made to and from her cell phone. So they should know if she received a call from someone that night if she was called to answer the door. They should also have a log of all text messages sent and received. Hopefully they they should also have the location of where her phone was at the times those calls and messages were sent and received as well to see if she was possibly out of her apartment when she sent the photo text to JC.

I would think they have also looked into JC's phone records as well.

If LE doesn't have this information I think they need to get on this ASAP.

Does anyone know if the FBI or Ohio State Police been consulted at all by the Fairfield PD?

FBI has been they are working on a crap I can't think what it's called where you have someone do like a "outline" of the type of person that would do a crime like this....someone help me out....I am on my second day of no caffeine.....
Katelyn's linkedin profile has some information regarding her jobs and clubs that she has been involved with...


Associate The Art Institute of Ohio - Cincinnati
Educational Institution; Design industry

January 2008 – Present (3 years 8 months)

I was the only person working under my boss, and I acted as a assistant manager. I was the manager when my boss was gone, and I worked with new, potential, and recurring students. Handed out new student kits and books, and handled student fee's.

Activities and Societies: AIGA Student Chapter; Graphic Design Club; Art Club; Student Worker

Sure seems like she had a lot of contact with people that would not necessarily involve her boyfriend of 6 years. I really hope that LE is scrutinizing her phone records but I kind of doubt they are. They don't seem to be doing anything. They are still refusing to admit that this is definitely foul play even though she's been missing for 2 weeks and has not had access to anything...vehicle, money, phone etc. They searched around the area of her condo for a few days and then gave it up. The FBI don't appear to be involved and they are the ones who would usually handle this kind of thing I think. I wonder if the Cyber Crimes Unit is looking into the records? :waitasec:
FBI has been they are working on a crap I can't think what it's called where you have someone do like a "outline" of the type of person that would do a crime like this....someone help me out....I am on my second day of no caffeine.....

Profile (I watch WAYY to much Criminal Minds. LOL).
Hey, everyone- this is my first post here on Websleuth; I've come up with a few thoughts relating to this whole case that may or may not have been addressed already (haven't quite waded through 100% of the 50+ pages of this thread), so bear with me. :)

1) Supposing for a second that JC is guilty, it might (depending on the dog's personality) make sense that the dog didn't start barking. A lot of the couples that I know (myself and my bf included) wrestle around; if he was able to subdue her quickly enough, the dog may have assumed that it was just a play wrestling match, which can sound realistic- one of my college room mates and her bf put up quite a stir with some enthusiastic play wrestling matches one semester.

2) This may just be how I'm interpreting it, but the transcript from the 911 call made it sound like he either was not at the condo yet (so how would he know about the car/purse/phone/etc?) OR that he had left the scene, done an unknown something, and then made the call.

If most people were put in this situation, they would have stayed at the condo and had the cops meet them there ASAP if they had already checked out other possiblities.

3) JC mentions in the 911 call that there is a Sacred Heart festival down the street.

The only Sacred Heart that I'm familiar with is the Sacred Heart Catholic church; its also the main query that comes up in a Google search.

Why would he mention the sketchy characters at a church funded festival? Is this a throwback to the Wiccan connections others have mentioned?

4) Someone asked if today's young women would answer their doors late at night.

I'm 22, female, and probably wouldn't even answer the door if someone randomly knocked on it much after 9:30 or 10pm unless I already knew they were coming.

However, I just moved out of a college town and knew plenty of women my age who didn't even understand what being careful meant. You could go up to a door and knock at 2am if you wanted- there'd be a 95% chance that someone would just fling the door open without checking it out first.

I think a lot of that habit comes from the dorms where you can, for the most part, fling the door open and be OK no matter who's on the other side.

Do we know if Katelyn ever lived in dorms to develop that habit? Also, how safe is the area around her condo?

5) Are there gangs in the area?

I live in an area of VA with high gang activity, and just a couple years ago there was a string of arrests of well-respected high school kids who were active in gangs- but until they were arrested and everything was brought to light, no one had a clue.

One of the big things the gangs do around here is stalk and abduct or kill women; new members have to do it to be admitted into the gang.

This doesn't have the chaotic feel of a gang crime, but stranger things have happened I guess.
The guy in that picture looks a lot like JC--is it him, with her cat and dog?

