GUILTY OH - Paris Talley, 3 wks, dies of thermal injuries, Dayton, 30 Aug 2005

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Paddy01, silly you! Your thoughts are just as valid as any one else's! I don't really think the bottle being too hot would have resulted in the baby's death, however. You would think if the bottle was that hot, the baby would not have been able to drink enough of it to cause internal injuries. Her mouth, tongue, and esophagus would have been burned. I get the feeling from what I read the internal burns were scattered throughout the body - sort of everywhere. That is why I thought about the medical condition of malignant hyperthermia. I just can't get past a baby being put in a microwave and not having any external evidence of burns!
Malignant hyperthermia usually happens after certain surgical procedures because of a reaction to the anasthesia. Not everyone is at risk; I believe there is a genetic predisposition to having an episode of MH occur. Here is a case for example, where an older gentlemen underwent surgery for back pain. He had undergone previous surgery with local anasthesia and had not encountered any complications. This surgery used complete anasthesia, and he appeared to be fine until the end of the surgery, when he suddenly begin to determiorate. Read this statement about what his temperature was:

"Subsequently, he went into cardiac arrest, at which time the temperature probe was reinserted into the trachea, where it read a body temperature of 109[degrees]".

In the case of this baby, we don't have any evidence she had been given any anasthesia, but what if the baby sitter - or anyone for that matter - gave her some other drug to keep her calm and make her sleep???

11 Feb 08

A judge declared a mistrial Monday in the case of a woman accused of killing her month-old baby by burning her in a microwave, finding that new defense witnesses bolster her innocence claim.

Judge John Kessler made the decision after hearing testimony privately from a juvenile who said he was at the apartment complex of defendant China Arnold on the August 2005 night that her infant died.

more info, pics, and video at link

11 Feb 08

A judge declared a mistrial Monday in the case of a woman accused of killing her month-old baby by burning her in a microwave, finding that new defense witnesses bolster her innocence claim.

Judge John Kessler made the decision after hearing testimony privately from a juvenile who said he was at the apartment complex of defendant China Arnold on the August 2005 night that her infant died.

more info, pics, and video at link

Hi Hoppy,

I think you posted the wrong link. If you have the right one, I am dying to read it!:)

Hi Hoppy,

I think you posted the wrong link. If you have the right one, I am dying to read it!:)


Details! Details! Being rather picky, aren't ya? :blowkiss: :D

I edited it. Link should work now.

Hugs and thanks,

Details! Details! Being rather picky, aren't ya? :blowkiss: :D

I edited it. Link should work now.

Hugs and thanks,


Thanks, hoppy. I am happy there was no conviction of the mother, but I'd really like to know what happened to that child. I wonder if the Pros will retry - sounds like their shaky case got fairly well-gutted by that witness. I hope the investigation will remain open and ongoing.
I watched an experiment on Mythbusters not long ago which busted the myth that a microwave oven or a tanning bed can cook a person from the "inside out". There would have to be burns on the outside before burns on the inside could occur.

I haven't followed this case, but it caught my eye.

Have they considered Spontaneous Combustion?

Or possibly electrocution?

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) — A judge has declared a mistrial in the case of woman accused of killing her month-old baby by burning her in a microwave.
I couldn't bear it-mainly because I could not believe it. It seemed too urban legend and all, and then to horror story-ish. I am interested that the mother demonstrated such terrible sadness after the judge's mistrial ruling that the reporters noted it. And that there are adult and teen witnesses that support her story...I hope the baby did not suffer, and that if justice is needed in this case it comes swiftly.
I'm so tired of reading about babies being killed. I wish there was an answer to all of this. it's just so senseless! So many people who want babies and can't have one and then there are the ones that have them and kill them! :(

Babies are to be loved and cuddled...not murdered!
They are starting her retrial. is a story that I cannot even comprehend, but she's going to get her day in court, again, and possibly the death penalty!

I know there is another thread regarding this case, the first time around, but I thought I'd start a new one and maybe it wouldn't be missed.

Here are all of the links I have so far in one post:
CBS, with Video:
Jailhouse confession:,2933,327385,00.html
Remains Jailed on $1mill bond:
Nancy Grace Transcript:
Very disturbing. At one point it is discussed how long the baby would've survived while in the microwave.

Well, anyway, it's a little more condensed, don't know if that makes it easier, rather than having to go clear through.
OMG.....this is so horrific I can't hardly stand to even read about it. It's the first I've heard of the story so I will have to go back and read...if I can.

Has the mother been in jail all this time??
OMG.....this is so horrific I can't hardly stand to even read about it. It's the first I've heard of the story so I will have to go back and read...if I can.

Has the mother been in jail all this time??

NOt sure, Will have to do some checking. I imagine she would've been. The first trial was just 6 months ago. I couldn't believe she'd be out on bond. But I'll check and repost.,2933,327385,00.html

here's more information about her alleged confession to another inmate.
I thought the judge declared a mistrial after questioning a teen who was also in the apartment and had access to the child?

I did not live this case because I couldn't read the details, I admit, but I find it so far-fetched that even a drunk woman would be that mistaken....
What about the boyfriend...was he cleared? He didn't think he was the father right??

This story is disturbing.
I thought the judge declared a mistrial after questioning a teen who was also in the apartment and had access to the child?

I did not live this case because I couldn't read the details, I admit, but I find it so far-fetched that even a drunk woman would be that mistaken....

Yes, he did declare a mistrial based on a new witness, who turned out to be a young boy, maybe teen, I didn't read that, but it's possible.

I agree I can't believe that anyone could do something like this in any state of drunkenness and not be aware that they are cooking their child.:furious:
What about the boyfriend...was he cleared? He didn't think he was the father right??

This story is disturbing.

I don't know if he was cleared or not, but there was an alleged argument based on the baby paternity. He wasn't sure he was the father, and questioned her faithfulness.

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