OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #21

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Yeah, I guess since BJ made the discoveries, some find it easier to connect her with all this. She literally walked into a hornet's nest that morn.

I don't consider BJM's reactions to the gruesome scene to be overly suspicious. But I do find it a bit odd that the first family member she reached out to after discovering the bodies at CRsr and FR's homes was NOT her sister Dana. After all Dana was FR's mother and CRsr's exwife.

So why wasn't she the first person BJ would try to contact -- either to notify or to check on??

I just think it's a bit odd. Maybe not suspicious, but it does make me question the whole 'one big happy family' image.
It was mentioned WAY back in another thread somewhere, am hoping someone remembers what article had the info.
I realize it would be upsetting to BJM to come up on the sight she did that day....specifically if she was not aware "something had occured" beforehand.
I remember in the audio she yelled "Rhoden Rhoden Rhoden !", words to that effect.
What I am getting at, it was reported that DR and BJM, sisters, were not on speaking terms. Even if my sister and I were not getting along at the moment, if my sister was murdered I would be upset. I understand the babies were an issue and the whole scene would be so very overwhelming. Can anyone recall the link that talked about them not speaking and how long they had not been speaking and why?

I remember it being discussed b/c she said she'd helped her sister raise her kids, but, she and DR were not FB friends. That left the door open for talk of possible friction.

She did say, in this interview that: She said she can't remember many details after the discoveries, including how her older brother, James Manley, came to find their sister Dana Rhoden dead in her trailer, which is north of the other two trailers on Union Hill Road. "He could hear the baby crying and he backed up out of there," said his wife, April Manley, in a separate interview describing what her husband told her. "He didn't want to find his niece like that."

Also: Bobby Jo Manley said she, her brother and his son as well as the two people who were with her that morning were taken to be questioned. (Doesn't say anything about LM being taken for questioning.)

Huntington wv had this mixture and narcan saved them all so yes it is working. ....Overtime!


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If they get to them in time. An ER nurse was telling me that 2-3 come in each shift she works and they usually either don't make it or end up brain damaged and sending them somewhere for patients who need long term care. I'd rather not make it if I'm going to be a vegetable.
"There were two killers who knew how to bypass security systems."

How do thy know it was two killers??

They might have possibly gotten some video. They'd asked it for anyone having surveillance cameras to call them.
I don't consider BJM's reactions to the gruesome scene to be overly suspicious. But I do find it a bit odd that the first family member she reached out to after discovering the bodies at CRsr and FR's homes was NOT her sister Dana. After all Dana was FR's mother and CRsr's exwife.

So why wasn't she the first person BJ would try to contact -- either to notify or to check on??

I just think it's a bit odd. Maybe not suspicious, but it does make me question the whole 'one big happy family' image.
I think if I just discovered four family members murdered, I'd want my daddy, not my sister!
I think if I just discovered four family members murdered, I'd want my daddy, not my sister!
Family dynamics and personalities come into play. Although I never rely on my father for anything and am much closer to my sister, she would be a basket case with that sort of information. I would want someone level headed to help me make sense of what needs to be done, I would call my father to handle making an outside judgment so that I could focus what I was dealing with, or try anyway.
Locally on Dayton TV they said that Naloxone works but you START at five times the dose for Heroin and go up from there...

RE: Narcan
JUST MY OPINION from working in ER

If someone OD's on a drug that is time released or extended release it keeps re-releasing over a certain period of time so it maintains certain level in blood and available for the opiate receptors in body.
Examples of are some ORAL meds are:
MS Contin (long-acting Morphine)
Oxycontin (long acting oxycodone)

The way a time-released pill is coated/formulated allows it to keep releasing over a period approx 12 hours. The entire dose is not released all at once. (that's why warnings say don't crush or chew them-- you'll get way too much all at once).
When ONE dose of Narcan is given it works for most part on short acting drugs.
BUT a long-acting or sustained-release drug releases once, then again and then again much later on. Each time it releases again more becomes available in the boodstream for our opiate-receptors to grab onto. So a pt can AGAIN become oversedated, can stop breathing, etc in a cyclical manner. So ADDITIONAL doses of Narcan may be needed until the entire drug clears system.

Topical Fentanyl patch is designed lasts 72 hours (give or take). When pt OD's with extra patches, it gets really tricky and must observe or constantly. Sometimes more Narcan doses may be needed over long time period.

Seems heroin is being mixed w analogue of Fentanyl so maybe that's why it's happening. The time release factor possibly?

Way O/T but I hope I worded it in a way that makes sense.
Family dynamics and personalities come into play. Although I never rely on my father for anything and am much closer to my sister, she would be a basket case with that sort of information. I would want someone level headed to help me make sense of what needs to be done, I would call my father to handle making an outside judgment so that I could focus what I was dealing with, or try anyway.

We also do not know if BJ tried calling DR before sending her brother to check on them. I don't know for fact, but I'd think BJ would be obligated to stay put where she was until LE arrived.
We also do not know if BJ tried calling DR before sending her brother to check on them. I don't know for fact, but I'd think BJ would be obligated to stay put where she was until LE arrived.
Fear and panic can make you question obligations or throw them right out the window. I am obligated to my family before anyone.
We also do not know if BJ tried calling DR before sending her brother to check on them. I don't know for fact, but I'd think BJ would be obligated to stay put where she was until LE arrived.
So they must have had working cell phones in that area. I often wondered with it being remote if a cell phone would work there. I have family close to the area, service very spotty at their place, and its only a couple miles away from where this nightmare took place. I know people there are still very scared.