Yes that is JC. That picture is from his FB page.

Open all his older posts and you will find several post with pictures attached to them. This picture is contained in the album "my pajamas". Click on the picture on FB and you will be taken to the album and you can then scroll through all his pictures.

I'm pretty sure we can link to JC's FB page since he has been named in MSM. But if not, I'm sure the mods will snip it for me.

Link to JC's FB page: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000131426808&sk=wall&closeTheater=1
My Newfoundland who is almost a year old will bust out of his crate then let my Jack Russell out of his. My Jack loves his crate but my newf, no way, panic, stress, escape at no cost. He is just fine if he is free to home the house.

And to further discuss how different dog's personalities can be, MY Newfie who is 5 years old now is absolutely in love with his crate!

After we were done housetraining him, we stored the crate in the garage and whenever he got tired, he would go in the garage and stand in front of the crate with his head down peering into it like "someone please open this damn thing for me".

We finally brought it back in the house and took the door off so he can come and go as he pleases from it. Anytime he wants to sleep or nap (or takes something he shouldn't have lol), he immediately goes to his crate.

Dogs are very much like people...very diverse personalities even within the same breed.
FBI has been they are working on a crap I can't think what it's called where you have someone do like a "outline" of the type of person that would do a crime like this....someone help me out....I am on my second day of no caffeine.....

LOL ShouldBWorking...I think they call it a profile? :crazy:
FBI has been they are working on a crap I can't think what it's called where you have someone do like a "outline" of the type of person that would do a crime like this....someone help me out....I am on my second day of no caffeine.....

Where you thinking "Profile"?
Hey A_News_Junkie, :hug:,

seeing how you are so Fantastic with pictures, and video,

Could you see if there is anywhere that shows her front door?

Reason: I would think there would be a Peephole in which should would have at least checked before opening the door.

I know a 280 lb 6' 5" weight lifter, that would never open the door after midnight, without first looking in the peephole.

I grabbed a few shots from the videos at WLWT and concernedohio's flickr. Also noted in video with neighbor Brad, that all the doors are no longer alike.
Anywhoooooo - here is what I have so far. I am going to scan the Nancy Grace video to see if they show the door - that will be much clearer if they do.



A ZOOM SHOT AND EVEN LARGER HERE: http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t105/LifeCoachOnTheCouch/A FRESH START/door3.jpg

Also if you hold down your CTRL key and press the + sign it will make anything you are viewing larger. To get back to size you like hold CTRL and press - (minus, no cap) and it will reduce you back! CTRL must be held at same time as + or - key.

If I get or see a good shot of door scanning this NG I will post it too!
Hey A_News_Junkie, :hug:,

seeing how you are so Fantastic with pictures, and video,

Could you see if there is anywhere that shows her front door?

Reason: I would think there would be a Peephole in which should would have at least checked before opening the door.

I know a 280 lb 6' 5" weight lifter, that would never open the door after midnight, without first looking in the peephole.

Interesting point. I believe we have all assumed she left via the back door.
Interesting point. I believe we have all assumed she left via the back door.

However, the Back door has broken blinds on a very large Window in it.

So, I would Think she would peek through the blinds to see who was standing outside that door.
Who reported that the dog was locked in the bedroom? Who opened the door to the bedroom and let the dog out? Just because that is where the dog relieved itself doesn't mean that is the only room it had access to, it had to go somewhere. MAybe that is the room it spent most of its time in anyway. The 'crimescene' was disturbed from the moment JC 'unlocked' the door. How can you say anything there is pristine and has not been altered?

JC and her father entered the apartment. A crimescene has yet to be determined. imo
I sure hope LE has checked all phone records by now, as well as bank activity...those are such basic things.
And assuming they have...they have not yet been able to say that there has been foul play...which makes me kind of think that nothing much of interest has turned up?

So, Either door she would have had someone Knock on,

she could of and more than likely would have looked out and not opened it,

unless it was someone she knew well.
So, Either door she would have had someone Knock on,

she could of and more than likely would have looked out and not opened it,

unless it was someone she knew well.

Yes and to the left of this door is a window she could have peeked out too.
That door to the garage, next to her back door is that her garage or the neighbors?



It is in FLICKR link!!!

ETA, Its a little Shed thingy not a Garage.... :doh: Sorry...
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