OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#45

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Agree, extensive use of scenery and fade in and out shots of actors (fluff).

I like the scenery shots. It gives a better sense of what the area looks like. All we've been seeing are photos and Google Earth, which is helpful, but doesn't give a real, multi-dimensional perspective.

They did a fairly decent job of capturing the panic and horror of that first day. Still hard to describe, but I remember it. I can only imagine what it was like for family and friends.

Ok, I don't get the comment from someone that the Wagners were a family that "helped a lot of people". Other than her church, which just did preaching, what else did they do to help people? Ok, so these people being interviewed now are people who were employed by Fred. They're saying she gave food to poor people. Mostly "church" people who lived on and rented her properties.

Fred's employees and the print reporter talking about some "deals" between CR1 and Billy Wagner. Vague.
Now saying town is equally divided about guilt of Wagner family. Okay. Can any locals here tell us if that's accurate?

"Beloved" Fredericka? The only people who say that are employees, what else are they going to say? Now we're starting to see a bit of spin that is sympathetic to the Wagners. Trying to make it seem like LE arrested the wrong people.

I do hope someone else covers the case.

Yes, getting more sympathetic to the Wags, casting doubt about the custody motive.

"I hope they found the right people"
"Sometimes mistakes are made" etc.

Yes, please get someone else to cover this story besides Oxygen. Someone who understands that powerful, wealthy people in small towns do behave like tyrants sometimes and kill people. Especially if they're paranoid, enmeshed dysfunctional families in love with guns and violence.

Good luck trying to make the Wags look like innocent people. We won't let that happen, ok?
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I didn't see the Oxygen show tonight due to it being scheduled for Sunday night, even on their own website today. Not that I really care. Call me what you will, but I won't support anyone or anything that depicts the victims in a bad light when they can't be here to defend themselves. And the sheer multitude of evidence in this case, against the 4 defendants and 2 co defendants is STAGGERING to say the least! Astounding! Unbelievable! IMO, the Ws are done. Done all over. As a reputable poster once said (not quoting), these counties will never be the same. Life as everyone knew, will never ever be the same. Eight lives were taken that awful day. I will never forget it and I don't even live in Ohio. May Justice prevail through God Almighty.
Oxygen Channel (2nd hour) almost over. QUESTION: Anyone think the show could influence or taint a jury??

The second hour definitely could. They're making the arrests sound "controversial" when they aren't. Questioning LE, they make mistakes. Wags were nice people, etc. Someone has spread some money or favors around. The way they present this show is a real "bait and switch".

Oh, now the reporter is talking about how if the state screws up it will cost the taxpayers a lot of money because they arrested and tried the wrong people. Bull.

<Modsnip unsubstantiated accusations>
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I think Jeff Winkler added a lot as well. At this point, I think the Piketon community IS somewhat divided right now. I FIRMLY believe when all the evidence is presented, there will be NO doubt who did this. I've always thought that the vast majority of people know BS when they see it.
I think Jeff Winkler added a lot as well. At this point, I think the Piketon community IS somewhat divided right now. I FIRMLY believe when all the evidence is presented, there will be NO doubt who did this. I've always thought that the vast majority of people know BS when they see it.

Towards the end, I got the impression Jeff Winkler's comments were edited quite a bit. They took a couple of minor things he said and tried to make it sound like he really doubted the Wagners did it. Earlier statements he made seemed to contradict that.

Just the fact they made this program when there's a gag order on the case and when very little of the evidence has been presented is very dishonest. They're trying to make it sound like all the facts are in and the case against the Wagners is weak.

In fact, only a small fraction of the evidence has been revealed. The prosecutor and LE are not allowed to discuss, clarify or offer rebuttal to this. That's very unprofessional and dishonest.
Now saying town is equally divided about guilt of Wagner family. Okay. Can any locals here tell us if that's accurate?

"Beloved" Fredericka? The only people who say that are employees, what else are they going to say? Now we're starting to see a bit of spin that is sympathetic to the Wagners. Trying to make it seem like LE arrested the wrong people.

I do hope someone else covers the case.

Yes, getting more sympathetic to the Wags, casting doubt about the custody motive.

"I hope they found the right people"
"Sometimes mistakes are made" etc.

Yes, please get someone else to cover this story besides Oxygen. Someone who understands that powerful, wealthy people in small towns do behave like tyrants sometimes and kill people. Especially if they're paranoid, enmeshed dysfunctional families in love with guns and violence.

Good luck trying to make the Wags look like innocent people. We won't let that happen, ok?

Consider this all an opinion only.
Her employees, G4's ex in laws, have been part of the Wagner "family" for many years. They likely even ran around with AW & BW and know a lot of history. The employees and their families may have served in capacities as key figures in her church.

They may not have a lot of financial opportunities available in the general area and FW provides that. In their eyes she is a provider.
Now saying town is equally divided about guilt of Wagner family. Okay. Can any locals here tell us if that's accurate?

"Beloved" Fredericka? The only people who say that are employees, what else are they going to say? Now we're starting to see a bit of spin that is sympathetic to the Wagners. Trying to make it seem like LE arrested the wrong people.

I do hope someone else covers the case.

Yes, getting more sympathetic to the Wags, casting doubt about the custody motive.

"I hope they found the right people"
"Sometimes mistakes are made" etc.

Yes, please get someone else to cover this story besides Oxygen. Someone who understands that powerful, wealthy people in small towns do behave like tyrants sometimes and kill people. Especially if they're paranoid, enmeshed dysfunctional families in love with guns and violence.

Good luck trying to make the Wags look like innocent people. We won't let that happen, ok?
Preacher Phil is the one that will get the Wagners conviction JMO

Consider this all an opinion only.
Her employees, G4's ex in laws, have been part of the Wagner "family" for many years. They likely even ran around with AW & BW and know a lot of history. The employees and their families may have served in capacities as key figures in her church.

