OH - Pike Co - 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue - 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #73

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I think the fireworks are being brought up so they can portray CRSR as the 'rich' guy.

I think the W4 being Religious was just part of their grifting act.

I haven't been able to watch the entire trial or this site due to medical issues so I am just jumping in.
Wishing you all the best with the medical issues.

I think you are right on their religiousness being an act.. or a cover for some of their extreme views.
last tweet from yesterday.

Evan Millward
PIKE COUNTY TRIAL: Kendra recounts a time at the Scioto Co. Fair when Jake said something "demeaning" to Hanna. Kendra kicked him int he shin and Hanna separated the two.

Kendra says Hanna wanted her to get to know Jake better - but they just didn't like each other.

Kendra says she wasn't allowed to be around during Hanna's pregnancy - says Jake was who wouldn't let her be there.

After Hanna had Sophia, she moved in with Jake and his family on Peterson Rd. - also stayed with them on Bethel Hill Rd for a time.

Kendra says Hanna had recordings of calls and in-person convos she and Jake had.

In those. she says he admits to "hitting her, choking her, pushing her against a wall."

Hanna shared with Kendra have she and Jake split.

Defense objects to some of this questioning too - they are in sidebar.

Meantime, h/t to @ldufour
for sharing these photos from Gary Rhoden's funeral - showing Billy, Jake, and George entering.

Funeral1.jpg Funeral2.jpg

Kendra recalls a phone call in which Jake was trying to say Kylie (Hanna's second child) was his. She remembers both she and Hanna pointed out that Kylie could not be his - and he could not be part of her life.

Kendra recalls a phone call on speaker - Jake tells Hanna if she leaves him, she leaves Sophia too. He wants them to parent as a unit.

Kendra says Hanna broke up with Charlie Gilley because he wouldn't commit and was using pain pills.

Knew she was pregnant when she started dating Corey Holdren. She helped him through pain pill withdrawal and he got clean.

Kendra says she spent time with Hanna, Kylie, and Corey - and Kendra's then-bf - on April 21, 2016. They went fishing at a pond around Pike Hill.

Kendra was supposed to stay at Hanna's - but ended up babysitting for her friend and it lasted until the morning.

A family friend called to say Chris Sr had been shot. She rushed to Union Hill and was stopped before Frankie's house.

Kendra says she and her brother Luke and her ex-bf were there. She became upset hearing Hanna had died - was crying - some family tried to push past deputies. One cousin was actually arrested.

Kendra says she had called her dad Kenneth - he would normally call back on his lunch break around noon. When that didn't happen, Luke and Donald went to check.

Her aunt got a text that Kenny was dead - screamed out. Kendra ran from church.

Kendra says she had a family friend drive her across the highway where she ran to a state trooper.

"I was trying to get to Hanna because I just wanted to be with her."

Kendra says she knew about Kenneth's marijuana - he liked to brag about it. She would buy it from him for herself and her then-bf.

Kenneth didn't approve of her smoking, so she lied and said it was for her then-bf only.

Kendra says George, Billy, and Jake were at the funerals for the six Rhodens - she spoke with Jake briefly there.

Kendra recounts another call on speakerphone in which Jake Wagner told Hanna he didn't want their daughter Sophia around her new boyfriend Corey Holdren - and if she was, "he would take her away."

Kendra says she also knew Chris Rhoden Sr had marijuana on his property because he talked about it - and would go into the garage to "conduct business" with people including Billy Wagner.

If she and Hanna were there, he would send them inside the house.

Kendra says a man named Rick attacked Chris Sr with a 2x4 and put him in the hospital. Her dad Kenneth visited him in the hospital.

Says Chris kept a shotgun by his bedroom door. Dana had a small handgun. Hanna did not own a gun.

Kendra says her dad Kenneth was protective of Chris Sr and the whole family.

Kendra says she saw Sophia once after the murders.

it was at the Wagners' home on Peterson Rd - they saw Sophia and George's son Bulvine. She says it was outside - Jake was with them. Angela was inside.

Kendra says she saw a text from Jake to Hanna right before the murders - offering to keep Sophia for a few extra days so Hanna could recover from giving birth to Kylie.

Canepa wraps direct.

Richard Nash is on cross-examination.

Asks about "Big Mike from Cincinnati" and about Kendra telling BCI agents Chris Sr was going to buy a building for a pill mill.

Lots of objections happening - Kendra says she gave that info based on hearsay.

Nash asks about info Kendra gave BCI about Kenneth's dog Brownie and Chris Sr's dog Chance.

