OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#46

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No traffic tickets was interesting, and few places take any checks anymore from anyone. Her lawyer stated they took so much time trying so many accounts and passwords, why would that be necessary if she had them printed already? I think she dug her own hole with “already printed them and should have brought them”. I feel at that time (grand jury) she didn’t think her family would be indicted. Her words came back to bite her.

Case Number: TRD 1402971
Defendant(s): Wagner, Fredericka

  • 10/02/2014
    • CASE SET FOR A ARRAIGNMENT ON 10/15/2014 AT 9:00 AM

  • 10/08/2014
    • FINE AMOUNT $30.00
    • PAYMENT - RECEIPT NO. 1405590 IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 110.00
    • COSTS 80.00, SUSP

Excellent work! And oddly enough, there's that year 2014 again...
how can you say they are guilty before there is even a trial, and I worry about ppl that may be selected for jury duty who will say they believe in our constitution but feel an accused is flat out guilty before they even see the evidence.

It is good to put the state to test, to make them prove their case, it is our right as the community for as much as our protection as well as the accused to hold the state's feet to the fire, then when all is said and done, IF and only if the evidence proves guilt beyond all reasonable doubt do we say they are in fact guilty.

I do believe in innocent until proven guilty. I believe a grand jury saw enough enough to hand down 4 death penalty indictments. I don't believe we have seen all the evidence yet and venture to guess some yet to come will be why the grand jury handed down the indictments.

What I have seen to cause me to question their innocence:
-Angela looking for jobs and homes the day before and day of in Alaska
-Both boys died hair black near murders
-many stories of events don't match up in media reports (moved cause they got jobs, get up there and say they are looking for jobs)
-a gun list and ballistics appear to be in discovery
-boot research by Angela to accompany a possible boot imprint report
-multiple wal- mart trips to locations all across the region on different days (under the boot category)
-surveillance equipment purchased by Jake and recovered
-possible surveillance equipment or other electronics belonging to the victims may have been uncovered in the searches
-custody document potentially forged: why would that be necessary if there was no bad intent?
-Discovery implies a very lengthy custody conversation on Facebook 12/15/15
-something was recovered in the trash at a Jackson hotel- could be anything, maybe even dna from a cup or something on one of them
-silencer: was surely tested against the ballistics

I am likely missing a few as that is a quick list. These are things that cause me to question their innocence. A case was not built on 1 person but 4, for aggravated Murder. That seems like a huge risk that I don't believe the state would take lightly. I do agree it's now up to the state to demonstrate how all this and more proves the W4's guilt.
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I believe this may be an alias of G4. I'm showing an association w/G4's maternal g-grandmother. That may not mean anything, but I've two peebles addresses, one a p.o. box, the other at 260 peterson, and another is the Bethel address.
So GW4 was possible this lay preacher who was caught with stolen goods? Am I getting that right?
Good question Tiff, but then I thought:
What if the reporter quoted Canepa wrong and she actually didn't say that the receipts were not authentic.

So I went back and listened to the hearing and Canepa did not say that the receipts were "not authentic"....... Here's what she said:

"There's much more to this case than what's been presented here. Simply putting it in writing and attaching it as an exhibit, making it an attachment to your Motion, does not make it authenticated, it does not make it something that is admissible....."

At the end she said QUOTE:

" ........we do not stipulate to the authenticity to anything he has attached...... "

So as you can see, Canepa did not come out and directly say that the receipts for the BPV's were phony or fake....ie....not authentic. The Portsmouth Daily Times reporter quoted her wrong and put his own interpretation on it.

Right before Canepa's above statement she said:

"There is much more to this case than the few statements he (lawyer) zeroed in on,
certainly the idea that she indicated that she had already printed out the records because she anticipated us asking about the BPV's. Had she in fact printed out the records as she indicated one would think that she would know where she had purchased them from.
Therefore, which place she printed them off from."

Fred's lawyer has done a good job of making Fred's 2 charges look like a simple misunderstanding. I've even read comments where people think the State is wasting time and money by charging her with #1) Lying Under Oath #2) Obstruction of Justice.

Her "slick" lawyer is already influencing the Jury pool. No wonder she hired him and his partner. And at Fred's arraignment her lawyer was already trying to influence the Jury pool when he went on and on about her living next to the cross, having no traffic tickets, and being more innocent than the prosecutors --I can't remember the exact way he worded it. He also likes to say that she is wrongfully accused.

Aside from the Jury, he is trying to rehabilitate her reputation with the public. She has that business empire and her reputation is in the mud. She says "nobody wants anything to do with me" and that a place of business refused her check saying they "dont take Wagner checks."
.......My 2 Cents.......


"There's much more to this case than what's been presented here. Simply putting it in writing and attaching it as an exhibit, making it an attachment to your Motion, does not make it authenticated, it does not make it something that is admissible....."

" ........we do not stipulate to the authenticity to anything he has attached...... "

I took it to mean that just because Fred's lawyer said they were bought 15 days after the murders by Fred and attached his statement to a motion did not make it true. That AC wanted to see real proof (receipts and records from Ebay) before she conceded when and where they were bought.

