OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #2

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Oh man, I actually call my BF the pet name "Monster." :X I don't think it's creepy.
I called the FF PD today to find out about searches and the operator said Equu Search is not "connected" with the PD check their website, we as a department are not planning any other searches. Isn't that kinda odd? Why would they not still be searching???

1. They are clueless (not meant disrespectful) just starting point. Too big of an area.
2. They suspect she is a run away fiancee.

Any other theories???
TES won't search withtout cooperation from LE, as far as I know?
Katelyn's fiance John Carter toled Local 12's Deb Dixon that he recalled the moment he realized Katelyn was missing. "Driving in between these two buildings here, I could see that her car was still here and that, my heart just dropped immediately because I knew she'd have to be at work."


SO your texting your fiance all day long while she is supposed to be at work and she is not returning any messages. Even though she is not supposed to use her phone to take phone calls or make text messages, so then you get the feeling something is wrong and drive to her house instead of calling her work. When you first arrive at her house and you see her car there is the moment you realize that she is missing?????? I would have gotten the feeling at that moment in time of "THANKS GOD SHE IS HOME". I wouldn't have gotten the feeling that she is missing. At the very least I would have gotten the feeling something happened to her and she didn't go to work, NOT that she is missing.


My first thought would have been she must have forgotten to charge her phone or she's sick and got off work early. NOT that she was missing. I agree. That sounded strange to me too.
I called the FF PD today to find out about searches and the operator said Equu Search is not "connected" with the PD check their website, we as a department are not planning any other searches. Isn't that kinda odd? Why would they not still be searching???

1. They are clueless (not meant disrespectful) just starting point. Too big of an area.
2. They suspect she is a run away fiancee.

Any other theories???

That's just messed up that LE isn't even searching.
From what I understand from other cases, LE usually doesn't search for that long. After you search obvious, immediate places if you have no tips for other places to search then it becomes a waste of time. Well, not a waste, but like searching for a needle in a haystack. From here on out it will be a different type of investigation dependent on other information if a search is to happen.
Whew! Finally caught up reading this thread. Thanks to all the great posters here that keep the rest of us in the know. So glad to see that TES is on the scene and so hoping they find something that leads to Katelyn. Please let Katelyn be found and if she was harmed, that the perp receives his/her justice!!!
pynkphysh, i don't think the monster part is creepy, I think the victim part is creepy, but it could have been innocent and only now looks suspicious.

I read somewhere that DB is open from 11 or12 to 6 or 630 on Sundays. No one has said anything about the AIC except to say that she didn't show up to either of her jobs that day, at least that I have seen. I've been very curious to know if she was supposed to work at AIC that day. Some people on facebook have been saying how weird it was that he didn't sleep over if she didn't have to work until 11, but if she worked both jobs and he expected her home after DB, then she would have had to get up pretty early.

I've also heard, I think on the other thread here, that her dad is the one that filed a missing persons report. That would have been done after the 911 call I guess? Why wouldn't JC have done that?

His time line about being there and then going somewhere else is so odd. I wonder why that question hasn't been asked. Could he have just run home to get a cell phone to call? Hmmmm. She's not in the white pages, would she have gotten a private land line? I know that to do that where I live, it costs extra. If there was no body (which there wasn't) and no real sign of a struggle (which there wasn't) and there's no land line, and he forgot his cell when he went to check on her, that could explain the leaving, but I don't know. One would think since he was trying to find her, he would make sure his phone was on him at all times. If it's him that seems to be his big slip up.

Since no one is coming forward to say that she was seen on Saturday and they were seen fighting on Friday, it would seem more likely that she was gone Friday night. He would have all day to clean up, fake some texts, burn private papers. He would know how to pick up her house so that it looked like there wasn't a struggle.
Could have been a combination of both IMO. Met, exchanged numbers, MySpace pages, text back and forth, and via that latter electronic avenue got to know one another better/fell in love.

Just speculatin'. :)

They could have also met through the sister, but instead of meeting in person she just gave one or the other their myspace pages. That's actually how I know Katelyn, a friend of a friend said we should be friends. Not the suggest a friend thing they have, but told me that we needed to know each other.
When JC said his "heart sank" when he saw her car at home, the first thought that crossed my mind was the possibility his heart sank because he thought she was up to something.

Granted, he said she was not a deceitful person, and I'm not speculating on her character here at all. My question comes up purely from JC's words and their possible implications.

To my mind, seeing her car at home would -- to ANYONE'S mind -- appear as signifying her LOCATION, not signifying where she ISN'T.

I think LE is very supportive of them being here I was just surprised that they didn't have more information, like a partnership I guess.
Since no one is coming forward to say that she was seen on Saturday and they were seen fighting on Friday, it would seem more likely that she was gone Friday night.

