OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #2

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The only comparison I am drawing with SP is the total family and friends support of Scott...until Amber surfaced. No one knew of any problems in ther marriage, and Scott had no history of criminal activities, abuse, violence, etc...

I wish I could find those old clips, especially the friends were 110% sure Scott didn't hurt Lacey.
To all:

never, ever think that someone with no history of violence, no past emotional and physical abuse, or any kind of criminal history is not capable of committing a violent act in the HEAT OF PASSION. It's just not true. Any human being is capable of snapping and I mean anyone under the right set of cirumstances.
-------> huge respectful snips ahead!

Because in your hypothetical, she and her dog fell asleep... then she was attacked by an intruder who was already hiding in the house and had been waiting for them to sleep. She can't be texting and sending pics on her phone at quarter till one and then fall asleep in 10 seconds, you know? So it didn't seem possible for your hiding perp who's waiting for her to sleep to disable the phone immediately after she last used it.

Regarding the battery, I'm not sure if LE can tell if the battery was actually taken out/destroyed, or the phone was merely turned off. I have heard people claiming both scenarios quite firmly! So I was including that as a possibility because LE's statement that they know the the phone and GPS went dead around 12:45 am COULD mean the battery was taken out.

Hope that helps, sorry for any confusion. :)

Thanks for you reply - my scenario was worded badly! I often don't type all that is in my head! Such as that she went down to get a snack, retrieve her phone, go to the bathroom with phone in hand, etc. So if not asleep - how can we shoot down an intruder waiting to pounce?

So, lets assume she was awake. Sends text pic at about 12:45ish. Why couldn't she have been grabbed right after taking the pic?

Also can you or someone clear up two things for me, pretty please!
Has LE said phone and GPS went dead at 12:45 or just JC and his mom?
Also, in this article

"Her fiance, John Carter, said he last saw Markham around 11 or 11:30 Saturday night at her townhouse.At 12:52 a.m. Sunday, he received a picture of Markham on his cellphone, sent via text message from her phone. "


"Markham’s purse, keys and car were all there. The only things missing were Markham and her cellphone, which Carter’s mother, Karyn Winkler, said was turned off around 12:45 a.m. Sunday. The GPS tracking device on the phone also had been turned off."

So my questions are - has LE told us the phone was indeed turned off or went dead at that time (or just JC and co?)

Also, this article says "the GPS tracking device on the phone also had been turned off" <-------- but do we know from LE that it was turned off then? Could it have been turned off at any time prior to the phone being turned off?

I have seen where the family said this, but has LE said it? I have tried to read as much as possible, but I think I missed this if LE has indeed confirmed. So, tossing my white flag for help locating where LE said that, please! :truce:
I wish I could find those old clips, especially the friends were 110% sure Scott didn't hurt Lacey.

The first time I saw Scott Peterson on tv, it was either Dec. 24 or 25, right after Laci went missing, with his baseball cap pulled down so you couldn't see his eyes, and he spoke without "affect" as they say. If he'd had a neon sign blaring "GUILTY" over his head it couldn't have been more obvious that he did it.

Although I wanted to say JC was guilty right away, I don't get the same nefarious vibe from him that I did from SP, for some reason. But that's just my "take" on him. His "mellow" and calm demeanor is sort of contradicted by his eyes that seem to dart back and forth. He's hard to decipher. Did anyone else think his eyes look sort of shifty and he didn't make eye contact with the camera? Maybe it was just too sunny that day--I don't know.
....well then you better go back and delete his FB and My Space because I see lots of things that make me question.

It is beyond me how people leave such personal blogs and FB pages public at all. Come on, what is with people? People know their lives are being disected in public and they leave this kind of stuff up there?

Where is the evidence of the 'argument'? I haven't seen reference to that.

Also, do we know that JC and her dad entered the apartment at the same moment? Do we know that the dog really was closed in that room when JC walked in?
To all:

never, ever think that someone with no history of violence, no past emotional and physical abuse, or any kind of criminal history is not capable of committing a violent act in the HEAT OF PASSION. It's just not true. Any human being is capable of snapping and I mean anyone under the right set of cirumstances.