They may not have a lot of financial opportunities available in the general area and FW provides that. In their eyes she is a provider.

Yes, that also makes them very biased. Almost like someone is trying to taint the jury pool. It's very sad that Fred Wagner and her attorneys are using these people in such a fashion.
Towards the end, I got the impression Jeff Winkler's comments were edited quite a bit. They took a couple of minor things he said and tried to make it sound like he really doubted the Wagners did it. Earlier statements he made seemed to contradict that.

Just the fact they made this program when there's a gag order on the case and when very little of the evidence has been presented is very dishonest. They're trying to make it sound like all the facts are in and the case against the Wagners is weak.

In fact, only a small fraction of the evidence has been revealed. The prosecutor and LE are not allowed to discuss, clarify or offer rebuttal to this. That's very unprofessional and dishonest.
Betty I still think that Fredericka better be spending money to protect her family while their in jail instead of spending money to get them out, everybody saw the part about everyone being blamed for the murders and some of the people blamed are bad people!
Yes, that also makes them very biased. Almost like someone is trying to taint the jury pool. It's very sad that Fred Wagner and her attorneys are using these people in such a fashion.

I agree.. AND.. I can see how they see her the way they do.

There could be a challenge in my opinion should his ex be called as a character witness. Where might she land?

If her family is reliant upon FW for their well being, will that impact her being comfortable with speaking to anything that may not show the W's in a positive light?

I don't think we are even at the half way mark with twists and turns. JMO

As a previous poster said Money talks
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I agree.. AND.. I can see how they see her the way they do.

Here will lie a big challenge in my opinion. Should his ex be called as a character witness, where might she land?

If her family is reliant upon FW for their well being, will that impact her being comfortable with speaking to anything that may not show the W's in a positive light?

I don't think we are even at the half way mark with twists and turns. JMO

As a previous poster said Money talks

On the plus side- the sister came out and mentioned (I don't remember her words) a bad relationship between AW and HR.
Towards the end, I got the impression Jeff Winkler's comments were edited quite a bit. They took a couple of minor things he said and tried to make it sound like he really doubted the Wagners did it. Earlier statements he made seemed to contradict that.

Just the fact they made this program when there's a gag order on the case and when very little of the evidence has been presented is very dishonest. They're trying to make it sound like all the facts are in and the case against the Wagners is weak.

In fact, only a small fraction of the evidence has been revealed. The prosecutor and LE are not allowed to discuss, clarify or offer rebuttal to this. That's very unprofessional and dishonest.

Betty, I think Winkler does feel the Ws are guilty. But he's a journalist and part of that refraining from injecting his personal opinions into his work. And yes, I also feel much of what we saw was edited with an agenda.

That said, in my opinion, the show on Oxygen did not portray any of the victims in a negative way.

Shows like the one on Oxygen tonight can't technically show all the evidence.

I did, however, have a huge problem with what the Plain Dealer ran. It was unethical and just wrong. Any attorney knows better. Owen knew it but did it anyway.

Most people haven't seen anywhere near the amount of accurate info or evidence that WE here at WS have. (Speaking personally, this case has consumed me to the point of obsession).

When all the evidence is presented to the jury/s, I think they'll have no doubt the Ws are guilty. I think they'll see right through the BS.

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At this link below ... BBM
No real drama emerges from first pretrial hearing in Rhoden murder case - Portsmouth Daily Times

One final motion would limit the persons allowed to communicate with the defendant, whose being held without chance of bond. The motion likely is an attempt by the defense to limit Wagner’s contact with jail personnel and/or other inmates. Deering noted this is a separate motion from the gag order already in place, a gag order which prevents any official connected with the various Rhoden cases from speaking with the media.
So, what part of this am I missing that FW's attorney should NOT be talking with the MEDIA and doing interviews regarding her case??
Betty, I think Winkler does feel the Ws are guilty. But he's a journalist and part of that refraining from injecting his personal opinions into his work. And yes, I also feel much of what we saw was edited with an agenda.

That said, in my opinion, the show on Oxygen did not portray any of the victims in a negative way.

Shows like the one on Oxygen tonight can't technically show all the evidence.

I did, however, have a huge problem with what the Plain Dealer ran. It was unethical and just wrong. Any attorney knows better. Owen knew it but did it anyway.

Most people haven't seen anywhere near the amount of accurate info or evidence that WE here at WS have.

When all the evidence is presented to the jury/s, I think they'll have no doubt the Ws are guilty. I think they'll see right through the BS.


Agree, the evidence will be convincing when all of it is revealed.

The Oxy show was originally slated to show on March 24, IIRC, before Fredericka's hearing where her attorney was asking for dismissal of her case. Given how much they know about the crimes and the accused, that seems a deliberate attempt to bring sympathetic public pressure on the court. Apparently, the prosecutors had a word with Oxy and made them delay the broadcast date until after FW's hearing. She lost on both counts and I'm sure is very frustrated.

Because of that sequence of events and the original scheduling and changing of the broadcast date of the Oxy show, I'm leaning in favor of them being biased and trying to help the Wagners, or at least Fredericka. That they're referring to this show as Season 1, seems even more suspect now. Are they planning to run a weekly episode while the judicial process unfolds? Uh, that could be a real problem.

Yes, the Plain Dealer pro-Fredericka offense is very unprofessional, I agree. It appears they're part of a coordinated campaign as they also have been pushing the Oxy show in regular news articles. Shall we assume WKRC is going to be doing the same thing? I hope not.

It would be interesting to get some real journalists to take a look at this interesting PR campaign.
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