Deceased/Not Found OH - Patricia 'Patti' Adkins, 29, Marysville, 29 June 2001

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
this whole story around this tonneau kinda points to premeditated murder to me....he didn't know though that she was talking to people about their relationship....and the fact that he told her not to bring any clothes with her....pretty telling too IMO

I don't get the thing about bringing no clothes if they were going somewhere remote. Wouldn't she have brought a bag with at least a toothbrush, one change of clothes, any medicines, a book, and so on?

If I worked all day and left directly for vacation, I'd want to change clothes and brush teeth as soon as I got to the hotel.

What was her plan? Canada is five hours away, and she was supposedly going to a somewhat remote part. I suppose they were going to stay in a hotel in northern OH. Then were they going to buy tooth brushes, clothes, and anything they needed there before going on to Canada?

Her sister said she didn't even know where she was going? Does that mean she said it was a cabin near Lake Huron just past the border but she wasn't sure exactly how far up? Or was she saying had no idea where she was going?

I don't see why her sister would lie but the story that she was sneaking into the truck with only the contents of her purse and no plan for where she was going does not make sense to me.
I don't get the thing about bringing no clothes if they were going somewhere remote. Wouldn't she have brought a bag with at least a toothbrush, one change of clothes, any medicines, a book, and so on?

If I worked all day and left directly for vacation, I'd want to change clothes and brush teeth as soon as I got to the hotel.

What was her plan? Canada is five hours away, and she was supposedly going to a somewhat remote part. I suppose they were going to stay in a hotel in northern OH. Then were they going to buy tooth brushes, clothes, and anything they needed there before going on to Canada?

Her sister said she didn't even know where she was going? Does that mean she said it was a cabin near Lake Huron just past the border but she wasn't sure exactly how far up? Or was she saying had no idea where she was going?

I don't see why her sister would lie but the story that she was sneaking into the truck with only the contents of her purse and no plan for where she was going does not make sense to me.

Hi CircuitGuy - what I BBM, it's amazing what some will do when they are "in love" or simply all fired up about someone...
Have you seen the show on ID about this case? They did a good job -- her sneaking into his truck, while a dumb thing to do, seemed like something she would do since he had control over her, and she was super naive!
Hi CircuitGuy - what I BBM, it's amazing what some will do when they are "in love" or simply all fired up about someone...
Have you seen the show on ID about this case? They did a good job -- her sneaking into his truck, while a dumb thing to do, seemed like something she would do since he had control over her, and she was super naive!

Most everything I know is from that ID show. I can accept she would sneak into his truck to hide the affair from other people and also just for the fun of doing something that underscores the clandestine nature of the trip. I can see the childlike fun in operating like a spy.

I don't see, though, the fun in going some place after work with no clothes. Maybe she actually did pack some minimal clothes and basic toiletries in a large purse. The thought of working all day and then heading for some unknown cabin for a week without changing or even packing seems unpleasant.

I probably don't need all the stuff I back beyond a tooth brush and one change of clothes. But I feel the need to pack clothes for variable weather, deodorant, several electronic toys, my bad habit, food I might want but not find away from home, one or two books, and so on. Maybe I don't need all that junk, but I think I just feel better having it. It would be weird to go on a trip with none of it. Maybe it's because I'm a geek, but I don't know. I think most people have their little toys, vices, diversions, and comforts of home they like to carry with them on vacation.
Snipped for a bit of friendly discussion:

I don't see, though, the fun in going some place after work with no clothes.

I agree... CMIIW, I thought he convinced her that they would buy things once they were there, or something reason why she didn't need anything.
Poor gal was gullible...

Someone got away with murder!
I'm going to play the other side here for a bit.

Perhaps she did have an on again off again fling with him. Or maybe they interacted and were friends or acquaintances but she was just obsessed with him. They apparently have no proof at all of any money being transferred to Brain Flowers. She could have honestly done a million other things besides give it to him. That money could have gone anywhere. She could have seen him wearing the hard rock shirt at work before.

