OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #13

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So, I'm kind of just jumping in blindly here, as I don't have time to catch up on the last two weeks of discussion.
I have been keeping up with news stories as much as possible, though.
I see there is still mention of IJ going on. At this point, it just doesn't click for me. If IJ or someone associated with him had anything to do with this, why would Kenneth also be targeted? Sure, he's a Rhoden, but there are other Rhodens close by, too. Rhodens who were closer in age to CRjr. Why would they not have been targeted?
I'm curious about that too...I wonder if maybe someone was on the phone or had texted KR about threats

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Which brings us all back to "why" was he left alone?

That's where I'm having trouble.
Other Rhodens/Manleys were very nearby to the scenes, and left unharmed. What did the people who were murdered have in common? We know that Kenneth had cannabis plants in his garage, but from what Donald said, those seem to have been left untouched.
I mentioned this before, but I also think it's possible that Kenneth's death was a crime of opportunity. Someone heard about the Rhodens being killed, and took it upon themselves to settle an issue they had with Kenneth, knowing that it would be assumed he was killed by the same people who killed his family.
Tail lights are different sizes and shapes for different cars and not interchangeable you can purchase after market lights for vehicles but again they are still made specifically for make and model aftermarket lights are mainly just for appearance

Just saw this pic, good pic of people in white suits, crime uniform imo

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For some reason...I think KR was the main target. And if it wasn't someone close, maybe they didn't know where he lived...He was paranoid for a reason.
Thanks, I've read every thing and watched everything there is to find. And nothing excludes him, on the contrary - the absolute silence of LE seems to point in that direction. Can you imagine if this person knows everything about everyone? He could have been the person picking up the "protection" $ (night shift) and familiar to the family. I alluded to him way back and stopped because I wasn't sure about TOS. But he's already been indicted and I can't stay silent - we owe 8 people the best we've got.

Your observations, IMO, offer plausible explanations for (1) the apparent very slow pace of this investigation (2) the very, very, distraught affect of the sheriff at the beginning of all of this (3) the dog questions--where were they and/or why weren't they dead (4) the apparent knowledge of the killer(s) of the layout/routine of the area and the victims.

Refresh my memory, this person is or is not in custody?
I think KR helped whether by choice or coercion. He was taken out last when he was no longer needed. I think Im alone in this theory.

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No, you're not alone in thinking that. It's one of the theories I keep coming back to.
DeWine's Cold Case website lists approximately 1,945 unsolved homicides.
That's where I'm having trouble.
Other Rhodens/Manleys were very nearby to the scenes, and left unharmed. What did the people who were murdered have in common? We know that Kenneth had cannabis plants in his garage, but from what Donald said, those seem to have been left untouched.
I mentioned this before, but I also think it's possible that Kenneth's death was a crime of opportunity. Someone heard about the Rhodens being killed, and took it upon themselves to settle an issue they had with Kenneth, knowing that it would be assumed he was killed by the same people who killed his family.
So, there was someone out there just itchin' to murder Kenneth? Then, in the two-hour window between when LE informed the public about the homicides and the time Kenneth's body was discovered, this person hurried over to Kenneth's to murder him (in broad daylight)? For one thing, the time of death, if it occurred before anyone discovered the other bodies, would obviously rule out this theory. For another, Kenneth would still have to be sleeping late in the morning or early in the afternoon.
If it's the second scenario, it could very well be family. When family kills family, it is usually within their homes, many times in their own beds, they know the routines, they know the floor plans and they know the pets. They'd have enough anger to kill the adults, but then it snowballed and they killed all, but the babies (who had never caused them any hurt). It could have been many years building up. Maybe they'd even talked about it w/another jealous family member. Fantasized about being rid of the ones who were as some might say, beloved of everyone else in the family and it seemed things were going right for them, even though they had this little illegal money-making venture, that they'd not allow these two family members to join. So, there's an altercation between the male family member(s) and the dust settles, but the jealous one has not forgotten it this time. So, he's going to stand up to this family member and, with little pre-planning, works himself into a rage, he may have been drinking, maybe with the first victim(s) at the time, (or with his accomplice), and goes off half-cocked, and murders his brother/cousin. All of a sudden he realizes it's not fantasy anymore, but reality. He cannot let anyone know, especially within the family,b/c they'd all hate him for what he has done. So, he does what he's wanted to do, and thought about, for so many times, to those he's both loved, and hated,all these years, but he'll just take himself (themselves) out at the very end as well. But he (they) proved to be nothing more than a coward(s) when all is said and done, and is still living amongst them. (Yes, I know it is very strange, but, it's just a thought.)
People are making too much of the dogs imo. A juicy steak with a strong sedative would easily take care of the dogs. LE probably should've taken blood samples from the dogs that first morning.

