OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #12

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IMO. I believe she may be mentioning things like this because she has been questioned by LE more than once in the last few weeks.
Im thinking they asked her if she noticed any bullets or casings and her reply was she didn't I don't think it means they weren't there like you said she probably was not looking for them

I agree. The writing of the article really messes with the head.
Interesting story at cincinnati.com. A very detailed account of Bobby Jo. It answers some questions, and raises new ones. Up to now, we were always given the impression that Bobby Jo was alone when she found the bodies. Yet, there were indications on the 911 tape that she wasn't alone. It has now been confirmed that she was not alone:

Question: How many people does it take to feed a dog and some chickens? I am really, really curious who the friend and the wife are. Why did she arrive with 2 other people? Perhaps these were all "employees" of the "family business".

At the very end of the 911 I hear Bobby Jo say "please don't hurt me", and then a male voice says "good job". This is just what I hear, but other people listening to it have heard something different. I encourage everone here on websleuths to listen again to the 911 call with good quality headphones. It almost seems to me that someone was coaching her to make the 911 call. Why did Bobby Jo have to make the 911 call? I woud think that the other two people (who I presume are not related but who knows) would be more composed, because they are not related to the victims. Were the other 2 people riding in Bobby Jo's car? That seems strange. There sure was no shortage of cars, and one would think that a married couple would own at least one car to share. I think that the 2 other people drove by themselves. They may have arrived before Bobby Jo, or later.

There seems to be a contrast between Bobby "I was not leaving those babies in there" and her brother, who did leave the baby in the house. I find it odd that he backed out of the trailer, but I guess people in shock may act in surprising ways.

Although this account is closer to the truth than what we were made to believe before. There are still lingering questions. According to LM's account, she went into Frankie's house first, contradicting this news story.

Hmmm I'll have to find the recording and listen again, but you would think if that is there LE would have already made an arrest because surely they could hear it
While I find BJM's interview 100% believable. I'd like to know if she normally had people with her when she did the chores.

Yes I was surprised to read that she had people with her too. I guess that those who heard others in the background were completely right!
I'm sorry. Whut? LOL. *brain fried*

Sorry. It was in the new article. I used all my free reads up so I can't go back to get the exact quote, but she said she thought her friends might have went in behind her or after her at the scenes....friend /friends.
Sorry. It was in the new article. I used all my free reads up so I can't go back to get the exact quote, but she said she thought her friends might have went in behind her or after her at the scenes....friend /friends.

Clear your history and cookies and it will let you back in the article
Is somebody really going to take the time to come in through a window to murder somebody and/or go out the window after murdering somebody? Unless it would be quieter to come in through a window as to not alert someone versus breaking the door in and/or the door lock? I guess depending on whether the trailer doors had added locks possibly or different type of locks than what we normally think of as being on a trailer door?

And if walking into a crime scene/murder scene where you see nothing but blood and you don't specifically notice the person has been shot, are you really going to think to look for shell casings?? Thoughts??
BBM-I thought about her saying that a lot and that quote from her likely could of been from a question that reporter asked her. We don't know what he asked her. Just :moo:
I don't think BJM is involved in any way, shape, or form... BUT I did find it odd that she couldn't remember if someone followed her inside one of the trailers or how/what led to her brother finding Dana, Hanna, & ChrisJr. But then again, after witnessing that horrifying scene... I'm not sure if I'd be able to remember my own name.

I also noticed she said it surprised her to find both doors locked, so I wonder if that means they were typically unlocked? If so, the killer/s may have just walked inside without knocking. I think it's possible they were let inside by someone at Chris SR's house and then exited the bedroom window, but I doubt they were let in at FR's because both FR & HG were found in their bed. She didn't mention any other blood being visible anywhere other than the bedroom either (so he probably wasn't placed there after the fact).
"heard of" and experiencing it are totally different. I hear of a lot of things. As I said "you can make them out of oil filters so it may not help at all".

OK, I heard of it on the local news describing how a crime was committed when a guy shot his parents so he would inherit their house. He taped a two liter bottle on a shotgun barrel for a silencer. Is that good enough?
Sorry. It was in the new article. I used all my free reads up so I can't go back to get the exact quote, but she said she thought her friends might have went in behind her or after her at the scenes....friend /friends.

Oh, gotcha! Thanks!
Is somebody really going to take the time to come in through a window to murder somebody and/or go out the window after murdering somebody? Unless it would be quieter to come in through a window as to not alert someone versus breaking the door in and/or the door lock? I guess depending on whether the trailer doors had added locks possibly or different type of locks than what we normally think of as being on a trailer door?

And if walking into a crime scene/murder scene where you see nothing but blood and you don't specifically notice the person has been shot, are you really going to think to look for shell casings?? Thoughts??

