OH - Pike Co - 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue - 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #73

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This is really good. Says alot about Corey and Hanna and Kendra. Not only did Jake lock Hanna in a bedroom so she couldn't see her dad, she wouldn't let Kendra be around Hanna when she was pregnant with Jake's daughter.

Corey says Hanna told him Jake kept her "locked up" in the bedroom and she couldn't even go see her dad Chris Sr.

Kendra says she wasn't allowed to be around during Hanna's pregnancy - says Jake was who wouldn't let her be there.

I don't understand why if these allegations were in fact "true" about locking Hanna in a bedroom and not letting her see her dad...that no one stepped in and took her out of that situation. She was a minor child at that time. I could say more but I'll not disrespect the victims or their families, maybe some witnesses are just adding extra spice to their testimony. I just wish more focus were put on GW4, Jake had his day in court and finally admitted his guilt. All MOO.

RIP Rhoden's and Ms. Gilley.
BBM- I just googled South Shore, KY (where the video clip listed the funeral at) to Piketon, Ohio and it's only 30 miles. So even though it's in a different state, it seems to be close by.
Double post DBM.
Of course they are all lumped together.

Once again this is George's trial. What Jake, Billy and Angie did doesn't mean a hill of beans to the jury, because this is George's jury, his trial. The prosecution can prove Jake, Billy and Angie were in the planning, execution and cover up all year long, but the jury is not even going to consider the evidence against anyone but George.

All the jury has to believe is George went along, lumped along, with his dad and brother, and was at the murder scenes.

That's the problem, the prosecution has not presented any evidence he went along, lumped along or was even in the state of Ohio when the other 3 planned, carried out and covered up the murders.

That is what I am waiting for. Real evidence against George. Not what Jake said, not what Angie said, not some shoe evidence that the state expert admitted that they couldn't prove George wore or ever saw, not some maybe truthful story by Jake that George was there, not some half baked story George went with Jake and Angie to buy a truck from a cousin and not some blurry shots of some headlights and tail lights of vehicles that could have been driven by a couple of early morning turkey hunters.

Right now they have him on MAYBE obstruction of justice. That's all I see RIGHT NOW. Maybe later on they will get to some evidence against just him alone, because that is what it is going to take to convict him of anything.

I cannot pin my hopes on the proffers by Jake or Angie. Half of what Angie said is hearsay, that she said the men told her after they returned. That will be thrown out. She can testify to the shoes she bought but has already went on record saying she threw them away because the boys didn't like them. One of the BCI Agents testified they put all 4 W's in separate rooms to be interviewed at the border. When questioned about the shoes in separate interviews from each other and Angie, both Jake and George denied they ever saw those shoes.

And Jake admitted he killed 5, shot 1 and Billy killed 3.

AC said there are inconsistencies with the evidence the state has in Jake's story. In fact during one motion she said Jake told several different stories. How are we supposed to pin any hope on that? That's like a 16 year old boy when asked where he was all night. I was at Tom's house. Ok I'll call Tom's mom. No wait I was at Dick's house. Then I will call Dick's mom. No wait I was really at Harry's house. Then I will call Harry's mom. No wait I really had amnesia and don't remember where I was last night. Good luck on getting the to the truth.

That's how I feel about Jake's story. Repositioned Hannah's body so the baby could nurse. Major BS. He didn't give a FHF about that baby or if it starved to death. If he did he wouldn't have killed the baby's mother and especially not in the dark with that same baby in bed with her. An old friend once said "Bullets don't have eyes." And several people have told me a .22 bullet could have went though her body and hit the baby and killed it.

Sorry I just don't believe anything Jake said.

