OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #13

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BTW, rsd1200, what happened to your earlier post? I thought you made some very good points.
If they waited for Hannah to have the baby for some sort of pro-life reasons, well.... that's pretty damn ironic.

I am not saying they were "pro lifers" in the political sense. I am just saying they did not want to kill the children and killing a ready to deliver mother would have indeed be killing that child....which they did not want to do.
(still new at how to post replies here so pls be forgiving)
I had that question in an older post. See response.
ALSO wondering...Whatever the healthcare business is, if it's already been in existence (i.e. home health visits, etc) could that business have been billing Medicare or other payor sources?

Good thought and LM did mention in his interview something along the lines of DR going into homes to take care of people (verbatim).
Still not buying it. Surely, LE would have received some reliable information from the informant(s) -- enough that the killer(s) were convinced they had to kill eight people in cold blood. I doubt LE would've made a deal with the Rhodens without having some solid information about the people the Rhodens were dealing with. LE's actions the last three weeks do not lead me to believe they're zeroing in on a motive or suspect. I could be wrong, of course. But the informant angle seems far-fetched to me.
I don't think they are very close yet either, but I think this is persons who would only come to light, when other people may be brought down by the Rhodens turning informants w/in the past few weeks. I'm not sold on that theory either, hence the second theory. Either way, I'm thinking two people, one is more evil than the other, and the same theories w/close to them, and the rest of it pretty much. But when one works as a narc w/LE it's a dicey game on their end. People who find out, someone is narcing, tend to hate those folks, most especially if they are in the least bit of danger of being found out themselves.
Is it unusual for a specially trained officer charged with two murders and tampering with evidence to be out on bond? I thought Florida was easy on criminals, but that just takes the cake, because there's a number of no bonds in Pike County for drugs. I guess Ohio feels drug dealers are worse than murderers being this is out of the county's hands and being handled by the AG's office.

Wonder if thinking you are going to be convicted and sent to prison for a long time is motive enough to take a family....for whatever reason. Of course assuming that he's thinking he's going to be convicted. Or, taking them out so he's not convicted. Just thinking ...
So, I'm trying to piece things together here. Sorry if this has already been discussed.
Bobbi Jo says that the doors were locked, but there was a wide open window at both CRsr/GR's property, and FR/HG's property.
That could suggest that the perpetrators entered through an open window, but then she goes on to say that the pit bulls were on the porch.
The pit bulls probably wouldn't have left through the windows, right?
I can't find the Circuit Court records for Pike County, only county records.
This is 1084 Left Fork. Chris had property at 799 Left Fork as well- with a trailer on it. Distance between the two? About 500 feet

I am so confused on this - so, where KR lived there is his place and another trailer/camper there. Did someone live there and/or is that what is considered 799 Left Fork OR is 799 Left Fork another address that is completely separate from this spot where KR's camper and the other camper are? Thanks in advance.
BTW, rsd1200, what happened to your earlier post? I thought you made some very good points.

Thanks, and I think it is still there, I went back to look, and I can see it.
I am so confused on this - so, where KR lived there is his place and another trailer/camper there. Did someone live there and/or is that what is considered 799 Left Fork OR is 799 Left Fork another address that is completely separate from this spot where KR's camper and the other camper are? Thanks in advance.

Kenneth's location is not at 799 Left Fork, exactly. 799 Left Fork is across the road and a bit down from where Kenneth was living, and is occupied by a member of the family who was not murdered.
I am so confused on this - so, where KR lived there is his place and another trailer/camper there. Did someone live there and/or is that what is considered 799 Left Fork OR is 799 Left Fork another address that is completely separate from this spot where KR's camper and the other camper are? Thanks in advance.

At one point in time, the other trailer had an occupant I'm pretty sure (unless they previously lived in KR's trailer). I think that KR moved into the one he lived in, after his divorce, as he used to live at another location. KRs actual address was 1084 Left Fork, but KS reported it on the 911 call as being near 799 Left Fork, which is where a Rhoden relative lives. I think this caused the confusion.
I am right there with ya! That was my 1st theory on this case. Have you checked out the new drug "shatter" it was found at the post office just 3 months prior, lead them to a few 'cook houses' in Pike county. It's made up of marijuana. So yea they could of known something...... Or someone.....idk.
The taillights on the car on the roll back look very similar to a 1995 Chevy Lumina tail lights.

