OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #3

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How does he know her phone is dead? Was this verified to him by LE, I wonder? And yeah, "absolutely" as an asnwer always gives me the creeps...shades of Casey...:(

He does say with the phone being turned off, dead was my word, but I usually use dead for the battery being drained. I am not sure when they told everyone the phone was off though.
To me, everything he discusses in this video clip sounds like he has rehearsed it over and over again.

He has no emotion. He never tears up...doesn't seem sad at all even when the possibility is brought up that someone might have taken her. To me if this is someone you love dearly you are practically unable to speak without choking up or if you are able to speak you are pleading with the perpetrator to please release your loved one. How can he go into so much detail almost as if he was just a bystander or a witness to some kind of car accident and a reporter stopped by to ask if he saw anything and to recall for the audience what happened. He is absolutely detached from an incident that should be striking fear in his heart, make him weak in the knees... it should be coming across as a total nightmare for him!

Have you watched the vidio of the accussed in the Lauren Giddings case? JC reminds me of him in ways.
Hope you run a virus, malware, and spy check on your system.........jmo

Yeah, everything here is on lockdown. My fiance's living is computers so I'm well protected. ;)

Okay to clear up the rat video -

Author 22rememberluke1 (4 months)
you're an idiot. Maybe you'll be hunted by a rat

Luke1 is telling those guys off, not supporting it.

So, let's say (and I'm not convinced) that the song/video is directly about Katelyn and not just that one of her friends had a song he felt applied after the fact - if he's going to defend a little rat, he's most definitely going to find a way to speak out about his friend - song was probably already written, and putting it out there is his way of saying what he knew? Just musing.
Okay to clear up the rat video -

Author 22rememberluke1 (4 months)
you're an idiot. Maybe you'll be hunted by a rat

Luke1 is telling those guys off, not supporting it.

REALLY??????????? Oh good.

The way it came up for me, it looked like he had made the video.

This was the only comment of that user name I could see - but I am clueless what it meant!

@22rememberluke1 ...
@22rememberluke1 that would be awesome! I'd try to take it out with my Saiga12.. lol
Okay, so I am just checking back in to see if any of those rumors are true--about someone being taken in by LE. Any more info on that?
Gidding...that sounds sooo familiar...what was the case about?
Okay, so I am just checking back in to see if any of those rumors are true--about someone being taken in by LE. Any more info on that?

The body was reported to have been :sponge: and he was attacked by a :frog: who is now :behindbar...............:floorlaugh:

Anything else is just the FB rumor mill.........:great:
If you go to the Considering Everything Page, the woman who has been a HUGE part of the search, said she asked JC if KM would open the door to a stranger, he said, "No, I have a key."

(It's the post by MH and the original comment was made on the post about the video I just linked.)

So if he is thinking about what might have happened that night, who she could have opened the door for, why she would have opened the door, he basically says, she didn't need to open the door, i just walked in.

It is on facebook and I didn't start it, but this is the woman who has exhausted herself searching for Katelyn. Maybe she's making stuff up, maybe she's tired of all the confusion and wants everything out there...who knows.
Gidding...that sounds sooo familiar...what was the case about?

Lauren Giddings in Macon Ga. Law Student, just graduated. Beautiful girl. Its here on WS. She was (alledgedly) murdered and dismembered by a student who lived next door to her. Really sad.
REALLY??????????? Oh good.

The way it came up for me, it looked like he had made the video.

This was the only comment of that user name I could see - but I am clueless what it meant!

@22rememberluke1 ...
@22rememberluke1 that would be awesome! I'd try to take it out with my Saiga12.. lol

When I googled it and the site came up I went to the cached version so you could see all the comments.

the @ symbol is someone speaking/replying to luke1 - luke1 was not supporting them in anyway from the comments I could see.
If you go to the Considering Everything Page, the woman who has been a HUGE part of the search, said she asked JC if KM would open the door to a stranger, he said, "No, I have a key."
(It's the post by MH and the original comment was made on the post about the video I just linked.)

So if he is thinking about what might have happened that night, who she could have opened the door for, why she would have opened the door, he basically says, she didn't need to open the door, i just walked in.

It is on facebook and I didn't start it, but this is the woman who has exhausted herself searching for Katelyn. Maybe she's making stuff up, maybe she's tired of all the confusion and wants everything out there...who knows.

Was that his answer to the question "would she open the door to a stranger?" If so, very weird answer...
Is the circle glare on the photo or is it coming from the person who took the picture of the image on their television?