Says they were aggressive to people they did not know.

Nash asks Kendra if she knew is Chris Sr was engaged in more than marijuana trafficking. She says she does not have firsthand knowledge.

link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward
Evan Millward
PIKE COUNTY TRIAL: Back from break - Corey Holdren is on the stand.

He was dating Hanna May Rhoden at the time she was killed.


Holdren says Kendra introduced him to Hanna May.

Canepa asks how their relationship was?

"Great. She was in love with me, I was in love with her. She was the best thing that ever happened to me."

Holdren says at the time they met, he was addicted to pain pills.

Says Hanna sat by his side as he went through withdrawal getting clean.

"Nobody does that unless you love somebody."

Corey says he's the one who chose baby Kylie's name, was with Hanna whens he gave birth and cut the umbilical cord.

Kylie's biological father was Charlie Gilley - but Hanna left him because of a drug problem and he wouldn't commit.

Last texts between Corey and Hanna were telling each other that they loved each other.

Corey breaks down on the stand - telling the jury Hanna's grandma is the one who told him she was dead. "They kept saying they were gone."

Corey calls Hanna a great mom.

Says Jake came to his house about one week before the murders - he wanted to visit Sophia and see where she was staying.

Corey says Hanna told him Jake kept her "locked up" in the bedroom and she couldn't even go see her dad Chris Sr.

Corey says it felt like it was all a prank "and Hanna was going to come walking out ....it still feels like that."

Defense does not cross-exam Corey.

link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward
I don't understand why if these allegations were in fact "true" about locking Hanna in a bedroom and not letting her see her dad...that no one stepped in and took her out of that situation. She was a minor child at that time. I could say more but I'll not disrespect the victims or their families, maybe some witnesses are just adding extra spice to their testimony. I just wish more focus were put on GW4, Jake had his day in court and finally admitted his guilt. All MOO.

RIP Rhoden's and Ms. Gilley.
I just wish more focus were put on GW4,

That is where I am at also.

This is what I don't get. Angie raised her boys. They were grown men. Why in the world would she want to take care of and raise her grandchildren? Not just BW and SW but apparently a child that Jake and apparently the rest of them knew was not his. A newborn infant at that.

I have 4 grandchildren. I told my son, you had them, you take care of them. I raised you and I am not about to take care of any kids you bring in the world. I have a stressful career and when I am not working I want to relax.

I kept the oldest for 5 hours while the second one was being born.
I kept the first two for about 6 hours after school when their parents were in a car accident and at the ER.
By the time the third was born the first two were 12 and 14. I kept the third one for about 5 hours when hubby and the parents went somewhere.
I kept the last one for 2 hours while the second was in surgery having a cut finger sewn up only because his older brothers were at school.
My grandmother experience is about 18 hours total in their entire lives.
Oh wait, I kept my 2 great grandkids for 2 hours while their parents went to buy presents.
Make that 20 hours total for 6 kids. Looking at this I must be a really bad grandma. On the other hand I must have been a great mom because if I call and need something done my son makes sure they get down here and do it ASAP and with a smile on their face.

I was done raising kids by the time my son hit 16. I gave him a credit card and a car and told him stay out of trouble, be in school every day, keep your grades up and don't bother me anymore. Then I happily sent him off to college for 4 years after he graduated high school. Then he turned out to be a Bible thumping nuisance. Come to think of it maybe that is why he talks to hubby 6 hours straight and me for just about 15 minutes.

There are a lot of mothers here. Most know how hard it is to take care of a 4 year-old, a 2 1/2 year old and a 4 day old infant all at the same time.

What the actual frick did Angie want with all those grandkids to take care of? If I had been her I would have been on a fast plane to Costa Rica as soon as those boys mentioned it.

I just don't get it.

Your wrong Raisn,
Didn’t you listen to the opening statements?
They have a receipt of where George bought the filter for the suppressor on 2 of the murder weapon also he built the goose’s raft to help hide the gun in concrete buckets weights George, Jake and Angela took the cash to Billy’s uncle and paid for the murder truck, George was in the vehicle when Angela bought the murders shoes, Nash George’s attorney lied to the jury he told them in opening statements that GW4 was not even at the murder scene that night but a few months ago at a pre trial hearing for George he said GW4 went along just to keep Billy from killing Jake,GW4 helped design the murder truck, last but not least Jake and Angela earthier testified against GW4 or DIE!
But what do you really have JBB?

You have George buying an oil filter.
You have him building a goosebox for his grandpa. (Jake said he disposed of the guns alone and he alone knew where they were. No one knows how many years ago George built that box.)
You have him going with his mom and brother to buy a truck.
You have him going with his mom to Walmart.