She could have easily overheard him talking about the tonneau cover at work. He had bought it to put fishing gear in. He may have been planning to head off on a fishing trip and originally that was the night. She knew this. But she wasn't even invited. She was going to SNEAK into his truck. That is why she brought almost nothing. Easier to sneak around. This is why she raced out of the factory before he got there. With just a small bag of lingerie? Seems suspicious. 'oh I'll pop out of the truck and surprise him at the lake he's going to fish at, he'll want me and we'll stay there together'. So maybe he didn't go on the trip after all. Maybe she's back there, he drives off someplace else after work. She gets out when it stops and walks to go looking for him, he gets back in the truck and goes home. She's left God knows where alone. She hitchhikes and is abducted or just plain died from exposure. Or maybe she did pop out some place and he freaks out. And just leaves her there and she goes missing.

She may have been just plain batty and crazy and obsessed with this guy. She certainly showed it in some areas. Now as to why he seemed startled and was different after his sister called and mentioned this trip, well yeah, you'd be to if it was something totally off the wall. Why did he stay on the phone? At the very least it's an acquaintance of his, at most it's someone he did care about but didn't want his wife to know, so yeah he's going to want to know what is going on too and where she is but not let on that they may have had something together at one time. He's going to lie about not really knowing her because there may be some history that he obviously doesn't want his wife to know about. Even if it was a long time ago.

Now the 7th comes around. It's a work truck. The tonneau cover can't stay on. He takes it off and puts it away. He'll use it another time when he does actually need it for fishing. If I was fishing you do NOT want to leave your expensive poles inside an open truck bed. It totally makes sense to get that cover for something like that. And to use it just for one purpose. Some people buy bike racks they only put on their car for only when they go biking, some people ski racks. You get the point. He may have even delayed the fishing trip but wanted to get the cover all set up and put on and ready to go.

Cat hair gets on EVERYTHING. Way to easy to pick that up. His coat or bag or anything could have picked it up. I don't have a cat and pick that hair up all the time. Sometimes I can't even remember where I was that I picked it up at. Sometimes it's peoples hair I don't even know who's.

The blood? Maybe it's his from when he put the cover on. So small he didn't even know he did it. Why don't they test it? Because there is a big chance it's not hers or they can't get anything from it. As long as they have it then it's always that "what if". The police always have a pressure point to push with him. To always keep him on his toes and worried. But in reality it's probably not enough to convict him if it is even hers. Even if it is hers it's so small it doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Sure that seems like a lot of circumstantial evidence. But it happens even to innocent people. And if the blood isn't hers that is a huge part of it gone. It's really holding the case together like glue. Take that away and it starts to fall apart. This is why I think they don't test it. It's to little to take a chance with too. The odds are better by leaving everyone to assume it's hers.
Either way there is no way there is enough for a conviction. They need to find a body or a whole lot more evidence.

I found a comment on a news page from a friend. I believe it was a friend she worked with and not a fake:

"I worked with Mr Flowers a lot, especially during the weeks and months before she went missing. I saw a lot of fighting between the two of them(physical and verbal) during work, on-line and out in the parking lot on breaks. Patti confessed a lot to me about him, and what was going on in their relationship, the good and bad.... I was assigned to help out in her work area almost daily and for many months prior to her disappearance."

All that says is they fought though and didn't get along at times, and she did tell her they had a relationship and others. But there is no other proof of that. Some women can be obsessed and Imagine a relationship that is not there, or if one is make it out more than it actually is. Or perhaps there was one there but was long over and she didn't want to believe it (hence the fighting). And snuck into his truck one day. Or what if she got into the wrong truck?

I thought the sisters said though that they got along and they were happy. That means she wasn't telling the sisters everything or being honest. When in fact they were fighting a lot about something.


