Deceased/Not Found OH - Patricia 'Patti' Adkins, 29, Marysville, 29 June 2001

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Patricia Adkins: Nancy Grace America's Missing


After working the second shift as the assembly line supervisor at a Honda plant, 29-year-old Patricia Adkins clocked out at midnight on June 29, 2001.

Patti, as she was often called, was never seen again. Friends say she had plans for the fourth of July holiday week with a married co-worker she’d been having an affair with. The two were allegedly headed to a remote part of Canada. When the single mother didn’t pick up her daughter as scheduled on July 8 family knew something was wrong. Police say the married co-worker is the only person of interest in Patti’s disappearance. Despite numerous interviews with him police have not gotten any closer to finding Patti.
I am watching...hoping something has changed since "Disappeared" a few months ago, but not optimistic...
I honestly did not know that they could not test a tiny amount of blood these days without losing it; I thought technology had already caught up with all of that. They have a tiny amount found on the truck bed cover, along with cat hairs that match her cat, but cannot test the blood for DNA. I hope they can soon and surprise this man with an arrest.
Saw this last night on NG. There is no way that this boyfriend/co-worker was not involved in this, and I suspect his wife as well. I am amazed they cannot trace the money to he or his wife. Maybe someone helped him - an unknown accomplice maybe? JMO
Watched the NG show last night ..... learned and thought about some things:
1) loans on her 401K were coming due and she was asking BF to start paying her back....
2) BF remains still married.
3) On NG they do not name or show the BF, whereas if I remember correctly, on the ID show some time back they did show and name the BF and his wife... but could be wrong about that...
4) Sheriff said BF did take a lie detector and results were that he was deceptive...
5) No mention of PA's ex taking a lie detector.

If I were the BF's wife, I would be most fearful.... if anyone knows anything more she would most likely be the one IMO. Many times we see a case break when a couple splits up and the ex-wife comes forward...
I am just waiting for the divorce so either the BF or wife cracks. This is so sad. I feel so bad for her family.
What if they never divorce...

I am counting on the blood, I guess; hope they can figure a way to test it soon. I wonder if they did DNA on the cat hair. I already think they have a solid circumstantial case. It galls me that he has been free these 10 years and got to keep all of her money...
What if they never divorce...

I am counting on the blood, I guess; hope they can figure a way to test it soon. I wonder if they did DNA on the cat hair. I already think they have a solid circumstantial case. It galls me that he has been free these 10 years and got to keep all of her money...

If I remember correctly, they did test the cat hair DNA and it matched her cat.
Of all the shows I've watched on disappearances, crime, etc, this one has haunted me the most. The idea that someone would make another person climb into the back of a pickup truck, and possibly kill them right there- a mother with a young child- is particularly abhorrent to me.

I want to know if there is a dedicated, passionate detective that is working on this case that won't give up? When will that blood be tested? And is there a possibility that this person of interest will get his due?

Hopefully, someday this sad, sad story will get solved.
Pat in Jersey
Of all the shows I've watched on disappearances, crime, etc, this one has haunted me the most. The idea that someone would make another person climb into the back of a pickup truck, and possibly kill them right there- a mother with a young child- is particularly abhorrent to me.

I want to know if there is a dedicated, passionate detective that is working on this case that won't give up? When will that blood be tested? And is there a possibility that this person of interest will get his due?

Hopefully, someday this sad, sad story will get solved.
Pat in Jersey

This would be a tricky case to bring to trial - the amount of blood was so minute inside the pickup that defense could probably cast lots of doubt... same with the cat hairs.. Because she knew and associated with the owner of the pickup, her DNA and cat's hair could show up amongst his things. DNA doesn't provide a timestamp as to when it got there....
Interesting circumstantial is that the cover was only used when she went missing, then not used...
Also there was something about a shirt found at the home of the pickup driver....
I can see defense trying to say her X got upset over all the money she had given away that should have been used to help their daughter ...
(Not that I support this argument... just saying... picture being on the jury...)
This is a very sad case. I hope one day they find out what happened.
The BF had only purchased the cover for his pickup (where the blood was found) a couple days prior to her going missing (he subsequently removed it within a week or two.) So, I don't see how they could necessarily claim that her blood SHOULD be that very small window of time (like one to two days prior to her going missing). In addition to the cat hairs which were found there in the bed of his truck (confirmed to be from her cats)....and his claim of only knowing Patti through work, denying any affair, etc. would necessarily preclude his denials IMHO at least.

