OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #19

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Then file a motion. Her two surviving sons could surely take this woman to the courthouse to help her with getting a motion filed. The reason behind it is that there are no surviving parents and she is a grandparent. If CPS has your grandchild, you have zero right to see that child, until, and this is in my state, you file to have grandparent's rights visitation. Which, btw, is the ONLY way grandparent's rights are granted in my state. So why not file the motion?

This makes sense. Perhaps the Rhodens do not understand there is a formal process and haven't filed. If they have filed, which I believe I read that they already had, then I'm calling BS.
Well it seems things are starting to connect. Didn't Dana's home have a "basement" in that red garage? This "grow op" in the article would defiantly lead you to think that their were "others" near them the( Eury's), who were going to be competition. And isn't it funny that this "bust" went down on the anniversary date of the murders? Hummmm.... makes ya think.

I also think this is connected to the length of time it is taking to solve this case. IMO someone has opened up a "can of worms" by these murders. I think LE in Adams Co, Scioto, Ross and Pike counties have been "watching" known drug dealers and their clients for awhile now. Things they've found or been told by all the the informants at BCI are starting to come together. IMO, their trying to "round-up" as many as possible to rid these counties of their drug problems. I wish them very much luck with that. From my experience with living different places in my life, they'll scatter like roaches to another place.
This makes sense. Perhaps the Rhodens do not understand there is a formal process and haven't filed. If they have filed, which I believe I read that they already had, then I'm calling BS.

As a follow-up, I looked to see which petitions have been mentioned in MSM. This is what I found and none mention visitation specifically:

LM: administrator of DR's estate, custody of Kylie and Ruger
TR: administrator of CR's, FR's, and HR's estates
KR2: administrator of KR1's estate
CG: custody of Kylie

Kylie should go with her father or her father's family, once paternity is determined, IMO, provided that they are fit and willing. Poor Ruger lost both parents and half of his grandparents. The Carvers, his surviving grandmother and stepgrandfather, would be the natural home for him.
To obiwankenobi: the post was talking about the fact that we never hear from LM anymore, and about an article he spoke on, and his words have been crossed out. glf
They're not letting the family see the babies because someone in the family is a suspect. BJM, DS?? I'd like to hope neither were involved but who knows? It would make sense on how they got past the dogs

Agreeing that is what I was trying to say ☝🏻️

I have always thought the 3 young ones were not seen/overlooked.After what was done to the adults there was no reason to leave them alive. jmo idk

I can understand why they (little ones) have not been returned. jmo


Referring to my post(regarding Turnup44's)I try not to point too many fingers

I don't think I have posted on this forum yet, but I do read it every day. I just thought I would give a small bit of info about my state's equivalent to Ohio's CPS. Here, when a child is taken into protective services custody, a legal proceeding is held in court. I will refer to the agency as CPS since that is what is familiar on this forum. Also, in the legal organ (newspaper) of the county, notice is given that a hearing will be held on a certain date. The child's name is never given, the legal first, middle, and last initials are used. I am a retired teacher with 32 years classroom experience and have witnessed many cases involving our protective services. I know children who have been taken into protective custody and placed all the way across the state from their residing county. I think the placement and access to these children is being based on the level of possible threat to them. I don't think CPS will return these babies to Pike County until arrests have been made. I feel pretty sure in saying that their current location is known to only a few CPS personnel. I also think that if visitation is granted, it will not only be supervised but guarded by LE.
Tried to post earlier R/T babies, and my internet froze, so I'll try again. I agree the state should be cautious about babies custody. I know a girl who was 27 and expecting baby #3 when her partner was arrested for misdemeanor poss of pot. They made him move out, and he had to attend meetings and was subjected to random UA's for I think three months before he could see his family. Even though she clean at the time of his arrest, she also was subjected to random UA's, and she like the state was breathing down her neck. Ohio state could require the person or persons who want custody of the babies to do the same thing, as well as expecting frequent visits and get those babies out of foster care. The state stalls too long without substantiated reason, and they might just set themselves up for a lawsuit! If that were me, that would definitely be the next thing on mind! The state has no right to push this family aside, hoping they'll disappear into the woodwork!
The way this case has gone from the start, it seems like two-thirds of Pike county are suspects. I still say it's just state BS. IF this was family member who did this, they KNEW the babies were there and alive. I doubt they would be in any danger with family. Since they were not harmed on 4/22, they are not in any danger, if in fact it turns out to be family. Whomever the killers are, I don't believe they are family. I still say, hired guns from out of town. If it turns out to be cartel related, the kids could have been spared just to throw suspicion off of them, to confuse LE even more. Out of town or cartel killers would also know the kids had never seen them before, nor will ever see them again, so there was no danger in allowing them to live!
P.S. I'm over the how and why on the dogs. If LE didn't have the aforethought to have blood samples taken and tested from the dogs, we are just screwed as to why they reacted, or lack of reaction toward the killers.
I know, my brain is in overdrive today!

You got that right!!!! Keep your brain in overdrive glf 😉

Still leaning towards cartel hit with a mixture of JJ somewhere in there. Why?

Well how in the world is one going to go up against a cartel with the factors being: you and your family could be targeted next. HOWEVER REGARDLESS THIS FAMILY DESERVES JUSTICE!!!!!! Regardless of who is involved.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that he moved away. He was ordered by court to stay away from the Rookers and the Bradys, living on the same street as the Bradys could make that difficult.

