OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #52

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Don't kill the messenger, I'm just saying in this video clip Jake claims in court papers that he and Hanna tried to get him on the BC. Just pause on the papers toward end of clip.

"Further, Hanna and I took the actions for my name to be on the Birth Certificate."

If he is lying then that is on him. Then shame on him for lying to the Court.

Here is your quote:
"There are papers in this video that say Jake was on the birth certificate, or going to be put on it.... SW's Birth Certificate... "Further, Hanna and I took the actions for my name to be on the Birth Certificate."

I asked you, "Where in this video do you see papers with anything saying JW was on the birth certificate? Or that he and Hanna took actions for JW to be on the birth certificate?"

You reply: "Don't kill the messenger, I'm just saying in this video clip Jake claims in court papers that he and Hanna tried to get him on the BC. Just pause on the papers toward end of clip."

I paused on those papers looking at them with a 24" monitor frame by frame. I do not see what you claimed is there. You said, I quote again, ""There are papers in this video that say Jake was on the birth certificate, or going to be put on it.... SW's Birth Certificate..."
I do not see that on those papers.
I have no idea. I was just referring to the intense pressure she was under when she was on the stand in that particular hearing. The one where she, more or less, argued with the judge.

In a way, she did. One of the charges she pleaded guilty to yesterday was lying to the Grand Jury.

As for testifying in Deering's court about seeing a man in a blue uniform, it would probably be difficult to make a case for perjury. If she said she "thought" she saw that man, its difficult for the state to prove she was lying. MOO
I agree with your points. RN was backed into a legal corner with few options. Despite the defense attorney bluster in the news media and in court, the state has a strong case against RN and the 4 W's. Forgery is not difficult to prove with expert analysis and there's no way for a defendant to escape it. It's also possible the recorded conversations between RN and AW contained very incriminating evidence that RN couldn't avoid. RN was possibly heard colluding with AW to commit perjury re the forged documents.

I'm trying to be charitable to RN and am hopeful she does regret her actions. She did the right thing and she has a lot to think about. I wonder if she'll be able to offer other assistance to the prosecution. At this point, it seems she wasn't involved in the murders and wasn't aware AW and family were planning them. The state has kept in place the charges that she obstructed justice and hindered the investigation by lying to the GJ. It remains to be seen if there were other actions she took to obstruct justice.

ETA: If investigators had any evidence that RN had prior knowledge the murders were going to take place or knew they were being planned, she would have also been charged with murder. JMO, that indicates she didn't know.

I honestly don't think RN will voluntarily offer assistance or help the prosecution. I can understand wanting to be charitable to her and she is innocent of the murders otherwise she would have been charged. I cannot imagine the heartache and horror of realizing your child and grandchildren are coldblooded murders without remorse. I would be grief stricken about my great-granddaughter. I am just not sure this family Wagoner/Newsom doesn't see their desires and wants as a god given right and I feel they twist the scripture to fit their needs.
Here is your quote:
"There are papers in this video that say Jake was on the birth certificate, or going to be put on it.... SW's Birth Certificate... "Further, Hanna and I took the actions for my name to be on the Birth Certificate."

I asked you, "Where in this video do you see papers with anything saying JW was on the birth certificate? Or that he and Hanna took actions for JW to be on the birth certificate?"

You reply: "Don't kill the messenger, I'm just saying in this video clip Jake claims in court papers that he and Hanna tried to get him on the BC. Just pause on the papers toward end of clip."

I paused on those papers looking at them with a 24" monitor frame by frame. I do not see what you claimed is there. You said, I quote again, ""There are papers in this video that say Jake was on the birth certificate, or going to be put on it.... SW's Birth Certificate..."
I do not see that on those papers.

I'm thinking Jake used some of the "forged documents" in the custody case over SW when Bruce Dailey was his attorney. Notice, RN's hearing results keeps that whole deal from coming out yet. Also, does anyone remember the "handwritten documents" Gerlach claimed were in the tote marked "Important Documents?" Those may have been forged, too. There's still significant information about forgeries in this case that hasn't even been brought to the surface. JMO
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Here is your quote:
"There are papers in this video that say Jake was on the birth certificate, or going to be put on it.... SW's Birth Certificate... "Further, Hanna and I took the actions for my name to be on the Birth Certificate."

I asked you, "Where in this video do you see papers with anything saying JW was on the birth certificate? Or that he and Hanna took actions for JW to be on the birth certificate?"