Thank you. I am actual proof of this. Luckily I survived.
I just don't think he's got the finesse/sharpness that Scott Peterson had. SP planned the whole thing and carefully executed his plan. I don't see JC doing something like that, plus I can't figure out a motivation TO plan something like that. And if he did SNAP (which I can't see him doing, he doesn't seem easily excitable), I see him calling police immediately to confess...

Oh, and I forgot about those x-rays and injury! Oy, my mom got something similar done to her ankle years ago (slipped on ice and got pins and rods installed), and she'll never be the same. She reports that she has trouble with balance and certain physical activities. She was "laid up" for weeks, and she couldn't even drive for months. With this just being done this winter (IIRC) and so drastic (that's a lot of metal), he might even still be in therapy, which might be why he works part time.

If he was injured in February, the injury would only be about 7 months old now, so its possible he would still be in rehab with that much metal in there.

The thing with having metal plates and rods and screws installed is that its a whole piece of equipment that your body has to adapt to, and it also pushes muscles and nerves out of their resting places (so to speak) so things can't move as freely anymore.

The ankle's an especially touchy place to have metal since its one of the last major weight bearing joints.

Ankles (and feet in general) are also very important for balance since they are very high weight bearing and close to the ground.

Once your ankle is damaged, no matter how good your therapy, it never has the same amount of stability, which has an effect on the rest of your body, including knee placement, hip placement, balance, etc.

Since his injury is that recent and that drastic, I could easily believe that he's not up to walking around all day in a search.
I always feel mildly uncomfortable looking through really old posts and making assumptions about them. If you looked through my old blogs you would probably find much worse than anything JC/KM has written. Then again, I am not missing right now and neither is my boyfriend so maybe stuff only becomes significant once a major event is added to the mix. I do think it is important to look over everything though.
The first time I saw Scott Peterson on tv, it was either Dec. 24 or 25, right after Laci went missing, with his baseball cap pulled down so you couldn't see his eyes, and he spoke without "affect" as they say. If he'd had a neon sign blaring "GUILTY" over his head it couldn't have been more obvious that he did it.

YES! Thanks Columbo! SP seemed to be narcissistic and evasive on day one to me as well.
chasin halos,

I have a restraining order against my high school sweetheart who was never once emotionally or physically abusive towards me. He had a bad temper which would emerge when he was jealous of any man paying too much attention to me, but little did I know at the time that this would translate 30 years later into a man who was verbally and physically abusive. He had no criminal history or history of violence towards his ex-wife.

One day he just kept at me about every little thing under the sun and he must have said something about my grown children and I absolutely snapped. I just went "black". I lunged at him and he fell backwards on the bed and I had my hands around his throat and was choking him which only lasted about a half minute because he's a big guy and weighs twice what I do.

Now, I work in the psychiatric field and have been verbally attacked, manipulated, pushed to the limit etc. and I also have 3 kids who made a career out of pushing my buttons. LOL. As I look back, I still can't believe what I did in the heat of the moment as I have never laid a hand on another human being out of anger in my entire life! Actually, I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum....a soft touch, extremely tolerant and patient. But people can be pushed too far and just lose all touch with reality in the heat of the moment under the right conditions and the right set of circumstances.
I don't think anyone is trying to compare JC with SP...
The point, as far as I am concerned, is simply that because JC's friends and family back him and because he does not have a history or record, means nothing in the long run. Many men who kill their wives or partners would fit into that mold (good family support, no record.)
So, IMO, it is not a valid manner to guess at, or gauge, his possible involvement.

Right now, he is the last person known to have seen her and presumably, has not been cleared by LE, that is about all we know.
in reference to JC entering the townhouse- from what I have read, I believe he 'barged' in first using his key, without checking to see if the door was unlocked or not. Then he left. And at some point came back in with DM , her father. Not sure at what point LE was called.
Someone asked previously what kind of results/statistics Texas EQUUSEARCH had. They have a really informative website at http://texasequusearch.org which you can find stories of their team finding persons alive, injured, deceased, and which ones are still missing.