I put a lot of faith in the press when it comes to keeping this case alive. Here is more from Enquirer's Chris Graves, and she's "not going away", as she said in a tweet earlier today:


GLF, this was the article, however, it's been reworded for some reason. It was the interview with KR, KR's daughter. There was a quote printed and crossed out. Maybe it was initially quoted incorrectly by the news person. LM, on the other hand, spoke to press quite a bit in the beginning, you don't hear much from him anymore. That's moo though.
GLF, this was the article, however, it's been reworded for some reason. It was the interview with KR, KR's daughter. There was a quote printed and crossed out. Maybe it was initially quoted incorrectly by the news person. LM, on the other hand, spoke to press quite a bit in the beginning, you don't hear much from him anymore. That's moo though.
Unless new info about this case is released, there is nothing to report (and no reason to keep going back to LM for quotes). So, not hearing much from LM may simply mean that reporters have put this story on the back burner for now. I'm sure they've got other assignments to keep them busy in the meantime.
I'm sure that is true. LM was so terribly upset in the beginning, I think at times he was just rambling, understandably. However, I think he may have ruffled LE's feathers, and they told him to be quiet. For now, I believe they would prefer to stay out of the limelight, waiting for a breakthrough like the rest of us.
I don't think I have posted on this forum yet, but I do read it every day. I just thought I would give a small bit of info about my state's equivalent to Ohio's CPS. Here, when a child is taken into protective services custody, a legal proceeding is held in court. I will refer to the agency as CPS since that is what is familiar on this forum. Also, in the legal organ (newspaper) of the county, notice is given that a hearing will be held on a certain date. The child's name is never given, the legal first, middle, and last initials are used. I am a retired teacher with 32 years classroom experience and have witnessed many cases involving our protective services. I know children who have been taken into protective custody and placed all the way across the state from their residing county. I think the placement and access to these children is being based on the level of possible threat to them. I don't think CPS will return these babies to Pike County until arrests have been made. I feel pretty sure in saying that their current location is known to only a few CPS personnel. I also think that if visitation is granted, it will not only be supervised but guarded by LE.

Yes, there is a difference in my state as well, between being in states custody and child protective services. I've had experience in this as well being in my profession. States custody is usually where the child is sent to a foster home until the parents have proven fit to have their children returned. Often times, they still have contact with their children. I've seen a few cases where the children were in cps custody and they were relocated and their names are changed. It's almost similar to a witness protection program, moo.

So I totally agree that these children should be protected to the fullest until there is no more danger, but the 3 year old, imo, as well as the remaining family, should also be under some sort of protection. I'd be scared to death, I wouldn't feel safe anywhere, not at home or public. Unless, of course, they know who did it and they are under constant surveillance or incarcerated for something else at the moment.
Quote: They've told Geneva Rhoden she must file a court motion to start the process to see little KR, now 3 months old, and RR, now 9 months old.And if Tony Rhoden’s heart could splinter anymore. this would be why.“I just don’t understand why mom can’t see them," said Tony Rhoden, Geneva Rhoden's son and the brother of victim Christopher Rhoden Sr. "They are all she has left of my brother. Those kids are all that’s left of him." End Quote


Then file a motion. Her two surviving sons could surely take this woman to the courthouse to help her with getting a motion filed. The reason behind it is that there are no surviving parents and she is a grandparent. If CPS has your grandchild, you have zero right to see that child, until, and this is in my state, you file to have grandparent's rights visitation. Which, btw, is the ONLY way grandparent's rights are granted in my state. So why not file the motion?
She is not a grandmother to those children. She is their GREAT grandmother.
That's even more of a reason to allow her to visit the babies! Of course, not one of us know how long we will be here on this earth, but at 73, there's more worry about her age. She might live to be 95, or she might not live til her next birthday.
Unfortunately, I have lived long enough to "see" things that happen to "close" families over the years. Jealousy, that your not even aware of, comes out after some family members die. Family you thought would be by your side in times of trouble are gone, or just don't care. I have personally seen this in my family. It is a very hard thing to face in real life. To find out that people really never cared about you and others, only what they can "get" from you.

I never said I thought that a family member "killed" another, but IMO they helped. Maybe not knowing what was really going to happen, but wanting something the other had or thought they had. Who knows, the human mind and emotions are a complicated thing. Just because you think one way, does not mean another thinks that way.


Oh no I didn't state you said that at all, I was referring to basically myself---which I COULD NEVER DO.

And of course you read these type of things happening alot it could lead one to violate crimes. Anything is possible in this situation. I'm not a local but been following this case from the beginning. I have no answers 🙁

I agree with your post, it's just "so hard" to sit behind a computer and try to have a logical conversation. I meant no disrespect to you at all I enjoy reading your posts, trust me

jmo 🐮
Unless new info about this case is released, there is nothing to report (and no reason to keep going back to LM for quotes). So, not hearing much from LM may simply mean that reporters have put this story on the back burner for now. I'm sure they've got other assignments to keep them busy in the meantime.

BCI is not releasing new information, but there are still local journalists covering the story, thankfully. They are getting nothing from LM anymore though.
Guess alot of us are luckier than we know. We've never had anything happen horrible in our family, except maybe a stupid disagreement occasionally. The last time I got upset enough to cry over family, my uncle had been drinking, I believe, and bad-mouthed me and my son's. And that all boils down to he thinks I should have turned out to be more like his kids. They're more wealthy and more successful than he thinks I am! That was nearly a year ago, so now I think BIG DEAL!
Looked up Southern Ohio Crime Stoppers, and there is plenty on the reward for the Rhoden murders, and how there was a lack of communication that failed to get the reward info out. Also checked to see if they had put up a reward for the Newsome murders, and of course there hasn't been a thing for them either.
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