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Z etc
RE: Narcan
JUST MY OPINION from working in ER

If someone OD's on a drug that is time released or extended release it keeps re-releasing over a certain period of time so it maintains certain level in blood and available for the opiate receptors in body.
Examples of are some ORAL meds are:
MS Contin (long-acting Morphine)
Oxycontin (long acting oxycodone)

The way a time-released pill is coated/formulated allows it to keep releasing over a period approx 12 hours. The entire dose is not released all at once. (that's why warnings say don't crush or chew them-- you'll get way too much all at once).
When ONE dose of Narcan is given it works for most part on short acting drugs.
BUT a long-acting or sustained-release drug releases once, then again and then again much later on. Each time it releases again more becomes available in the boodstream for our opiate-receptors to grab onto. So a pt can AGAIN become oversedated, can stop breathing, etc in a cyclical manner. So ADDITIONAL doses of Narcan may be needed until the entire drug clears system.

Topical Fentanyl patch is designed lasts 72 hours (give or take). When pt OD's with extra patches, it gets really tricky and must observe or constantly. Sometimes more Narcan doses may be needed over long time period.

Seems heroin is being mixed w analogue of Fentanyl so maybe that's why it's happening. The time release factor possibly?

Way O/T but I hope I worded it in a way that makes sense.
My son knew a girl who was given a 75mcg patch and spent three days in the hospital. Made her super, super sick.
I think if I just discovered four family members murdered, I'd want my daddy, not my sister!

I don't know. That's a hard call. I definitely wouldn't have called my father and brother, but not my sister. It's never been said who she called first though, after calling 911. We don't know that she didn't try and call DR, and no one answered. I don't remember it ever being said how her father and brother found out to be there. Did they hear the call go out over a scanner? Did she call her Dad and her Dad called JM? Someone flagged the cops down at DR's. I think that was JM and CM. Where was LM? Did he go straight to CR1's? I think I'd have stopped at my daughter's house to break the news. Idk. I'm not judging anyone. I just don't think we know who BJM actually called nor how the others each found out.
Family dynamics and personalities come into play. Although I never rely on my father for anything and am much closer to my sister, she would be a basket case with that sort of information. I would want someone level headed to help me make sense of what needs to be done, I would call my father to handle making an outside judgment so that I could focus what I was dealing with, or try anyway.

I'm not close w/my siblings but am w/my parents. If I walked in on my inlaws, murdered, I think, after calling 911, and considering LM lived so near, I'd maybe call him and tell him that something bad had happened, and he needed to pick up my sister, and bring her to CR1's.
I'm not close w/my siblings but am w/my parents. If I walked in on my inlaws, murdered, I think, after calling 911, and considering LM lived so near, I'd maybe call him and tell him that something bad had happened, and he needed to pick up my sister, and bring her to CR1's.

Yes, good call.
RE: Narcan
JUST MY OPINION from working in ER

If someone OD's on a drug that is time released or extended release it keeps re-releasing over a certain period of time so it maintains certain level in blood and available for the opiate receptors in body.
Examples of are some ORAL meds are:
MS Contin (long-acting Morphine)
Oxycontin (long acting oxycodone)

The way a time-released pill is coated/formulated allows it to keep releasing over a period approx 12 hours. The entire dose is not released all at once. (that's why warnings say don't crush or chew them-- you'll get way too much all at once).
When ONE dose of Narcan is given it works for most part on short acting drugs.
BUT a long-acting or sustained-release drug releases once, then again and then again much later on. Each time it releases again more becomes available in the boodstream for our opiate-receptors to grab onto. So a pt can AGAIN become oversedated, can stop breathing, etc in a cyclical manner. So ADDITIONAL doses of Narcan may be needed until the entire drug clears system.

Topical Fentanyl patch is designed lasts 72 hours (give or take). When pt OD's with extra patches, it gets really tricky and must observe or constantly. Sometimes more Narcan doses may be needed over long time period.

Seems heroin is being mixed w analogue of Fentanyl so maybe that's why it's happening. The time release factor possibly?

Way O/T but I hope I worded it in a way that makes sense.

Still O/T but here's some more info on Fentanyl. I can't vouch for all of its accuracy but it seemed fairly on point.

Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin. It’s so potent that an amount the size of three grains of sugar is lethal to an adult.


I'm not close w/my siblings but am w/my parents. If I walked in on my inlaws, murdered, I think, after calling 911, and considering LM lived so near, I'd maybe call him and tell him that something bad had happened, and he needed to pick up my sister, and bring her to CR1's.
Yeah, or at least go to her and be there for her when she gets the news because my sis would lose her sh**. And the kids.... Omg yes.
So they must have had working cell phones in that area. I often wondered with it being remote if a cell phone would work there. I have family close to the area, service very spotty at their place, and its only a couple miles away from where this nightmare took place. I know people there are still very scared.

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Cell service in Appalachia is still very iffy in some places. I can get it here, but can drive a few miles down the road and I'm in total blackout. One of the kids has to get in a corner of their house and tilt the phone against the window at an angle or drive to a clear spot, a few miles down the road. There's usually people sitting there talking.
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