I found under the general information tab that they have a page about missing person case statistics (but it focuses pretty quickly on child abductions). Very interesting read: http://texasequusearch.org/2009/01/statistics/

One very alarming excerpt, states how important an immediate neighborhood canvass is regarding solvability rates:
Since the victims&#8217; last known locations were usually very close to the site of initial contact with their abductors, the need for a neighborhood canvass may be among the biggest issues uncovered in this research. When police did not know the initial contact site, the solvability rate dropped 40% below average. When the initial contact site was known, the solvability rate increased by 13% above average.​


And another interesting tidbit about perpetrators behavior after the crime:
After the crime, key behaviors by the killer are most common and most telling. 21% left town, 18% confided in someone about their involvement, and 10% actually interjected themselves into the murder investigation in some way.​

ETA: They (TES) have not yet done a search for Paige Johnson, an area teen who went missing last year.
I recall reading a post of his on facebook when he found out his car had been vandalized and the person took some goofy video of his. A friend commented something to the effect, "boy, I have never seen you that mad before".

hmmm....so this guy has a pretty bad temper even over something as minor as a video? What happens when he really loses his temper over something major?

Wasn't he upset over his car being vandalized....not the video? I could be wrong so I"m asking.
I believe you are implying that while you were house training, he spent time in his crate/was trained for his crate? As I stated, dogs have different personalities, but they do what is habit and it is being said that the habit is the dog was put in the bathroom. I also stated that shelter dogs/pet store dogs are more likely, in my experience, to want a crate for security because they are already used to it, hence stating that it would be interesting to know if this dog was a shelter dog or taken from the mother. I don't want to keep arguing the point, I just want to make sure that my words are not being turned into something I didn't say. It seems like whenever I try to clarify people just say the same thing back.

Umm...I wasn't arguing in the slightest.
I happened to see a post about a Newfie that hated his crate so I chimed in about mine who loves his and was just saying how different personalities can be even in the same breed. Nothing more, nothing less. I also have 2 other dogs a Lab/Chow and Border Collie who both hate crates so I completely understood where you were coming from/going with your previous comments.
If he was injured in February, the injury would only be about 7 months old now, so its possible he would still be in rehab with that much metal in there.

The thing with having metal plates and rods and screws installed is that its a whole piece of equipment that your body has to adapt to, and it also pushes muscles and nerves out of their resting places (so to speak) so things can't move as freely anymore.

The ankle's an especially touchy place to have metal since its one of the last major weight bearing joints.

Ankles (and feet in general) are also very important for balance since they are very high weight bearing and close to the ground.

Once your ankle is damaged, no matter how good your therapy, it never has the same amount of stability, which has an effect on the rest of your body, including knee placement, hip placement, balance, etc.

Since his injury is that recent and that drastic, I could easily believe that he's not up to walking around all day in a search.


You make a very good point. I think there are a lot of other things JC is not up to and certain things that he would just not be capable of doing at all since his injury, given the time he has had to heal.

This is something I would like everyone to think long and hard about before give their opinion.

Does anyone think JC is capable of carrying KM's dead body out of a house, putting her in a car and/or disposing of her somewhere with the kind of injury he has to his ankle/leg???

There is always the possibility that he went back to her house and she left voluntary or involuntary with him I guess too.

Well if they didn't use HRD dogs in the house or vehicles, and no sign of foul play, then hard to know if, when or where KM may have met her presumed demise

Joe Friday, possible physical limitations true...but adrenaline can kick in and make a person do some amazing feats IMHO they might otherwise be unable to do
joe friday

You make a valid point about JC's ankle/leg injury. But I'm one of the few that happen to think there's an outside possibility that they may have gotten into a heated argument elsewhere....not in Katelyn's townhouse itself. I think it could have happened earlier in the evening and he returned to her home and staged it to look as neat and tidy as if she had been in bed at l:00am returning her purse and keys in the process. That's when he may have started posting as KM and sending the "picture of a picture". I think he may have sent that picture and turned his phone off then drove to the friend's home and turned his phone back on seven minutes later.

I dunno what happened...just my humble opinion
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