OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #55

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LE said there were no other suspects after the arrests. Do you think they were wrong?
I do not think they are wrong. It seems to me (opinion) that Billy's attorneys think they are wrong. Seems it's difficult for some people to accept but it's time to toughen up and accept the fact that at trial the defense will come out swinging and they will point fingers and they won't be pointed at their own clients. These are very skilled experienced defense attorneys who do not want to lose and have their own theories of what happened that night.


The families were close friends the State cannot prove otherwise.

There have been multiple different suspects other than the Wagners.

Multiple different tips that did not lead investigators to the Wagners.

And even crime scene evidence with a former law enforcement officer's DNA on it.

Review of the incomplete evidence does not reveal any connection between Billy Wagner and the Rhoden murders.

...2 Cents Only...
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I do not think they are wrong. It seems to me (opinion) that Billy's attorneys think they are wrong. Seems it's difficult for some people to accept but it's time to toughen up and accept the fact that at trial the defense will come out swinging and they will point fingers and they won't be pointed at their own clients. These are very skilled experienced defense attorneys who do not want to lose and have their own theories of what happened that night.


The families were close friends the State cannot prove otherwise.

There have been multiple different suspects other than the Wagners.

Multiple different tips that did not lead investigators to the Wagners.

And even crime scene evidence with a former law enforcement officer's DNA on it.

Review of the incomplete evidence does not reveal any connection between Billy Wagner and the Rhoden murders.

...2 Cents Only...

There has been no mention of other suspects by LE, MM, or in court. Why speculate on what Defense may do when there is no hint whatsoever what they have in mind? There is only speculation that they maybe might bring them up... My opinion only...
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

Betty has been an unbelievable help in the investigation of this case and keeping records for the timeline, etc.. She follows a lot of cases and is familiar on how things worked out on those many cases. She also knows questionable material when she sees it because she sees what gets posted elsewhere. Because of this case I now know several people I'd want on my side if I were to ever be falsely accused of a crime....
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You're right, I strongly disagree with your opinion on this matter. Your ongoing attempts to bring up other "suspects" in a fully investigated case with a mountain of evidence shortly before the trials begin is duly noted, as is what appears to be your sympathy with the Wagner clan. JMO.
There has been no mention of other suspects by LE, MM, or in court. Why speculate on what Defense may do when there is no hint whatsoever what they have in mind? There is only speculation that they maybe might bring them up... My opinion only...
The Bond Motion is pretty revealing and worth noting. Everyone can draw their own conclusions from it and should feel free to express those conclusions all they want per TOS. The defense says that Billy did not commit the murders and thus should get bail, the prosecution says they have enough evidence to prove Billy's guilt and thus he deserves no bail. This is very interesting, one of the most interesting Motions that has come up so far, but that's just me....2 Cents......
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I do not think they are wrong. It seems to me (opinion) that Billy's attorneys think they are wrong. Seems it's difficult for some people to accept but it's time to toughen up and accept the fact that at trial the defense will come out swinging and they will point fingers and they won't be pointed at their own clients. These are very skilled experienced defense attorneys who do not want to lose and have their own theories of what happened that night.


The families were close friends the State cannot prove otherwise.

There have been multiple different suspects other than the Wagners.

Multiple different tips that did not lead investigators to the Wagners.

And even crime scene evidence with a former law enforcement officer's DNA on it.

Review of the incomplete evidence does not reveal any connection between Billy Wagner and the Rhoden murders.

...2 Cents Only...

This is JMO, but I think the one good thing about BW's request for reasonable bond is that it likely lays out at least some of the arguments that his defense attorneys might try to use at trial, so I see that as a potential heads-up for the prosecution of some of what might be expected. JMO in terms of the bond request, I think the defense is grasping at straws, but are trying to make their argument for bond appear to be "compelling", when it is not. Perhaps it is an attempt to see what they can get away with?

In looking at the motion for reasonable bond, the arguments are way out there, IMO.