You reply: "Don't kill the messenger, I'm just saying in this video clip Jake claims in court papers that he and Hanna tried to get him on the BC. Just pause on the papers toward end of clip."

I paused on those papers looking at them with a 24" monitor frame by frame. I do not see what you claimed is there. You said, I quote again, ""There are papers in this video that say Jake was on the birth certificate, or going to be put on it.... SW's Birth Certificate..."
I do not see that on those papers.
I don't know if Jake was successful at getting his name put on or not. Just that he claimed he and Hanna took actions to put him on it. And we don't know if he is lying.
Sorry if I worded it wrong and made it sound like his name is on it.
The forged custody document was Angela's idea because she is......a.....There was no reason to do it. But Angela is......sorry don't want to speak badly of her before she is convicted of 8 murders and sent to death row. She is presumed Innocent still.

There are papers in this video that say Jake was on the birth certificate, or going to be put on it.... SW's Birth Certificate... "Further, Hanna and I took the actions for my name to be on the Birth Certificate."
Was he on it or was he going to be put on it? Sorry but I don't believe a word Jake says. He's full of it. I don't believe for a second his name was on SW's birth certificate. I think he wanted to be. I think he asked Hanna to put him on it. I think Hanna told him no and furthermore she had a serious BF who was going to be SW's new dad. I think that is exactly why he enlisted the help of his family to kill her and all her family members. He was jealous of her new BF, he was furious a new man was going to be in SW's life and just like every other out there that kills their wife/GF, he decided if he couldn't have her no one could and just for good measure he would hurt her further by killing her family. It is my personal opinion that Hanna died last, after she watched Jake kill her mother and brother and after Jake told her he had killed her dad and brother. Until I see a copy of said birth certificate with his name on it I will continue to not believe a word he says. Furthermore until I see in court or MSM from a verifiable source that a DNA test was done proving he is SW's father I will continue to have doubts on that issue.

If she had a conviction against lying then she wouldn’t have lied in the first place. If she was of strong moral character then then those beliefs would have been instilled in here daughter. What I see is a woman that was facing jail significant jail time and at her stage in life she realized that she can’t do the time. I see a woman that made a statement to a judge in an effort to influence the coming sentence that he will impose.
How do we know that Angela is the ringleader?

For one thing, she has the longest discovery documents. Secondly, her attorneys filed 149 motions right out of the gate. Thirdly, I personally remember her FB posts. She was looking online for housing in Alaska and selling off all her animals at Defiance farms. She was bragging about "having her sons and her grandchildren" and basically, everything she ever wanted. Sickening. JMO
RE: post by CC

Don't kill the messenger, I'm just saying in this video clip Jake claims in court papers that he and Hanna tried to get him on the BC. Just pause on the papers toward end of clip.

"Further, Hanna and I took the actions for my name to be on the Birth Certificate."

If he is lying then that is on him. Then shame on him for lying to the Court.

LOL. Lying to the court is small potatoes to him. He lied every step of the way, to LE, to reporters, to Hanna's family, and who knows who else. He is a liar all the way around and if he said the sky is blue I would have to step outside to verify what he said.

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Jmo but the prosecutor didn’t have a big win in Rita case at this point. What Rita admitted to opened up an out for Angela not a slam dunk. She didn’t say when those papers were forged. Jmo
In a way, she did. One of the charges she pleaded guilty to yesterday was lying to the Grand Jury.

As for testifying in Deering's court about seeing a man in a blue uniform, it would probably be difficult to make a case for perjury. If she said she "thought" she saw that man, its difficult for the state to prove she was lying. MOO

Betty, I don't believe Rita actually "pled" yesterday, did she? My understanding is that is what she has agreed to do. Anyone? JMO
Was he on it or was he going to be put on it? Sorry but I don't believe a word Jake says. He's full of it. I don't believe for a second his name was on SW's birth certificate. I think he wanted to be. I think he asked Hanna to put him on it. I think Hanna told him no and furthermore she had a serious BF who was going to be SW's new dad. I think that is exactly why he enlisted the help of his family to kill her and all her family members. He was jealous of her new BF, he was furious a new man was going to be in SW's life and just like every other ******* out there that kills their wife/GF, he decided if he couldn't have her no one could and just for good measure he would hurt her further by killing her family. It is my personal opinion that Hanna died last, after she watched Jake kill her mother and brother and after Jake told her he had killed her dad and brother. Until I see a copy of said birth certificate with his name on it I will continue to not believe a word he says. Furthermore until I see in court or MSM from a verifiable source that a DNA test was done proving he is SW's father I will continue to have doubts on that issue.