Let's look at one more angle. Maybe she snuck in the back without him knowing. He hears something and pulls over. He grabs something heavy in the cab. She jumps out in the dark and he hits her thinking he's protecting himself. Do you think he's going to tell anyone and they will believe him? Not with their history, he'd be in jail for sure. The safest thing would be to hide the body and try to go on with his life.

Or think of this. He owed her money, lots of it. She was pressuring him to pay. He couldn't. We know they had argued before, the friend said so. He also says he's not going to leave his wife. *She's mad, real mad. We may need to consider that perhaps she snuck into his truck and had some plan to confront them or harm them after he got home. Somehow the whole trip thing could work out as an alibi, she could say the angry wife saw her when he had to stop at home and attacked her but she defended herself. But her plan didn't happen, maybe he found her too soon, she attacked him, he killed her. He had to get rid of her body since nobody would believe he didn't set it up. Who knows, crazier things have happened.


Now with all that being said. I think he very well did do it. There still is the possibility that at the very least she may have planned on surprising him, pops out some place, he kills her. Maybe she was planning on surprising him by popping out at his house, and finally confronting the wife. But he can't let that happen after he finds her first. Or maybe she had even suggested killing the wife and so he felt justified in killing her first.

Anyway if it did go down like had been already mentioned from everyone else and the show, and he planned it like that. That is just so grossly evil and horrible. That means he had been taking money for a long time. Then planned her murder that whole time he was telling her about the trip. Got her hopes up and was so happy. And when she got in that night he knew he was going to kill her. And to kill a mother of a 7 year old. That is just so heinous. Which means he already had a place he was going to dump her body. The whole time she was back there under the cover and excited he was driving her to her death. He drives out to some country road, she gets out very confused in the dark wondering why they are there, and he kills her, and hides or buries the body. Her body can be anywhere.

I think the wife knows about it too.

But I still can't help but think that there is still the possibility that someone else did something to her. I've read of cases that seem so sure thing that one person did it, but they catch someone else.
just caught disappeared on netflix....bumping for patti!!

i honestly thought they could test tiny amounts of dna these days.

maybe they could try a Polymerase chain reaction on the sample...sounds like that could work

Polymerase chain reaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IMO it's not because they cannot test and show it's her DNA, but since she was associated with the owner of the truck and cover; her DNA could have gotten there by any number of ways, even indirectly.... I would need more than that if I were on a jury.

IMO mention of waiting for future testing was done in hopes of putting pressure - even perhaps upon anyone being fearful of being hauled in and eventually charged as an accomplice. - all IMO.
It sounds far fetched but there is a possibility that his wife was in on the whole thing. Couples have worked together to do some pretty horrible things. Money can be an great motivator.

I'm a little surprised that there was no surveillance footage at the Honda factory. Although it was quite some time ago and maybe not as common back then.

I have considered this whole thing from the angle that she was mentally ill and perhaps imagined her relationship (I have witnessed such a thing personally) but the other scenario seems so glaringly obvious.
It sounds far fetched but there is a possibility that his wife was in on the whole thing. Couples have worked together to do some pretty horrible things. Money can be an great motivator.

I'm a little surprised that there was no surveillance footage at the Honda factory. Although it was quite some time ago and maybe not as common back then.

I have considered this whole thing from the angle that she was mentally ill and perhaps imagined her relationship (I have witnessed such a thing personally) but the other scenario seems so glaringly obvious.

Not so far-fetched; I wondered about that too!

She did give him allot of $$ - not sure how that plays into it if she were imagining a relationship.
Couples have worked together to do some pretty horrible things. Money can be an great motivator.

Since the loan was not documented, though, why do they have to kill her? What is the absolute worst-case scenario for the them if she did lend him large amounts of cash? She could sue him and probably lose b/c the loan was not documented. She could tarnish his reputation, but this would be tricky since she didn't document the loan.
Perhaps she did have an on again off again fling with him. Or maybe they interacted and were friends or acquaintances but she was just obsessed with him. They apparently have no proof at all of any money being transferred to Brain Flowers. She could have honestly done a million other things besides give it to him. That money could have gone anywhere.
Yes. People blow money on stupid stuff and lie about it all the time.

