GUILTY OH - Marcus Fiesel, 3, Union Township, 4 August 2006

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californiacarrie said:
I'd sure like to see some new developments on Everlyse Cabrerra now.
No doubt. I keep scanning for new news but there has been NOTHING in so long. I am sure the police are working on this, most officers seem to have this real sense of resolve when it comes to children's cases like these. I just wish somebody would come forward with something, any shred of information at all to help the officers out.
Gmommy said:
I guess this means the mom of Liz Carroll, who was defending her daughter's innocence must not have been at that reuinion-hopefully it was on his side of the family or else mom will have some explaining to do herself in the press.

This just makes me sick. Another beautiful child gone.
Exactly what I was thinking! Liz stated over and over how much she loved Marcus just like her own son. Her mom stated over and over that Liz loved Marcus.... hmm why not then take him with you, like your own son to the family reunion!

I was praying for a break in this case today. Unfortunately, not this outcome. But I'm glad they have the idiots behind bars and I hope Liz suffers and yearns dearly for her own four kids that she will never see again. Her pain will never meet what that poor baby suffered in that closet. :furious: So sad, but so obvious the outcome. What bothered me the most in her press conference was the dry mouth nervousness, specific details and LACK OF TEARS for a child she loved so much.
I think that anyone with any knowledge of this at all should be charged. I think alot of people knew something was wrong. In the press conference held by the sheriff today, they did say that they were still investigating and they expected more charges.

A bi-polar disorder didn't cause this. What caused this is pure evilness. Bi-polar will be a defense but I doubt it will fly. Someone in his family had reported that he has been trying to get disability for it but had been unsuccessful. People with bi-polar disorder still have feelings and compassion. This man is a sociopath. He doesn't feel for anyone but himself.

I cried everytime I drove by that park thinking about that poor child being lost and all alone.
Hinebaughs said:
Exactly what I was thinking! Liz stated over and over how much she loved Marcus just like her own son. Her mom stated over and over that Liz loved Marcus.... hmm why not then take him with you, like your own son to the family reunion!

I was praying for a break in this case today. Unfortunately, not this outcome. But I'm glad they have the idiots behind bars and I hope Liz suffers and yearns dearly for her own four kids that she will never see again. Her pain will never meet what that poor baby suffered in that closet. :furious: So sad, but so obvious the outcome. What bothered me the most in her press conference was the dry mouth nervousness, specific details and LACK OF TEARS for a child she loved so much.
Yes, that press conference and details that emerged from it are what got me off the fence on my opinion of this case and more suspicious of the foster parents. These cases make me question why I would ever think to bring a child into such a horrible world but then I think, maybe my childwill make a difference in the future. I am really curious about what her mom has to say about all this and if it was Amy Baker who broke the details to the law at least the not living together ;) live-in girlfriend is good for something.
I wonder if Amy was offered a deal. When they asked if she would be charged, they didn't know. It could have been a deal where she had to tell them everything to get immunity but if they can prove she was more involved than she claimed, she would be charged.
I am the one who posted that Amy Baker might be the witness who is talking to LE, but right now it is conjecture. Even if Baker gets off on a deal, she is going to find that things are tough. First, everyone (including her family) now knows she was living with her boyfriend and his wife. Second, everyone will know that she was aware of a murder and kept it secret for 20 days. Third, she had her Daddy go on TV and lie for her...and that must have been a real slap in the face for him.
I fully expected this outcome. That poor little boy being shoved in a closet all alone and left there :furious: I don't understand how people can do something like this either.

From what we have heard about the husband I would guess that it was him that didn't want to take Marcus to the family reunion. He was sick of being around kids and he probably didn't want to travel with Marcus or to put up with Marcus at the reunion. I would bet that it was his idea to put him in the closet so he couldn't wander all over the house. They would need to keep him in a small area so no one would know he was home alone. Any wife that would let her husband move his girlfriend in with them would go along with whatever the husband wanted. It makes her just a guilty. Her husband was worthless. He didn't work so he didn't bring in any income to the household. She babysat and she did the fostercare for the MONEY. To get the big bucks they had to take in special needs kids. The wife didn't need that husband around yet she put up with his chit. She could have booted him out and made the same amount of money. Instead she chose to keep him and his girlfriend. I would bet that he was abusive to Marcus way before Marcus died.

What kind of a person is that girlfriend that she would be with a married man and then move in with him and his wife! She is a lowlife too with more gutts than brains. All three of those adults are dispicable. They all should be charged for that little boy's death.

I don't think anyone should be blamed for the loss of Marcus except those three pieces of human garbage. Marcus' mother didn't want him. She has no business suing anyone. She took her children and handed them over to LE and said something like "they're your problem now." For her to make money over that little boy's death would be a crime. It sounds like no one wanted that beautiful blue eyed little boy. He's wanted in heaven though and he is healthy and whole and happy. That gives me peace. I hope peace is something that those foster parents and Marcus' mom never find.
News is on now and they are giving teasers saying his body has been found, more later.
Dang that is all they said is that his body has been found in Brown Co.
Anybody who sees where it was found in Brown Co. please post.
Property owner Mike Cales told News 5 that detectives from Hamilton, Clermont and Brown counties asked his permission to collect evidence from the area around a two-story stone chimney. He said the chimney is all that remains of a home that hasn't been occupied since the 1960s.

Marcus Fiesel’s foster parents knew all along their missing boy was dead, say Hamilton County prosecutors.

They knew, prosecutors say, because Liz and David Carroll Jr. left the 3-year-old alone for two days in a locked closet while they attended a family reunion.

