GUILTY OH - Paris Talley, 3 wks, dies of thermal injuries, Dayton, 30 Aug 2005

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
From what I know so far, I'm not so sure it was the mom. It could be the bf just as well as the mom.

LE better have some darn good evidence that it was China. IF they're going by the word of Terrell, I doubt they're going to be able to convince 12 jurors it was her.

Like pepper said, in an abusive relationship, the abuser will do anything to his SO, even murder as we've seen over and over and over, to have the last word.

This sleuther isn't convinced they have the right person behind bars.

peepers20056 said:
Iwas an bused women but I fought back & swore NEVER again .I did the same thing this young women & betterd myself to raise my three boy's & I made it WithOUT a man..Inathis kind of relationship the man will try knock DOWN your self esteem. they do any thing to make you feel NEED them. I don't believe this LADY killed her BABY.LIKE I said they Will DO anything to screw your head up & when that doesnt work they Do anything they TO HURT YOU( back.) ask a pschiatirist who treats baterd women & I can promise you he will say this is true.This women did not kill her baby!!! I don't hate men just lowlifes like thisone. I find it so hard To believe the police the police not to know about all how these LOWLIFES work .They can screw up your head Sooooo bad & they thrive on knowing the they can causeyou.BUwhen they get frustated they wiil sink the bottomless to make they get their way.Makes no differnce BIOLOGICAL father ornot. I WILL PRAY for this lady. the violence is his RECORD & history.This women is innocent.god bless prayers are with her & family:blowkiss: :blowkiss: .
I'm with you on this one. A battered woman clings to her baby - who gives her the unconditional love she didn't get from her abuser. She doesn't then abuse the baby, in my experience. She didn't do this. I'd apologize and get her some counseling for this ordeal.
strach304 said:
Ok so if China made the statement that she went straight to bed and then didn't get up until the boyfriend called her LE then finds her fingerprints on the baby's diaper. That is why they were making a big fuss on NG about how she checked the baby when she got home and thought the baby was sleeping. There are discrepencies about the father being there and feeding the baby as well. If she carried the baby to the hospital but denies handling her through the night, the diaper is underneath a sleeper so they couldn't have gotten there that way.
This is a good thought, but when my babies were in diapers, I often took the diapers out of the their packaging and out them in a basket near the changing table or - when the were older - in their closet. MY fingerprints would have been on many of my child's diapers that I did not actually change. So if that's the DNA "evidence" it seems flimsy, at best.
I agree Southcitymom, could've come from the diaper bag too. I'm trying to theorize what dna LE has. There's definitely witness statements from the baby's father and his sister that are in line with whatever evidence they intend to present so imo it will come down to who you believe. Ex: what if the father is saying he changed the baby before going back out and his prints were not on the diaper but hers were. Same for the sister (babysitter) something along those lines.
Okay, this is going to sound strange but....there have been a couple of shows-doumentary/unsolved mystery types that feature a phenomenon of spontaneous internal combustion....people catching on fire internally and dying :waitasec: . I don't remember all the particulars, but could something like this have happened? Off to google the subject for more info!

kayceebee said:
Okay, this is going to sound strange but....there have been a couple of shows-documentary/unsolved mystery types that feature a phenomenon of spontaneous internal combustion....people catching on fire internally and dying :waitasec: . I don't remember all the particulars, but could something like this have happened? Off to google the subject for more info!

nope, spontaneous human combustion is a myth. It's in reality called the "wick effect" google's very interesting!
southcitymom said:
I don't think so. The article that references the DNA evidence states:

"The document, filed Nov. 22, 2006, in Dayton Municipal Court, also says DNA evidence links her (China) to the death."

It was this DNA evidence that allowed them, at least in part, to get the arrest warrant for China. So it's definitely about WHO and I can't imagine what it could be!

But she is the mommy! Her DNA would surely be all over her baby, whether or not she was the one to kill the child.

It's got to be something like China's DNA in a VERY inappropriate place, or else the DNA evidence isn't going to amount to much in proving who did this to that little child.