That's what I thought at first. And I realize all social networking posts are officially regarded as "rumor" on these forums. But I saw two co-workers on FB who said (not recently, but at the time) that she worked at David's Bridal until 7 pm on Saturday.

Also, her uncle (assuming he is who he says he is) said on FB he communicated with her around 7:45 pm Saturday about design work he wanted her to do for his business.

That all narrows the window. So probably whatever happened to her happened Saturday night.
maybe because they didn't want to have to fool with the dog...
better to let it stay/ put it in her room...and maybe that someone wanted to deviate from where KM would normally leave the dog for an extended length of time?

Either KM left the dog in her room at some point & closed the door to go downstairs or where ever, thinking she would be back soon
OR someone put the dog in the room, not knowing the bath was the normal spot (IF that is indeed the truth) ...or someone knew the routine and wanted to break from it.
If the dog had been found in its normal place to stay when KM went to work, then that would make me think she disappeared around the time she would be leaving for work, or had left to go to work.
But we don't know that she actually attempted to go to work

eta- and nothing was ever said that I am aware of, of what she may have been wearing

We also don't know where this bathroom was. Was it part of the master bedroom? If so, maybe she did put it in the bathroom, but the door didn't shut all the way and it got out. I feel like the person who said that she was probably in bed, received a text/call, closed the dog in to answer the door really fast (then she had her cell in her hand and the dog closed up) made a great point. I can't get that out of my head. Maybe the person on the other end said they needed her to come outside just for a minute which is why the dog was not allowed to go to the door. (If my dogs know the person and I was letting the person in the house, the dogs would be fine to tag along with me, but not if I was thinking I would step outside for a few minutes. Not saying all dogs are the same, just saying that that could be one scenario.) If I thought I would be gone long then the kennel, but just 3 minutes, maybe not. Maybe they just said, can you meet me outside in 2 minutes, I have this or that for you.

Someone mentioned the dog not barking when people wrestle. That freaks both of my dogs out, but it does take them awhile to really start barking. My little one usually just hides. It's the bigger one (the rescue) that gets really upset, tries to protect me. But if I'm having sex (sorry, but it's similar to wrestling) they both hide. lol. The little one goes under a piece of furniture and the big one goes in his kennel. My little dog barks at people coming to the door, but my big dog does not, even if it's a stranger. If I'm home he just wants them to love on him, if I'm gone then I've been told from a landlord (when the kennel door didn't close all the way and he was wandering the house and the landlord came in to do some repairs) that he growled and was in an attack position. It would be good to know if the dog was a barker.
That's what I thought at first. And I realize all social networking posts are officially regarded as "rumor" on these forums. But I saw two co-workers on FB who said (not recently, but at the time) that she worked at David's Bridal until 7 pm on Saturday.

Also, her uncle (assuming he is who he says he is) said on FB he communicated with her around 7:45 pm Saturday about design work he wanted her to do for his business.

That all narrows the window. So probably whatever happened to her happened Saturday night.

But was it a text/email or was it talking on the phone/in person?

I haven't seen that about her working. I've seen a lot of people asking what she was doing all day Saturday, but never answers. That's good to know.
I was just messing around with my Blackberry account and noticed something very interesting:

If she had Blackberry Protect installed on the phone and typically kept GPS on, it should be possible to track the last known location of the phone through her RIM/Blackberry account.

Hopefully LE is investigating this already, and there are a lot of ifs in this equation.......
That's what I thought at first. And I realize all social networking posts are officially regarded as "rumor" on these forums. But I saw two co-workers on FB who said (not recently, but at the time) that she worked at David's Bridal until 7 pm on Saturday.

Also, her uncle (assuming he is who he says he is) said on FB he communicated with her around 7:45 pm Saturday about design work he wanted her to do for his business.

That all narrows the window. So probably whatever happened to her happened Saturday night.

Did the uncle say if the communication was verbal or written? If written, I give it less stock as we know they had each others passwords.
But was it a text/email or was it talking on the phone/in person?

I haven't seen that about her working. I've seen a lot of people asking what she was doing all day Saturday, but never answers. That's good to know.

now baa baa -- you gotta get outta my head! I just posted that too!

Did you see that myspace blog entry I posted earlier re: victim name? Oh and :Welcome1::welcome3::Welcome1:
I was just messing around with my Blackberry account and noticed something very interesting:

If she had Blackberry Protect installed on the phone and typically kept GPS on, it should be possible to track the last known location of the phone through her RIM/Blackberry account.

Hopefully LE is investigating this already, and there are a lot of ifs in this equation.......

I'm sure that LE know exactly were the phone was, well at least the co-ordinates, when it was "turned off" or IMO disabled. She apparently had and used the GPS feature so they would easily get the last known co-ordinates, especially since she was sending a picture.

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