OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #18

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I think they are on the same road, LM at a corner parcel of land, you would turn at the corner of his property to get to both Dana's and Chris's homes, Chris's place being farther from LM's home than Dana's home.
I would think Chris would be leaving for work fairly early if he was going to Big Bear. Would want to get an early start if he was doing construction. Try to get as much done before it gets hot and sunny. My son works for a mowing and landscaping service, and they like to get started around 6:30a. It makes sense to me that his mornings are full, and he has Bobby feed the animals and clean house either for some extra cash or in exchange for some mechanic work. Frankie and Dana are working, Chris is in class, Hanna is recovering from child birth, and Hannah has two kids to take care of. Obviously if Bobby doesn't have a day shift job, she's the most likely person to help out.
Earlier it was mentioned Chris might be home schooled, but I don't think so. A few of his friends talked about how strange it was going to be not to see him in class every day.
BJM has been with the Rhoden family for a long time. I think it was Tony Rhoden who said that once your part of their family, your a family member for life. She and a couple of other Manleys are mentioned in Clarence Rhoden's obit. Listed there just like you would mention all of the extended family in any obit. She was considered part of the Rhoden family, probably shortly after CR1 and Dana started dating.

It seems she was around to "help" where ever she was needed. So it would seem she was part of the inner circle of this family and would know a lot about them, either by them confiding in her, or just by people talking to her in confidence. She said she helped "bring up" CR1 and Dana's children and was helping Frankie and Hanna with their little ones. She was after all " Aunt Jo". Family helps family, so I'm not surprised that she was there a lot.

Kenneth was " on alert", Dana was "on alert", Frankie was "on alert". They "knew" something was up, and I believe so did BJM. <modsnip> I think the preps had their own "time line" to get all this done. I don't think it took much more than an hour to get it all done. So IMO all this started around 3am. All this is JMO.

I think that poor woman knows something and is scared out of her wits she will be next. She's between a rock and a hard place, wanting to help, but scared to. Again JMO.
BJM has been with the Rhoden family for a long time. I think it was Tony Rhoden who said that once your part of their family, your a family member for life. She and a couple of other Manleys are mentioned in Clarence Rhoden's obit. Listed there just like you would mention all of the extended family in any obit. She was considered part of the Rhoden family, probably shortly after CR1 and Dana started dating.

It seems she was around to "help" where ever she was needed. So it would seem she was part of the inner circle of this family and would know a lot about them, either by them confiding in her, or just by people talking to her in confidence. She said she helped "bring up" CR1 and Dana's children and was helping Frankie and Hanna with their little ones. She was after all " Aunt Jo". Family helps family, so I'm not surprised that she was there a lot.

Kenneth was " on alert", Dana was "on alert", Frankie was "on alert". They "knew" something was up, and I believe so did BJM. <modsnip> I think the preps had their own "time line" to get all this done. I don't think it took much more than an hour to get it all done. So IMO all this started around 3am. All this is JMO.

I think that poor woman knows something and is scared out of her wits she will be next. She's between a rock and a hard place, wanting to help, but scared to. Again JMO.

Where is the info that K,D, F were "on alert"?

I've been following this case since 4/22 and have never seen anything that said those three were "on alert." DR's FB post on the BH memorial page was the only indicator something was up.

No offense, but I don't recall seeing you here before the past week or so. Many of the things you've asked have been covered extensively and are easily answered by reading up on the media page. Also, some of what you've said doesn't have anything to back it up, so I'm not sure where you are coming from...it's one thing to have a hunch, but if you are making blanket statements about the victims' mind-sets, it would be nice to have a link or source. JMO, of course.
Well, I've been on here since the being of May ( just a little after you joined), I am expressing my theories just like most on here and I'm sorry if I offended you. CR1 had camera's on his property, Kenneth had camera's on his property. Dana's best friend said that she thought that Dana was being"stalked" and Frankie lived right next to CR1, so I would assume he had camera's or was close enough to be able to use CR1's. I'm sorry if my use of word's offended you. But it is a fact they were growing pot and would be "watching" anyone who got to close to their grow op. And I included that it was just my opinion. Again sorry.
Dana seemed to be extra concerned about the safety of her family, asking her deceased friend to watch over her family, one of her friends thought she was being stalked, Kenny was concerned and had installed security cameras at his place. I don't recall anything about Frankie stating he had extra worries about safety. But I 'm pretty sure the whole family would have talked about this among themselves.
I guess my assumption would be if you had grow ops on your property, security cameras make sense. Granted I don't know any drug producers, but they do seem to be on the cutting edge of technology. Survellance cameras don't actually eliminate crime, since footage is viewed after the fact, so to me don't mean "high alert." If you are in fear of getting robbed, cameras help determine who did it. If you are in fear of getting killed, cameras done do squat except help LE.