1. They refer to BW as the father-in-law of HR. That is not an accurate description of that relationship. I think this is designed to make it appear that there was a kinship relationship, IMO. when in reality, BW is the father of HR's former boyfriend and he is the grandfather of the child shared by HR and JW. IMO, if things were so full of love at the W house, HR would have stayed with them, and the W's came as a package deal.
2. They are trying to make what occurred with RN a "positive" :confused: that should go to the favor of BW.:confused: HUH?
3. In terms of the great friendship that supposedly existed between BW and CR, Sr., we now know there was indeed an altercation between BW and CR Sr., not long before the murders. How many "good" friends beat the hell out of one another and then shake hands and all is good? Little kids may do this, but grown men? Personally, I've never seen that happen with grown men remaining friends after even a verbal argument.
4. IMO, they are trying to cornfuddle the discovery that has been provided to them to try to make it appear that the prosecution does not have their act together or is withholding info because their case is "weak". JMO, this is not a weak case. You don't get that many grand jury indictments on a weak case. In addition, the look of exasperation on AC's face when the discovery files come up is all I need to know about that.
5. It's interesting how they don't somehow try to use the electronic spying that occurred in their argument for bond! No mention of that. We know there is evidence of spying and BW was indicted for participating in that. I guess we are supposed to assume that it is completely normal for one set of good friends to electronically spy and monitor the activities of another set of good friends? And also assume that when it's done, it's done without any intention of malice? When there are hundreds of communications dealing with child custody, and forged custody documents that deal with custody after the death of a parent?
6. On the argument that no one saw BW commit murder. No one, except for three babies who were too young to talk. Is the fact that no one who could talk was a witness to the unmitigated horror that occurred that night to be considered a big deal? How many cases of premeditated murder come with a witness who is able to identify the person or persons who did it? Not many, because it is planned that way to escape detection.
7. The part that states BW would be a caretaker on his mother's farm. That would make him appear to be a productive member of society while out on bond, but I seem to remember that FW is not allowed to communicate with any family members who have been accused. How is that supposed to work?

I'm sure I haven't addressed all of it, but if this is where they are coming from with respect to requesting reasonable bond, it tells me they don't have much to work with, and IMO, they are trying to see what they can get away with.

Thankfully I will only have to drive 15 miles, unless of course they change venue. :eek:

It's very pretty country if you are only 15 miles away. I drove down Union Hill Road with a friend a couple of years ago while on vacation. It was definitely a long side trip from where we heading. It will be interesting to see if they do change venue. I would think that if that was part of the plan, that would have been established by now, but maybe I'm wrong.
It's very pretty country if you are only 15 miles away. I drove down Union Hill Road with a friend a couple of years ago while on vacation. It was definitely a long side trip from where we heading. It will be interesting to see if they do change venue. I would think that if that was part of the plan, that would have been established by now, but maybe I'm wrong.

IIRC, a motion for change of venue can be filed as late as 10 days before the start of trial. I could be wrong though.

As for your question #3 about friends fighting and remaining so afterwards, it's fairly common in this area to do so, don't request a link, it's just from life experience. ;)
Well, if that's their strategy, good luck. Their clients have fools for attorneys. JMO

It will be interesting to see the defense attorneys walk into court and call Gov. Mike DeWine a liar.

ETA: And LOL at the idea of a middle aged housewife in a road rage incident getting so mad she would plot and kill 8 members of the same family in 4 different crime scenes, baffling LE for 2 years. ;)o_O

For those of you who were not on here in 2016. This was all hashed, rehashed, and hashed again until that dead horse was about grounded into hamburger meat. We did the road rage, the BBL, the drug cartel, the derby fights, the IJ fight, the threats on FB, Gary's drug connections in KY, JJ, corrupt LE, stolen cars, chicken fights, dog fights, MJ and everything else under the sun. We throwed so much crap at the wall that we had to repaint it several times. Nothing stuck. All roads led back to Jake. Don't want to brag but I believe I was the 1st one on here who said it had to be Jake/and or Jake and family. When it all shook out there was no one else with a viable motive. We argued, discussed and cussed. But it all came back to Jake and co as having the only motive that made sense.

There were no other suspects from day one. Any alternative suspects the defense attorneys and Angie come up with are figments of their imagination. I have been on here four long years now and read every theory from murder-suicide to the Martians did it.

I remember when I first saw it on TV and read about it. I thought someone in this family brought this evil into their family. I considered everyone from Dana having a BF who was POed because she was going back to Chris and Chris having a GF who was POed he went back to Dana. I thought about CR being Poed because Frankie took up with Hanna G. I thought of past BF's of Hanna G who might have been POed. Current and past BF's of Hannah R. Chris JR POing someone off bad enough to want revenge. Home invasion, robbery, Kenny getting POed and killing them all then himself, Gary going crazy on some kind of drug and killing them all then himself.

But it all came back to Hannah R. She was the only one who had a recent breakup. Nothing made any sense but Jake and his abuse of Hannah. It is a proven fact that the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic abuse is the first year they leave their abuser. The murders fell within that first year.