They knew because David Carroll later burned and hid Marcus’ body.

They knew even as they cried before television cameras, begging the community to help them find the missing little boy.

Deters said those charges are preliminary, meant to hold the Carrolls while the investigation continues. He said more serious charges are expected.

Deters said investigators decided to use the grand jury because witnesses are questioned under oath. If they lie to the grand jury, it can mean up to five years in prison. Prosecutors often use that tactic to get witnesses and suspects talking.

Deters said various witnesses were called, but grand jury proceedings are secret.

Arrest times suggest Liz Carroll was one of those called to the grand jury and her husband was not.
Much much more at this link.^

Investigators say David and Liz Carroll executed an elaborate fraud at least nine days after Marcus died.
That article about the agency that placed this poor child with these fiends would mean there are even more adults (idiots with no human feelings) who need to be prosecuted. May this little boy rest in peace and may those adults have no peace in this world or the next.
Only Local 12 cameras were there Monday night in a remote area of Brown County. We learned that a fireplace, at the base of an old, crumbling chimney, is where investigators believe David Carroll allegedly brought Marcus Fiesel's lifeless body. Carroll is charged with burning the little boy's remains there to get rid of the evidence.

"There's a burn area under the chimney," said Sheriff Dwayne Wenninger, Brown County Sheriff's Department. "There was a fireplace at one time. What remains are left, is a burned out area. With information they are gathering, they believe there could be remnants of a body there."

The area is so remote, sheriff's investigators had trouble finding it. However, they had help.

She was hiding her face inside an investigator's car.

"What are you hiding for Amy? Ashamed of yourself?"

We've confirmed the woman is Amy Baker, the live-in girlfriend of Liz and David Carroll.

Baker is the key witness who helped finally blow this case wide open.
Maybe I could feel better about Amy Baker if I thought she did this for humanitarian reasons, but more likely it was for bargaining reasons. What a bunch of losers, one and all. This is so sad and makes me so angry, probably because there is a child in my extended family who has been diagnosed with both bipolar disorder and autism.
Why, why, why does this keep happening to innocent liitle children that can't defend themselves? These "foster parents" make me want to repeatedly regurgitate! :sick: What was done to little Marcus should be done to them. They are absolutely dispicable people.

And exactly what does this family tree look like considering all of the intertwined relationships????

Why didn't the caseworker question the daycare center situation....How is one adult (or possibly two adults, if you consider the husband) going to care for the foster children, who are special needs, and the children enrolled in daycare????

What a horribly unnecessary tragedy.:(
Opie said:
Maybe I could feel better about Amy Baker if I thought she did this for humanitarian reasons, but more likely it was for bargaining reasons. What a bunch of losers, one and all. This is so sad and makes me so angry, probably because there is a child in my extended family who has been diagnosed with both bipolar disorder and autism.

She went to the reunion with the family, and so would have known that Marcus wasn't with them, I would guess that she knew where Marcus was left. Marcus was found dead on Aug. 6 th, and she didn't report. He was reported as missing on Aug. 15 th, and she didn't report. She didn't report through all of the searches. It was 22 days from the time Marcus died until she finally got around to telling. She only told to save her own hide. I would guess that law enforcement likely made some type of deal with her, if she would tell the truth.
Is it just coincidence that Marcus' body was burned in the chimney near Amy Baker's father's house or property? I have a feeling she told the foster father about the abandoned chimney....
mysteriew said:
She went to the reunion with the family, and so would have known that Marcus wasn't with them, I would guess that she knew where Marcus was left. Marcus was found dead on Aug. 6 th, and she didn't report. He was reported as missing on Aug. 15 th, and she didn't report. She didn't report through all of the searches. It was 22 days from the time Marcus died until she finally got around to telling. She only told to save her own hide. I would guess that law enforcement likely made some type of deal with her, if she would tell the truth.
There are just so many things wrong with that situation. Three adults left a special needs child tied up in a closet and they trotted off to a family reunion! I agree that Baker talked only to save her own butt-she had all that time in which she could come forward and she only chose to when the law was closing in on the truth. I feel sorry for her father for going on television to defend her. I am still wondering if Liz Carroll's mother knew anything or if she was also duped by her own child into publicly defending her. Whatever deal Amy Baker got a small part of me thinks that maybe prison justice will get them all.

The mother of Marcus cannot afford funeral costs, I'm sure at some point there will probably be an account announced where donations can be made.
Okie dokie, let me see if I've got this straight:

Amy Baker is the live-in girlfriend of Liz and David Carroll. So, this "threesome" was allowed to have a foster child? Is that right? I've been known to misinterpret things in the past, so I want to make sure this is what has been alleged.
Jeana (DP) said:
Okie dokie, let me see if I've got this straight:

Amy Baker is the live-in girlfriend of Liz and David Carroll. So, this "threesome" was allowed to have a foster child? Is that right? I've been known to misinterpret things in the past, so I want to make sure this is what has been alleged.

She apparently is a part of a threesome. I believe she and her children (including another foster child) moved in after Marcus was placed with the Caroll family.

David Carroll had moved out for a time and when he moved back in, he brought Amy with him.
Jeana (DP) said:
Okie dokie, let me see if I've got this straight:

Amy Baker is the live-in girlfriend of Liz and David Carroll. So, this "threesome" was allowed to have a foster child? Is that right? I've been known to misinterpret things in the past, so I want to make sure this is what has been alleged.
Sounds about right. Amy's dad said to the press that Amy wasn't living there so I think she told her dad that. Several of the Carroll's family and friends and neighbors say they were living together. Sounds to me like they were shacking up-what a very strange situation to live.

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