OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #24

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Ohio Shooting: Latest on Pike County murders

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

PIKE COUNTY, Ohio — No arrests have been made in the shooting investigation of eight execution-style killings of members of the Rhoden family last month in Pike County, Ohio.


The latest in the investigation in Pike County was that vehicles were towed on Tuesday from the various crime scenes as evidence, confirmed Jill Del Greco, a spokeswoman for the Attorney General.
There’s been no word on how many vehicles were being towed away or where they were taken

Ohio family massacre highlights rural region’s ties to illegal drugs



The gruesome slayings have rattled this southeast corner of Appalachian Ohio, a region that culturally identifies more closely with neighboring Kentucky and West Virginia than the state’s northern cities.


Adding to the shock was the discovery of hundreds of illegal marijuana plants on Rhoden’s property, highlighting the region’s dependency on the illegal drug trade as jobs in agriculture and timber have dried up.

Audio 911 Calls


Video Interview with Attorney General DeWine Published 8-13-16

MOD NOTE: You may discuss the criminal records of the family members who were murdered. In light of the grow operations they may be very relevant. Please refrain from posting criminal histories of other individuals who have not been named persons of interest or suspects by LE or simply because they have the last name of the victims or may be a distant cousin or aunt. Stick with the victims for now. That may change as more develops on this case.

Minors: You may discuss what is covered in the main stream media regarding the custody of minor children. If posting snips from articles regarding the children please redact their names. These babes are innocents. One day they will google their names or those of their parents. And plenty will come up. Let's be respectful of them and the catastrophic loss they have suffered at such tender ages. Thanks.


Leave the politics, both national and local, at the door. There is no room for them here.

Try to keep your speculation broad as LE have given no statements indicating they have POIs or suspects in mind.

Rules Etiquette & Information

CASE NOTES (courtesy of cujenn81) this link contains locations, distance, victim info, relationships and more.


CASE MAP (courtesy of K.L.Puyallup)
Preliminary Autopsy Reports
Final Autopsy Reports

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From left, top row: Christopher Rhoden Jr., Christopher Rhoden Sr., Dana Rhoden, Clarence “Frankie” Rhoden; bottom row: Hanna Rhoden, Hannah Gilley, Kenneth Rhoden, Gary Rhoden
please continue here
IMO, perps waited for HR to have her baby. For this reason, I always thought she is central to this case.

What is the motivation for targeting a young woman who just gave birth and had relations with 2 or 3 men over the last year?

Here are two examples of crimes, cold and well planned, with steps taken not to get caught:

1) Woman desparate for baby fakes pregnancy for months and kills acquaintance for newborn:


2) Astronaut woman attacks love triangle rival. How far a jealous woman can go?


Note that in the Rhoden case: there are two babies under age 1 at HR and HHG.
I also believe HR was central to this. Although I admit I go back and forth between this and drug related stuff. However, I've said it before and I think we have to keep remembering, there are 2 children who have not been returned to their families. One I can understand because both parents were killed and there is no one safe enough to return the child to, and one, who for some VERY GOOD REASON, had not been given to her father. I work in the law enforcement field and it is like pulling teeth to have a baby taken from their biological parent. Unless the father is on drugs or something major is wrong, I can't see any reason to not give the baby to her father, unless they think that person is involved in this murder. Somehow, he has got to be suspected of being involved. Of course, we still don't know who he is, so that is another red flag. The dad has to be the answer. I don't even think it's related to the baby or even domestic violence, but maybe the dad or his affiliates had to murder them all for some other reason. The other kids were cleared almost immediately to go to their respective parents. Why not these?
The only other reason I could think of is if he's on drugs or a convicted sex offender. Otherwise the kids would be with a Gilley family member.
Maybe Gilley is not the dad. Maybe the dad is someone else.

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IMO, perps waited for HR to have her baby. For this reason, I always thought she is central to this case.

What is the motivation for targeting a young woman who just gave birth and had relations with 2 or 3 men over the last year?

Here are two examples of crimes, cold and well planned, with steps taken not to get caught:

1) Woman desparate for baby fakes pregnancy for months and kills acquaintance for newborn:


2) Astronaut woman attacks love triangle rival. How far a jealous woman can go?


Note that in the Rhoden case: there are two babies under age 1 at HR and HHG.