Jake is just another garden variety loser who beat around on his GF until she left him and went home to her family. That made him furious since he had groomed her since she was barely 13 and if he couldn't have her no one could. Problem is he had to get past her family before he could get to her. and that is exactly how it happened, he killed them all to get to her.

This is JMO, but I think the one good thing about BW's request for reasonable bond is that it likely lays out at least some of the arguments that his defense attorneys might try to use at trial, so I see that as a potential heads-up for the prosecution of some of what might be expected. JMO in terms of the bond request, I think the defense is grasping at straws, but are trying to make their argument for bond appear to be "compelling", when it is not. Perhaps it is an attempt to see what they can get away with?

In looking at the motion for reasonable bond, the arguments are way out there, IMO.

1. They refer to BW as the father-in-law of HR. That is not an accurate description of that relationship. I think this is designed to make it appear that there was a kinship relationship, IMO. when in reality, BW is the father of HR's former boyfriend and he is the grandfather of the child shared by HR and JW. IMO, if things were so full of love at the W house, HR would have stayed with them, and the W's came as a package deal.
2. They are trying to make what occurred with RN a "positive" :confused: that should go to the favor of BW.:confused: HUH?
3. In terms of the great friendship that supposedly existed between BW and CR, Sr., we now know there was indeed an altercation between BW and CR Sr., not long before the murders. How many "good" friends beat the hell out of one another and then shake hands and all is good? Little kids may do this, but grown men? Personally, I've never seen that happen with grown men remaining friends after even a verbal argument.
4. IMO, they are trying to cornfuddle the discovery that has been provided to them to try to make it appear that the prosecution does not have their act together or is withholding info because their case is "weak". JMO, this is not a weak case. You don't get that many grand jury indictments on a weak case. In addition, the look of exasperation on AC's face when the discovery files come up is all I need to know about that.
5. It's interesting how they don't somehow try to use the electronic spying that occurred in their argument for bond! No mention of that. We know there is evidence of spying and BW was indicted for participating in that. I guess we are supposed to assume that it is completely normal for one set of good friends to electronically spy and monitor the activities of another set of good friends? And also assume that when it's done, it's done without any intention of malice? When there are hundreds of communications dealing with child custody, and forged custody documents that deal with custody after the death of a parent?
6. On the argument that no one saw BW commit murder. No one, except for three babies who were too young to talk. Is the fact that no one who could talk was a witness to the unmitigated horror that occurred that night to be considered a big deal? How many cases of premeditated murder come with a witness who is able to identify the person or persons who did it? Not many, because it is planned that way to escape detection.
7. The part that states BW would be a caretaker on his mother's farm. That would make him appear to be a productive member of society while out on bond, but I seem to remember that FW is not allowed to communicate with any family members who have been accused. How is that supposed to work?

I'm sure I haven't addressed all of it, but if this is where they are coming from with respect to requesting reasonable bond, it tells me they don't have much to work with, and IMO, they are trying to see what they can get away with.

Well, cornfuddle is now my new word! LOL..!

I think the father-in-law discrepancy will be cleared up at the hearing by Canepa, occasionally she has had to correct other things in court for the record.

Charges dropped to one misdemeanor for Rita and charges dropped for Fred are being construed as positive I think because it plays into the lack of evidence to make charges stick maybe..?.... I'm with you...HUH...?

Defense says the prosecution cannot prove that Billy and Chris were not best friends anymore. OK, who is going to testify to that? Who will get on the stand and swear there was no falling out? Billy?

I agree it's cornfuddle - the making out like they still did not get all the Discovery is to make the case look weak.

Not sure what you meant by them not using the spying?

About no one seeing Billy commit murder? As you say, this is pretty normal for planned ahead premeditated murder. Grasping at straws.

Right. How can Bad Billy live with Fred and work for Fred when Fred is not allowed to have any contact with him?

This is ridiculous, there is no chance they will get bond. There must be an ulterior motive for asking for it. Something somewhere is going on. Sometimes I wonder if Billy and son pushed their attorneys into the Bond Motion but then I think the attorneys could easily talk them out of it.

Perplexing! Thank You so much for discussing this!....and for my new word..;)

Just adding my 2 Cents to yours....:cool:
I'm wondering, what would be the motive for a group of people or a criminal organization to trick jurors into setting the Wagner clan free? What are they afraid of? Does one of the killers have incriminating information about them that they might trade for a lighter sentence?

