OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #55

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Please don't tell me y'all are going to try to blame this on the Manleys again. Haven't they suffered enough? It's cruel and inhuman, all for a little entertainment on social media?

Let's see, what's next? The bedbugs? The red truck? The dogs? That the Rhoden family killed themselves and staged it to look like murders? They had it coming, right?

Do us all a favor and save it for the defense counsel.
BP you’re having a bad week, why in the world would we blame the Manleys, I posted the old post to show some of the rumors that where told like JM not wanting to go in and see his niece and sister like what BJM saw was True, why do you keep trying to turn all our post into victim bashing???
Also you need to realize that the Wagners on trial and those defense attorneys are going to bring people out of the wood work to Blame. JMO
Good point, the "suspects" in this case are the Wagner clan, DNA, wiretapped phone calls, security cam video, Walmart shoes, home made silencer and all.

What kind of people defend murderers like that? What kind of people would work to taint a jury pool by spreading a lot of lies on social media prior to the trial? Pretty low scum, if you ask me. Can you imagine what would happen if they got their wish and the Wags were turned loose on the community? A LOT of people would end up dead.

I wonder if they would go after the little children who survived the massacre of their parents? Very likely, JMO. These people are animals and the only lives they value are their own.

I wish special prosecutor Canepa had given more details in pre-trial about the illegal conversations that took place between Rita Newcomb and her daughter Angela. In all those hours of conversation, I'm sure she revealed a lot about the murders, how they were planned, etc. RN gave us a big hint when she made the decision to turn against her family and cooperate with the prosecution. She said lying to defend the Wagners was wrong, "not a Christian thing to do".

I agree, lying to defend the Wagners is immoral and evil. All JMO and not referencing anyone in particular. The Wags attorneys are just doing their job and using all the tools they can to set their clients free, though I wonder if there isn't some criminal organization behind the scenes who is trying to protect the Wagner clan for their own selfish reasons.

All JMO of course.

Betty, I believe the use of the word "suspects" is the issue. I have taken some breaks from this forum so I have not been a consistent poster, though I have tried to follow the case. I'm not seeing recent attempts to defend the W's on this forum, but rather a discussion that is, in essence, the possibility the W's attorneys may try to, as you said, use all the tools they can to try to set their clients free. One of the tools defense attorneys can use is to try to blame the murders on someone else. If this is done, these people would not be "suspects". I like the term you used "red herrings".
I really think there is another suspect and he around the same age as the two younger brothers, I think he is in on the murders, JMO

So you think LE was wrong when they said there were no other suspects? Do you think they completely missed one person with all the investigation and all the personnel involved. Why do you think he is a suspect? What information have you seen to think he is a suspect?
The Defense doesn’t have the burden of proving not guilty. All they need to do is put out any theories, no matter how ridiculous, to influence one juror to not vote guilty.

I'm wondering, what would be the motive for a group of people or a criminal organization to trick jurors into setting the Wagner clan free? What are they afraid of? Does one of the killers have incriminating information about them that they might trade for a lighter sentence?

The 4 crime scenes were very crowded that night. The killers left behind a lot of evidence, including .22 rifle shell casings that matched the same ones found on one of the Wagner's properties. Then there's DNA left behind matching some of the Wags, along with surveillance camera video of them at the crime scenes as well as RN's testimony about their involvement. Kind of hard to fit a "mystery killer" into that scenario when they left no traces in the evidence. Kind of like Casper the ghost.
Betty P
I pray that you are right that the Rhodens/Giley murder trials that the 4 Wagners stand accused of doing is a open and closed case but so far it’s dragging out, JMO

Sorry, Johnny, but the case is dragging out because the defense is using every delaying tactic in the books. It's what they're paid to do. Unfortunately, its a common practice.

I mean, look at their latest delaying tactic, trying to claim that ballistics evidence is "pseudoscience". It's a joke and anyone who believes them hasn't followed many murder trials.

But it's helpful to know where you stand, in your belief the Wagners are innocent. Good to know.

ETA: As for complaints about the prosecution not making more of the evidence public, they've done so. They discussed details about the matching shoe prints found in pools of dried blood at the crime scenes with the shoes AW bought at Walmart. They were size 10.5 and size 11 Athletic Works shoes, grey, with velcro straps. The .22 caliber shell casings at the crime scenes had matching firing pin impressions with casings found on the Wagner property.
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Betty, I believe the use of the word "suspects" is the issue. I have taken some breaks from this forum so I have not been a consistent poster, though I have tried to follow the case. I'm not seeing recent attempts to defend the W's on this forum, but rather a discussion that is, in essence, the possibility the W's attorneys may try to, as you said, use all the tools they can to try to set their clients free. One of the tools defense attorneys can use is to try to blame the murders on someone else. If this is done, these people would not be "suspects". I like the term you used "red herrings".

I've followed quite a few murder trials here on WS where, prior to trial, people throw out a lot of "chaff" or "red herrings" in an attempt to confuse potential jurors. In one case, the arguments made here in defense of the killer were the same ones used by defense attorneys at trial. Word for word. In other cases, friends or family members do the work. It's not an unusual situation. Any time you hear the same arguments, false claims and other "red herrings" repeated for four years on social media, one has to be a little skeptical.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember JM stating that directly, that he didn't want to see his niece like that. I thought it was his wife who told that to reporters.

Ok, found a link....

إخطار إعادة التوجيه

"He could hear the baby crying and he backed up out of there," said his wife, April Manley, in a separate interview describing what her husband told her. "He didn't want to find his niece like that.

