OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #12

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I'm bringing this video from youtube...


I see the backhoe behind the fence, there. There's an awful lot of vehicles in there.
Yes, after this particular question they asked him about his daughter and he told them she would give the shirt off her back.
But, the question about having any suspicions was not asking about Dana. Oh well, many times things we hear can tend to run together. I was curious what information he thinks they can get at the nursing home regarding suspicions.

He's upset that people are dragging his daughter's name through the mud. So, he's directing people to Dana's colleagues at the nursing home. No need to take his word for her character, go ask the people who worked with her. He's confident they'll confirm that she was a good person.
Find the Go Fund Me for the funerals. She's right there....

Meant to quote the poster asking for info on the dog rescuer. Sorry!
I just consulted my copy of Forensics for Dummies (I'm not kidding... lol) for information about abrasions and contusions:

If the muzzle of a gun was two or more feet away when fired, the entrance wound is usually a small hole with an abrasion collar (a blue-black bruising effect in a halo around the point of entry). If the muzzle was between six inches and two feet away from the point of entry, the skin may appear tattooed or stippled. This effect is the result of tiny particles of gunpowder discharged from the muzzle embedded in the skin, causing tiny hemorrhages in a speckled pattern around the wound.

Surprisingly, bruising a corpse is also possible; however, because a contusion depends upon blood leaking from injured vessels, creating a bruise in a body through which the blood has stopped flowing isn't easy. A sufficiently forceful blow to a corpse may damage blood vessels and cause blood to leak into the area of impact.

The color of a contusion is the result of a predictable color-change process. The color process typically goes from dark blue to a lighter blue to a greenish-yellow to a brownish-yellow and fades completely around day 14.

If a victim suffers a contusing blow many minutes or hours before death, the resulting bruise is fairly diffuse and widespread (larger) around the area of impact. However, if the blow is struck only minutes before or after the TOD, the bruise is smaller and more clearly defined, primarily because the blood didn't have time to seep into and spread through the tissues before death occurred.
The dogs are the surviving members in a murder case! I'm just curious, usually you would hear. If they so ferocious, where are they?
Those children who I hope didn't see anything, I'm leaving out.

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I do recall the AG (I believe) stated the FBI was there to assist. Thanks.

I saw all of this also. In my original post the question should have been worded, why isn't the FBI LEADING ​this case?
I saw all of this also. In my original post the question should have been worded, why isn't the FBI LEADING ​this case?

I made a lengthy post on this way back in the beginning. The FBI can't just swoop in and take over if they don't have jurisdiction. That's not how it works. I'll see if I can find my other post.
I've been absolutely fascinated and in complete shock of this crime. My initial impressions that it's drug related, but I am even more confused and frustrated that a crime that seems so personal hasn't found the culprit. I know eventually we will, but this is one hell of an unusual case.
I listened again also and don't make it out to be don't hurt me. When I had first listened I thought the wail was something like "who could..." or something along those lines. Whatever is said in the background however is cut off by the hang-up so it is hard to reach any conclusions about it.

I don't believe she was talking to a kid, however. I think she went to the other home--where the kids were--after the 911 call.

I just listened again too... to me it sounds like she says... "oh god I gotta check on Frankie"
I saw all of this also. In my original post the question should have been worded, why isn't the FBI LEADING ​this case?

Here is one of my posts from thread 4

the FBI is rigid. Very rigid. There are procedures and protocol to follow. The sheriff can't just say come in and take over. It is not in the FBI jurisdiction. The sheriff can say come in and help us. Which they ARE doing. The FBI can't just come in and take over any case if not in there jurisdiction and their jurisdiction is limited. In my opinion they do have the top top top because they have BCI who is familiar with these types of cases. Also, why would you want someone coming in from a FBI field office that doesn't know anything about that area. It would take them a lot of checking up to do. I'd imagine and I think I read in a press release that Cincinnati FBI offered assistance. It's not like they would send someone from DC. This is a small town murder investigation.

IF this case was in FBI jurisdiction, then they can and would have already taken over. They haven't. They have only offered assistance. Which would mean that a lot of the theories floating around are not correct. To me it's easy to see that this isn't a "gang" or cartel or organized crime. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12505925
I have listened to 911 tapes and do hear" please don't hurt me" it was back on 27th. 2nd call did strike me as " fake" so to speak.
Going further down the rabbit hole!

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I saw all of this also. In my original post the question should have been worded, why isn't the FBI LEADING ​this case?

And here's another post from thread 4 also

Their investigative authority is that rigid. The only reason they did the San Bernardino case was because it involved an act of terrorism. The FBI rarely does murder cases unless it violent crimes against children or it involves organized crime. In fact, if it were me, I wouldn't want the FBI in charge because they don't have a lot of experience in that area. They do have labs and logistics that can be utilized... and they are. Most FBI cases involve a lot of research and a lot of time in the office. The actual FBI is not like it shows in tv shows and movies. The FBI does a lot of white collar crimes. To see a complete list of what the FBI does, you can see it here: https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/what_we_investigate http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12505665
Here is my idea as to why the trailers were all moved to a secure location. The "industrial park" where they moved them to has 24 hour guards. Possibly they are close to indictments being dropped on the perps as Grand Jury's normally meet on Fridays in Pike County (unless of course a special one is convened) so they are making sure the trailers are kept intact (no arsons) as they need them for their case (just in case a jury would want to see where each body was located) JMO

In case this had not been posted:

Im going to still have to agree with 30 years of experience from a journalist. Ummm if you bury a body it's not as easy to go back and look at if you may have missed something. Also it's not preserved. Keep beating your head off that wall.

As long as people keep misunderstanding what the FBI does, and how they interact with other law enforcement agencies I may have to.
Why aren't they leading this case? Because that isn't what they do.

Also, that same journalist posted video of crime scene trucks and called them SWAT. Agree with him all you like.
My heart goes out for the little ones. They woke up one day and everyone they are familiar with gone for good. How devastating it is? The 4 day old just knew the moms love and warmth for 4 days only. 😢
I hope it's not at against TOS for writing this.
ok so 100-150 cars plus 4 mobile homes, seems extreme IMO. They didn't really delay getting the bodies in the ground which I thought would take much longer. I would assume with any type of struggle evidence would be left on the victims. Honestly this investigation gets stranger and stranger by the day. With all of this going on and being as extreme as it is. I don't know how the FBI hasn't just stepped in? It seems as if 8 bodies,100-150 cars, 4 mobile homes, rooster raising, weed growing, LLCs, auto sales and atleast a few altercations that per FB left some hot heads would just be to much for ANY local to handle.

The FBI would only step in if asked by the state or if the crime crossed state lines then it would become their jurisdiction. They are involved, but not the lead agency which my suggest that the investigators don't consider this a crime that crossed state lines. That in and of itself could rule out the KY/WV theories.
I don't know that he knows who did it, but he seems to be very angry with LE. And I have always been curious about him telling the media to go talk to the place where Dana worked....like they would know something. He seems like he is about ready to bust a gut, wanting to tell something so badly, but couldn't.

I also found it curious in a later interview when he told the killers if they could live with it, he could live with it and that he had no revenge in his heart. I found that particular interview strange and felt like he had someone in mind at that interview.....someone he was either close to or scared of. It was like he was basically saying "no hard feelings". It just seemed so strange, plus he mentioned revenge in the first interview, but now makes it a point to say he has no revenge in his heart. It was almost like he was reassuring someone. Weird!

I took his comment to mean - if you want to know what kind of person Dana was, to go ask her employer.
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