OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #15

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You're right. When you're driven by a need like that, you're basically unstable on several levels. Every minute of your day is consumed in the where/when/who your next fix is coming from. You apply every angle you can to money and ways to manipulate it to your advantage. You look for loopholes in anything and everything at your disposal, and you can twist logic in some very, very, very unnatural ways. What was once immoral and seemed totally out of the realm of your comfort zone....becomes your norm. Basically? You spend your days conning yourself into throwing the things that ground you right out the window. I still think of those days and some of the crap I pulled and the people I knew...and my palms will sweat. I never killed anyone (or wanted to...), but had I kept going, I can right about bet that I would probably have ended up dead myself.

The people who deal this crap are not nice guys (or gals, as was the case with my primary supplier..). Two out of three are users themselves and sell to keep their habit running smoothly and a roof over their heads...but it's those sober ones you have to watch out for. They're the guys/gals who are out for the big money involved in this kind of thing....they don't use what they sell because it puts a huge dent in their profits-and they're looking for the money. Dealer A is looking to make enough to stay high....Dealer B is looking to get rich....

Yes, that's exactly it! An addict thinks short-term only. And strictly about the next high. An addict is not motivated by revenge, love, hate or any long-term benefit to self or others. They simply have no access.

Addicts are however in a position to be used by folks who have those kinds of motives. Important considerations in parsing out motive here.

The new tidbit about Gary opens up some new territory for speculation. While the arrest is kinda old (and wasn't something waived for successfully completing probation?), and he may have gotten clean, shooting up Xanax is pretty serious involvement. Not likely to have just gene cold turkey during 3 days in jail and then stayed clean. Really needs some serious rehab.

So IF Gary was an active addict, and the family was at least dabbling in enterprises connected to drugs and money (both powerful triggers for an addict), what might he have done (think selling and skimming profits or goods; theft of profits from other illegal endeavors), to bring down the wrath of somebody big. And might the rest of the family gotten dragged in to protect him?
Ok, thank you for addressing! I just think it's weird there was a no contact order put on the slapper 2 days earlier. Something like that can mess up people's jobs, etc.
mostly, I think too much mental credit is being given to DS to pull off a murder spree, unless I'm just reading it wrong. In my experience with opiate addicts as well, the don't have the capacity to do that muc work, they don't even know who they are or remember things so they can't pull off 8 murders without nodding out or getting dope sick.
ps opiate abuse should be the entire focus of political efforts right now

I was reading this morning and wondered if you'd seen this? I think LM is mistaken that it had been dropped, or maybe he wasn't satisfied w/the outcome. But it gave me more insight into the woman and her road rage incident w/CR2. It seems it was a bit more extreme than what I understood. I'm not convinced she had anything to do w/the murders but it is odd and coincidental w/the timing.
Are we allowed to link to an obituary of a young Rhoden who died less than a year ago? No idea about details of cause.
First time really posting though I've read every thread! I am glad to see I'm not the only one obsessed with this case! As a child, I was "in love" with Prince so I was devastated at learning of his death! The very next day this happened and I saw a link of it on FB. Needless to say, I've not read another single article on Prince!

Though I've never personally experimented with any sort of drugs outside of burning one in my younger days, I've dealt with addiction first hand! So a big round of applause to those of you who have removed yourself from those situations and have stayed sober!

As far as the Case, I have to believe, LE already knows who did this! IMO, they are getting everything and anything to make sure A. They have the right people and B. They have enough evidence to ensure their convictions. I think it will just be a matter of time before we know the details of who was shot how many times, the order in which it happened and why.

Personally, IMO, I can't even begin to imagine that this family had done anything to warrant execution, half of them are kids!

As an outsider, to me, it seems 2 motives possible. 1. They had something someone wanted or 2. Retaliation!

I know we shouldn't really take too much into account from FB, but some people have no filter as far as what they post! It's just there for whoever wants to see. I've found some discrepancies in just looking up certain people that have made statements to the press!
I was reading this morning and wondered if you'd seen this? I think LM is mistaken that it had been dropped, or maybe he wasn't satisfied w/the outcome. But it gave me more insight into the woman and her road rage incident w/CR2. It seems it was a bit more extreme than what I understood. I'm not convinced she had anything to do w/the murders but it is odd and coincidental w/the timing.

I believe that was determined not to be a reliable source for news?IIRC
I believe that was determined not to be a reliable source for news?IIRC

I usually just take everything they say with a grain of salt, but make a mental note.

For instance, this article states,

"Leonard's daughter Hanna had a baby girl four days before the massacre with the gunman also sparing the baby's life."

