OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #19

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So you are saying that this is a massive, premeditated action by LE, going all the way through probably numerous counties and Dewine? Can you give me some reasons you think this massive premeditated mass killing was carried out?

Not premeditated action by LE so maybe foreknowledge is too strong a word. But I do think that when law enforcement walked in on the crime scene, some of them knew immediately the why or who was involved. Perhaps one of the victims was a recent informant, or LE knew of a threat to the family. Or something left at the crime scenes was a strong indicator of who was responsible.

As many have suggested from the beginning, there were other family members living nearby who were not placed under police protection, and I don't think LE suggested that the killers were still a danger to the community. Why not? LE specifically said this family was targeted. I think police knew enough to suggest that the immediate danger had passed.
Does anyone know if LR, Kenny's son actually lives in Ohio, or was he visiting? If I remember correctly, his daughter lives in Ken. Anyone know how old LR is? I know Kendra has been named as the executive of her dad's estate.
The thought just occurred to me that the Facebook pages of the people that are associated with the Rhodens are probably flooded with people they don't know in the "People You May Know" suggestions. I bet they are wondering who all those strangers are.
Not premeditated action by LE so maybe foreknowledge is too strong a word. But I do think that when law enforcement walked in on the crime scene, some of them knew immediately the why or who was involved. Perhaps one of the victims was a recent informant, or LE knew of a threat to the family. Or something left at the crime scenes was a strong indicator of who was responsible.

As many have suggested from the beginning, there were other family members living nearby who were not placed under police protection, and I don't think LE suggested that the killers were still a danger to the community. Why not? LE specifically said this family was targeted. I think police knew enough to suggest that the immediate danger had passed.

Thanks, I understand that much more. I, too, feel this particular group of Rhodens were specifically targeted.
My brain is in overdrive again today. Me being an LPN, I hear people say pot isn't addicting, can be of benefits to cancer pts and also those with severe chronic pain. I agree with the latter part of the statement, I'm glad they found something good to come out of it.
I don't know if pot has nicotine or not, but I have heard statements from others in the medical field who say it has approx twice as much tar as tobacco.
I had Animal Planet on today, and somebody had to take their dog to the doc because he was sick and acting strangely. Owner stated he had eaten her pot. I didn't catch her say how much he got ahold of.
I know most people would take precautions to keeping it put away from their kids, but now it's important to keep away from pets!
I think the statements from LE about we will catch those responsible for this, and they didn't see any reason for others to be concerned about safety, only the people killed were the only targets. I don't think that they knew anything more than what we know about the killers, they were just trying to alleviate rampant fear. LE said there was very little evidence to go by, and I don't think at that time they knew anymore than the gen pub did.
I do feel like they know alot more now than they did the day after the killings.
Reading about Gary and his step-dad, it's hard for me to wrap my head around a parent and child would be doing drugs together! I would never do anything like that, even if my kids were in their 30's. Thank God I never have done drugs, but even if I had, I would not want my kids to know. What a good example that sets!
My brain is in overdrive again today. Me being an LPN, I hear people say pot isn't addicting, can be of benefits to cancer pts and also those with severe chronic pain. I agree with the latter part of the statement, I'm glad they found something good to come out of it.
I don't know if pot has nicotine or not, but I have heard statements from others in the medical field who say it has approx twice as much tar as tobacco.
I had Animal Planet on today, and somebody had to take their dog to the doc because he was sick and acting strangely. Owner stated he had eaten her pot. I didn't catch her say how much he got ahold of.
I know most people would take precautions to keeping it put away from their kids, but now it's important to keep away from pets!
I think the statements from LE about we will catch those responsible for this, and they didn't see any reason for others to be concerned about safety, only the people killed were the only targets. I don't think that they knew anything more than what we know about the killers, they were just trying to alleviate rampant fear. LE said there was very little evidence to go by, and I don't think at that time they knew anymore than the gen pub did.
I do feel like they know alot more now than they did the day after the killings.
Reading about Gary and his step-dad, it's hard for me to wrap my head around a parent and child would be doing drugs together! I would never do anything like that, even if my kids were in their 30's. Thank God I never have done drugs, but even if I had, I would not want my kids to know. What a good example that sets!
I cannot believe the number of people I have come across in my life who smoke pot with their adult children. It's mind boggling. I would not allow my adult son to smoke cigarettes in front of me, so I get where you are coming from. In my dealings with these situations, it's usually because the adult children can score the drug, and therefore supply the parent whilst sharing. I work in healthcare as a nurse, that's how I became aware.
I cannot believe the number of people I have come across in my life who smoke pot with their adult children. It's mind boggling. I would not allow my adult son to smoke cigarettes in front of me, so I get where you are coming from. In my dealings with these situations, it's usually because the adult children can score the drug, and therefore supply the parent whilst sharing. I work in healthcare as a nurse, that's how I became aware.
I work with juveniles on probation and it is so common for them to do drugs with their parents (marijuana and meth), that it seems normal to many people with that type of lifestyle. Very sad and very disturbing. I'm in my 40s and don't even swear around my kids. Don't swear around my parents either. Can't imagine smoking pot with them!