It would seem that the birth of HRs baby may have been a factor in the timing. The baby wasn't killed or taken, nor the other two, perhaps the prep had limits. However they left 3 little ones alone for a few hours. This is a bit telling to me at least. Perhaps killers knew BJM would be coming along early in the morning? We know killer knew the victims, had been in homes, and had apparently planned this massacre accordingly right down to the security cameras. I suspect killers knew BJM came every morning. (This I am very skeptical about...her coming every morning...)
I keep coming back to the full moon being a factor.
I am of the mindset someone thought KR had a great deal of cash and he was the primary target. He took a while bunch of physical damage including the most shots, a few in other places than the head. Seems to me someone was trying to get him to tell them something, like where his cash was. Everyone else was included in the killing spree because the killer believed they would be able to tell LE who the perps were. This is my opinion and I am sticking with it.
I also believe HR was central to this. Although I admit I go back and forth between this and drug related stuff. However, I've said it before and I think we have to keep remembering, there are 2 children who have not been returned to their families. One I can understand because both parents were killed and there is no one safe enough to return the child to, and one, who for some VERY GOOD REASON, had not been given to her father. I work in the law enforcement field and it is like pulling teeth to have a baby taken from their biological parent. Unless the father is on drugs or something major is wrong, I can't see any reason to not give the baby to her father, unless they think that person is involved in this murder. Somehow, he has got to be suspected of being involved. Of course, we still don't know who he is, so that is another red flag. The dad has to be the answer. I don't even think it's related to the baby or even domestic violence, but maybe the dad or his affiliates had to murder them all for some other reason. The other kids were cleared almost immediately to go to their respective parents. Why not these?
The only other reason I could think of is if he's on drugs or a convicted sex offender. Otherwise the kids would be with a Gilley family member.
Maybe Gilley is not the dad. Maybe the dad is someone else.

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I agree that LE probably has a good reason to oppose custody requests and keep the proceedings closed.

There are different scenarios:

A) The father is not identified

B) The father is identified but LE is opposed to his custody for some reason as you say.
- could be CG
- could be someone else

C) or LE believes the parents were killed for the babies. In this case, as LE said, the guardians could face a danger:
- we would think a separated father would be the offender, but not necessarily.

I think all three theories are possible including (C). I would not exclude that another woman did it. Even if the children were not abducted.

We don't know who was hoping to gain custody of the children after the crime, at the moment it took place
I also believe HR was central to this. Although I admit I go back and forth between this and drug related stuff. However, I've said it before and I think we have to keep remembering, there are 2 children who have not been returned to their families. One I can understand because both parents were killed and there is no one safe enough to return the child to, and one, who for some VERY GOOD REASON, had not been given to her father. I work in the law enforcement field and it is like pulling teeth to have a baby taken from their biological parent. Unless the father is on drugs or something major is wrong, I can't see any reason to not give the baby to her father, unless they think that person is involved in this murder. Somehow, he has got to be suspected of being involved. Of course, we still don't know who he is, so that is another red flag. The dad has to be the answer. I don't even think it's related to the baby or even domestic violence, but maybe the dad or his affiliates had to murder them all for some other reason. The other kids were cleared almost immediately to go to their respective parents. Why not these?
The only other reason I could think of is if he's on drugs or a convicted sex offender. Otherwise the kids would be with a Gilley family member.
Maybe Gilley is not the dad. Maybe the dad is someone else.

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The other thing about these two children is: They are newborns, one is 5 days, the other is 6 months.

If my theory is right, these 2 are in danger because they are the babies the woman would wanted.
It would seem that the birth of HRs baby may have been a factor in the timing. The baby wasn't killed or taken, nor the other two, perhaps the prep had limits. However they left 3 little ones alone for a few hours. This is a bit telling to me at least. Perhaps killers knew BJM would be coming along early in the morning? We know killer knew the victims, had been in homes, and had apparently planned this massacre accordingly right down to the security cameras. I suspect killers knew BJM came every morning. (This I am very skeptical about...her coming every morning...)
I keep coming back to the full moon being a factor.
I am of the mindset someone thought KR had a great deal of cash and he was the primary target. He took a while bunch of physical damage including the most shots, a few in other places than the head. Seems to me someone was trying to get him to tell them something, like where his cash was. Everyone else was included in the killing spree because the killer believed they would be able to tell LE who the perps were. This is my opinion and I am sticking with it.
I agree and I am skeptical too
One last thing : readers should consider there are several women surrounding the victims before coming to conclusion on the theory above.
If they were waiting for HR's baby to arrive, then their date of attack had to be somewhat fluid. Based on the ultrasound, that HR sent to CG, her due date would have been 4/29. She delivered nearly two weeks early.

On another note; I don't know if I'm breaking TOS w/this but I found it very interesting. The individual went to Pike County and interviewed various people, including LM and BJM. Thought I'd share. If it's against TOS, I apologize.

If they were waiting for HR's baby to arrive, then their date of attack had to be somewhat fluid. Based on the ultrasound, that HR sent to CG, her due date would have been 4/29. She delivered nearly two weeks early.