If they were drugged, it's a pretty big clue that it was someone not well known to the family most likely.
In an internew, it was said that the "two pitbulls were outside on the front porch, one sitting in a recliner. The animals usually stayed inside the trailer...." So, whoever did this, let the dogs out. And the dogs knew them.
I am not in the "they waited for the baby to be born" camp. I really just think that is a coincidence. Now, they may have waited for Hannah to get out of the hospital or just knew she was out, so they could eliminate all of the adults. But, let's just give some thought to them waiting until the baby was born, if they did? Why wait? Well, if they did it before the baby was born, then Hannah would have been very pregnant with a full term baby. If they killed a pregnant lady, they in essence more than likely would also kill her baby, since there would be no telling how soon someone could get to the baby in the womb. So, once again....they did not want to kill the children, in the womb or out of the womb. Make sense? That is the ONLY reason I can think they would wait until the baby was born.

Waiting until HR had her baby and was back home may simply have been the only way to ensure that the rest of the family would be home and back to a more normal routine.

Anytime during the last weeks of pregnancy the killer(s) ran the very real risk that their plans could be interrupted by HR going into labor which would likely mean that there would be changes in the daily routines of at least DR & CRsr, and most likely the rest of the family except maybe GR & KR.
Some are confused over the definition of the word verbatim. The definition is, exactly the words that were used originally. I think some of you are looking for the word paraphrase, meaning to use different words than the original, especially to achieve clarity.
Waiting until HR had her baby and was back home may simply have been the only way to ensure that the rest of the family would be home and back to a more normal routine.

Anytime during the last weeks of pregnancy the killer(s) ran the very real risk that their plans could be interrupted by HR going into labor which would likely mean that there would be changes in the daily routines of at least DR & CRsr, and most likely the rest of the family except maybe GR & KR.
It's possible, I suppose. But if the killer(s) had minimal contact with the men -- and if that contact had to do with "business" only -- they may not have known the status of HR. All they cared about, maybe, is that they could catch all of the primary targets when they least expected it. How many killers were there? Did they strike simultaneously at more than one location? We don't know. But they probably were prepared to execute any potential witnesses at each scene.
Inside Job was said bye who those words stick out but can't think what official said that or if it was confirmed. But everytime I look at the different theories I keep hearing "inside job" at beginning when they said the found Plants. Who said that and is there an official that no longer speaks about the case that did in the beginning. If so he may have the most authentic statements. I feel Dewine is careful with what he say but believe the sheriff statements may be used to deceive and trick the offenders.

Something about out timelines don't add up. Same with locations. I don't Facebook because but when I do I relize 5 out of 2 people have issues and I look as it more an overrated reality TV show and not much good comes from it 98% of the time.
I can't find where they said "inside job" specifically but they did lead to believe it was very organized.
One (my original theory); If CRsr, FR, KR, were somehow working with LE, and their work was going to shed light on someone who did not want to go to prison for an extended period of time, either LE or private citizen, I can see this happening. The Rhodens would not have even had to realize that this person(s) knew that they were narcing, or that they were about to set something into motion on the assailant(s). So, the assailant(s) could have been known to them, even very well, and waltzed right in. Everyone had to go b/c the assailant(s) although known to frequent CR1s, but possibly only the Rhodens knew this, b/c of the assailant's standing in the community. Late night visits may not be out of the norm for this person(s). The assailant(s) was hardened enough, to, sweep the rooms of each home, and perform a final head-shot to each victim. Ensuring that there would be no way they'd survive that night.