Bumping for Patti. This case is so sad. It sickens me that the POI, Brian Flowers, just went merrily along his way after murdering this woman (if that is indeed what happened...and it's what I'm convinced happened).

Sheerly on a circumstancial level, it's also damning that the loan payments on her 401(k) were coming up due, and she was pressuring him to make good on his promise of re-payment. Sounds like a damn good motive to me - avoid repaying a 100k (or nearly so) debt AND avoid the embarassment/stress/perhaps divorce that would result from his marital infidelity. Perhaps even some type of a consequence at work (I think, and I don't recall for sure so please correct me if I am wrong...but I think he was a supervisor/of a higher job title than Patti.) I am not 100% on that, but if so, that's definitely something that is frowned upon AT THE VERY LEAST in a work setting, esp. in a corporation the size of Honda. It's like begging for a lawsuit to let supervisors and their subordinates engage in relationships, especially adulterous ones.

Just some thoughts. Prayers for Patti and her family.
The amount of blood was so small, and since she and her BF had been contact with each other, transfer could have taken place. Had it been more blood, consistence with a crime, that would be different, but it's only a spec and the fact the LE has not done anything with it for so long sort of confirms this, IMO.
So proving it's her DNA, and her cat won't shown when and under what circumstances it got there. Just saying this, and I am no fan of the BF!
Of all the shows I've watched on disappearances, crime, etc, this one has haunted me the most. The idea that someone would make another person climb into the back of a pickup truck, and possibly kill them right there- a mother with a young child- is particularly abhorrent to me.

I want to know if there is a dedicated, passionate detective that is working on this case that won't give up? When will that blood be tested? And is there a possibility that this person of interest will get his due?

Hopefully, someday this sad, sad story will get solved.
Pat in Jersey

:welcome: Just realized this your first post and we should be welcoming you - so better late than never!

I been playing a bit of devil's advocate on this thread. I'm no fan of Patty's BF. I'm also not happy with how gullible Patty was in giving out her $$. IMO she should have considered how her money could be better used on herself and her daughter- but that's just my opinion, and certainly doesn't justify what appears to have happened to her.
The amount of blood was so small, and since she and her BF had been contact with each other, transfer could have taken place. Had it been more blood, consistence with a crime, that would be different, but it's only a spec and the fact the LE has not done anything with it for so long sort of confirms this, IMO.
So proving it's her DNA, and her cat won't shown when and under what circumstances it got there. Just saying this, and I am no fan of the BF!

This is IIRC, so don't quote me on this (I will try to find the link for reference) but perhaps it was on the Disappeared episode that LE stated, they have such a miniscule amount of blood that they are waiting for DNA testing to further advance prior to testing.
And IMHO, with the VERY small amount of time that he had the cover on his truck (day or two?) and his total denial of knowing her whatsoever outside of work....having her blood on the inside of his pickup truck (in the back, but still) along with cat hair - in a place where it could not have simply been transferred there casually - would at LEAST bust him lying. Just my two cents.
:welcome: Just realized this your first post and we should be welcoming you - so better late than never!

I been playing a bit of devil's advocate on this thread. I'm no fan of Patty's BF. I'm also not happy with how gullible Patty was in giving out her $$. IMO she should have considered how her money could be better used on herself and her daughter- but that's just my opinion, and certainly doesn't justify what appears to have happened to her.

I agree with you on all counts: But in regards to the money....she didn't cash in her IRA (as I had initially thought) but instead, took out a loan against the principal. It was the repayment of that loan, that the BF was avoiding paying back (and that, ironically, payments were about to become due on shortly after her disappearance!). Wasn't sure if you were aware of that, but I think that the earlier links and media reports stated that she had cashed IN her IRA and I was astounded - not blaming the vic whatsoever, just was shocked that she would take such a major finanical loss (for early disbursement etc) but a loan against the principal is less egregious, IMO.

I read that she did it because his interest rates would have been astronomically high - but there's a reason someone doesn't want a loan/note in their name - and sometimes, it's a nefarious reason.....regardless, I wouldn't personally do the loan for anyone, but that's just me.

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