High alert to me is people taking shifts and walking the perimeter armed, and certainly not posting personal pictures and whereabouts on Facebook regularly as DR, CRjr, FR, HMR, and HHG all did. I don't see high alert here. I see KR mad because he was robbed and CRsr protecting his crop. And of course that's all speculation based on MHO, no links or evidence.
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I guess my assumption would be if you had grow ops on your property, security cameras make sense. Granted I don't know any drug producers, but they do seem to be on the cutting edge of technology. Survellance cameras don't actually eliminate crime, since footage is viewed after the fact, so to me don't mean "high alert." If you are in fear of getting robbed, cameras help determine who did it. If you are in fear of getting killed, cameras done do squat except help LE.

High alert to me is people taking shifts and walking the perimeter armed, and certainly not posting personal pictures and whereabouts on Facebook regularly as DR, CRjr, FR, HMR, and HHG all did. I don't see high alert here. I see KR mad because he was robbed and CRsr protecting his crop. And of course that's all speculation based on MHO, no links or evidence.

I agree. "High alert" seems like hyperbole. Has anyone in the family described the victims as fearing for their lives before the murders?
And I don't understand the "times" between BJM putting her daughter on the bus at 7 am. Driving to the 4077 address ( which I understand she did everyday?) She lived like a mile, mile and a half from them and the 911 call went out at 7:49? It sounded like she was out of breath on the call. JMO but I think that's what the police were having trouble with to. It seems it would take her what 10 minutes to get there and another 5 min. to find CR1 and GR? I'm not accusing her of murder, but what was she doing for about 20 to 25 mins?
It doesn't really to me either. But, BJM was more of a Rhoden, imo, than a Manley. In old man Rhoden's obit, she and her kids were named as being very special to him. (Also, his ex-wife of many years was named as his wife. I found that weird.) I feel there was some sibling rivalry between her and DR, and possibly another sibling. But she cleaned CR1's trailer, took care of all of the animals, possibly helped care for the plants, and also cleaned KR's trailer when needed, and possibly cared for plants there. That number of plants is labor intensive. She was at those two properties a lot and I'd say at FR's too. The only one I'd not see her at a lot, would have been DR's. She seemed very thick w/the Rhodens. That's why I'm very surprised she was left alive. The killer(s) must have known she knew nothing about the reason behind the murders.
I think they are on the same road, LM at a corner parcel of land, you would turn at the corner of his property to get to both Dana's and Chris's homes, Chris's place being farther from LM's home than Dana's home.
I would think Chris would be leaving for work fairly early if he was going to Big Bear. Would want to get an early start if he was doing construction. Try to get as much done before it gets hot and sunny. My son works for a mowing and landscaping service, and they like to get started around 6:30a. It makes sense to me that his mornings are full, and he has Bobby feed the animals and clean house either for some extra cash or in exchange for some mechanic work. Frankie and Dana are working, Chris is in class, Hanna is recovering from child birth, and Hannah has two kids to take care of. Obviously if Bobby doesn't have a day shift job, she's the most likely person to help out.
Earlier it was mentioned Chris might be home schooled, but I don't think so. A few of his friends talked about how strange it was going to be not to see him in class every day.

No she doesn't live there. She lived, at that time, nearly 20 minutes away. CR1 was not working at Big Bear and hadn't for some time. I think BJM had a job, but , if it's where I think it was, it only pays minimum wage, so even on a 40 hour week, she'd have to pick up extra income to pay bills most likely.
I agree. "High alert" seems like hyperbole. Has anyone in the family described the victims as fearing for their lives before the murders?

Again, I am sorry for my choice of words. But as a "recovering" addict, (19 yrs. sober) I am familiar with the paranoia associated with drug use. Even if your not "using" you assume that some people may suspect you are. You "hang" with other users, who are not the most trustworthy people. My ex and I both used and he dealt for a while. Some of the people who came around my home were just plain scary. I didn't know them and he didn't seem to care. Meth was my demon and my ex didn't care what he used. The "drug" takes you over, it influences everything you do. It's first and love, loyality, common sense, everything that you valued flies out the window. You are it's slave and people you love and care about fly out the window. God, saved me from myself and got me sober and I am one of the "lucky" few that continues to stay sober. I am forever grateful for the miracle of my soberiety.

So, in a way, I do understand how "addicts" think. I also know about buying cars from auctions, fixing them up and selling them to make some money. My ex and his brother used to go to the car auctions in Columbus. His brother worked part-time at a car lot so he could legally go to them. He also had access to "dealer tags" to bring them home. They used to disengage something on the car so that it wouldn't run right and when it came up to the auction block they would buy it for cheap and take it home and put whatever they took off back on it and make a tidy profit on it. (See what I mean about "shady" people).

Anyway, I don't know the Rhoden family personally. I did know people who used drugs and sold drugs and was one of them. So I understand how they live, work and do things that "normal" people don't. I'm not accusing anyone, about anything. I am a "why" person. And I have wondered "why" people do the things we do all my life.
Where is the info that K,D, F were "on alert"?

I've been following this case since 4/22 and have never seen anything that said those three were "on alert." DR's FB post on the BH memorial page was the only indicator something was up.