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A question about lividity was raised a few threads back. Lividity occurs after death and the body isn't moved. For example, if a person dies laying on their back, blood will pool in the back of the head, back, bottom, and also backs of thighs, calves, and heels. If a person is face down and on their stomach, blood will pool in the face, front of torso, and fronts of thighs, knees, and shins, as well as ankles, tops of feet, and probably tips of toes. In other words, blood will pool in the lowest part of the body. I f Kenny was lying on his back when he died, the shot could have caused his eyes to bleed, or the wound, if in the forehead could cause blood to run down into the eyes. If Frankie was on his back, lividity could not cause the appearance of a black eye.
My brain is in overdrive again today. Me being an LPN, I hear people say pot isn't addicting, can be of benefits to cancer pts and also those with severe chronic pain. I agree with the latter part of the statement, I'm glad they found something good to come out of it.
I don't know if pot has nicotine or not, but I have heard statements from others in the medical field who say it has approx twice as much tar as tobacco.
I had Animal Planet on today, and somebody had to take their dog to the doc because he was sick and acting strangely. Owner stated he had eaten her pot. I didn't catch her say how much he got ahold of.
I know most people would take precautions to keeping it put away from their kids, but now it's important to keep away from pets!
I think the statements from LE about we will catch those responsible for this, and they didn't see any reason for others to be concerned about safety, only the people killed were the only targets. I don't think that they knew anything more than what we know about the killers, they were just trying to alleviate rampant fear. LE said there was very little evidence to go by, and I don't think at that time they knew anymore than the gen pub did.
I do feel like they know alot more now than they did the day after the killings.
Reading about Gary and his step-dad, it's hard for me to wrap my head around a parent and child would be doing drugs together! I would never do anything like that, even if my kids were in their 30's. Thank God I never have done drugs, but even if I had, I would not want my kids to know. What a good example that sets!

BBM I have been around a lot of people who have been addicted to a lot of things, and pot just has never been one of them. I've never seen anyone go into delirium tremens from pot. It is not a gateway drug. The gateway drug is alcohol. People don't want to believe it b/c it's legal and it looks like the folks on the commercials are having so much fun. I'm no teetotaler, but I can say that a lot of the bad things I've seen happen have happened as a result of alcohol and people's inability to handle it, or that they are full blown alcoholics, and die an early, and miserable death. About the most dangerous thing about pot, is getting caught with it, if you're living in a non-legal state. It has wonderful medical benefits beyond pain control and cancer benefits.

As for GR and his step-father shooting up in the parking lot, that's what happens when you are an addict. Lines blur. People will do things, when they are bound by addiction, that they would have never dreamed that they would have done. They can justify anything, they lie, and manipulate, and many, many, times it's to the people they love, but, when they are addicted they love nothing, nor no one, any better than that next fix, pill, or drink. It is all that encompasses their lives and until they decide to quit for themselves? They can't. Which brings me to my other theory that GR was still using. One thing that made me think this was the comment that the woman made, That hurting GR was like kicking a dog. I have wondered if he got them into selling Heroin (or some other harder drug) somehow or if he got it from his connection at some point and helped another person out by getting it for them (This is very common. Addicts will go to other addicts for help finding what they want, and other addicts will try to help, b/c it might score them some extra stuff). If this happened and someone died, that person's family may have taken it out on the whole family if they thought they were the ones who were actually dealing the Heroin (maybe they were but I've not heard that they were). Again, just a theory, but I've heard so many people blame the dealers for deaths, and feel they should be tried for murder, that maybe someone did a little bit of "mountain justice".
A question about lividity was raised a few threads back. Lividity occurs after death and the body isn't moved. For example, if a person dies laying on their back, blood will pool in the back of the head, back, bottom, and also backs of thighs, calves, and heels. If a person is face down and on their stomach, blood will pool in the face, front of torso, and fronts of thighs, knees, and shins, as well as ankles, tops of feet, and probably tips of toes. In other words, blood will pool in the lowest part of the body. I f Kenny was lying on his back when he died, the shot could have caused his eyes to bleed, or the wound, if in the forehead could cause blood to run down into the eyes. If Frankie was on his back, lividity could not cause the appearance of a black eye.