My exact thoughts, thank you for putting them into words!
Was he on it or was he going to be put on it? Sorry but I don't believe a word Jake says. He's full of it. I don't believe for a second his name was on SW's birth certificate. I think he wanted to be. I think he asked Hanna to put him on it. I think Hanna told him no and furthermore she had a serious BF who was going to be SW's new dad. I think that is exactly why he enlisted the help of his family to kill her and all her family members. He was jealous of her new BF, he was furious a new man was going to be in SW's life and just like every other ******* out there that kills their wife/GF, he decided if he couldn't have her no one could and just for good measure he would hurt her further by killing her family. It is my personal opinion that Hanna died last, after she watched Jake kill her mother and brother and after Jake told her he had killed her dad and brother. Until I see a copy of said birth certificate with his name on it I will continue to not believe a word he says. Furthermore until I see in court or MSM from a verifiable source that a DNA test was done proving he is SW's father I will continue to have doubts on that issue.

Right. Let's stick to the facts. You are right nobody can believe a word out of this guy, whether in court papers or talking to MSM.

Unless a family member like LM says it, we really don't know if S is his or if he's even on her Birth Certificate. I assume she's his but then why not simply do a DNA test? Why all the nonsense about photos and saying she looks like him and trying to do custody documents?

If your going to kill everyone then why not pretend your happy with custody the way it is? Why get fake custody documents? This just gets more convoluted with time.

The trials will tell us most of this I think. Getting a headache need some motrin..:cool:
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Jmo but the prosecutor didn’t have a big win in Rita case at this point. What Rita admitted to opened up an out for Angela not a slam dunk. She didn’t say when those papers were forged. Jmo

If RN didn't forge them, how would she know when, where, and who did forge them...unless AW told her. I think RN will tell all she knows about those 3 documents. JMO
Jmo but the prosecutor didn’t have a big win in Rita case at this point. What Rita admitted to opened up an out for Angela not a slam dunk. She didn’t say when those papers were forged. Jmo

I sort of agree in a way. I believe RN gave up her own fight, knowing anything she confessed about AW was going to be fought long and hard by AW's attorneys, and RN believes the will get her daughter off. Not going to happen, IMO.
If RN didn't forge them, how would she know when, where, and who did forge them...unless AW told her. I think RN will tell all she knows about those 3 documents. JMO
Jmo but why would she tell all she knows? 90 days is not enough to send your dgt to the electric chair Jmo I was saying Angela can swear up and down now to more lies, if she is lying. Rita only said Angela asked her to lie due to the investigation. Think about how many lies Angela could try to explain why she had those papers and why she asked her mother to lie Jmo
DeWine’s office would only say that there were at least two killers and at least one of them was familiar with the property.

Nov 29, 2016
Manley keeps a photo collage of the victims: Chris Sr. and his ex-wife Dana Rhoden; their three children, Hanna, Chris Jr., and Frankie; Frankie’s girlfriend Hannah Gilley; and Chris Sr.’s brother Kenneth and cousin Gary.

They were shot a total of 32 times, mostly in the head. Manley said his daughter Dana was shot in the head five times.

“It’s more like a hate crime than anything,” he said of the barbaric nature of the murders.

But three children were left alive — ages 3, 6 months and 4 days. Manley said one was found covered in blood because he was nursing when his mother was murdered.

A fourth surviving child was staying elsewhere that night. Some of the children remain in protective custody.

Plenty of rumors

Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader’s confirmation last week that he believes someone from Pike County is behind the murders came as little surprise to those who knew the family.

“Whoever done it had to know the dogs,” said Manley, who lives half a mile from the nearest crime scene. He said Chris Sr. had a vicious pit bull named Chance that even he wouldn’t go near without Dana or Chris around.

“I guarantee if anyone pulled up to his garage and took a step on the concrete where the wire (invisible fence) wasn’t, I’ll tell you he’d been bit,” Manley said.

Manley said if he knew who did it, “the sheriff wouldn’t have to worry about it.”

Betty, I don't believe Rita actually "pled" yesterday, did she? My understanding is that is what she has agreed to do. Anyone? JMO

Yes, she was required to plead guilty to the reduced charge. Recall, Judge Deering had to read all the info to her about the process of taking the plea agreement, her rights, etc. Then she had to plead guilty to that reduced charge. She has to plead guilty in order to be sentenced, etc.
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