"There is much more to this case than the few statements he (lawyer) zeroed in on,
certainly the idea that she indicated that she had already printed out the records because she anticipated us asking about the BPV's. Had she in fact printed out the records as she indicated one would think that she would know where she had purchased them from.
Therefore, which place she printed them off from."

I took this to mean two things. That AC was saying that Fred lied to the GJ about printing off the receipts before testifying and if she did actually print them off then she lied to the GJ about where they were bought.

No one has accused Fred of being stupid. She stalled for 8 months on giving up those receipts. There is something about the buying of the BPV's that Fred did not want LE to know. She lied about where they were bought and lied about printing the receipts off ect... She did everything she could to keep those receipts out of the hands of LE and AC. WHY?

Face it folks, if any of us was charged with 2 felonies, lying to a GJ and obstruction of justice over a couple of vests we bought after the murders, we would have moved heaven and earth to get those receipts to AC that day. Who among us here would have stalled for 8 months, lied about where we bought them, and lied about printing the receipts off if the purchase of them was as innocent as Fred is saying it was?

Let's get real here. Fred lied about the BPV's because she had a very good reason to risk going to jail and having 2 felonies on her record. We just don't know what that reason is yet.

I do believe in innocent until proven guilty. I believe a grand jury saw enough enough to hand down 4 death penalty indictments. I don't believe we have seen all the evidence yet and venture to guess some yet to come will be why the grand jury handed down the indictments.

What I have seen to cause me to question their innocence:
-Angela looking for jobs and homes the day before and day of in Alaska
-Both boys died hair black near murders
-many stories of events don't match up in media reports (moved cause they got jobs, get up there and say they are looking for jobs)
-a gun list and ballistics appear to be in discovery
-boot research by Angela to accompany a possible boot imprint report
-multiple wal- mart trips to locations all across the region on different days (under the boot category)
-surveillance equipment purchased by Jake and recovered
-possible surveillance equipment or other electronics belonging to the victims may have been uncovered in the searches
-custody document potentially forged: why would that be necessary if there was no bad intent?
-Discovery implies a very lengthy custody conversation on Facebook 12/15/15
-something was recovered in the trash at a Jackson hotel- could be anything, maybe even dna from a cup or something on one of them
-silencer: was surely tested against the ballistics

I am likely missing a few as that is a quick list. These are things that cause me to question their innocence. A case was not built on 1 person but 4, for aggravated Murder. That seems like a huge risk that I don't believe the state would take lightly. I do agree it's now up to the state to demonstrate how all this and more proves the W4's guilt.
Good list. One major thing you didn't mention that I find very important. There's witness to W's, including FW, planning revenge on LE if and when they were arrested. That includes revenge on each other if needed. It also includes plans for escape if any were arrested. I don't know, do innocent, wrongly-accused, upstanding pilars of their community talk of such things?
Possible, but I'm not 100% it's his alias. What better profession though if you were into doing things you shouldn't. Pose as a man of the cloth.

I wasn't intending to reference Billy as a lay minister. I was just adding up that there are so many ministry references in general around all this and historical references to Piketon RR2. I apologize if the vagueness led to confusion.

The case against Angela and "William" was in '03. George 4 would have only been 12 years old. I think "William" is Billy, but if not then who else might it be?
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Thanks Johnny, I missed that lawnmower thing also. Wasn't it GR Dad, RIP, who said his son was shot with two different caliber bullets?

Kenneth Rhoden, Gary's dad said that Gary was shot 3 times.
It was the autopsy report that said Gary was shot with larger caliber bullets.

I don't see anything about Gary being shot with 2 different caliber bullets. If anyone finds that please post and link. Thankx.

“My nephew was laying one way and Gary was laying over his legs. Shot three times in the head,” Kenneth Rhoden said.
'It’s a sad day, a very sad day:' Father attends first Rhoden funeral

".....His cousin, Gary Rhoden, 38, was found dead in the same trailer; a "muzzle stain" on the side of his head indicates one of the three shots he received to the head was made with the gun pressed against him.
Information about the kind of bullets found was not included in the reports..... "
Rhoden family massacre: Autopsy reports indicate one victim was awake when fatally shot
  • Larger caliber bullets were used to kill 37-year-old Gary Rhoden.
  • Gary Rhoden (age 37): Three “contact” wounds (head).
.........Rhodens shot in head at point-blank range
When did the meeting get rescheduled for? Tysm

"A status hearing set for early Tuesday morning in the ongoing legal proceedings against multiple murder suspect Edward “Jake” Wagner was indefinitely postponed......."

No reason was publicly given for the postponement and according to an official of the Pike County Court of Common Pleas, no new date has been set for the hearing."

Status hearing for Edward Wagner postponed - Portsmouth Daily Times

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Kenneth Rhoden, Gary's dad said that Gary was shot 3 times.
It was the autopsy report that said Gary was shot with larger caliber bullets.