He may have been planning to head off on a fishing trip and originally that was the night. She knew this. But she wasn't even invited. She was going to SNEAK into his truck. That is why she brought almost nothing. Easier to sneak around. This is why she raced out of the factory before he got there. With just a small bag of lingerie? Seems suspicious. 'oh I'll pop out of the truck and surprise him at the lake he's going to fish at, he'll want me and we'll stay there together'.
In this scenario you're saying he was originally planning a long distance trip to a cabin up north? She told her sister he had invited her for a week's vacation. This would be a lie, and she would be found out if he rejected her.

Her plan would require him to leave for the trip shortly after work. It would be unpleasant if he decided he was tired and would get up early the next morning and go.

If she somehow knew he would leave directly and they had once even had a hint of a possibility of relationship, your scenario actually makes sense. She figures he's only going to drive a few hours. She figures he would like to be with her on some level but would say no to a premeditated affair. He she surprises him, now he has to leave her there or drive for hours to undo it and get her home. He can tell himself "the woman's crazy; what could I say?" and stay with her.

Now as to why he seemed startled and was different after his sister called and mentioned this trip, well yeah, you'd be to if it was something totally off the wall. Why did he stay on the phone? At the very least it's an acquaintance of his, at most it's someone he did care about but didn't want his wife to know, so yeah he's going to want to know what is going on too and where she is but not let on that they may have had something together at one time.
Yes. Even if they never had a relationship, if the sister of a woman at work called saying I had been planning a clandestine trip, I would stay on the phone and hound them for info. That's probably not the right thing to do. I should probably just dismiss it as absurd and hang up, but I would want to know what's this all about and what she's been telling people about me.

The blood? Maybe it's his from when he put the cover on. So small he didn't even know he did it. Why don't they test it? Because there is a big chance it's not hers or they can't get anything from it. As long as they have it then it's always that "what if". The police always have a pressure point to push with him. To always keep him on his toes and worried. But in reality it's probably not enough to convict him if it is even hers. Even if it is hers it's so small it doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Excellent idea about the police holding it out there to psych out the real criminal. I believe that's the whole point of the lie detector test. It's not has way too many false positives and negatives to be useful in finding the truth, but the suspect thinks maybe it will work, and that freaks him out. He focuses on that possibility instead of keeping his story straight. Having this tiny drop of blood may do the same thing. They can always say to someone, "We've been doing more analysis on that blood, and we'd like to talk to you about where you were on such-and-such night." It's not going to make the criminal confess but it sure might throw him off.

"I worked with Mr Flowers a lot, especially during the weeks and months before she went missing. I saw a lot of fighting between the two of them(physical and verbal) during work, on-line and out in the parking lot on breaks. Patti confessed a lot to me about him, and what was going on in their relationship, the good and bad.... I was assigned to help out in her work area almost daily and for many months prior to her disappearance."
If there was physical fighting during work, I wonder if it was documented or at least if someone saw it and told the police.

Or think of this. He owed her money, lots of it. She was pressuring him to pay. He couldn't. We know they had argued before, the friend said so. He also says he's not going to leave his wife. *She's mad, real mad. We may need to consider that perhaps she snuck into his truck and had some plan to confront them or harm them after he got home. Somehow the whole trip thing could work out as an alibi, she could say the angry wife saw her when he had to stop at home and attacked her but she defended herself. But her plan didn't happen, maybe he found her too soon, she attacked him, he killed her. He had to get rid of her body since nobody would believe he didn't set it up. Who knows, crazier things have happened.
This means she would have had to formulate the story to her sister such that her sister think she thought she was going on a trip. But it would all be rouse to get into their garage and murder them. She would have to have a weapon and feel confident she could take them both. If she just killed this his wife, it wouldn't work because he might tell the police that it was not self-defense. It just seems like an very complicated plan with a low chance of success. I agree weirder things have happened.

