OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #17

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I would imagine that there were other people other than family like friends and such that may have been in all of those homes as guests.

It's also not too hard to imagine someone doing some reconnaissance while no one was home at a given address.

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I can see that. It would maybe more difficult w/the dogs in the house (if we believe they were as ferocious as were stated) but some dogs don't act the same when their family is not at home. I've not sold myself that family did it. It's just one of about 3-5 theories I have bouncing around. It's not even my top one. But, I honestly do think that this theory could be viable.
This case is why I wondered if KR became angry and vengeful toward his brother and his family. Maybe he didn't feel he was getting his cut, maybe it had been brewing for a long time, and there was a straw that broke the camels back. I've noticed, and I think others have too, that there were very few degrees of separation between at least some of the Rhoden family members, and some pretty, what I'd call, folks maybe having a different type of sensibility. I've always thought along the lines of a sociopath doing the actual acts. KR could have gotten hooked up w/them to take his family out, (explains leaving the babies) but, at the end, it backfires, and the sociopath takes all of the money they were going to split, and KR's life. KR would know the dogs, the homes, may even have keys to all the homes, know the schedules, and probably where cash was stored. The only difference is it backfires on KR and not the person enlisted to help.

Reading both good theories from rsd 1200 and Lindadanette and my mind goes either way again...all makes sense because no matter how much thought you put into it, it's not one of those crimes that "invites" too many eliminations. Iow, sometimes you can eliminate certain scenarios because they won't fit... both of these can fit. I'll throw one of mine in there, too. Chris Sr may not have owned all the land but he surely was using and occupying (in a big way) most of it along with his immediate family. Was everyone in the bigger picture of family members agreeable and happy with that? Could somebody have recently discovered what stuff (other than car repair) was going on? I remember early on helicopters filming a lot of LE all around the brown barn at the corner of Dana's home property and I know LE said "1 indoor grow site" but, then LE was peering into a shed out behind Chris's big building, too... and Kenneth supposedly had a tray in his "garage" so I'm not sure I believe LE about the 1 indoor grow site. Maybe some other people would have liked to use the land for simple living on... and maybe THEY had kids, too... and maybe they thought it was time to change circumstances especially in view of how that land was being used. They might have feared the state would take all the property due to illegal activity. "Who do they think they are putting us all in danger of losing what's ours? Why are MY kids struggling and who appointed Chris's kids the only ones to make out on this land deal? Sure, so and so gets to live on the land but only at Chris's say so." ... and then, ... "They're dragging little, innocent kids and babies into it, too. That's the last straw." Anyway... and then there's that aspect of it to consider.
And the original old time yellow house was on the property, too. Many people view "where they came from " as extremely important and sentimental family history and something that most people just don't have. Turning the property into what it had become might be seen as an insult to the whole family in general. Really... from a tiny little starter homestead to, well, a junk yard. I know it would upset me and make me sad.
Why would Kenneth have to die? Because he may have known about or been right in the thick of some big argument going on about all of this. An argument that happened so close to the time of the murders that nobody else HAD time to learn about it yet. Kenneth might just have been sitting on the wrong side of the argument and so he had to go.

So, you do think it was one person. Hard to believe one person pulled this off (for reasons that have already been discussed). Regardless, we have no evidence whatsoever that someone in the family held this kind of grudge and, if he did, that he would go as far as murdering eight people, leave children motherless, and devastate the survivors. Why not just get rid of Chris, Sr., if he was the problem?

I veered off course from my original theory which is at the top. Pepper34 and I started discussing other types of family type issues, and how we knew the layouts of our family homes like the back of our hands and could navigate them in the dead of night, w/o a light source, w/o awakening anyone, which then transpired into a different discussion / line of thought than the original one I posted about KR and with an assistant that went wrong, loosely based on an article I'd read about a guy who'd had his entire family murdered for no apparent reason (his court date is coming up in August and no one still knows why he had his family murdered). So, in an attempt to gather this back together in some coherent form, I've attached a couple of the original posts. I'm getting a bit confused now though. lol
Fair enough, rsd. Glad you're sharing your thoughts. :)
I can see that. It would maybe more difficult w/the dogs in the house (if we believe they were as ferocious as were stated) but some dogs don't act the same when their family is not at home. I've not sold myself that family did it. It's just one of about 3-5 theories I have bouncing around. It's not even my top one. But, I honestly do think that this theory could be viable.

We can't rule out family, particularly distant family as the dogs are a good point. If it was a family member, I would imagine that the person(s) are likely on LE's short list. But then again, a can of bear spray could easily deal with the dogs.

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My theory today (and yes it changes daily sometimes) is that KR was murdered in a different incident than the others were, and not by the same person(s). For clarification, I think 1 person murdered KR, but am undecided on how many killers there were for the other 7.
Well, someone had the callous disregard for this family's lives. Who would know the homes and potentially have key, and their routines, better than a family member. I know it's not a popular idea or theory but the person would have to be unbalanced to begin with. You don't just wake up one day and decide to kill your family. A person has to have a mental problem or it's in the heat of passion. This was not in the heat of passion. This was pure vengeance and someone mentally unstable. I'd think sociopath. Sociopaths can blend in and don't have to kill but when they do they don't suffer from a conscience. People murder their families every day. Hire hit-men to murder them. Over some of the craziest stuff we can imagine. I cannot ever think of anything that would make me want to murder any of my family. But, it's in the paper and on the internet everyday.