Theory Two: At some point on Thursday evening, the assailant(s) were seen by every member of the family, with, or known to be with, CR1 (and/or GR, KR, etc..). A dispute erupts at CR1s, the assailant(s) pulls their weapons and kills CR1 & GR, thus putting into motion the rest of the night. Again, the person(s) sweeps the room at each home, and performs a head-shot to ensure no one survives.

(1) When you fire a gun, in close quarters, w/o headgear, it can be deafening. Even w/a silencer it is going to make some amount of sound. If someone came into your bedroom and shot your sleeping partner, most likely you would wake up, but you would be deafened and disoriented in the first moments, not really knowing what just happened, until you see the intruder(s), and then it is too late.

(2) I don't think the windows nor the locked trailer doors are a big deal. As someone stated on here earlier, the trailer doors could have been self-locking similar to motel room doors. I've lived in a trailer. They get hot, even in not really hot weather, and there's not really much shade there. Those windows appear to be open in the bedrooms, and I'd guess for a cross-breeze, and/or enjoying the night sounds. If someone is attempting to crawl through a 30" wide trailer window, in the middle of the night, with someone boosting them, into your bedroom window, then trailer or not, I'm pretty sure you'd hear them scrabbling around under the window, attempting to raise it, (if it wasn't open) to begin with, struggle through it, etc...(and, why raise a 2nd one?).

(3) We don't know what time KS left KR's trailer. What if KS left after KR went to sleep? He was supposed to spend the night but didn't. He could have left, after KR had fallen asleep, and KS didn't lock the trailer behind him. Then again, someone else stopped by, after KS left, and, like at CR1's, was well known to KR, and welcomed in. . . (my primary theory)

(4) We know there's 19 shots left over, but we don't know how many, if any, missed. We also do not know officially, and I may have missed that one, that there were zero shell casings left at the scenes. Shell casings don't fall into a neat little pile and the assailant(s) would probably have to comb around for them. That takes time. If they'd left prints on them, then they'd come for them though. Which leads me back to planned and no prints on shell casings (or use of a revolver).

(5) Jake found Dana, and then backed out. It didn't say where she was, at least that I can remember. But, he must have seen her fairly quickly to back out so quickly. I remember reading she was online at around 2 a.m. I think she let the assailant(s) right in. One could take care of her then both go pretty quickly to HR and CR2.

(6) One of them is most likely, (just a theory), a bit of a sociopath, and the other was doing what they had to do. I only say this b/c, it takes either a very hardened person, or a sociopath type person, to go from person to person and deliver a kill-shot to the head, especially to a 16 year old kid, and 19 & 20, year old females, with babies beside them, and that's why I think there was a second person just doing what they felt they had to do, and voted they spared the babies, and the other could not have cared less either way since the babies could not identify them, and acquiesced.

That's my two cents for now. I stepped away from it for most of the day yesterday and took a break. I just can't get this off of my mind though. . .

Not to nit-pic, but aren't the above bolded initials, and name wrong? There are so many names to recall that I can see how we all might make boo boos with name recollections.
That seems like a lot of unsolved murders under his watch.

Some of them go back to the 1950s. Ohio is also a well-populated state with several very large cities. I'll bet a good percentage of the unsolved cases come from those areas.

ETA: The number of unsolved homicides in the US is staggering: http://www.npr.org/2015/03/30/395069137/open-cases-why-one-third-of-murders-in-america-go-unresolved

Over 1800 unsolved murders just in the city of Atlanta since the 1960s: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/dec...its-greater-than-the-population-of-des-moines
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