I'm asking generally, but is it possible to replace a tail light on say a Chevy Cavalier with a tail light from a Chevy Lumina? Are tail lights specific to cars or can you swap parts, not necessarily those 2 cars. But we know the Rhoden's were good with cars, so just because the tail lights look one way doesn't mean the car is that model? Or am I way off base and that isn't possible?

I'm a terrible writer, I could re-write this 50 times and it probably still wouldn't make sense. I try though.....
I am right there with ya! That was my 1st theory on this case. Have you checked out the new drug "shatter" it was found at the post office just 3 months prior, lead them to a few 'cook houses' in Pike county. It's made up of marijuana. So yea they could of known something...... Or someone.....idk.

Sorry haven't completely gotten use to this mobile websleuths
So, I'm trying to piece things together here. Sorry if this has already been discussed.
Bobbi Jo says that the doors were locked, but there was a wide open window at both CRsr/GR's property, and FR/HG's property.
That could suggest that the perpetrators entered through an open window, but then she goes on to say that the pit bulls were on the porch.
The pit bulls probably wouldn't have left through the windows, right?

I'm sure they were let out the front door, taser or pepperspray them to get them out, give them treats, a person would probably be a good dog handler, or love dogs not to have shot them. They murdered eight people, shot them in the head to make sure they were dead, yet not one dog was hurt and outside.
I'm asking generally, but is it possible to replace a tail light on say a Chevy Cavalier with a tail light from a Chevy Lumina? Are tail lights specific to cars or can you swap parts, not necessarily those 2 cars. But we know the Rhoden's were good with cars, so just because the tail lights look one way doesn't mean the car is that model? Or am I way off base and that isn't possible?

I'm a terrible writer, I could re-write this 50 times and it probably still wouldn't make sense. I try though.....

Tail lights are different sizes and shapes for different cars and not interchangeable you can purchase after market lights for vehicles but again they are still made specifically for make and model aftermarket lights are mainly just for appearance
I don't think they are very close yet either, but I think this is persons who would only come to light, when other people may be brought down by the Rhodens turning informants w/in the past few weeks. I'm not sold on that theory either, hence the second theory. Either way, I'm thinking two people, one is more evil than the other, and the same theories w/close to them, and the rest of it pretty much. But when one works as a narc w/LE it's a dicey game on their end. People who find out, someone is narcing, tend to hate those folks, most especially if they are in the least bit of danger of being found out themselves.
Inside Job was said bye who those words stick out but can't think what official said that or if it was confirmed. But everytime I look at the different theories I keep hearing "inside job" at beginning when they said the found Plants. Who said that and is there an official that no longer speaks about the case that did in the beginning. If so he may have the most authentic statements. I feel Dewine is careful with what he say but believe the sheriff statements may be used to deceive and trick the offenders.

Something about out timelines don't add up. Same with locations. I don't Facebook because but when I do I relize 5 out of 2 people have issues and I look as it more an overrated reality TV show and not much good comes from it 98% of the time.
So, I'm trying to piece things together here. Sorry if this has already been discussed.
Bobbi Jo says that the doors were locked, but there was a wide open window at both CRsr/GR's property, and FR/HG's property.
That could suggest that the perpetrators entered through an open window, but then she goes on to say that the pit bulls were on the porch.
The pit bulls probably wouldn't have left through the windows, right?

Yeah, I'm not feeling the window theories. I had a horrible thought, since I think either way it plays out the assailant(s) are known to the family. It starts at CR1s, then, moves to FRs, FR answers the door to who he thinks is people he'd not be wary of. They draw down on him. He's not going to jeopardize his children, and fiance, so he'd walk back to the bedroom and do as they say. Hoping if he does they'll just leave, but they don't. As far as the toddler, I've seen them sleep through unimaginable noise, and then something minute wake them. I'm thinking the toddler, very fortunately, slept through it. Same goes down at DRs, one holds her at bay, and goes to the kid's rooms, or they shoot her immediately after entry, and each takes a kid's room. There almost has to be two assailants.
Kenneth's location is not at 799 Left Fork, exactly. 799 Left Fork is across the road and a bit down from where Kenneth was living, and is occupied by a member of the family who was not murdered.

Which brings us all back to "why" was he left alone?
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