I don't see anything about Gary being shot with 2 different caliber bullets. If anyone finds that please post and link. Thankx.

“My nephew was laying one way and Gary was laying over his legs. Shot three times in the head,” Kenneth Rhoden said.
'It’s a sad day, a very sad day:' Father attends first Rhoden funeral

".....His cousin, Gary Rhoden, 38, was found dead in the same trailer; a "muzzle stain" on the side of his head indicates one of the three shots he received to the head was made with the gun pressed against him.
Information about the kind of bullets found was not included in the reports..... "
Rhoden family massacre: Autopsy reports indicate one victim was awake when fatally shot
  • Larger caliber bullets were used to kill 37-year-old Gary Rhoden.
  • Gary Rhoden (age 37): Three “contact” wounds (head).
.........Rhodens shot in head at point-blank range

Thanks. This video doesn’t state what you are in search of. Each time I watch it, I feel so heart broken for this man.
A few things he says- “more than one, I’d say more than 2” and ‘worked at the Bear Lake, him, Chris, and TWO more boys”. Does anyone know if Billy might have worked at BBL?

Herd disposal sale. Adorable pets and incredibly delicious.:
"We love our adorable Kunes; However, at 77 years I have grown too old to care for them without help.
Therefore, I really need to sell all or most of them. Prices are very reasonable."
"These pigs are all descendants of our original imported registered stock. See our website KuneKune Pigs, KuneKune Pigs in the USA, KuneKune Pigs in America, American KuneKune Pigs, KuneKune Pigs Ohio, Ohio KuneKune Pigs, USA KuneKunes, Kune Kune Pigs, Kune Kune, Mini Pigs, Pet Pigs, KuneKune Breeders, USA KuneKune Breeders
However, over the years, the paperwork became far too much work and expense. I simply could not keep
up with it. So these Kunes sell without registrations. We find they sell just as well without papers."


Thanks. This video doesn’t state what you are in search of. Each time I watch it, I feel so heart broken for this man.
A few things he says- “more than one, I’d say more than 2” and ‘worked at the Bear Lake, him, Chris, and TWO more boys”. Does anyone know if Billy might have worked at BBL?

That is too hard to watch again. I hope he is at peace...
Thanks Johnny, I missed that lawnmower thing also. Wasn't it GR Dad, RIP, who said his son was shot with two different caliber bullets?
Yes, Kennth was doing a news report a short time after the murders, while he was talking about it he almost broke down in tears telling all of us how his boy was killed and drugged from the living room down the hallway to the back bedroom and his body was lying across Big Chris legs. It’s a shame that someone would do a thing like this and after months go by hiding like animals the whole family want to make all of us believe their lies even the 76 year old Grandma, if I was at that age I would worry more about explaining it to the lord instead of sitting in front of the judge looking like what did I do that no way the LE is lying on me! JMO
Herd disposal sale. Adorable pets and incredibly delicious.:
"We love our adorable Kunes; However, at 77 years I have grown too old to care for them without help.
Therefore, I really need to sell all or most of them. Prices are very reasonable."
"These pigs are all descendants of our original imported registered stock. See our website KuneKune Pigs, KuneKune Pigs in the USA, KuneKune Pigs in America, American KuneKune Pigs, KuneKune Pigs Ohio, Ohio KuneKune Pigs, USA KuneKunes, Kune Kune Pigs, Kune Kune, Mini Pigs, Pet Pigs, KuneKune Breeders, USA KuneKune Breeders
However, over the years, the paperwork became far too much work and expense. I simply could not keep
up with it. So these Kunes sell without registrations. We find they sell just as well without papers."



Here's what I keep thinking about. If this whole thing is solely about custody of the young girl. Why did BCI seize her business records? I'm not talking personal family documents. She right out stated they took records of her non profits and businesses.

Here's what I keep thinking about. If this whole thing is solely about custody of the young girl. Why did BCI seize her business records? I'm not talking personal family documents. She right out stated they took records of her non profits and businesses.

Tiff23fr..possibly to see if she was moving money to help fund this? Pay for weapons, the AK trip? That's the only thing I can think of right off. It's going to be a long summer waiting for a trial to start, that's for certain. Does anyone know if the trails will be televised?
Herd disposal sale. Adorable pets and incredibly delicious.:
"We love our adorable Kunes; However, at 77 years I have grown too old to care for them without help.
Therefore, I really need to sell all or most of them. Prices are very reasonable."
"These pigs are all descendants of our original imported registered stock. See our website KuneKune Pigs, KuneKune Pigs in the USA, KuneKune Pigs in America, American KuneKune Pigs, KuneKune Pigs Ohio, Ohio KuneKune Pigs, USA KuneKunes, Kune Kune Pigs, Kune Kune, Mini Pigs, Pet Pigs, KuneKune Breeders, USA KuneKune Breeders
However, over the years, the paperwork became far too much work and expense. I simply could not keep
up with it. So these Kunes sell without registrations. We find they sell just as well without papers."
Dudly, you deserve a sleuthing award for this!
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