Which is obviously inaccurate.
I was thinking more along the lines of a one time event because of a tragic loss. A family that had just had too much, and maybe found out that, for example, GR had supplied their young person w/their last hit. They sit and stew on it and think that if it were not for GR and his kin, their loved one would be alive, and they have a sort of mental break, and rid the town of any more tragedy. It's like a cleansing. They even see that they've done a good job by the babies as they won't grow up in it. The don't see LM or BJM as a part of it so they bypass their homes that night.

I kind like it, except it sounds like the kind of grief/ remorse laden action that frequently ends in suicide by cop.
Are we allowed to link to an obituary of a young Rhoden who died less than a year ago? No idea about details of cause.

Thank you for self alerting and checking in with mods before posting about that young lady and her death. So far we have nothing that would indicate her death is related to this case. So for now, let's leave her in peace without linking her obituary.
I was reading this morning and wondered if you'd seen this? I think LM is mistaken that it had been dropped, or maybe he wasn't satisfied w/the outcome. But it gave me more insight into the woman and her road rage incident w/CR2. It seems it was a bit more extreme than what I understood. I'm not convinced she had anything to do w/the murders but it is odd and coincidental w/the timing.

I think I missed this the first time I read that article

Leonard Manley, 64, said he was angered by law enforcement revelations that marijuana 'growth operations' were found at three of the four death scenes.
In an exclusive interview with Daily Mail Online, he said he knew nothing about the dope installations uncovered at the homes, but said his family had been riven by tensions and recriminations since the beginning of the year.

I wonder what the tensions and recriminations were? Sounds like a family fight.

and this

She loved her kids. She would have died for them. She worked everyday.
'The rest of the family [her children] all seemed to be good…but I don't know about the rest of them [the other victims].'

Sounds like he didn't think much of his son in law or his son in law's family doesn't it? Food for thought.

The problem with this is its a un identified source, it's not LE or official. It could be family, friend, etc... Personally I just mentally noted it, until it's "officially" announced I'm not sure we can actually trust anything said there are too many discrepancies with all that has been said.

I completely understand that. Which is why I don't take DS's word on KR and the $$ as the gospel. KR's number of bullet wounds have never been confirmed by LE, that I've read, and the AG acts as if the $$$ was not there w/ KR (or that it was hugely exaggerated).
I was reading this morning and wondered if you'd seen this? I think LM is mistaken that it had been dropped, or maybe he wasn't satisfied w/the outcome. But it gave me more insight into the woman and her road rage incident w/CR2. It seems it was a bit more extreme than what I understood. I'm not convinced she had anything to do w/the murders but it is odd and coincidental w/the timing.

Yes, about 2/3 down page is the copy. It seems she was given community service and no contact http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-feet-shot-head-reveals-man-horror-scene.html

My daughter was not a morning person. I had to shove her out the door for the bus after much prodding. That doesn't make me, or BJM, or any other parent bad or suspicious. Some people can be there in the mornings for their kids. Some can't. Some choose not to.

We have 18 years with our kids (hopefully more than that on a daily basis), to be there with them... For them...
Yes, as parents we teach them how to be adults, if they do something wrong everyone asks "where were the parents?" If the parent is off finding other family members dead, some ask "why did she baby her 15 year old"
we can't have double standards.... Parents do the best they see fit. If she gets up in the morning to kiss her daughter and send her off for a good day of school, there's nothing wrong with that. This case is a perfect example of how short life can be and how precious every moment with our loved ones is...
I believe that was determined not to be a reliable source for news?IIRC

I've seen it used, and it doesn't have asterisks when attempting to post, however I do read w/caution. I have already posted the court paperwork to back up that the woman was in court the day prior to the murders, given two years probation, and 40 hours community service, and was told to stay away from the Rhodens. LM may not have known this at the time of the interview.
What if KR was an afterthought? Whether it was planned or it just happened, the killer realizes they have shot and killed 7 people. And as they are heading down the road they figure, I will stop and take care of KR, too. Maybe that's why he only got 1 bullet and seems harder to tie in with the rest?? Just a thought...
What if KR was an afterthought? Whether it was planned or it just happened, the killer realizes they have shot and killed 7 people. And as they are heading down the road they figure, I will stop and take care of KR, too. Maybe that's why he only got 1 bullet and seems harder to tie in with the rest?? Just a thought...

