GUILTY OH - Marcus Fiesel, 3, Union Township, 4 August 2006

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Originally posted by: Bobbisangel

Does anyone know if the girlfriend was charged with anything.
Amy Baker (the girlfriend) will never spend a day in prison because she was granted immunity.

I find it amazing that there will be such different punishments for these 3 people. Liz Carroll will spend at least 54 years in prizon. David Carroll will spend 15 to life if he accepts the plea deal (if he has half a brain he will take it and not go to trial). Amy Baker is in the clear. I think that all 3 of them should spend 54 years in prizon. I'm confused about why Liz Carroll seems to be held more accountable as the foster mother than David Carroll as the foster father. Maybe I've missed something!!
So they took him away from his mother because she was deemed neglectful, and then placed him with murderers who had domestic violence charges against one of them.

This is pathetic and it makes me angry! It makes me even angrier that he was taken from his mother when he wandered off, but when his foster parents MURDERED him, the excuse was given that he was "prone to wandering". I am not sure exactly what the story is with his real mom, but these forster parents should have never been allowed to have him either.
mysteriew said:
In the sentencing hearing the prosecutor told info that would have been brought out is she took the stand. A witness to her selling Xanax. A neighbor who considered calling CPS due to non supervision of the children at the home. And the fact that Amy Baker was not the only woman who had moved into the home and had an affair with David.
Local media is pointing something out.
Amy Baker has stated that after Marcus died that she and David took him to the chimney and burned him. Then took him to the Ohio River and dumped the remains off a bridge. Ohio authorities have given her immunity.
Ky authorities have not given her immunity. Technically the Ohio River and it's bridges are a part of Ky.
I hope she will be prosecuted in Ky. I think there is more to her involvement than she is saying.
fran said:
I don't know why I read these threads. It makes me sick what some people do to these small children. It honestly makes me cry.


FWIW, for this thread, in case you haven't seen a picture of Marcus, go to this link. What an adorable child. Such a sad life..............fran :(
Thanks for the link, what a cute kid. Believe me, you are not the only one who has cried over this horrible story.
I believe she is more involved than she is letting on also. And the locals are very upset that she is not being charged. Still when it came down to it, it was either give her immunity and charge the Carroll's or not have enough to charge them according to the prosecutor.
The latest news is that the Ky. prosecutor says it is not likely she will be charged there because it might jepordize David Carroll's trial.
BirdieBoo said:
So they took him away from his mother because she was deemed neglectful, and then placed him with murderers who had domestic violence charges against one of them.
This is the sort of thing that freaks me out about CPS.
Originally Posted by BirdieBoo
So they took him away from his mother because she was deemed neglectful, and then placed him with murderers who had domestic violence charges against one of them.
I agree that big mistakes were made when the Carrolls were chosen as foster parents for Marcus and other children. One good thing that may come of all of this could be new rules in the Ohio foster care system.

But Marcus did need to be taken from his natural mother at the very least for a short time to give her a chance to learn how to handle him. When he was taken from her she told the police that he was too much for her to handle and she supported them taking him. He was a very difficult child due to his Autism. I read that he was living in a gated room filled with his feces when CPS took him away.
Channel 12 WKRC is saying that Carroll took the plea in order to spare his son from testifying. But I think he saw that their concocted story wouldn't fly and was afraid of what else he would face at trial. Also 15 to life has got to look better than 54 to life.

I forgot about the reward that was offered for Marcus. The reward giver- Jeff Ruby says that Baker won't get a penny.
mattsmom said:
David Carroll took the plea deal. He will spend at least 16 years in prison (15 to life). He will make a statement before a judge tomorrow and the judge has to accept the plea deal. I can't wait to read what he says when admitting guilt.

Why in the world should he get a plea deal. LE knew that both of those foster parents were guilty of murdering that little boy. She got 59 years...why should he end up getting 15 yrs? I will never understand why people like this should get plea deals. They would have squealed on each other anyway.This is just wrong.

This is exactly what Mark Lunsford and Samantha Runnion's mother are going to go after next...lenient judges and plea deals for people who hurt and murder little children.
Why was this guy offered a plea bargain? He is just as guilty as his wife. I just don't understand that. Neither of them should have gotten a plea deal. Was that so that there wouldn't be two trials and cost the county twice as much? That is all I can think of. I kind of got the idea that the husband was even more evil then the wife if that was possible.

The death of 3-year-old Marcus Fiesel, who authorities said was killed by his foster parents in 2006, will be featured on "Deadline: Crime with Tamron Hall" 10 p.m. Sunday on the Investigation Discovery channel.

The one-hour show includes an interview with Liz Carroll, Marcus' foster mother, who is serving a life prison sentence after her conviction in a Clermont County Common Pleas Court in 2007.
I am watching this right now. Poor baby. They're foster parents ! Why not just return him to the state? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY !?

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