If there had never been any murders of 8 people would you consider any of that as evidence of a crime?

Finally George's name mentioned. Hooray!!!! Now maybe we can hear some evidence against him only.

AC brought up that fireworks display also. Asked the witness if they saw George at the fireworks display. Right after that asked about Chris Sr's dog Chance being aggressive to people the dog did not know. It has been a recurring theme with all the witnesses today by both AC and the defense. Maybe Chance attacked George at one of those fireworks displays?

Other than that I can't figure out why both sides are hammering every witness about the fireworks display.

It is my thought that the Defense keeps bringing up instances/events that they hope will show G4 was never ( or very rarely) at the UHR properties, and therefore the DOGS would not know him and would attack him if he were there on the night of 4/22.
This is a fantasy on the part of the defense.
AC brings it up for the opposite reason.
G4 was on UHR properties at multiple times and the DOGS knew him. Therefore the DOGS did not attack him.
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I think the fireworks are being brought up so they can portray CRSR as the 'rich' guy.

I think the W4 being Religious was just part of their grifting act.

I haven't been able to watch the entire trial or this site due to medical issues so I am just jumping in.
due to medical issues so I am just jumping in.

How are you doing?
I think the religious aspect is a ruse too.

I can name 4 or 5 of the broken 10 commandments without blinking, starting with

Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not steal
Here is the problem. There are lots of patriot? (I call them domestic terrorists) groups out there that never step foot in a church but are dead set against same sex marriage. I am not saying for sure it is what set the W's and especially Jake off, I am just saying it is a possibility and a good reason George would have helped with it. Just seems to me the W's were the type, that's all. We have all really struggled to find a reason George would risk everything even his own child, to get Jake's child. That could explain it. Just a theory.

It is my thought that the Defense keeps bringing up instances/events that they hope will show G4 was never ( or very rarely) at the UHR properties, and therefore the DOGS would not know him and would attack him if he were there on the night of 4/22.
This is a fantasy on the part of the defense.
AC brings it up for the opposite reason.
G4 was on UHR properties at multiple times and the DOGS knew him. Therefore the DOGS did not attack him.
I don't have a clue what's going on with those fireworks and dogs. Maybe we will hear testimony later that explains it.

Here is the problem. There are lots of patriot? (I call them domestic terrorists) groups out there that never step foot in a church but are dead set against same sex marriage. I am not saying for sure it is what set the W's and especially Jake off, I am just saying it is a possibility and a good reason George would have helped with it. Just seems to me the W's were the type, that's all. We have all really struggled to find a reason George would risk everything even his own child, to get Jake's child. That could explain it. Just a theory.
I get it. It is as good a therory as any.

Personally, i think it is as simple as all for one one for all. They are as intertwined as a french braid.

Im confident the prosecutors will prove it in the end. The alternative disgusts me.
The jury will believe what they hear - that George was involved in all phases of these murders from planning to execution to cover up.

So far, the jurors haven't heard anything to justify otherwise. The defense hasn't made a successful argument yet.
I think the audio conversations will be powerful in giving a true picture of GWIV's involvement. I think the prosecution needs to give the jury a sense of who the victims were as a basis of how their lives were put together. The evidence against GWIV's complicity in the plan and where he was and how he participated will be explained by his brother and cohort, JW. It's all coming. AJMO
Twitter acct @chasingpaper89 has some hand written notes uploaded of the last witness of today. Don't know who wrote them, don't know if they accurate as to the testimony. So that's why I'm not posting here, but you may want to look for yourselves.
Ok everyone should check out this twitter mentioned in Skully's post. There are more cases than the W's being talked about so you have to scroll to read the information on CR''s testimony yesterday (her cross examination will start on Monday). That whole JW to HR exchange about stay put or I'll chop your legs off is explained in context of when it happened and how CR can testified to it.
What was that the judge was talking about at the very last. Something about a phone call Hannah made to Chelsa where she told CR something and it got introduced as evidence? He told the jury, that if they believed it, that they were to consider it only for probative value and not as a character as to the defendant or his family in relation to any prior acts, if those acts did in fact happen, since it did not follow from those acts that the defendant or his family was guilty of the charges brought in this case. From time stamp 8:06 to 8:15.
Go to that twitter Skully mentioned and scroll down, ir's there and worth reading. It has to do with the "cut your legs" court reporter Evan Millard's tweet already posted, putting it in context. You will then understand the Judge's words to the jury.
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