I imagine that climbing through a window in a trailor home is risky. In a small trailer with several people (including babies) there is a large chance someone might wake up. And it is difficult to defend yourself while climbing through a window. I don't know why someone would climb out the window. It would be much easier to go out the front or the back door (depending on the type of lock, you might also be able to lock the door behind you). If you climbed in or out the window, would you leave it then wide open? It would make sense to lock the doors if possible so that it may take more time for the bodies to be discovered. The perpetrators
have to go to several locations, so they need enough time for that. But would one then leave the window wide open??

I think the open windows were staged. I think the murderer(s) may have had a key, or knew where the key was. I think this was an "inside job". Some family member, "employee" or close "business partner" was involved.

This is the back of FR's I believe, I'm not sure if it was this picture, I thought there was a SS of a still of the back of CRsr's where the window looked pretty clearly open, but maybe it was the back of FR's? The window furthest to the left on the back of the house looks like it could be open when compared to the other, but it could be the angle. I felt the other picture we had looked to be more definitively open. I can't remember. It's all blurring together.

This is a SS I took from watching through a few videos. - so I do NOT know if this is remotely what the picture was we had the discussion about previously.

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This newscast is from 12:50pm, and check out the headline: "2 adults, 5 children killed." Just goes to show the chaos of the day, and rampant misinformation. Exactly why I'm hesitant to speculate on who was found where and when, with any degree of certainty, until I see official reports.

Still have a suspicion that CRjr may have found outside, or somewhere else on the property, due to the ambiguous statement in the most recent article.

It goes into a decent amount of detail about HR being found shot in bed, with her baby, etc...and then says hardly anything about him, or his mom for that matter. Makes me think there is something peculiar about their place of death, and LE is keeping it secret because it's a detail only the killer would know.
The last article where BJM described finding everyone and getting the children out, broke my heart. It is clear to me that the 3-year-old saw something he never should of seen. It sounds like he is with his mother though, so I pray he is getting ALOT of extra attention and love. Thank God the children were spared and the 2 youngest won't remember a thing. IMO-with the 2 windows being open, that is exactly how the suspect(s) got in & out of both trailers. And they had been in the trailers previously to know that they were bedroom windows.

I think in this news report it shows the back of a trailer

That's the video I was thinking of. Thank you for finding it. Driving myself nuts trying to find the earlier discussion about the open window and something about the back door.
Remember in the beginning when they said..

"It was a sophisticated operation and those who carried it out were trying to do everything they could do to hinder the investigation and their prosecution," DeWine told CNN. "


Things like the doors being locked, the windows being opened, potentially money on KR, potentially missing cameras from KR's.. These adults killed while in bed, some with unharmed children in the beds.. We all know they've had their hands full.. Plus with all of the other twists and turns with the pot and everything else.

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Sorry. It was in the new article. I used all my free reads up so I can't go back to get the exact quote, but she said she thought her friends might have went in behind her or after her at the scenes....friend /friends.

I access their articles and the Chillicothe paper from my Twitter account. It always tells me I'm viewing my last free article.

That seems to work for a number of newspapers that I frequently churn through.
The folks who were with BJM...maybe someone in the area familiar with and comfortable with gamecocks?

Dunno. Interesting as to who it might be.
This newscast is from 12:50pm, and check out the headline: "2 adults, 5 children killed." Just goes to show the chaos of the day, and rampant misinformation. Exactly why I'm hesitant to speculate on who was found where and when, with any degree of certainty, until I see official reports.

Still have a suspicion that CRjr may have found outside, or somewhere else on the property, due to the ambiguous statement in the most recent article.

It goes into a decent amount of detail about HR being found shot in bed, with her baby, etc...and then says hardly anything about him, or his mom for that matter. Makes me think there is something peculiar about their place of death, and LE is keeping it secret because it's a detail only the killer would know.

I agree. It appears Dana's house was the only crime scene that wasn't seen by anyone other than the perpetrators and LE. There were also other reports referencing Chris, Jr. very early on that were very odd. Some stated he was found at KR's, another stated a 16 year-old boy had killed his entire family and then himself and of course there have been the rumblings about his body being found in the woods. I think there may be something different about how Chris Jr. died that only the killers know.
maybe you don't hear a .22 but you hear a 9mm or a .380 the shots would have been ringing through them hills and the coon dogs would be going crazy without doubt.

As I said, a .380 or 9mm with a subsonic round (or a .38) and even a pillow as a "silencer" would be quiet enough for people in neighboring trailers/houses to sleep through in the middle of the night.
These aren't rocky canyons, there are trees and bushes (and cars) everywhere. And those coon dogs may not have slept through it, but they probably bark every night. Sounds that happen regularly don't tend to wake people up, ask someone who lives near a railroad crossing.
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