Correct, it was not JM being quoted, it was his wife that made That comment. I do not recall any comment from JM about this.
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BP you’re having a bad week, why in the world would we blame the Manleys, I posted the old post to show some of the rumors that where told like JM not wanting to go in and see his niece and sister like what BJM saw was True, why do you keep trying to turn all our post into victim bashing???
Also you need to realize that the Wagners on trial and those defense attorneys are going to bring people out of the wood work to Blame. JMO

I'm having a great week. Repeating old rumors about the victims' families that were proven false 2 years ago isn't very nice.
Sorry, Johnny, but the case is dragging out because the defense is using every delaying tactic in the books. It's what they're paid to do. Unfortunately, its a common practice.

I mean, look at their latest delaying tactic, trying to claim that ballistics evidence is "pseudoscience". It's a joke and anyone who believes them hasn't followed many murder trials.

But it's helpful to know where you stand, in your belief the Wagners are innocent. Good to know.
Did you really say that I think the Wagners are innocent Betty, I have been following these murders from the very first week they occurred , I’ve made several trips to Union Hill to look at the murder scene also I have spoken to a few of the locals, JM got a raw deal when he was a suspect but I really think AW was behind that, I have always thought JW the ex boyfriend had something to do with these murders Jake is a sneaky looking fellow that sets in that courtroom standing trial for his baby’s mommy murder and sets there with that smile on his face really kills me, I would love to see him get a little jailhouse justice, JMO
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I've followed quite a few murder trials here on WS where, prior to trial, people throw out a lot of "chaff" or "red herrings" in an attempt to confuse potential jurors. In one case, the arguments made here in defense of the killer were the same ones used by defense attorneys at trial. Word for word. In other cases, friends or family members do the work. It's not an unusual situation. Any time you hear the same arguments, false claims and other "red herrings" repeated for four years on social media, one has to be a little skeptical.
I know for a fact that the defense sometimes follows Websleuths and some may even make comments to try to get a feel for reactions to see what they might be able to sell to a jury. In one case I followed a few years ago, I was very vocal in my postings that I thought the husband did it and I stated my reasons why. There were some posts from one particular poster who made some claims that were unbelievably easy to refute and what that poster was stating was the husband did not do it. I addressed each of those posts down with known facts about the case and evidence. A verified insider who had to testify at the trial let me know that the defense attorney, in trial, pointed out that Molly (me) was a friend of the victim. I didn't know anyone involved! I must have really angered that defense attorney for him to even bring me up at trial - lol.

ETA: In the case I referenced, the defense attorney did not try to use any of the arguments that the one poster was trying to use on Websleuths. But the original theory was tested on that forum, most definitely. Instead he hauled in two old boyfriends and tried to say that either one of them could have done it. It was ridiculous.
So you think LE was wrong when they said there were no other suspects? Do you think they completely missed one person with all the investigation and all the personnel involved. Why do you think he is a suspect? What information have you seen to think he is a suspect?
Agree - DeWine stated no other suspects.
The Defense doesn’t have the burden of proving not guilty. All they need to do is put out any theories, no matter how ridiculous, to influence one juror to not vote guilty.

I believe DeWine is a very smart man who plays to win. I also believe he anticipated this potential and IIRC, he stated no arrests would be made until there could be a successful prosecution. My opinion is the evidence will be so overwhelming that any influence the defense tries to make to influence jurors will be negated.
Since I'm so talkative this morning, I'll add that I'm a bit fearful of plea deals being made because of the overwhelming evidence. If this is even considered, I hope the feelings of the surviving family members are taken very strongly into account. We see Ms. GR in every pre-trial hearing. Other family members have also been in these hearings. It doesn't appear to me that they are afraid to face down the accused killers. I can't speak for them, but if it was my family who had been murdered, I would demand trials.
Interview with LM mentions custody as a possible reason for the murders.

Leonard Manley talks about murder of family members in Ohio | Daily Mail Online
I feel sorry for Leonard Manley, he just lost his daughter and grandchildren and the trial by media started during that time, Leonard and his family has gone thru a lot over the past 4 and a half years while the killers got to point fingers at him and his family, he is a very strong will man, JMO
I hope that the trials start soon so the Rhodens, Gilley and Manleys can start their civil suit’s against the accused, JMO
I believe DeWine is a very smart man who plays to win. I also believe he anticipated this potential and IIRC, he stated no arrests would be made until there could be a successful prosecution. My opinion is the evidence will be so overwhelming that any influence the defense tries to make to influence jurors will be negated.

It may be mostly circumstantial evidence but there is SO much of it.
A picture may paint a thousand words, but, a thousand words can paint quite a picture....
It may be mostly circumstantial evidence but there is SO much of it.
A picture may paint a thousand words, but, a thousand words can paint quite a picture....

I agree. A perfect example of a circumstantial case was the Scott Peterson case. IIRC, the only physical evidence detectives discovered was a strand of hair stuck in some pliers that was consistent with Laci's hair. It was all of Scott Peterson's lies, and the sum total of the circumstantial evidence against him that resulted in a guilty verdict. In this case, Reader made the statement "all the lies they told" after the arrests. We can guess at some of the lies because we saw a couple of examples of lies in a media interview or two. With Reader's statement about "all of the lies", it will be interesting to learn just how far those lies went. That will be used against the W's, in addition to physical evidence and circumstantial evidence. All JMO.
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