The 4 crime scenes were very crowded that night. The killers left behind a lot of evidence, including .22 rifle shell casings that matched the same ones found on one of the Wagner's properties. Then there's DNA left behind matching some of the Wags, along with surveillance camera video of them at the crime scenes as well as RN's testimony about their involvement. Kind of hard to fit a "mystery killer" into that scenario when they left no traces in the evidence. Kind of like Casper the ghost.
Don't forget the matching footprint in blood.

IIRC, a motion for change of venue can be filed as late as 10 days before the start of trial. I could be wrong though.

As for your question #3 about friends fighting and remaining so afterwards, it's fairly common in this area to do so, don't request a link, it's just from life experience. ;)

That's interesting about friends remaining friends in your area after fighting. That's not at all a common thing in my area. It is for kids, but not for adults. If kids fight and later make up, the adults do not recover from the kid fight and hold deep grudges against one another. I experienced that many times growing up here and have seen it time and again between adults here when they are the ones who have an argument. We are in a large metropolitan area, so perhaps that explains it.
For those of you who were not on here in 2016. This was all hashed, rehashed, and hashed again until that dead horse was about grounded into hamburger meat. We did the road rage, the BBL, the drug cartel, the derby fights, the IJ fight, the threats on FB, Gary's drug connections in KY, JJ, corrupt LE, stolen cars, chicken fights, dog fights, MJ and everything else under the sun. We throwed so much crap at the wall that we had to repaint it several times. Nothing stuck. All roads led back to Jake. Don't want to brag but I believe I was the 1st one on here who said it had to be Jake/and or Jake and family. When it all shook out there was no one else with a viable motive. We argued, discussed and cussed. But it all came back to Jake and co as having the only motive that made sense.

There were no other suspects from day one. Any alternative suspects the defense attorneys and Angie come up with are figments of their imagination. I have been on here four long years now and read every theory from murder-suicide to the Martians did it.

I remember when I first saw it on TV and read about it. I thought someone in this family brought this evil into their family. I considered everyone from Dana having a BF who was POed because she was going back to Chris and Chris having a GF who was POed he went back to Dana. I thought about CR being Poed because Frankie took up with Hanna G. I thought of past BF's of Hanna G who might have been POed. Current and past BF's of Hannah R. Chris JR POing someone off bad enough to want revenge. Home invasion, robbery, Kenny getting POed and killing them all then himself, Gary going crazy on some kind of drug and killing them all then himself.

But it all came back to Hannah R. She was the only one who had a recent breakup. Nothing made any sense but Jake and his abuse of Hannah. It is a proven fact that the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic abuse is the first year they leave their abuser. The murders fell within that first year.

Jake is just another garden variety loser who beat around on his GF until she left him and went home to her family. That made him furious since he had groomed her since she was barely 13 and if he couldn't have her no one could. Problem is he had to get past her family before he could get to her. and that is exactly how it happened, he killed them all to get to her.

Yes we have thrown everything at the wall and you are right, it all came back to Jake. I remember in the beginning there was so much that we didn’t understand that slowly came to light. I went down so many rabbit holes and it just never made any sense other than JW.
Yes we have thrown everything at the wall and you are right, it all came back to Jake. I remember in the beginning there was so much that we didn’t understand that slowly came to light. I went down so many rabbit holes and it just never made any sense other than JW.
Shoot I dug a few of those rabbit holes myself. I just about ended up with enough rabbit fur for a coat.

If some of the newcomers on here would go back and reread the entire 55 threads, especially the first ones before the arrests they would see that we left no stone unturned. Back then everyone was a suspect for us on here until we ruled them out. I even cast some cross eyed looks over at Betty and Dudley and RSD a time or two. LOL

One by one, through tens of thousands of posts and arguments we did rule them out. All except for Jake and co.

I must be missing something, or maybe some posts were deleted. My point being, I have not seen anyone who has posted that the 4 Wagner's are innocent of these heinous murders. The general consensus is that JW was the "major" player behind these crimes along with the other 3.

IMO, 99.9% of the posters here agree and only want justice for the victims and their families who are left to mourn. Those poor innocent kids who will never know their parents. :mad:
This is JMO, but I think the one good thing about BW's request for reasonable bond is that it likely lays out at least some of the arguments that his defense attorneys might try to use at trial, so I see that as a potential heads-up for the prosecution of some of what might be expected. JMO in terms of the bond request, I think the defense is grasping at straws, but are trying to make their argument for bond appear to be "compelling", when it is not. Perhaps it is an attempt to see what they can get away with?