I saw the mom's interview on tv awhile back, before she was charge, and she looked genuinely horrified and distraught that this had happened to her daughter. I was left with the impression that she did not do this.
I agree, kgeaux. I have been trying to think of what kind of DNA evidence would implicate the mother, and I am having a hard time coming up with an answer. Her DNA should be everywhere in that house and on the baby's things. I'm still suspicious of the boyfriend.
I am still skeptical that the Mom did this. Until I see the autopsy report, I am even skeptical that the baby died by microwave burning. For arguments sake, however, the only kind of DNA I could conceive of that could possibly implicate China would be China's DNA that demonstrated extreme heat exposure which would indicate she suffered some sort of severe burn herself...perhaps while taking the baby out of the microwave. Horrible to even think about.
I am unable to find any updates on this case. Anyone else know what's going on?
I must admit I only read the first page of this thread because I am also sickened by this horrific tragedy. I'm sure this was already mentioned by a mom between page 1 and 6 but I wanted to add my :twocents:

I doubt the babysitter is responsible. I don't have kids, but every mom I know immediately goes to check on her child when returning home from a date, work, etc. She should have noticed discoloration or something if she would have looked at the baby.

Would the babysitter really have microwaved the baby and waited for the parents to return home?? Doubt it. I can't believe this really happened. It just sunk in...I feel nauseated.

At a pretrial hearing, detective Michael Galbraith testified that Arnold told him during questioning then: "If I hadn't gotten so drunk, I guess my baby wouldn't have died."

But questioned by defense attorney Jon Paul Rion, Galbraith acknowledged that Arnold told him she didn't know how the baby suffered the burns, and that she had nothing to do with it that she could recall.

Galbraith said Arnold told him she arrived home in the early morning hours after drinking, fell asleep and was awakened at 2:30 a.m. by the baby's crying. She said she warmed a bottle in the microwave oven on the counter, tried to give it to the baby, changed the child's diaper and then fell asleep on the couch with the baby on her chest, Galbraith said.

Arnold said she and her three children -- ages 7, 6 and 3 -- were the only ones in the apartment until her boyfriend arrived several hours later and noticed something was wrong with the baby, Galbraith said.

At the conclusion of the hearing, Judge John Kessler ruled that prosecutors can use some of Arnold's statements at trial. He said he would decide later whether other statements and certain physical evidence would be admitted.
more @ link.
omg ... why? i dont understand why? that poor little angel .
So now are they trying to intimate that she microwaved the baby instead of the bottle by accident? I'm so confused.
That's what this sounds like to me. It's beyond me how anyone could EVER accidentally (drunk or not) put a baby in the microwave instead of a bottle. OMG! That's just terrible.
Bless that poor baby and the torture she had to go through. I just can't imagine. : ( It is truly sickening.

How could a mother NOT know she put her baby in a microwave? I didn't see she confessed to it anywhere.

Was she on medication, illicit drugs, mentally ill, or have black out episodes? There are so many questions surrounding this horrific case! There has to be a lot more to this story.

I remember reading about spontaneous human combustion years ago. It may not be based on scientific evidence, but this case reminded me of it.

Pretrial hearing update:
The third and final expert to testify Tuesday was Doctor George Nichols, a forensic pathologist for the defense. Dr. Nichols disputed claims by a prosecution expert that China Arnold's daughter died after being burned in the microwave for as long as two minutes back in 2005.

Dr. Nichols disputed an experiment by the prosecution that used a chicken's body and calves brains in a microwave to simulate the deadly injuries to the baby girl.

Over the past week, three experts have offered opinions at the hearings--two for the defense, and one for the prosecution. (more plus video at link)
OMG, this is so disturbing to me. Poor sweet baby, the mother was either totally insane or the most EVIL person on earth.
OMG, this is so disturbing to me. Poor sweet baby, the mother was either totally insane or the most EVIL person on earth.

Or she was in a blackout from being so intoxicated. Alcoholism and parenting are often a bad mix - with the children, of course, bearing the brunt of the damage.

ETA: There seems to be some legitimate question as to whether or not the child was put in a microwave. I wonder what the defense is claiming she died of.

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