Anyway if it did go down like had been already mentioned from everyone else and the show, and he planned it like that. That is just so grossly evil and horrible. That means he had been taking money for a long time. Then planned her murder that whole time he was telling her about the trip. Got her hopes up and was so happy. And when she got in that night he knew he was going to kill her. And to kill a amother of a 7 year old. That is just so heinous. Which means he already had a place he was going to dump her body. The whole time she was back there under the cover and excited he was driving her to her death. He drives out to some country road, she gets out very confused in the dark wondering why they are there, and he kills her, and hides or buries the body. Her body can be anywhere.

I think the wife knows about it too.
That's just ghastly I agree. And what's his upside? Was she threatening to ruin his marriage? Killing her in cold blood in not only heinous but risky. If his wife knows about it, it really makes no sense. They could just ignore her. The only way I could see killing her helping is if his wife was jealous and knowing or even suspecting he killed his alleged mistress ended her jealousy. That requires her to be heinous too.
Since the loan was not documented, though, why do they have to kill her? What is the absolute worst-case scenario for the them if she did lend him large amounts of cash? She could sue him and probably lose b/c the loan was not documented. She could tarnish his reputation, but this would be tricky since she didn't document the loan.

Good point! Especially if his wife knew what was going on.... makes no sense to harm her..
I'm not sure if this has already been discussed or not, but is it possible that she could have died from carbon monoxide poisoning while she was hiding in the back of his truck under the tonneau cover, and upon discovery maybe B.F. panicked and disposed of the body?

I found this safety precaution listed on the installation instructions of a tonneau cover: "NEVER allow people or animals to occupy the bed of a truck while the engine is running! Serious or fatal injury may occur from carbon monoxide poisoning or collision."
I'm not sure if this has already been discussed or not, but is it possible that she could have died from carbon monoxide poisoning while she was hiding in the back of his truck under the tonneau cover, and upon discovery maybe B.F. panicked and disposed of the body?

I found this safety precaution listed on the installation instructions of a tonneau cover: "NEVER allow people or animals to occupy the bed of a truck while the engine is running! Serious or fatal injury may occur from carbon monoxide poisoning or collision."

Interesting - what you mentioned is first time I've heard of that. Would make for an interesting defense...
Bumping for Patti. Her disappeared episode was shown on Discovery ID today. It was heartbreaking listening to her sisters.

My gut tells me the co-worker is involved. And possibly his wife as well. I think he was using her for the money. JMO

Where is Patti?
Ironically, I think that's (BBM above) will what the defense will claim if ever this goes to trial... that a mosquito bit Patty and got crushed under the tonneau cover and left the blood... Now, the trick there is for the forensics to show that blood contained no mosquito anti-coagulant, if such can still be tested for..
Also, easy for cat hair to be statically attracted to tonneau cover - I have allot of experience with cat fur floating around and landing on things...

That would require the BF to actually admit knowing her more than just "in passing", as he has claimed to date, and explain why she was in his truck and why he lied. So then we have her in his truck in that short window of time, matching the story she told people prior to her disappearance. We have proof he is a liar, and most likely the last person to see her.

I agree with everyone who has said they should just test the blood finally, and charge him. Circumstancial cases have been won with less.
Since the loan was not documented, though, why do they have to kill her? What is the absolute worst-case scenario for the them if she did lend him large amounts of cash? She could sue him and probably lose b/c the loan was not documented. She could tarnish his reputation, but this would be tricky since she didn't document the loan.

If she was pressuring him to pay her back, he could have been afraid he would go to his wife and confess the affair. I'm sure he told her lots of "my wife is so terrible" stories that, if repeated to his wife, would clue her in to the truth. He may have felt like he had to get rid of her to avoid paying her back and avoid the affair coming to light. If they were fighting like someone else mentioned, maybe she even threatened, in a moment of anger, to come clean to his wife.

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