On another note; I don't know if I'm breaking TOS w/this but I found it very interesting. The individual went to Pike County and interviewed various people, including LM and BJM. Thought I'd share. If it's against TOS, I apologize.


Which individual are you referring to? Do you have a reference for the information? Thanks.
Which individual are you referring to? Do you have a reference for the information? Thanks.

The writer of the article, that is linked. Her info is at the bottom of the article. She's a writer and has authored two books.
Wow. Article made me cry. I know life goes on, and people die every day. Such cold heartless people who have the audacity to not give a "F" about the Rhodens, and call them white trash after admitting they didn't even know the people. I guess their day will come. My MIL used to say "every dog has his day". But sometimes waiting for that dog to get bit seems like an eternity!
I have to admit, I only read about half that piece! I lost interest very quickly when the first several paragraphs were a compilation of older articles and no actual quotes from people being interviewed. When I finally read what "Kyle" had to say, I had a hard time finishing the article! I'm not interested in the slandering of 8 people that are no longer able to defend their own honor! After skimming through the rest of the article, it just sounds over exaggerated and degrading of everyone, not just the Rhodens!
I was unsure what to make of it at first. However, I don't really think that she made the article up. I believe she did drive down and talk w/folks. I also believe that she likely had trouble getting them to talk with her. In my own little part of the world, there can be little sympathy, sometimes, for folks who are seen as having brought trouble onto themselves. I am not saying that I think the Rhodens and HHG brought this down on themselves. We don't know why they were murdered. However, the people in that area may know them better, or have preconceived notions, from living right there. They most likely do feel it's best not to discuss it. I can also say, from my own experience, that we don't even talk about a case that's happening in my own family. Maybe others aren't like us, but we're pretty private.
If they were waiting for HR's baby to arrive, then their date of attack had to be somewhat fluid. Based on the ultrasound, that HR sent to CG, her due date would have been 4/29. She delivered nearly two weeks early.

On another note; I don't know if I'm breaking TOS w/this but I found it very interesting. The individual went to Pike County and interviewed various people, including LM and BJM. Thought I'd share. If it's against TOS, I apologize.

Thanks for posting it.

The author is possibly a regular reader of our thread. If she is following her trackbacks, she is reading this.

The story is well written. The angle missing in this story, IMO, is about children and teen pregnancies. The victims, the family and friends almost all are having children very early. It's almost like a status symbol.

If I were the author, I would go back to Pike County, speak with family, friends, acquaintances of HHG and HR to understand this. Because with the coincidence of HR giving birth, Sheriff comments about custody hearings and witness accounts, I believe this is where the answer is.

The two babies found in the bed of their dead parents were not hurt despite multiple gunshots. In my opinion, they were possibly in the arms of someone else when their parents were shot.
Second thought, if I were the author I would follow the Sheriff's advice and avoid taking risks
Thanks for posting it.

The author is possibly a regular reader of our thread. If she is following her trackbacks, she is reading this.

The story is well written. The angle missing in this story, IMO, is about children and teen pregnancies. The victims, the family and friends almost all are having children very early. It's almost like a status symbol.

If I were the author, I would go back to Pike County, speak with family, friends, acquaintances of HHG and HR to understand this. Because with the coincidence of HR giving birth, Sheriff comments about custody hearings and witness accounts, I believe this is where the answer is.

The two babies found in the bed of their dead parents were not hurt despite multiple gunshots. In my opinion, they were possibly in the arms of someone else when their parents were shot.


Teen pregnancies, at last I checked, have been going down nationwide, however the same was not holding true for most areas of Appalachia. There are several factors at play re; the teen, unwed, mother of Appalachia. I agree, it would have been a very interesting article to have researched in that direction. There are girls who have deliberately set out to have a baby, and others, like my own child, who did not plan to, but ended up with one...(who we love beyond measure). :loveyou:

Your theory on the babies being held by the assailant(s) is very interesting. I'd not thought of that. It's hard to picture someone doing something so callous, all the while holding an infant, then placing it back in the bed beside it's deceased, and bloodied, parents. It would hold true to my belief that there were at least two assailants though. They probably could have scooped the child up, done what they'd come there to do, and replaced the child, in a matter of seconds. I believe they were in and out fairly quickly and I think they had a key for each location, or were let inside at CR1's and/or DR's. I was taken aback that HR's infant was said to be trying to nurse. I didn't think that this could get much more heartbreaking. I know they'd said it looked as if she'd been nursing the infant, but I'd not really put 2 & 2 together.
Second thought, if I were the author I would follow the Sheriff's advice and avoid taking risks

Idk, if one is a serious journalist, sometimes there's a bit of risk involved. I'd not encourage anyone to take an unnecessary risk, but, I'd not encourage them to give up, either. Ultimately I'd just suggest that they do what they felt most comfortable in doing.
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