Your wrong Raisn,
Didn’t you listen to the opening statements?
They have a receipt of where George bought the filter for the suppressor on 2 of the murder weapon also he built the goose’s raft to help hide the gun in concrete buckets weights George, Jake and Angela took the cash to Billy’s uncle and paid for the murder truck, George was in the vehicle when Angela bought the murders shoes, Nash George’s attorney lied to the jury he told them in opening statements that GW4 was not even at the murder scene that night but a few months ago at a pre trial hearing for George he said GW4 went along just to keep Billy from killing Jake,GW4 helped design the murder truck, last but not least Jake and Angela earthier testified against GW4 or DIE!
BBM - Especially when the co-defendant is getting nothing good from this deal. He isn't blaming it all on another and getting a sweet deal so he avoids extra prison time. He will die in prison. He admitted to killing 5. He said George didn't shoot anyone. He has not made his own roll less in order to make his brother's role more. It will be believable because the deal he got is not some sweet deal that lets him off the hook. Often a co-defendant pins it all on another and then yes, I think it's harder to trust what is said because when there are 2 people and one say the other did it and and the other says the first did it.. then what? This is very different.

In order for a jury to think Jake and Angela are lying, the defense will have to show that there was a conspiracy to pin this one another.. well that fails because they aren't pinning it on George at all.. So it's just not going to fly unless George takes the stand and his story is more believable than Jake and Angela.
Well said. I had mentioned earlier how more believable Angela and Jake are because they are getting bad deals. If they were getting sweet deals it would be easy to believe they would say anything just to keep their deals.

This happens all the time. A defendant turns against another defendant, testifying against him/her but is getting years and years shaved off their sentences and tries hard to make the other defendant look bad so they get a long sentence.

There is no reason for Jake and Angela to lie to get better sentences, nor is their any reason for them to pin everything on George. In fact, Jake says George didn't even shoot anyone, tried to talk them out of it, only went at the last minute, and was only protecting Jake from George.

But both Angie and Jake admit George had a part in it when actually they didn't have to admit that. Just makes it more believable. George buying suppressors, truck, modifying truck, going along and hiding in truck, voting for murders, moving bodies, being at Dana's, practicing shooting suppressor in their woods, etc.....

Alot of this testimony sounds believable to me. They are not totally saying he didn't do it but yet admitting he was a part of it.

If the jury decides to believe Jake and Angela, George will be convicted of murder I believe. Add in witness statements including that shoe print expert, add in tangible and circumstantial evidence, add in BCI's recordings of George, add in George's lies to BCI - that likely the jury will hear and might see some on video etc....

Then the prosecution has a very strong case. All they need is the cherry on top.
Jmo I have only listened to April and Kendra testimony and my opinion is the state has proven Jake is more than capable of the killing but only heard George’s name mentioned a couple of times and it was basically they either knew who he was and he was Jake’s brother. Jmo but I thought I was listening to the trial for Jake not George’s. Jmo
I believe the jury will believe George was at the crime scenes.

I believe the jury will believe George was part of his family's murder crime conspiracy and helped them in some ways.

I believe the jury will know that George knew all about what his family was planning.

I believe the jury will understand that George could have stopped the murders but refused to do so out of his family cult loyalty.

I believe the jury will believe enough of the witness testimony and evidence to convict George.

I believe the jury will believe enough of Jake and Angela's testimony to convict George.

I believe the jury will convict him of enough of the 22 charges to put him in prison for a long time.

I think people under estimate the power of co-defendants turning State's evidence and getting up on the stand and testifying under oath, and all the pressure that entails.

I believe the jury will not think anyone but the Wagners, including George, committed the murders and crimes. No Cartels, no bad business deals, no revenge by other people, no drug wars, no nothing. Just simply The Wagner Crime Family plotting and planning and buying and practicing and spying etc....Including George.

I am beginning to wonder what will the jury believe? Trying to put myself in the place of a juror seated in this courtroom listening to testimony and perhaps wondering, What is the Evidence Against George? I hope the verdict doesn't come down to one juror with reasonable doubt creating a deadlock.

The jury will believe what they hear - that George was involved in all phases of these murders from planning to execution to cover up.

So far, the jurors haven't heard anything to justify otherwise. The defense hasn't made a successful argument yet.
The jury will believe what they hear - that George was involved in all phases of these murders from planning to execution to cover up.

So far, the jurors haven't heard anything to justify otherwise. The defense hasn't made a successful argument yet.
Jmo the state has to prove guilt. We don’t live where a person is guilty until proven innocent jmo not trying to be smart. I just don’t think the state is putting on a very good case at this point. Jmo
Angenette Levy hasn't said much about Chelsea's testimony

Angenette Levy

Judge Deering is reading an instruction to the jury regarding bad acts and the fact they are not to be used to assess the character of the defendant. But, can be considered to evaluate a scheme, etc.

