Hello, I am a "newbie" and found the site because I was interested in the Katelyn Markham case. I found some of your comments re: the reflection in the cell phone picture flash so compelling that I have been "playing" with a picture posted here (from a poster on the wall photos from the "missing" FB site for Katelyn. When I first looked at this image I looked at it with my iPAD and a "face" was almost instantly SO clear to me that I couldn't believe it. I have been further playing with this image (changing contrast, looking at it using different tools from Picnik, etc.) and I am wondering if perhaps the reflection with the "face" is a reflection of an open cell phone taking the picture and the small "face" is actually a picture on the screen of the cell phone? Here are some pictures I have cropped and edited from the original. Please note, I *do* realize that the picture I am working with is very possibly NOT the "pic of a pic" text message, but considering it seems like there's not a whole lot of other tangible evidence being found in this case, I thought it was worth bringing it up again (I did post some of this on the "considering everything" Katelyn site but I thought I'd get some Websleuth opinions on this idea that the reflection is a reflection of the cell phone and the "face" (which I am now TOTALLY convinced is present in the image) is actually a photo/screensaver on the cell phone...just throwing it out there, because I'm nearly 100% convinced that I see a face in this picture.
The first and last pictures I think clearly show the "face" (yes, it's small, but it REALLY looks like a face, not something my brain is "making" a face, kwim?
The second pic I think shows the outline of the cellphone, I thought the bright flash was the "flash" (lol) and the lower/blue looking light area was perhaps the camera lens from the phone.
Maybe someone already made this inquiry, but this "face" is something I can't just let go...I've opened up my iPAD photos about 10 times and it's the first photo that pops up when I open up my iPAD photos and I'm reminded each time of how clearly I can see that face!
Please note anyone could download this picture from the "missing" Katelyn FB site and do the exact same thing I have done, I have not added anything to these pictures whatsoever. To me it makes sense that it's very possible that this picture was texted from JC to his friends (who of course would ask what did KM text to him?! KWIM? Especially early on in the investigation, the first evening she was missing, for example).
Thanks for bearing with me on this....I had to chat with someone about it other than my husband who is probably VERY sick of looking at this picture for me