As far as I know, A_News_Junkie took the photo of her television. And since she was the first person to note the "circle glare" on the KM photo, I'm assuming it's not from A_N_J's phone/camera.

I don't believe she had the pearl flip phone. I think she had the 8130, which Cricket sold. It's been said she was also on Cricket like JC.


It's the right size and shape, and the flash is located at the top of the back of the phone.

I'm not seeing the "contour" that belimom pointed out (and that my friend and I recognized at once as being the same as the one on the flip phone) on the 8130 that matches the phone in her hand on the "Missing" poster. Help?

I think so too. THis is the phone I had before my current BB Bold. Also, if the flip phone had been used in a 'tripod' fashion with the phone barely opened, the picture would be upside down.


Oh good, I was hoping to hear from members who have used/are familiar with BlackBerry phones. I'd love to confirm what kind of phone KM has.

So far I haven't heard back from anyone here at WS who has seen what my friend and I clearly identified (separately) as a candy bar phone with a dark border/case around it (the upper left corner -- more specifically, the perfect curve of the corner of the phone and its border/dark-colored case -- are crystal clear next to the flash), which none of the BlackBerry phones we found pictures of have.

Of course, KM could've had a case on her phone, but so far I still haven't changed my mind about her having a flip phone (again, I don't see anything on the 8130 that matches the phone in her hand, whereas the flip has the "contour" that belimom has also recognized), and I've never seen a case like the ones used on a candy bar phone on a flip phone. Can anyone help me out on this?

I don't believe the photo was taken with a phone in a "tripod" fashion (I didn't mean to suggest this with my use of the photo of the phone in "tripod" mode -- sorry for any confusion).

The other thought I was having is that 'flash spot' an overhead ceiling fixture???

Of course anything is possible, but if this IS another light source reflected in the picture, it is coincidentally placed PERFECTLY over the flash of the phone being used to take the photo (or, if the phone being used doesn't have a flash, the light just happens to be where a flash would originate).

This isn't quite the same but could it be this? It is a picture of the Blackberry flip phone:



Yes, belimom: This is the closest I was able to find to the phone from the photo of KM on the "Missing" poster.

But why? Why would someone even think to take the photo of a photo first, then to be all tricky with it?

I've been surprised to find that, so far, everyone is responding to my post with the fact that they're having trouble imagining a scenario where the responsible would plan to complicate things for him/herself by using more than one phone. I certainly never meant to suggest such a ridiculous theory. No one would choose to use more than one phone. You're misunderstanding me.

If JC is the responsible party, I would suggest a scenario somewhere along the following lines:

JC returns to the townhouse alone after murdering/disposing of KM. He rushes inside with her purse and keys and, while putting them back in their normal places (and possibly dealing with the dog), the idea that a photo of a hard copy of a photo that can be found in KM's bedroom, sent to his phone from hers later by text message, establishes that she was alive and well and in her bedroom while he was with friends at the time the photo is sent to his phone. A photograph from inside KM's home and sent to him elsewhere would be far more valuable than a simple text -- which could be typed by anyone, anywhere, at any time.

However, JC realizes that instead of carrying KM's phone inside the townhouse with him along with her purse and keys (which are being replaced, again, in an effort to cover himself and to create the illusion that KM's townhouse is the site of an abduction by a random stranger sometime after the photo text was sent/while he was out with his friends), he has left her phone in his car (whether by accident or because he knows he'll need to take it with him) -- but he has his phone in his pocket.

Now, panicked, his "photo text" idea in his mind, he can either run back out to his car to grab KM's cell, but decides that instead of risking arousing suspicion by rushing in and out of the house more than once, he'll simply take the photo NOW with his phone and "deal with it later" after he has left the townhouse and is in the clear. At which point he can simply send the photo from his phone to KM's phone, save it to her phone, and delete 1.) this simple text exchange and 2.) the photo from HIS phone. He can then simply wait until plenty of time has passed and then, long after he has established an alibi with a friend or friends -- around, oh, let's say, 12:52 -- send the photo FROM Katelyn's phone TO his own phone. None of this would be difficult to do -- it would take mere seconds -- and it would all be done this way because it HAD to be done this way: because none of this was premeditated, everything is messy/complicated.

I'm talking about a scenario where the use of the perp's phone is by necessity, not by choice.

And, unless JC has been planning this for a while, isn't messy/complicated the likely quality of his actions following something so earth-shattering as a murder?