Sometimes shots to the head don't exit and bounce around in the skull. That could cause a black eye to appear. Also if his head was turned to the side, lividity could cause the area around the eye to look dark.
A question about lividity was raised a few threads back. Lividity occurs after death and the body isn't moved. For example, if a person dies laying on their back, blood will pool in the back of the head, back, bottom, and also backs of thighs, calves, and heels. If a person is face down and on their stomach, blood will pool in the face, front of torso, and fronts of thighs, knees, and shins, as well as ankles, tops of feet, and probably tips of toes. In other words, blood will pool in the lowest part of the body. I f Kenny was lying on his back when he died, the shot could have caused his eyes to bleed, or the wound, if in the forehead could cause blood to run down into the eyes. If Frankie was on his back, lividity could not cause the appearance of a black eye.
What if FR was shot through the eye? Bruising around the eye can be caused by a gunshot wound to through eye or very near the eye. The fracturing of the bone would cause the bruising. The shot going in is not that large, normally. She probably did not realized he'd been shot there at when she saw him.
I completely understand about alcoholism. I lived with one for 11 years. He was one of the nicest people you could ever meet when he wasn't drinking. But when he drank, he wouldn't have leaned over and picked up a pencil for you. I stayed with him always hoping he would hit bottom and there would be nothing left to do except understand he had to change. Never happened. It only got worse. When he was 32, he decided to add cocaine to the mix. I just sat back and watched him dig himself into a hole and got arrested. Then I told him it was over. He didn't believe me, but I stuck to my guns and didn't back up. Best decision I ever made, even though it was hard. Could be Gary and dad#2 neither one had reached their bottom. Hopefully Gary's death will help with other family members who have addiction problems. We just don't know whether Gary was still using or not.
I am having problems with the loose lips flapping around Pike county. Even if Gary was under some heat in Ken. and did talk to Chris, Kenny, and Donald, I believe they had been around the block enough times to keep their mouths shut. Unless they all were alcoholics. My alcoholic couldn't keep his mouth shut when he was sober, much less when he was drinking. I never really figured out if that had to do with drinking, or just his immaturity. Countless times I remember telling him he needed to stop acting like an 11 year old!
I also can't see Leonard and Judy getting custody of the grandbabies, based on their age. One article C Gilley said he and his sister were hoping to get both babies, depending on how the paternity comes out with Kylie. C is certain she belongs to him, and Sophia's dad is sure she belongs to him! Everybody will just have to wait and see what the tests show.
To Dudly and rsd1200, yes, the angle of the head will help determine bruising around the eye, as well as a broken bone. I feel 99.99% certain Frankie wasn't shot in the eye. BJ would have known for certain he had been shot at that point. And I don't believe there would have been an open casket. There would have been too much facial damage. I've been fortunate enough not to have had a pt with gunshot wounds assigned to me anywhere I have worked in a hospital setting. In fact, I don't believe there were any pts with gunshot wounds any time I have been scheduled to work. I rarely worked in ICU, which is most likely where a pt with gunshot wounds would be.
BBM I have been around a lot of people who have been addicted to a lot of things, and pot just has never been one of them. I've never seen anyone go into delirium tremens from pot. It is not a gateway drug. The gateway drug is alcohol. People don't want to believe it b/c it's legal and it looks like the folks on the commercials are having so much fun. I'm no teetotaler, but I can say that a lot of the bad things I've seen happen have happened as a result of alcohol and people's inability to handle it, or that they are full blown alcoholics, and die an early, and miserable death. About the most dangerous thing about pot, is getting caught with it, if you're living in a non-legal state. It has wonderful medical benefits beyond pain control and cancer benefits.

As for GR and his step-father shooting up in the parking lot, that's what happens when you are an addict. Lines blur. People will do things, when they are bound by addiction, that they would have never dreamed that they would have done. They can justify anything, they lie, and manipulate, and many, many, times it's to the people they love, but, when they are addicted they love nothing, nor no one, any better than that next fix, pill, or drink. It is all that encompasses their lives and until they decide to quit for themselves? They can't. Which brings me to my other theory that GR was still using. One thing that made me think this was the comment that the woman made, That hurting GR was like kicking a dog. I have wondered if he got them into selling Heroin (or some other harder drug) somehow or if he got it from his connection at some point and helped another person out by getting it for them (This is very common. Addicts will go to other addicts for help finding what they want, and other addicts will try to help, b/c it might score them some extra stuff). If this happened and someone died, that person's family may have taken it out on the whole family if they thought they were the ones who were actually dealing the Heroin (maybe they were but I've not heard that they were). Again, just a theory, but I've heard so many people blame the dealers for deaths, and feel they should be tried for murder, that maybe someone did a little bit of "mountain justice".