No offense, but I don't recall seeing you here before the past week or so. Many of the things you've asked have been covered extensively and are easily answered by reading up on the media page. Also, some of what you've said doesn't have anything to back it up, so I'm not sure where you are coming from...it's one thing to have a hunch, but if you are making blanket statements about the victims' mind-sets, it would be nice to have a link or source. JMO, of course.

BBM I've never seen that either and I've been following this case since day 1. If anything I've found that they were extremely unaware that anything was going to happen. If I were on alert that something was going to happen, I'd never have let my 3 year old child come over to stay, I'd have sent my fiance(HG) home to her parents, along w/my 6 month old. I'd have given my ex-wife the opportunity to stay w/her parents, and sent my son, CR2, and my daughter HR and her newborn to their grandparents. I'd have gotten my brother and cousin together and taken turns, sitting up, each night at ONE home, fully armed, and ready to awaken the others. No, I don't think they were on high alert. I think they were confident and living their lives as normal.
I agree. "High alert" seems like hyperbole. Has anyone in the family described the victims as fearing for their lives before the murders?

I do not see anywhere in the post where the term "high alert" was used. I believe the term was "on alert". Let's keep it polite.
Well, I've been on here since the being of May ( just a little after you joined), I am expressing my theories just like most on here and I'm sorry if I offended you. CR1 had camera's on his property, Kenneth had camera's on his property. Dana's best friend said that she thought that Dana was being"stalked" and Frankie lived right next to CR1, so I would assume he had camera's or was close enough to be able to use CR1's. I'm sorry if my use of word's offended you. But it is a fact they were growing pot and would be "watching" anyone who got to close to their grow op. And I included that it was just my opinion. Again sorry.

I was not offended but a lot of people grow pot, a lot of people have big dogs, and a lot of people have cameras. Some have only one of those things, some all three. Most any grower is going to watch who comes and goes but cameras and lights are common for a lot of people. They were too at ease to think they were about to be murdered. This family thrived on drama. It was nothing to them. Drama is one thing, thinking you're going to be murdered is another. If they thought someone was actually out to kill them, then I believe that there would have been dead people on both sides, the Rhodens and the assailants. I feel the Rhodens would have been armed and ready.
Dana seemed to be extra concerned about the safety of her family, asking her deceased friend to watch over her family, one of her friends thought she was being stalked, Kenny was concerned and had installed security cameras at his place. I don't recall anything about Frankie stating he had extra worries about safety. But I 'm pretty sure the whole family would have talked about this among themselves.

It was getting close to her daughter's due date and w/the stress about "things" surrounding that event I'm thinking she was talking about her daughter's delivery and peace at the hospital. Also, if you look through there, she asked that man for prayers nearly every day. DR's life and that of the other Rhoden's, was filled with drama. It's no wonder she talked to her dead friend's FB page.
I do not see anywhere in the post where the term "high alert" was used. I believe the term was "on alert". Let's keep it polite.

I am, I am, I respect everyone's opinion and learn from them all.
Again, I am sorry for my choice of words. But as a "recovering" addict, (19 yrs. sober) I am familiar with the paranoia associated with drug use. Even if your not "using" you assume that some people may suspect you are. You "hang" with other users, who are not the most trustworthy people. My ex and I both used and he dealt for a while. Some of the people who came around my home were just plain scary. I didn't know them and he didn't seem to care. Meth was my demon and my ex didn't care what he used. The "drug" takes you over, it influences everything you do. It's first and love, loyality, common sense, everything that you valued flies out the window. You are it's slave and people you love and care about fly out the window. God, saved me from myself and got me sober and I am one of the "lucky" few that continues to stay sober. I am forever grateful for the miracle of my soberiety.

So, in a way, I do understand how "addicts" think. I also know about buying cars from auctions, fixing them up and selling them to make some money. My ex and his brother used to go to the car auctions in Columbus. His brother worked part-time at a car lot so he could legally go to them. He also had access to "dealer tags" to bring them home. They used to disengage something on the car so that it wouldn't run right and when it came up to the auction block they would buy it for cheap and take it home and put whatever they took off back on it and make a tidy profit on it. (See what I mean about "shady" people).

Anyway, I don't know the Rhoden family personally. I did know people who used drugs and sold drugs and was one of them. So I understand how they live, work and do things that "normal" people don't. I'm not accusing anyone, about anything. I am a "why" person. And I have wondered "why" people do the things we do all my life.

I understand. I've been around a lot of that too. Never was addicted but know others who were, and are, and the paranoia, and drama, that goes with it. Paranoia I can see, for growers and users, and I saw their lives as very drama filled as well. But, I just didn't see them as feeling that they were on high alert, as in, about to be murdered type of high alert though, which is how I read your post. I wasn't offended by your post, I just responded w/my opinion. Hope I didn't offend you either.
I am, I am, I respect everyone's opinion and learn from them all.

Amuet1. I think you were VERY polite! I was correcting another poster who associated the term "high alert" as something you posted. I was pointing out to the poster that the term you used in your post was "on alert". Not directed toward you at all.
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