OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #4

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The more I think about TM speaking out on this, the more it bothers me. I don't even think it is his place to be concerned about that aspect of a case. If this came down from LE, it would be somewhat understandable, though still baffling.
What a weird statement by TM! What case doesnt have FB pages and rumor and chatter? Theres rumors all the time about the Holly Bobo case, theres a FB page that practically accuses her brother, etc etc etc , and lets not even get in to the CA case. WTH does it matter who says what? I can see if people were out there searching and making trouble, but even then, people talk.

I really think this is his complaint about people who are searching. Earlier he made a public statement on one of the news reports that he doesn't want people gossiping at the searches. Talking in the correct forums (Webslueths and the KM: Considering Everything page) are surely allowed.
Was she being mean to me?

Oh no no no no no. News Junkie doesn't have a mean bone in her body! ;)

She was saying you sounded like JB because I am sure she assumed you knew JB was sorta infamous for "calling out" people on the stand during the trial for online handles and such. One person (lead detective Yuri) was actually called out for being on Websleuths. Jose Baez seemed to love to search the internet (or have his cronies do it)

OMG -----------> NO Jeannie I was not trying to be mean -- no way, no how. I was trying to be a tad funny and I assume everyone knows the case that consumed me for three years!
I adore you and your posts and what you bring to this case. I would never be mean to you or anyone else.........well, maybe my ex-husband!
I think the problem regarding what Tim is talking about it that 1) He probably sees rumors being spread by searchers on different online sites, especially FB sites (like the rumor that her phone was found) and 2) He has probably overheard searchers chatting it up possibly inappropriately.

He's all business and wants to get down to it lol. I can see how he is frustrated. I think he worded his statement a little odd, however. The statement makes him sound like he is not appreciative when in fact, IMHO I am sure he is very appreciative. HUGE HUGS to all that have donated and gone out to search! :grouphug:

Also, in his defense, his teen daughter went missing and was eventually found dead. I bet it was really devastatingly frustrating for him being on that side of the situation. I bet he was considered a suspect at one time, and probably heard a lot of rumors, some pulling people off track. So I give him plenty of slack to be grumpy and cynical, because he puts his money where his mouth is, and walks the walk. :rose:
Goodness gracious what's going on.

Where is Katelyn??

What happened here?

Why does TES care what people think?! Isn't finding Katelyn Markham all that matters?
I really think this is his complaint about people who are searching. Earlier he made a public statement on one of the news reports that he doesn't want people gossiping at the searches. Talking in the correct forums (Webslueths and the KM: Considering Everything page) are surely allowed.

I spoke with someone earlier who told me straight out he hates WS, SM, FB and all internet sites. This was after the statement was released and someone who is in a position to know.

Pynkphysh - I take his statement as it is written to say, if you have blogged or posted on this case you are banned from helping in the future.

As things stand right now, I feel a fool and her money might have been surely parted, but I will search for Katelyn, Paige and anyone else missing with my own two feet and the future dollars I would have given.

I will never regret having searched but having donated, yes.
He makes it very clear that the internet is his enemy in that post...and yet I would imagine he gets lots of donations that way; in fact, the button to donate is right next to his directive. I never really heard of a volunteer organization picking and choosing the volunteers in this way. How does he think the news of a missing person spreads, if not via blogs and FB?
I spoke with someone earlier who told me straight out he hates WS, SM, FB and all internet sites. This was after the statement was released and someone who is in a position to know.

Pynkphysh - I take his statement as it is written to say, if you have blogged or posted on this case you are banned from helping in the future.

As things stand right now, I feel a fool and her money might have been surely parted, but I will search for Katelyn, Paige and anyone else missing with my own two feet and the future dollars I would have given.

I will never regret having searched but having donated, yes.

I agree, and as I stated earlier I won't send him another cent. Also Katy, Mark Klaas lost a daughter but I haven't heard him bashing WS or any of the discussion sites.
At ANJunkie et al., INTERESTING! I come from a "he/she might not express themselves well"/"benefit of the doubt" school of thought, but I think you all are right... And it does help to read his history and the sad case of the "Killing Fields." It also makes sense why he and DM are bonding/tight. TM is a tragic character... :\
I agree, and as I stated earlier I won't send him another cent. Also Katy, Mark Klaas lost a daughter but I haven't heard him bashing WS or any of the discussion sites.

I have donated to Klass Kids and every time I get a lovely thank you email back too!

Not that I donated to get a thank you back.
He makes it very clear that the internet is his enemy in that post...and yet I would imagine he gets lots of donations that way; in fact, the button to donate is right next to his directive. I never really heard of a volunteer organization picking and choosing the volunteers in this way. How does he think the news of a missing person spreads, if not via blogs and FB?