Makes no sense to me either. If anything, the whole picture thing is so weird, it was never going to help him look more innocent.

I very respectfully disagree. I believe, in JC's mind following the murder of KM, a photograph of a photograph located in KM's bedroom, taken in KM's bedroom, and sent from her phone to his phone well after he has established an alibi with friends, goes a lot further toward making him look innocent than a simple text message, which ANYONE could type from ANY LOCATION.

I think it gives JC more credit than he deserves for being able to think on his feet. ...in my opinion he could never have conceived of a plan as convoluted as the picture taking theory presented here. Maybe faking texts back and forth, that's possible. JMO, of course....

I don't think he is that smart, I really don't. Thinking of whose phone to send a pic with etc. just doesn't add up to JC for me

Again, I want to reiterate my proposal here: that if the phone reflected in the photograph is in fact the responsible's phone, it was a mistake on his part, NOT a well-thought out, planned action.

Of course, anything is possible here. It's just as likely that all this "picture of a picture" business was perfectly harmless, and has little or nothing to do with the case; maybe KM took the photo herself weeks or months ago and didn't get around to sending it to JC until that night. Who knows? I don't claim to have any answers here -- I'm filled with questions when it comes to this particular aspect of the case (as well as most of the rest of it, as we all are). My original goal was to simply see if I could make out any reflections of objects the flash may have illuminated in the photo; after recognizing that a phone was partially visible, I simply hoped to recognize the phone reflected in the photo as KM's. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to eliminate this or anything else as a possibility (always my goal, rather than to dream up theories and try to sell people on them), because the phone reflected in the photo does not match any BlackBerry I've seen to this point.
If you go to the Considering Everything Page, the woman who has been a HUGE part of the search, said she asked JC if KM would open the door to a stranger, he said, "No, I have a key."

(It's the post by MH and the original comment was made on the post about the video I just linked.)

So if he is thinking about what might have happened that night, who she could have opened the door for, why she would have opened the door, he basically says, she didn't need to open the door, i just walked in.

It is on facebook and I didn't start it, but this is the woman who has exhausted herself searching for Katelyn. Maybe she's making stuff up, maybe she's tired of all the confusion and wants everything out there...who knows.

After all of this time I am still on the fence about JC. :fence:

The reason is that I cannot determine if his odd, weird, nonsensical answers to questions are evidence of his guilt, or just a whole lot of pot smoking. He sounds like some heavy duty stoners i have known, being from Northern California my whole life.

His answers give me migraines, and yet I do not get evil, dark vibes from him like I have from other potential suspects. Josh Powell, Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony, listening or looking at them makes me jump out of my skin.

I do not get that reaction from JC. I just think he is kind of slow and awkward. But I could be wrong of course. I do think that KM was possibly wanting to back out of their imminent plans to live together and move away.

So I do see a possible motive. But I do not get the violent creepy vibe from him.
I know I've heard that name! I'll look it up.

Some items of that interview with JC:

When he was asked about KM sending him the "picture of a picture"...he responds by saying, "she's very creative and she always wants to show me her work...." Huh?...what work? She sent a photograph of herself! This wasn't some piece of art work that she designed and sent to him....LOL

When he didn't get a response to his final message to her he just assumed she had to get up early and go into work "really quick". (ahem...)
Okay, this guy has know this girl for six years. I'm going to assume they know one another well enough that they know what their particular work schedules are. For crying out loud he just left her around midnight. You mean she didn't mention what time she had to be at work the next day? Bull....t !!

About moving to Colorado:

JC stated, we've been talking about going to Colorado for days...."
(What? these two making one of the most critical decisions of their lives and they've only talked about it for a few "DAYS"....???)
As far as I know, A_News_Junkie took the photo of her television. And since she was the first person to note the "circle glare" on the KM photo, I'm assuming it's not from A_N_J's phone/camera.

HUGE SNIP TO address this part!
Look at my video done from DVR to computer (no cameras)
about the 40 sec mark!
Katelyn Markham story on NG 8/25 Part 2 - YouTube

Circle glare is there already - that is what caught my eye!
That river seems a ways away but it does join the Ohio River...is that nearby?
Dime Detective:

I'm still tryin to understand:

You think that a murder occurred elsewhere...not inside KM's townhouse. Gotcha. Are you saying that he returns her personal belongings to her house but keeps her phone. He then goes to the friend's house to start establishing his alibi.

Now what? Has he already sent the pic of a pic from Katelyn's phone to his phone before arriving at his friend's house?
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