That's a good thought. I've often wondered how the route would work. If you were coming from the closest town which roads would make sense? If from the highway, which way would make sense? While I think there's been enough uncovered to link them, you just never know.
I lost weight when I was using, but even at that...I wasn't stick thin or covered in track marks by any means. Nobody outside of the people I used and purchased from, including my parents, knew I had an issue. While I'm sure they sensed I was off-I think they even mentioned it a few times-I never showed it. You definitely learn a thing or two about your circulatory system when you start using needles. :facepalm: I veered away from anything visible unless I was totally desperate for a viable vein. I still have scars in some unusual places from hitting them too much. I've made jokes that if I ever needed an autopsy there would be a notation somewhere on my chart that I had visible signs of drug abuse!

I've seen all sorts come in and out of my group meetings over the years, a lot of them you'd never know....a lot of them in prominent professions that would shock the pants off of you if you knew. I've met a Dentist, several teachers, a couple of attorneys, and more soccer mom/homemakers than you could shake a stick at. These women come in dressed to the nines-covered in class from head to toe-but underneath they're just a plain ol' addict like the rest of us. It's kind of amazing how this stuff worms its way into every walk of life imaginable. Then...you have the folks that have sunk to whole new lows and that carefully crafted facade that some of us hold so dear....is just gone. Poof. At some point, they hit a point where they stopped caring about hiding it....and they come in covered in track marks, unwashed and look like they've been thrown under a bus and repeatedly run over. Honestly, one of my favorite parts of going to group meetings still is watching those people transform right before your eyes. They get jobs, start dressing nicer...take care of themselves and go on with life. It's amazing to see.

If Gary had no day job and an addiction...the guy had to have some kind of cash flow...and we're talking some bank depending on what he chose from the buffet!

I come in from primarily the codependency angle, coming from a long line of alcoholics--although it scared the pants off me to the extent that I have been abstinent for decades. I like to watch the show Intervention. My favorite moment is the addict interview 30 days, 60 days or two years down the road. Suddenly you can see their eyes, hair is combed and they are groomed. Like seeing the person for the first time.
Yes, about 2/3 down page is the copy. It seems she was given community service and no contact http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-feet-shot-head-reveals-man-horror-scene.html

We have 18 years with our kids (hopefully more than that on a daily basis), to be there with them... For them...
Yes, as parents we teach them how to be adults, if they do something wrong everyone asks "where were the parents?" If the parent is off finding other family members dead, some ask "why did she baby her 15 year old"
we can't have double standards.... Parents do the best they see fit. If she gets up in the morning to kiss her daughter and send her off for a good day of school, there's nothing wrong with that. This case is a perfect example of how short life can be and how precious every moment with our loved ones is...

Well said! As a mother of an only child, I will "baby" him as long as I can! He is still in single digits, and I may change my mind once he is a teenager, but right now, I hope he stays at home forever! And, for the record, I was that kid that had to be checked on to make it to school.
I think I missed this the first time I read that article

Leonard Manley, 64, said he was angered by law enforcement revelations that marijuana 'growth operations' were found at three of the four death scenes.
In an exclusive interview with Daily Mail Online, he said he knew nothing about the dope installations uncovered at the homes, but said his family had been riven by tensions and recriminations since the beginning of the year.

I wonder what the tensions and recriminations were? Sounds like a family fight.

and this

She loved her kids. She would have died for them. She worked everyday.
'The rest of the family [her children] all seemed to be good…but I don't know about the rest of them [the other victims].'

Sounds like he didn't think much of his son in law or his son in law's family doesn't it? Food for thought.

The road rage w/this lady, started earlier in the year. The first court date was 2/20. Then there was the altercation where FR and friends went to the guy's property to whip him over a Derby race, then there was the mess about the joyriding stuff, it really seemed as if some kind of drama constantly followed the Rhodens. I have known people who thrive on drama like that. I get the feeling that all the Rhoden males could be difficult if they wanted to be. DR posted almost daily on her deceased friend's FB page, about either missing him, or for him to watch over her and her family. I find that a bit odd. His own family didn't post that much. So I'm thinking she was a bit stressed and it was kind of like a prayer request.
Things that seem to be in a gray area.

Do we know where CR Sr. was actually living?
Do we know where GR was actually living?
Do we know anyone was actually living at 4077 Union Hill Rd.?
Do we know that KR was living alone?
Do we know if anyone was living in the other camper where KR was found?
What if KR was an afterthought? Whether it was planned or it just happened, the killer realizes they have shot and killed 7 people. And as they are heading down the road they figure, I will stop and take care of KR, too. Maybe that's why he only got 1 bullet and seems harder to tie in with the rest?? Just a thought...

I've turned that over in my mind too. I've also often wondered if he were first. Just b/c he was found last doesn't mean he was killed last. What if he was hanging out w/someone and had run by and visited the other's, w/the killer(s) in tow. An argument breaks out at KR's trailer, later on, and one of them shoots KR, and then the rest has to happen. . .
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