In looking at the motion for reasonable bond, the arguments are way out there, IMO.

1. They refer to BW as the father-in-law of HR. That is not an accurate description of that relationship. I think this is designed to make it appear that there was a kinship relationship, IMO. when in reality, BW is the father of HR's former boyfriend and he is the grandfather of the child shared by HR and JW. IMO, if things were so full of love at the W house, HR would have stayed with them, and the W's came as a package deal.
2. They are trying to make what occurred with RN a "positive" :confused: that should go to the favor of BW.:confused: HUH?
3. In terms of the great friendship that supposedly existed between BW and CR, Sr., we now know there was indeed an altercation between BW and CR Sr., not long before the murders. How many "good" friends beat the hell out of one another and then shake hands and all is good? Little kids may do this, but grown men? Personally, I've never seen that happen with grown men remaining friends after even a verbal argument.
4. IMO, they are trying to cornfuddle the discovery that has been provided to them to try to make it appear that the prosecution does not have their act together or is withholding info because their case is "weak". JMO, this is not a weak case. You don't get that many grand jury indictments on a weak case. In addition, the look of exasperation on AC's face when the discovery files come up is all I need to know about that.
5. It's interesting how they don't somehow try to use the electronic spying that occurred in their argument for bond! No mention of that. We know there is evidence of spying and BW was indicted for participating in that. I guess we are supposed to assume that it is completely normal for one set of good friends to electronically spy and monitor the activities of another set of good friends? And also assume that when it's done, it's done without any intention of malice? When there are hundreds of communications dealing with child custody, and forged custody documents that deal with custody after the death of a parent?
6. On the argument that no one saw BW commit murder. No one, except for three babies who were too young to talk. Is the fact that no one who could talk was a witness to the unmitigated horror that occurred that night to be considered a big deal? How many cases of premeditated murder come with a witness who is able to identify the person or persons who did it? Not many, because it is planned that way to escape detection.
7. The part that states BW would be a caretaker on his mother's farm. That would make him appear to be a productive member of society while out on bond, but I seem to remember that FW is not allowed to communicate with any family members who have been accused. How is that supposed to work?

I'm sure I haven't addressed all of it, but if this is where they are coming from with respect to requesting reasonable bond, it tells me they don't have much to work with, and IMO, they are trying to see what they can get away with.

BW is on SSI, how can he be a productive worker on FW farm????
This is JMO, but I think the one good thing about BW's request for reasonable bond is that it likely lays out at least some of the arguments that his defense attorneys might try to use at trial, so I see that as a potential heads-up for the prosecution of some of what might be expected. JMO in terms of the bond request, I think the defense is grasping at straws, but are trying to make their argument for bond appear to be "compelling", when it is not. Perhaps it is an attempt to see what they can get away with?

In looking at the motion for reasonable bond, the arguments are way out there, IMO.

1. They refer to BW as the father-in-law of HR. That is not an accurate description of that relationship. I think this is designed to make it appear that there was a kinship relationship, IMO. when in reality, BW is the father of HR's former boyfriend and he is the grandfather of the child shared by HR and JW. IMO, if things were so full of love at the W house, HR would have stayed with them, and the W's came as a package deal.
2. They are trying to make what occurred with RN a "positive" :confused: that should go to the favor of BW.:confused: HUH?
3. In terms of the great friendship that supposedly existed between BW and CR, Sr., we now know there was indeed an altercation between BW and CR Sr., not long before the murders. How many "good" friends beat the hell out of one another and then shake hands and all is good? Little kids may do this, but grown men? Personally, I've never seen that happen with grown men remaining friends after even a verbal argument.
4. IMO, they are trying to cornfuddle the discovery that has been provided to them to try to make it appear that the prosecution does not have their act together or is withholding info because their case is "weak". JMO, this is not a weak case. You don't get that many grand jury indictments on a weak case. In addition, the look of exasperation on AC's face when the discovery files come up is all I need to know about that.
5. It's interesting how they don't somehow try to use the electronic spying that occurred in their argument for bond! No mention of that. We know there is evidence of spying and BW was indicted for participating in that. I guess we are supposed to assume that it is completely normal for one set of good friends to electronically spy and monitor the activities of another set of good friends? And also assume that when it's done, it's done without any intention of malice? When there are hundreds of communications dealing with child custody, and forged custody documents that deal with custody after the death of a parent?
6. On the argument that no one saw BW commit murder. No one, except for three babies who were too young to talk. Is the fact that no one who could talk was a witness to the unmitigated horror that occurred that night to be considered a big deal? How many cases of premeditated murder come with a witness who is able to identify the person or persons who did it? Not many, because it is planned that way to escape detection.
7. The part that states BW would be a caretaker on his mother's farm. That would make him appear to be a productive member of society while out on bond, but I seem to remember that FW is not allowed to communicate with any family members who have been accused. How is that supposed to work?