Is the hearing still going on?

Here's WCPO article about today. They also didn't report anything about Chelsea's testimony.

No report on the last witness either from Chris Graves

Maybe court ran long, past 5 and they all hopped in their cars to drive back to Cincinnati. May be a while before they report on the last part of the hearing.

All the reporters mentioned the WLWT video of Billy, George and Jake attending Gary Rhoden's funeral in KY. Looking back on it, how did LE not think that was odd? They went all the way down to KY with their dyed hair and Billy with bruises all over his face to attend the funeral of a guy they barely knew. That should have been a big red flag. Any LE officer should know killers often do this just to see what people are saying about the murders and who they're accusing.
Chris Graves testified today?
They have already, JMO. We'll hear more about those details, but so far crime scene evidence indicates he was there.
Jmo hear me out. The crime scene evidence puts two people there. For all we know right now that could be Jake and Angela. I still haven’t heard evidence of more than two. Oh I believe Billy was the second shooter but really the state hasn’t put him there yet. Which isn’t a big deal in this case since it is George on trial but they have to get George there. Jmo
Jmo hear me out. The crime scene evidence puts two people there. For all we know right now that could be Jake and Angela. I still haven’t heard evidence of more than two. Oh I believe Billy was the second shooter but really the state hasn’t put him there yet. Which isn’t a big deal in this case since it is George on trial but they have to get George there. Jmo

I think the crime scene evidence puts 3 people there. Three weapons, wounds from three different guns used in big and busy crime scenes. We haven't gotten to the evidence yet that shows George helping get supplies, a truck, etc.for the murders or all the planning and cover up afterwards. That evidence is yet to come, as is the testimony from his former partner who he abused and isolated in order to gain custody of his child.
I think the crime scene evidence puts 3 people there. Three weapons, wounds from three different guns used in big and busy crime scenes. We haven't gotten to the evidence yet that shows George helping get supplies, a truck, etc.for the murders or all the planning and cover up afterwards. That evidence is yet to come, as is the testimony from his former partner who he abused and isolated in order to gain custody of his child.
Yes I agree three guns but most mass killers take more than one gun with them. Only two different guns used at one scene from the way I understood it. The scene at cr was in my mind proven to have two shooters. The one used on outside that shot into his arm was only used once then wasn’t it. I could be wrong. The other scenes everyone inside shot with same gun except Kr but it was the same gun used inside cr. I still only get two shooters with 3 guns. Jmo
Hanna had called April from the Wagners and asked April to pick her up. Met her at the end of the driveway.
Frankie hobbies - derby, hunting. Went hunting with his friends.

AC redirect
Chris Sr gave April money to help pay for her mother's funeral
When Jake showed up at hospital after murders, he didn't ask about Hanna or anyone else. He only asked about Kylie
She did share the information with BCI about Jake showing up at hospital asking to take Kylie
She got Jake's number after the homicides, to communicate with Sophia. Didn't have Jake's number before that.
She didn't see George at the funerals. (But there is a photo of George attending funeral with Billy and Jake)
She also told BCI she was upset that Jake hugged her at the hospital because he still had( ?) blood on him when he touched her.
Why would he still have blood on him? I don't undersatand.
Why would he still have blood on him? I don't undersatand.

Perhaps he hadn't showered, maybe just changed clothes. IDK, it was April Manley's comment. She saw something about him that alarmed her, strange behavior, dyed hair, showing up at the hospital hours after the murders, demanding to have custody of Hanna's newborn daughter Kylie, etc. April didn't want Jake to hug her.
Perhaps he hadn't showered, maybe just changed clothes. IDK, it was April Manley's comment. She saw something about him that alarmed her, strange behavior, dyed hair, showing up at the hospital hours after the murders, demanding to have custody of Hanna's newborn daughter Kylie, etc. April didn't want Jake to hug her.
I think you're right - she was very alarmed by him. I cannot even imagine the depth of his sense of entitlement. Very dangerous. It is a relief that he confessed and he will never leave prison.
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