Well my cash went to him via internet.

Oh the irony - get the word out. Keep the person in the news. Watch me on NG. Shut up internet.

:maddening: Somebody pass the Henkel duct - I need to wrap my typing fingers till my hurt subsides.
Marc K. knows the value of WS and works closely with Tricia...WS has provided the food for almost all of their searches in recent months, and also has rounded up donations for any special costs Klaas Kids encounters. Too bad TM does not make use of WS, it is his loss.
I have gotta say it. Sorry if I offend.

I am not one to put Tim Miller on a pedestal but I certainly respect him for his work. Honestly I can see how rumors CAN indeed impede an investigation and search. For instance, the cell phone thing. Rumor was that it was found. So searchers might have thought they shouldn't be looking for a cell phone. Another "what if"- Katelyn's boyfriend, family and friends were out there searching. What if searchers weren't being cordial to them? (I am not saying this happened, just giving a for instance) It would cause drama and the business of looking for Katelyn would not be the spotlight.

And I guess to those that donate money for searches because they want to receive a thank you, I guess that is their prerogative. I donate to a cause not for things I get back but for the way the money is used. To help people.
But tell me, how is TM to determine whether or not someone who presents themselves to search has posted on the internet, anyway? It just seems a very cumbersome, unenforceable guideline and presented in a very negative way.

As far as what the searchers should be looking for, don't they instruct searchers to look for any items, clothing, phones, etc...I feel certain that any phone found on a search would be considered important, whether or not they thought that hers had been found.

I just think it was a bad move on his part to address this or even go there, JMO...
Back to Katelyn. The latest rumor on FB is that a neighbor told the admin they never saw JM's car at her townhouse that evening. At least not until midnight.

If this were the case, what would you speculate happened?

For me, if this were true, it really makes me wonder if Katelyn ever came back home after the fair.
I feel like if he feels that strongly against any type of internet presence he should not be asking for money on the internet which breeds the "danger" he so hates. I wonder how many donations he received online from people who may have read a facebook entry or a ws type forum or comments after a news report-I am assuming a LOT.
I have gotta say it. Sorry if I offend.

I am not one to put Tim Miller on a pedestal but I certainly respect him for his work. Honestly I can see how rumors CAN indeed impede an investigation and search. For instance, the cell phone thing. Rumor was that it was found. So searchers might have thought they shouldn't be looking for a cell phone. Another "what if"- Katelyn's boyfriend, family and friends were out there searching. What if searchers weren't being cordial to them? (I am not saying this happened, just giving a for instance) It would cause drama and the business of looking for Katelyn would not be the spotlight.

And I guess to those that donate money for searches because they want to receive a thank you, I guess that is their prerogative. I donate to a cause not for things I get back but for the way the money is used. To help people.

Please don't misunderstand my frustration and hurt. I understand how rumors can hurt the investigation. I TOTALLY get why it is not productive to discuss case while searching. What I am hurt and upset with is that there was no need to alienate all posters on internet sites. If there was specific things being done he felt were negative and hindering, then address the behavior - not all posters as a group. Define what negative is. Is looking at the photo or their FB posts, journal entries harmful? If TES doesn't want internet bloggers - that is his loss.

As to the second half of your post, I clarified my post below. It was me merely giving a compliment and a positive observation of Klass kids. The first time I got the email, I thought oh no- what is wrong with my paypal and was pleasantly surprised it was a note of appreciation. I didn't give intending to GET anything back. Just wanted to try to clear that up from my end!

Edit to add: I looked for phones. I looked for anything that was not of the natural environment, including up in trees. I looked at anything found as possible foul play and not necessarily related to this case. I was too busy looking to think about inconsistent statements, FB posts, reflections or what time the neighbor last saw his car.
I feel like if he feels that strongly against any type of internet presence he should not be asking for money on the internet which breeds the "danger" he so hates. I wonder how many donations he received online from people who may have read a facebook entry or a ws type forum or comments after a news report-I am assuming a LOT.

I would love to know what was said or what provoked him to say this.
Back to Katelyn. The latest rumor on FB is that a neighbor told the admin they never saw JM's car at her townhouse that evening. At least not until midnight.

If this were the case, what would you speculate happened?

For me, if this were true, it really makes me wonder if Katelyn ever came back home after the fair.

That would be a big shift in the timeline, and in the case overall. Been wondering why there hasn't been word one from neighbors. I might be the most boring person on the earth, but I noticed when my neighbors come and go.

What about traffic cameras? Doesn't Cincinnati have them ALL over?
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