OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #21

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I don't see where anyone said that the two departments haven't collaborated. In the beginning, Kentucky's Commonwealth Attorney said there were similarities. Dewine states here, “I am sure our investigators have looked at that case,” Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine told WSYX. “I have not looked at it and I am not going to comment further on it.”

They may know all three murders were done by an organized group but without the individuals that did it, there is no case...
They arrested two illegal aliens in Dayton, Ohio that were selling fake I.D.s for $300. You got a birth certificate, picture driver license, etc...

On another sad note, Cincinnati, Ohio had 76 Heroin ODs in two days. They say Ohio has had 12 OD deaths average per day this year.
Sounds like the major supplier isn't worried about future revenue. Who am I kidding, there will always be more. But it does make a person imagine all sorts of things...
Terrorists? Soft kill? Thinning the herd?
They arrested two illegal aliens in Dayton, Ohio that were selling fake I.D.s for $300. You got a birth certificate, picture driver license, etc...

On another sad note, Cincinnati, Ohio had 76 Heroin ODs in two days. They say Ohio has had 12 OD deaths average per day this year.

We had many over the last couple weeks too. Not 76, but quite a lot. They're cutting it w/ elephant tranquilizer or Fentanyl.
Sounds like the major supplier isn't worried about future revenue. Who am I kidding, there will always be more. But it does make a person imagine all sorts of things...
Terrorists? Soft kill? Thinning the herd?

I ventured a guess at someone specifically targeting addicts. I've heard some pretty harsh stuff targeted toward them. It's not like they're cutting it with something to make it go further, to sell more, and make more money. That I could see. It's not even like they got ahold of a batch that was just too pure and od'd. This seems deliberate, to hurt, or kill, the users. The most dangerous dealer is the one who is not a user.
It was mentioned WAY back in another thread somewhere, am hoping someone remembers what article had the info.
I realize it would be upsetting to BJM to come up on the sight she did that day....specifically if she was not aware "something had occured" beforehand.
I remember in the audio she yelled "Rhoden Rhoden Rhoden !", words to that effect.
What I am getting at, it was reported that DR and BJM, sisters, were not on speaking terms. Even if my sister and I were not getting along at the moment, if my sister was murdered I would be upset. I understand the babies were an issue and the whole scene would be so very overwhelming. Can anyone recall the link that talked about them not speaking and how long they had not been speaking and why?
Are you sure DeWine and Reader are stonewalling?

The reason could be very simple for them not to pursue: they know who did it, they are strenghtening their case before an arrest.

This article is talking about similarities. Which similarities? The fact they were growing? Children spared? Anything else?

IMO, this case is not about pot.

On this I totally agree. Go back to my very first post and I said I didn't believe it was about a penny ante [in the grand scheme of things] pot operation. I think it was about something "white", either in powder
or pill form. It's not about "paternity, family jealousy, etc..". It's about DRUGS. Whether or nor rogue LE is involved is up for speculation. It's not some 18 year old. It was professionally carried out to the extent
that NO 18 year old would be capable of w/o quickly getting caught.
Not sure if this was posted already or not.

(CNN)The American heroin epidemic has become more dangerous, as reports of heroin laced with carfentanil are being reported throughout the country.

Carfentanil is the most potent opioid used commercially, 10,000 times stronger than morphine. It is a version or analogue of fentanyl, the painkiller that most recently made headlines with its role in the death of pop star Prince.

Carfentanil can slow breathing significantly. It's not approved for human use but is used commercially to sedate large animals, such as elephants. About 2 milligrams can knock out a nearly 2,000-pound African elephant.

Many users may not know they are even taking the drug, officials have said, as dealers are cutting heroin with fentanyl analogues to give it a boost and stretch their supply.

Its potency is deadly, and it's causing concern for those fighting the heroin epidemic, as recent overdose outbreaks in Ohio, Indiana and Florida have been linked to the drug


I read an article from Columbus or Cinn. a couple of days ago and it said the Naloxone isn't even working to save them.
I remember years ago when Quincy, ME was on. People were ordering something right out of magazines to add to soil when growing pot to make it more potent, and it was killing people. The younger and smaller they were, the more likely it was to be fatal. Of course the ad never said could be fatalities Assoc with it. Of course, 76 fatalities in two days is tremendous. I wonder if, like people adding that stuff to soil would make pot more potent, if somebody is adding stuff to heroin for the same reason, but were deliberately adding enough to make it lethal? It's been too many years ago to remember what the stuff was, but some people might be innocently adding things not knowing how much is too much, and another person willingly adding too much wanting to make people really sick or hoping to kill them? Either way, I'm thinking they could be charged with reckless homicide or murder.
Here's the one I read, it was Cleveland. Sorry for the off topic but you never know.

This new drug is 10,000 times stronger than morphine (and might be resistant to Narcan)

Capt. Doug Turner with the Parma Fire Department says he has a pretty easy indicator that things are getting worse not better because Naloxone -- or Narcan, the heroin overdose antidotes -- aren't working like they used to.

“It used to pull them out on the first dose. Now the last couple of months it's two doses, three doses -- and I think they've even given up to four doses on a few patients,” says Turner.

Normally after one shot of Naloxone up the nose, Turner says someone close to death would immediately come to and sits up. The scary thing is they are starting to see the same people they've already saved from a previous overdoses.

“We gave Narcan a couple weeks ago to someone and I recognized him, we gave it to him a couple weeks before that so that was the second overdose in a couple weeks," Turner said.


And it's coming from China.
Sounds like reason for an insurance paid prescription to me. Every addict will be soon carrying a script.
While looking for the other article I read one that said they are trying to find the dealers and they believe one dealer was giving it away. I'll try to find it in a while.
Am I losing it, or did a handful of posts just get deleted?
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