In NA we are taught that alcohol is a "drug". My brother and quite a few people I know smoked weed like Ciggs. He would get very moody. That wasn't my drug of choice and it confused me because most people who I knew were really mellow when smoking mj. But the ones (like my bro) that smoked it a lot got mad, I never understood that.
I can understand why they haven't determined where HR's baby should go. They don't know the father, but why are they keeping HHG's baby, she has grandparents or immediate family he could go to. Doesn't anyone else think it's unusual for the state to keep the babies?
I can understand why they haven't determined where HR's baby should go. They don't know the father, but why are they keeping HHG's baby, she has grandparents or immediate family he could go to. Doesn't anyone else think it's unusual for the state to keep the babies?
Are we sure the state still has the baby? If so that is very unusual. The paternity test should have been back a long time ago.

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Not really. They are just trying to make the best choice for R, hopefully he will get to go with his maternal aunt and uncle!
I completely understand about alcoholism. I lived with one for 11 years. He was one of the nicest people you could ever meet when he wasn't drinking. But when he drank, he wouldn't have leaned over and picked up a pencil for you. I stayed with him always hoping he would hit bottom and there would be nothing left to do except understand he had to change. Never happened. It only got worse. When he was 32, he decided to add cocaine to the mix. I just sat back and watched him dig himself into a hole and got arrested. Then I told him it was over. He didn't believe me, but I stuck to my guns and didn't back up. Best decision I ever made, even though it was hard. Could be Gary and dad#2 neither one had reached their bottom. Hopefully Gary's death will help with other family members who have addiction problems. We just don't know whether Gary was still using or not.
I am having problems with the loose lips flapping around Pike county. Even if Gary was under some heat in Ken. and did talk to Chris, Kenny, and Donald, I believe they had been around the block enough times to keep their mouths shut. Unless they all were alcoholics. My alcoholic couldn't keep his mouth shut when he was sober, much less when he was drinking. I never really figured out if that had to do with drinking, or just his immaturity. Countless times I remember telling him he needed to stop acting like an 11 year old!
I also can't see Leonard and Judy getting custody of the grandbabies, based on their age. One article C Gilley said he and his sister were hoping to get both babies, depending on how the paternity comes out with Kylie. C is certain she belongs to him, and Sophia's dad is sure she belongs to him! Everybody will just have to wait and see what the tests show.

A lot of my friends are gone b/c they drank themselves into an early grave. Never made it past 65. My ex-spouse died a pitiful, painful, death from years of abusing alcohol and cigarettes. I hung in there for many years but, there's a limit. The grandparents may get the babies if they're deemed suitable. There was an instance of an 80 year old relative who was given custody of a three year old grandchild recently. Alcohol is a very dangerous thing to be around if you've ever had a problem. It's just so easy to get.
It's been quite some time since I have posted, for lack of not having anything new/different to say. I would like to clarify some things about addiction, for those who may not have been provided with factual information before. There is a lot of misinformation that goes around, and the perceptions about those with the disease of addiction (addicts) that come from that misinformation can lead to a lot of misunderstanding.

Chemical Dependency is a temporary condition when a person's body needs a particular chemical (drug) in order to function. Chemical dependency is what causes folks to have DTs and dope sickness. It is a physical condition that can be "cured" with detoxification. After detoxification the body can then function without the chemical.

Addiction is a disease of the brain that attacks one's ability to control obsession and compulsion. These "impulse controls" are managed by the frontal lobe of the brain, and those with addiction have a deficiency in this portion of the brain. Addiction is a progressive and fatal illness. There is no known cure. Over-use of sex, gambling, food and drugs (including alcohol) are symptoms. Symptoms can be "removed", but the underlying illness is still there. Treatment of the illness can cause it to go into remission; however, just like any other progressive and fatal illness, the disease can relapse becoming active again.

I could type out several pages about how to understand addiction, but that isn't the point of this thread. In the interest of understanding how addiction may gave affected members of the Rhoden family, I have shared this smidgen of information. If you have questions or would like more information about addiction, there are many resources available to you, seek them out. I can only share that which has saved my life.

GoofyJen, Welcome to Websleuths!

I have read your 7 post and have to say that I agree with everything you said. Looking forward to reading more.
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