I cannot agree with you more. I also am tossing around other theories. But this one makes the most since today. I don't think it was just one person either. I just have a feeling that someone in the family has some idea of who did this.
Fair enough, rsd. Glad you're sharing your thoughts. :)

Sorry it got a bit scrambled. lol You're very good w/interrogating theories though. Ever thought of being a cop? :)
As a retired home care nurse, my fondest memories are of my patients and their families from this area of the country in question. I found all that I met to be the friendliest, warmest, most welcoming and totally unpretentious people I had ever met. Several families went so far as to say they wished they could "adopt" me and I always overstayed the required 30 minutes of the job, engaged in interesting conversations long after the medical part of the visit was done. In all those years, only one group of people ever wrote to my supervisors with thanks and telling what a great job teaching they'd received and how much they appreciated the help and friendship and it was (THOSE people, alone) from the Appalachia areas and that's the truth... and they were the only ones who told me to please come back any time; any time at all... that they didn't want to say good-bye even if they had recovered and no longer needed a nurse. And to, "Please come back because we'll miss you too much" and they were the only people to actually cry and make me cry at the end of the last visit to their homes. So, I really wish people in general wouldn't talk badly about people they never knew and never will know. I have felt very badly about the comments I've read in some "news" sources. (not here) My father taught me that "Narrow minded people reveal more about themselves than anyone else" and, "The more nasty things you say about people, the smaller your mind gets." When people are in pain, I wish the overwhelming thought would be... please be kind and caring and, if that's too much to ask... then say nothing at all.

Wow. Now I know why I liked ya right off the bat. I'm a nurse too.
Guys it was more than one person doing this. It's almost 100%. Deff 99.9% nobody should even assume one person did this because that's not true. <modnsip>
O/T but interesting read from Fox News online today....


11 family members murdered over possible religious differences...(but motive unsure it sounds like at this point)

Just thought I'd share as it seems like sometimes smaller things easily trigger anger like this... JMO

Possible ties to land and what is on the land too. "Such incidents often pit recent converts to evangelical faiths against Catholics in rural communities where land, water or other rights are tied to community membership." I can't fathom these types of family against other family member murders but, then again, I can't fathom murdering anyone, period.
Guys it was more than one person doing this. It's almost 100%. Deff 99.9% nobody should even assume one person did this because that's not true. <modsnip>

Just curious as to why you feel so strongly that there was more than 1 person. Would you be so kind to elaborate on your thoughts?

All we can do is speculate and throw around our thoughts and ideas and possiblities because we have very, very few facts in this case.

For clarification, I'm not convinced there was more than 1, and I'm not convinced that there wasn't either.
This is another case of a family being murdered, but in the UK. This time by the parent's business acquaintance who sought revenge. He actually acted alone and was able to murder the parents and both daughters, using a knife, and stabbed them a combined 51 times, and then drove off in their car and escaped to another country where he was found and extradited from a year later. Just had me thinking that four people, awake, and one w/a cell phone calling emergency services, could not stop this man. He was on a mission.

Are you inferring that KR was killed in a separate event than the other 7? That the other 7 just so happened to be killed the same night by other people? I've thought of this murder 50 different ways and can't conceive that it was committed by only one person. I believe strongly that the entire well planned crime spree was committed by two people. I believe these were people who were not family but who're relatively close former friends/rivals/known associates. That's my best guess right now based on what we know. I know 90% of these cases come down to scorned lover. I won't close the door on that idea but I will close the door on this being family or "El Chapo". This was something that was obviously well planned, likely rehearsed many times by people who were very familiar with the victims habits and the crime scene's themselves.
Thanks for the two detailed posts on Pronouncing Death and actual TOD. Now, we know for sure that, since these are coroner cases, the actual TODs and more detailed information on cause of death will likely be adjusted later by the ME.

I think time of death would be interesting, but I think "cause" is reasonably clear no?

Do not suggest a conspiracy or coverup. We aren't going there. That will end up getting this thread shut down.

I have removed some posts. Discuss the case, not those investigating it, not the local politics. Capiche?

So, you're basically pointing the finger at a surviving family member? Is that correct? I'm not arguing the point, just trying to clarify what you're getting at. (Also, according to MSM, LE sources confirmed that grow ops were found at three locations. The indoor one had approximately 200 plants. No estimate on how many the others contained.)

Yes, but LE also said 1 site was indoors and it seems possible to me that more than 1 site was indoors but, of course, that can't be proved by what we know for sure. I really don't like to say that I suspect any family members but we were just running through some "possible scenarios" yesterday to explain why someone(s) might kill 8 people. This is just one possibility out of many and one I really hope is wrong. What's more, if it did happen this way, I wouldn't think any family member would do this by their own hands... more along the lines of by their own instructions. I guess as long as I name no names, it remains just one theory and won't be against TOS. It's actually a very uncomfortable idea to even write about.
I try to check this thread daily to see if there is any new news. I am curious and want to know what is going on in the case. That being said I think that law enforcement is doing right by keeping everything quiet at this time. Their job is to solve the murder of 8 people and successfully convict those responsible for the crime not to satisfy my curiosity of what they are doing to solve the murders. Anything and everything they release to media can and does tip off the murderer/s that may then flee or commit more crimes to rid witnesses. Also defense attorneys can use anything published in the media against witnesses. Stating the witness got their information from the media, not from their own knowledge.
I believe law enforcement is doing what they need to do for this case and arrests are coming, just not on the timeline I would like.
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