I'm sure I haven't addressed all of it, but if this is where they are coming from with respect to requesting reasonable bond, it tells me they don't have much to work with, and IMO, they are trying to see what they can get away with.


I have to agree with you that the Defense has little to nothing to help their clients. All they are trying to do is confuse things. They don’t seem to be doing much to disguise the fact that they are just making noise hoping to confuse facts... I don’t get their thoughts on how this is helping their clients... MOO...
For those of you who were not on here in 2016. This was all hashed, rehashed, and hashed again until that dead horse was about grounded into hamburger meat. We did the road rage, the BBL, the drug cartel, the derby fights, the IJ fight, the threats on FB, Gary's drug connections in KY, JJ, corrupt LE, stolen cars, chicken fights, dog fights, MJ and everything else under the sun. We throwed so much crap at the wall that we had to repaint it several times. Nothing stuck. All roads led back to Jake. Don't want to brag but I believe I was the 1st one on here who said it had to be Jake/and or Jake and family. When it all shook out there was no one else with a viable motive. We argued, discussed and cussed. But it all came back to Jake and co as having the only motive that made sense.

There were no other suspects from day one. Any alternative suspects the defense attorneys and Angie come up with are figments of their imagination. I have been on here four long years now and read every theory from murder-suicide to the Martians did it.

I remember when I first saw it on TV and read about it. I thought someone in this family brought this evil into their family. I considered everyone from Dana having a BF who was POed because she was going back to Chris and Chris having a GF who was POed he went back to Dana. I thought about CR being Poed because Frankie took up with Hanna G. I thought of past BF's of Hanna G who might have been POed. Current and past BF's of Hannah R. Chris JR POing someone off bad enough to want revenge. Home invasion, robbery, Kenny getting POed and killing them all then himself, Gary going crazy on some kind of drug and killing them all then himself.

But it all came back to Hannah R. She was the only one who had a recent breakup. Nothing made any sense but Jake and his abuse of Hannah. It is a proven fact that the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic abuse is the first year they leave their abuser. The murders fell within that first year.

Jake is just another garden variety loser who beat around on his GF until she left him and went home to her family. That made him furious since he had groomed her since she was barely 13 and if he couldn't have her no one could. Problem is he had to get past her family before he could get to her. and that is exactly how it happened, he killed them all to get to her.


We went through every theory and theories about theories. You had it right early on. I was reluctant to agree. I didn’t think they would take everything away from those little ones to get their way. But, they did...
There is little to no reason to doubt it was them or that it could be someone else after the extensive investigation of this case. DeWine said early on that they were going to investigate it until they were sure of enough evidence to get a conviction.
Well I appreciate that, but I was asking OP about who ever was spying on them.Not who murdered them,Thanks.
The same people who spied on them are the ones who murdered them. There was no way the killers could have known who would be where and when without doing surveillance on the victims. They had to make sure that everyone they wanted to kill was in the right place at the right time. Keep in mind Dana worked an unexpected double shift that night. She got a phone call at work that upset her to the point of crying. Kendra was supposed to stay the night with Hannah but her BF got a toothache and she went home instead. Miranda was supposed to stay the night with Hanna G but decided to go home after work. Chelsa R unexpectedly brought over BR. Donald was supposed to stay the night with Kenny but decided to stay with his GF.

How do you think the killers knew just what night to hit the victims? They had to be hacking cell phones, doing surveillance, the whole works to know that Kendra, Miranda and Donald made other plans. They knew that CH wasn't there. They knew BR was. They knew what time Dana got home. No, they had it locked down pretty tight with hacking and camera's and in person surveillance.

I think the only two things that slipped out of their control was Chris fought back and Kenny dropped off Gary that night at Chris'. So Kenny had to go too. I don't think they knew Gary wasn't there. Or maybe they knew he wasn't supposed to be there and so surprised them when he walked in. Maybe earlier Gary made plans to stay with someone else but decided not to and called Kenny to pick him up and take him home. Kenny would have noticed any strange vehicles on the road. In short I think Kenny's was the only unplanned murder.

No links. just a theory of mine.
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